package org.jboss.resteasy.test.providers.custom.resource; import javax.annotation.Priority; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; // reverse order, This filter should be second @Provider @Priority(100) public class ResponseContainerSecondResponseFilter extends ResponseContainerTemplateFilter { @Override protected void operationMethodNotFound(String operation) { // the check is to apply on ResponseFilter only // here, it is usually not found. } public void setEntity() { MediaType type = responseContext.getMediaType(); if (assertTrue(MediaType.APPLICATION_SVG_XML_TYPE.equals(type), "Unexpected mediatype", type)) { return; } Annotation[] annotations = responseContext.getEntityAnnotations(); for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { Class<?> clazz = annotation.annotationType(); if (assertTrue(clazz == Provider.class || clazz == Priority.class, "Annotation", clazz, "was unexpected")) { return; } } } }