package org.jboss.resteasy.auth.oauth.i18n; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message.Format; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle; /** * * @author <a href="">Ron Sigal</a> * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ * * Copyright Aug 31, 2015 */ @MessageBundle(projectCode = "RESTEASY") public interface Messages { Messages MESSAGES = org.jboss.logging.Messages.getBundle(Messages.class); int BASE = 15500; @Message(id = BASE + 0, value = "Access token") String accessToken(); @Message(id = BASE + 5, value = "Access token URL: %s") String accessTokenUrl(String url); @Message(id = BASE + 10, value = "Adding parameter {0} => {1}", format=Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT) String addingParameter(String parameter, String value); @Message(id = BASE + 15, value = "All OK") String allOK(); @Message(id = BASE + 20, value = "Arguments should be name=value*") String argumentsShouldBeNameValue(); @Message(id = BASE + 25, value = " class %s could not be instantiated") String classCouldNotBeInstantiated(String className); @Message(id = BASE + 30, value = " class %s must be an instance of OAuthProvider") String classMustBeInstanceOAuthProvider(String className); @Message(id = BASE + 35, value = " class %s not found") String classNotFound(String className); @Message(id = BASE + 40, value = "Consumer is invalid") String consumerIsInvalid(); @Message(id = BASE + 45, value = "Consumer registration") String consumerRegistration(); @Message(id = BASE + 50, value = "Consumer token authorization request") String consumerTokenAuthorizationRequest(); @Message(id = BASE + 55, value = "doFilter") String doFilter(); @Message(id = BASE + 60, value = "Do not use this method") String doNotUseThisMethod(); @Message(id = BASE + 65, value = "Error [{0}]: {1}", format=Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT) String errorHttpCode(int httpCode, String message); @Message(id = BASE + 70, value = "Exception ") String exception(); @Message(id = BASE + 75, value = "Filtering {0} {1}", format=Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT) String filteringMethod(String method, String url); @Message(id = BASE + 80, value = "Invalid customer key") String invalidCustomerKey(); @Message(id = BASE + 85, value = "Invalid timestamp") String invalidTimestamp(); @Message(id = BASE + 90, value = "Invalid timestamp %s") String invalidTimestampLong(long timestamp); @Message(id = BASE + 95, value = "Invalid timestamp %s") String invalidTimestampString(String timestamp); @Message(id = BASE + 100, value = "Invalid verifier code for token %s") String invalidVerifierCode(String requestToken); @Message(id = BASE + 105, value = "Loading OAuth Filter") String loadingOAuthFilter(); @Message(id = BASE + 110, value = "Loading OAuthProvider: %s") String loadingOAuthProvider(String className); @Message(id = BASE + 115, value = "Loading OAuth Servlet") String loadingOAuthServlet(); @Message(id = BASE + 120, value = "No such access key %s") String noSuchAccessKey(String accessKey); @Message(id = BASE + 125, value = "No such consumer key %s") String noSuchConsumerKey(String consumerKey); @Message(id = BASE + 130, value = "No such request key %s") String noSuchRequestKey(String requestKey); @Message(id = BASE + 135, value = "No such request token %s") String noSuchRequestToken(String requestToken); @Message(id = BASE + 140, value = "OAuthProvider should not return null") String oAuthProviderShouldNotReturnNull(); @Message(id = BASE + 145, value = "OAuthServlet loaded") String oAuthServletLoaded(); @Message(id = BASE + 150, value = " parameter required") String parameterRequired(); @Message(id = BASE + 155, value = "Parameters present") String parametersPresent(); @Message(id = BASE + 160, value = "Query %s") String queryString(String queryString); @Message(id = BASE + 165, value = "Request token") String requestToken(); @Message(id = BASE + 170, value = "This request token has already been authorized") String requestTokenAlreadyAuthorized(); @Message(id = BASE + 175, value = "Request token URL: %s") String requestTokenUrl(String url); @Message(id = BASE + 180, value = "Serving %s") String serving(String pathinfo); @Message(id = BASE + 185, value = "Token has not been authorized") String tokenHasNotBeenAuthorized(); @Message(id = BASE + 190, value = "UTF8 encoding should be supported") String utf8EncodingShouldBeSupported(); @Message(id = BASE + 195, value = "Wrong callback URI") String wrongCallbackURI(); @Message(id = BASE + 200, value = "Wrong URI Scope") String wrongURIScope(); }