package org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.multipart; import org.apache.james.mime4j.field.ContentDispositionField; import org.apache.james.mime4j.field.FieldName; import org.apache.james.mime4j.message.BodyPart; import org.apache.james.mime4j.parser.Field; import org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.multipart.i18n.Messages; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a> * @version $Revision: 1 $ */ public class MultipartFormDataInputImpl extends MultipartInputImpl implements MultipartFormDataInput { protected Map<String, InputPart> formData = new HashMap<String, InputPart>(); protected Map<String, List<InputPart>> formDataMap = new HashMap<String, List<InputPart>>(); public MultipartFormDataInputImpl(MediaType contentType, Providers workers) { super(contentType, workers); } /** * @deprecated Will be removed in the future. Use * {@link MultipartFormDataInputImpl#getFormDataMap()} instead. * * @return A parameter map containing only one value per name. */ @Deprecated public Map<String, InputPart> getFormData() { return formData; } public Map<String, List<InputPart>> getFormDataMap() { return formDataMap; } public <T> T getFormDataPart(String key, Class<T> rawType, Type genericType) throws IOException { List<InputPart> list = getFormDataMap().get(key); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) return null; InputPart part = list.get(0); if (part == null) return null; return part.getBody(rawType, genericType); } public <T> T getFormDataPart(String key, GenericType<T> type) throws IOException { List<InputPart> list = getFormDataMap().get(key); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) return null; InputPart part = list.get(0); if (part == null) return null; return part.getBody(type); } @Override protected InputPart extractPart(BodyPart bodyPart) throws IOException { InputPart currPart = super.extractPart(bodyPart); Field disposition = bodyPart.getHeader().getField( FieldName.CONTENT_DISPOSITION); if (disposition == null) throw new RuntimeException(Messages.MESSAGES.couldFindNoContentDispositionHeader()); if (disposition instanceof ContentDispositionField) { String name = ((ContentDispositionField) disposition) .getParameter("name"); List<InputPart> list = formDataMap.get(name); if (list == null) { list = new LinkedList<InputPart>(); formData.put(name, currPart); formDataMap.put(name, list); } list.add(currPart); } else { throw new RuntimeException(Messages.MESSAGES.couldNotParseContentDisposition(disposition)); } return currPart; } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { close(); } }