package org.jboss.resteasy.links; import java.lang.annotation.Documented; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; /** * Use this to mark JAX-RS methods that should be included in the REST service discovery. * All parameters are optional and may be guessed from the method, whenever possible. * @author Stéphane Épardaud <> */ @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface LinkResource { /** * The type of entity that should receive links for this service. Defaults to the request's body * entity type, or the response entity type if they are not a {@link java.util.Collection Collection} or a {@link Response}. */ Class<?> value() default Void.class; /** * The link relation. This defaults as follows: * <dl> * <dt>list</dt> * <dd>{@link GET} for {@link ResourceFacade} entities or methods that return a {@link java.util.Collection Collection}</dd> * </dl> * <dl> * <dt>self</dt> * <dd>{@link GET} for non-{@link ResourceFacade} and non-{@link java.util.Collection Collection} entities</dd> * </dl> * <dl> * <dt>remove</dt> * <dd>{@link DELETE}</dd> * </dl> * <dl> * <dt>add</dt> * <dd>{@link POST}</dd> * </dl> * <dl> * <dt>update</dt> * <dd>{@link PUT}</dd> * </dl> */ String rel() default ""; /** * <p> * List of path parameter EL from the leftmost URI path parameter to the rightmost. These can be * normal constant string values or EL expressions (${}) that will resolve using either the * default EL context, or the context specified by a {@link LinkELProvider @LinkELProvider} annotation. The default context * resolves any non-qualified variable to properties of the response entity for whom we're discovering * links, and has an extra binding for the "this" variable which is the response entity as well. * </p> * <p> * If there are too many parameters for the current path, only the leftmost useful ones will be used. * </p> * <p> * Defaults to using discovery of values from the entity itself with {@link ResourceID @ResourceID}, * {@link ResourceIDs @ResourceIDs}, JAXB's @XmlID or JPA's @Id and {@link ParentResource @ParentResource}. * </p> * <p> * This is not used for {@link ResourceFacade} entities, which provide their own list of path parameters. * </p> */ String[] pathParameters() default {}; /** * <p> * List of query parameters which should be attached to the link. * </p> */ ParamBinding[] queryParameters() default {}; /** * <p> * List of matrix parameters which should be attached to the link. * </p> */ ParamBinding[] matrixParameters() default {}; /** * <p> * EL expression that should return a boolean indicating whether or not this service link should be used. * This is useful for security constraints limiting access to resources. Defaults to using the * {@link @RolesAllowed} annotation using the current * {@link SecurityContext} to check the current user's permissions. * </p> * <p> * This can be a normal constant boolean value ("true" or "false") or an EL expression * (${}) that will resolve using either the * default EL context, or the context specified by a {@link LinkELProvider @LinkELProvider} annotation. * </p> * <p> * For entities that are not {@link ResourceFacade}, the default context * resolves any non-qualified variable to properties of the response entity for whom we're discovering * links, and has an extra binding for the "this" variable which is the response entity as well. * </p> * <p> * For entities that are a {@link ResourceFacade}, the default context * has single binding for the "this" variable which is the {@link ResourceFacade}'s entity type * ({@link java.lang.Class Class} instance). * </p> */ String constraint() default ""; }