package org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.validation.i18n; import javax.validation.ElementKind; import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle; import org.jboss.resteasy.api.validation.ConstraintType; /** * * @author <a href="">Ron Sigal</a> * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ * * Copyright Aug 25, 2015 */ @MessageBundle(projectCode = "RESTEASY") public interface Messages { Messages MESSAGES = org.jboss.logging.Messages.getBundle(Messages.class); int BASE = 8500; @Message(id = BASE + 0, value = "ResteasyViolationException has invalid format: %s") String exceptionHasInvalidFormat(String line); @Message(id = BASE + 05, value = "Expect two non-null methods") String expectTwoNonNullMethods(); @Message(id = BASE + 10, value = "ResteasyCdiExtension is on the classpath.") String resteasyCdiExtensionOnClasspath(); @Message(id = BASE + 15, value = "ResteasyCdiExtension is not on the classpath. Assuming CDI is not active") String resteasyCdiExtensionNotOnClasspath(); @Message(id = BASE + 20, value = "Unable to load Validation support") String unableToLoadValidationSupport(); @Message(id = BASE + 25, value = "Unable to parse ResteasyViolationException") String unableToParseException(); @Message(id = BASE + 30, value = "unexpected path node type: %s") String unexpectedPathNode(ElementKind kind); @Message(id = BASE + 35, value = "unexpected path node type in method violation: %s") String unexpectedPathNodeViolation(ElementKind kind); @Message(id = BASE + 40, value = "unexpected violation type: %s") String unexpectedViolationType(ConstraintType.Type type); @Message(id = BASE + 45, value = "unknown object passed as constraint violation: %s") String unknownObjectPassedAsConstraintViolation(Object o); @Message(id = BASE + 50, value = "Unable to find CDI supporting ValidatorFactory. Using default ValidatorFactory") String usingValidatorFactoryDoesNotSupportCDI(); @Message(id = BASE + 55, value = "Using CDI supporting %s") String usingValidatorFactorySupportsCDI(ValidatorFactory factory); @Message(id = BASE + 60, value = "@ValidateOnExecution found on multiple overridden methods") String validateOnExceptionOnMultipleMethod(); }