package org.jboss.resteasy.test.client; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.RunAsClient; import org.jboss.arquillian.junit.Arquillian; import org.jboss.resteasy.test.client.resource.AsyncInvokeResource; import org.jboss.resteasy.util.HttpResponseCodes; import org.jboss.resteasy.utils.TestUtil; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.WebArchive; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /** * @tpSubChapter Resteasy-client * @tpChapter Client tests * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @RunWith(Arquillian.class) @RunAsClient public class AsyncInvokeTest extends ClientTestBase{ @java.lang.annotation.Target({ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @HttpMethod("PATCH") public @interface PATCH { } static Client client; @Deployment public static Archive<?> deploy() { WebArchive war = TestUtil.prepareArchive(AsyncInvokeTest.class.getSimpleName()); war.addClass(AsyncInvokeTest.class); war.addClass(ClientTestBase.class); return TestUtil.finishContainerPrepare(war, null, AsyncInvokeResource.class); } @Before public void init() { client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); } @After public void after() throws Exception { client.close(); } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async GET requests. First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void AsyncGetTest() throws Exception { { Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().async().get(); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); String entity = res.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("get", entity); } { Future<String> future ="/test")).request().async().get(String.class); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("get", entity); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async DELETE requests. First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void AsyncDeleteTest() throws Exception { { Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().async().delete(); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); String entity = res.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("delete", entity); } { Future<String> future ="/test")).request().async().delete(String.class); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("delete", entity); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async PUT requests. First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void AsyncPutTest() throws Exception { { Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().async().put(Entity.text("hello")); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); String entity = res.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("put hello", entity); } { Future<String> future ="/test")).request().async().put(Entity.text("hello"), String.class); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("put hello", entity); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async POST requests. First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void AsyncPostTest() throws Exception { { Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().async().post(Entity.text("hello")); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); String entity = res.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("post hello", entity); } { Future<String> future ="/test")).request().async().post(Entity.text("hello"), String.class); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("post hello", entity); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async custom PATCH requests. First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void AsyncCustomMethodTest() throws Exception { { Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().async().method("PATCH", Entity.text("hello")); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); String entity = res.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("patch hello", entity); } { Future<String> future ="/test")).request().async().method("PATCH", Entity.text("hello"), String.class); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("patch hello", entity); } } static boolean ok; /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async GET requests using Asynchronous InvocationCallback. First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void AsyncCallbackGetTest() throws Exception { { ok = false; Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Response>() { @Override public void completed(Response response) { String entity = response.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("get", entity); ok = true; } @Override public void failed(Throwable error) { } }); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); Assert.assertTrue("Asynchronous invocation didn't use custom implemented Invocation callback", ok); } { ok = false; Future<String> future ="/test")).request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<String>() { @Override public void completed(String entity) { Assert.assertEquals("get", entity); ok = true; } @Override public void failed(Throwable error) { } }); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("get", entity); Assert.assertTrue("Asynchronous invocation didn't use custom implemented Invocation callback", ok); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async DELETE requests using Asynchronous InvocationCallback. First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void AsyncCallbackDeleteTest() throws Exception { { ok = false; Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().async().delete(new InvocationCallback<Response>() { @Override public void completed(Response response) { String entity = response.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("delete", entity); ok = true; } @Override public void failed(Throwable error) { } }); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); Assert.assertTrue("Asynchronous invocation didn't use custom implemented Invocation callback", ok); } { ok = false; Future<String> future ="/test")).request().async().delete(new InvocationCallback<String>() { @Override public void completed(String s) { Assert.assertEquals("delete", s); ok = true; } @Override public void failed(Throwable error) { } }); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("delete", entity); Assert.assertTrue("Asynchronous invocation didn't use custom implemented Invocation callback", ok); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async PUT requests using Asynchronous InvocationCallback. First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void AsyncCallbackPutTest() throws Exception { { ok = false; Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().async().put(Entity.text("hello"), new InvocationCallback<Response>() { @Override public void completed(Response response) { String entity = response.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("put hello", entity); ok = true; } @Override public void failed(Throwable error) { } }); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); Assert.assertTrue("Asynchronous invocation didn't use custom implemented Invocation callback", ok); } { ok = false; Future<String> future ="/test")).request().async().put(Entity.text("hello"), new InvocationCallback<String>() { @Override public void completed(String s) { Assert.assertEquals("put hello", s); ok = true; } @Override public void failed(Throwable error) { } }); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("put hello", entity); Assert.assertTrue("Asynchronous invocation didn't use custom implemented Invocation callback", ok); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async POST requests using Asynchronous InvocationCallback. First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void AsyncCallbackPostTest() throws Exception { { ok = false; Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().async().post(Entity.text("hello"), new InvocationCallback<Response>() { @Override public void completed(Response response) { String entity = response.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("post hello", entity); ok = true; } @Override public void failed(Throwable error) { } }); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); Assert.assertTrue("Asynchronous invocation didn't use custom implemented Invocation callback", ok); } { ok = false; Future<String> future ="/test")).request().async().post(Entity.text("hello"), new InvocationCallback<String>() { @Override public void completed(String s) { Assert.assertEquals("post hello", s); ok = true; } @Override public void failed(Throwable error) { } }); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("post hello", entity); Assert.assertTrue("Asynchronous invocation didn't use custom implemented Invocation callback", ok); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async custom PATCH requests using Asynchronous InvocationCallback. First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void AsyncCallbackCustomMethodTest() throws Exception { { ok = false; Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().async().method("PATCH", Entity.text("hello"), new InvocationCallback<Response>() { @Override public void completed(Response response) { String entity = response.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("patch hello", entity); ok = true; } @Override public void failed(Throwable error) { } }); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); Assert.assertTrue("Asynchronous invocation didn't use custom implemented Invocation callback", ok); } { ok = false; Future<String> future ="/test")).request().async().method("PATCH", Entity.text("hello"), new InvocationCallback<String>() { @Override public void completed(String s) { Assert.assertEquals("patch hello", s); ok = true; } @Override public void failed(Throwable error) { } }); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("patch hello", entity); Assert.assertTrue( "Asynchronous invocation didn't use custom implemented Invocation callback", ok); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async GET requests using submit() method to send request as asynchronous * (opposite of invoke() method). First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void SubmitGetTest() throws Exception { { Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().buildGet().submit(); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); String entity = res.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("get", entity); } { Future<String> future ="/test")).request().buildGet().submit(String.class); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("get", entity); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async DELETE requests using submit() method to send request as asynchronous * (opposite of invoke() method). First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void SubmitDeleteTest() throws Exception { { Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().buildDelete().submit(); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); String entity = res.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("delete", entity); } { Future<String> future ="/test")).request().buildDelete().submit(String.class); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("delete", entity); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async PUT requests using submit() method to send request as asynchronous * (opposite of invoke() method). First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void SubmitPutTest() throws Exception { { Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().buildPut(Entity.text("hello")).submit(); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); String entity = res.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("put hello", entity); } { Future<String> future ="/test")).request().buildPut(Entity.text("hello")).submit(String.class); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("put hello", entity); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async POST requests using submit() method to send request as asynchronous * (opposite of invoke() method). First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void SubmitPostTest() throws Exception { { Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().buildPost(Entity.text("hello")).submit(); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); String entity = res.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("post hello", entity); } { Future<String> future ="/test")).request().buildPost(Entity.text("hello")).submit(String.class); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("post hello", entity); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Client sends async custom PATCH requests using submit() method to send request as asynchronous * (opposite of invoke() method). First request expects Response object in return, * the second expects String object in return * @tpPassCrit Successful response is returned * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void SubmitCustomMethodTest() throws Exception { { Future<Response> future ="/test")).request().build("PATCH", Entity.text("hello")).submit(); Response res = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, res.getStatus()); String entity = res.readEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals("patch hello", entity); } { Future<String> future ="/test")).request().build("PATCH", Entity.text("hello")).submit(String.class); String entity = future.get(); Assert.assertEquals("patch hello", entity); } } }