package org.jboss.resteasy.test.asynch.resource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; @Path("resource") public class CallbackResourceBase { public static final String RESUMED = "Response resumed"; public static final String ISE = "Illegal State Exception Thrown"; public static final String NOE = "No Exception Thrown"; public static final String FALSE = "A method returned false"; public static final String TRUE = "A method return true"; private static final JaxrsAsyncServletAsyncResponseBlockingQueue[] stage = { new JaxrsAsyncServletAsyncResponseBlockingQueue(1), new JaxrsAsyncServletAsyncResponseBlockingQueue(1), new JaxrsAsyncServletAsyncResponseBlockingQueue(1)}; @GET @Path("suspend") public void suspend(@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { stage[0].add(asyncResponse); } @GET @Path("clear") public void clear() { for (int i = 0; i != stage.length; i++) { stage[i].clear(); } } @GET @Path("cancelvoid") public String cancel(@QueryParam("stage") String stage) { AsyncResponse response = takeAsyncResponse(stage); boolean ret = response.cancel(); // Invoking a cancel(...) method multiple times to cancel request // processing has the same effect as canceling the request processing // only once. ret &= response.cancel(); addResponse(response, stage); return ret ? TRUE : FALSE; } @POST @Path("cancelretry") public String cancelretry(@QueryParam("stage") String stage, String sRetryAfter) { AsyncResponse response = takeAsyncResponse(stage); int retryAfter = Integer.parseInt(sRetryAfter); boolean b = response.cancel(retryAfter); // Invoking a cancel(...) method multiple times to cancel request // processing has the same effect as canceling the request processing // only once. b &= response.cancel(retryAfter * 2); addResponse(response, stage); return b ? TRUE : FALSE; } @POST @Path("canceldate") public String cancelDate(@QueryParam("stage") String stage, String sRetryAfter) { AsyncResponse response = takeAsyncResponse(stage); long retryAfter = Long.parseLong(sRetryAfter); boolean b = response.cancel(new Date(retryAfter)); b &= response.cancel(new Date(retryAfter + 20000)); addResponse(response, stage); return b ? TRUE : FALSE; } @GET @Path("iscanceled") public String isCanceled(@QueryParam("stage") String stage) { AsyncResponse response = takeAsyncResponse(stage); boolean is = response.isCancelled(); addResponse(response, stage); return is ? TRUE : FALSE; } @GET @Path("isdone") public String isDone(@QueryParam("stage") String stage) { AsyncResponse response = takeAsyncResponse(stage); boolean is = response.isDone(); addResponse(response, stage); return is ? TRUE : FALSE; } @GET @Path("issuspended") public String isSuspended(@QueryParam("stage") String stage) { AsyncResponse response = takeAsyncResponse(stage); boolean is = response.isSuspended(); addResponse(response, stage); return is ? TRUE : FALSE; } @POST @Path("resume") public String resume(@QueryParam("stage") String stage, String response) { AsyncResponse async = takeAsyncResponse(stage); boolean b = resume(async, response); addResponse(async, stage); return b ? TRUE : FALSE; } @GET @Path("resumechecked") public String resumeWithCheckedException(@QueryParam("stage") String stage) { AsyncResponse async = takeAsyncResponse(stage); boolean b = async.resume(new IOException(RESUMED)); addResponse(async, stage); return b ? TRUE : FALSE; } @GET @Path("resumeruntime") public String resumeWithRuntimeException(@QueryParam("stage") String stage) { AsyncResponse async = takeAsyncResponse(stage); boolean b = async.resume(new RuntimeException(RESUMED)); addResponse(async, stage); return b ? TRUE : FALSE; } @POST @Path("settimeout") public void setTimeOut(@QueryParam("stage") String stage, String milis) { AsyncResponse async = takeAsyncResponse(stage); async.setTimeout(Long.parseLong(milis), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); addResponse(async, stage); } @POST @Path("timeouthandler") public void setTimeoutHandler(@QueryParam("stage") String stage, int handlerValue) { CallbackTimeoutHandler handler = new CallbackTimeoutHandler(handlerValue); AsyncResponse async = takeAsyncResponse(stage); async.setTimeoutHandler(handler); async.setTimeout(200L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); addResponse(async, stage); } protected static AsyncResponse takeAsyncResponse(String stageId) { return takeAsyncResponse(Integer.parseInt(stageId)); } protected static AsyncResponse takeAsyncResponse(int stageId) { final ResponseBuilder error = createErrorResponseBuilder(); AsyncResponse asyncResponse = null; try { asyncResponse = stage[stageId].take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(error.entity( "ArrayBlockingQueue#take").build()); } return asyncResponse; } protected static final void addResponse(AsyncResponse response, String stageId) { int id = Integer.parseInt(stageId) + 1; if (id != stage.length) { stage[id].add(response); } } protected static boolean resume(AsyncResponse takenResponse, Object response) { return takenResponse.resume(response); } protected static ResponseBuilder createErrorResponseBuilder() { return Response.status(Status.EXPECTATION_FAILED); } }