package org.jboss.resteasy.test.resource.request; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.RunAsClient; import org.jboss.arquillian.junit.Arquillian; import org.jboss.resteasy.test.resource.request.resource.PreconditionEtagResource; import org.jboss.resteasy.test.resource.request.resource.PreconditionLastModifiedResource; import org.jboss.resteasy.test.resource.request.resource.PreconditionPrecedenceResource; import org.jboss.resteasy.util.HttpHeaderNames; import org.jboss.resteasy.util.HttpResponseCodes; import org.jboss.resteasy.utils.PortProviderUtil; import org.jboss.resteasy.utils.TestUtil; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.WebArchive; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import; import; import; import; /** * @tpSubChapter Resource * @tpChapter Integration tests * @tpTestCaseDetails Tests for preconditions specified in the header of the request * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @RunWith(Arquillian.class) @RunAsClient public class PreconditionTest { static Client client; static WebTarget precedenceWebTarget; @BeforeClass public static void before() throws Exception { client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); precedenceWebTarget ="/precedence")); } @AfterClass public static void close() { client.close(); } @Deployment public static Archive<?> deploy() { WebArchive war = TestUtil.prepareArchive(PreconditionTest.class.getSimpleName()); return TestUtil.finishContainerPrepare(war, null, PreconditionLastModifiedResource.class, PreconditionEtagResource.class, PreconditionPrecedenceResource.class); } private static String generateURL(String path) { return PortProviderUtil.generateURL(path, PreconditionTest.class.getSimpleName()); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE date before last modified * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfUnmodifiedSinceBeforeLastModified() { WebTarget base ="/")); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE date after last modified * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfUnmodifiedSinceAfterLastModified() { WebTarget base ="/")); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "Tue, 2 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_MODIFIED_SINCE date before last modified * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfModifiedSinceBeforeLastModified() { WebTarget base ="/")); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_MODIFIED_SINCE date after last modified * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfModifiedSinceAfterLastModified() { WebTarget base ="/")); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Tue, 2 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets headers IF_MODIFIED_SINCE and IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE date before last modified * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfUnmodifiedSinceBeforeLastModified_IfModifiedSinceBeforeLastModified() { WebTarget base ="/")); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT") .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets headers IF_MODIFIED_SINCE date after last modified and IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE date before last modified * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfUnmodifiedSinceBeforeLastModified_IfModifiedSinceAfterLastModified() { WebTarget base ="/")); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT") .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Tue, 2 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets headers IF_MODIFIED_SINCE and IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE date after last modified * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfUnmodifiedSinceAfterLastModified_IfModifiedSinceAfterLastModified() { WebTarget base ="/")); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "Tue, 2 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT") .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Tue, 2 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets headers IF_MODIFIED_SINCE date before last modified and IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE date after last modified * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfUnmodifiedSinceAfterLastModified_IfModifiedSinceBeforeLastModified() { WebTarget base ="/")); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "Tue, 2 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT") .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_MATCH to an entity value which matches to eTag in the resource * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfMatchWithMatchingETag() { testIfMatchWithMatchingETag(""); testIfMatchWithMatchingETag("/fromField"); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_MATCH to an entity value which doesn't match to eTag in the resource * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag() { testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag(""); testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag("/fromField"); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_MATCH to a wildcard * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfMatchWildCard() { testIfMatchWildCard(""); testIfMatchWildCard("/fromField"); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_NONE_MATCH to an entity value which matches to eTag in the resource * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfNonMatchWithMatchingETag() { testIfNonMatchWithMatchingETag(""); testIfNonMatchWithMatchingETag("/fromField"); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_NONE_MATCH to an entity value which doesn't match to eTag in the resource * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag() { testIfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag(""); testIfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag("/fromField"); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_NONE_MATCH to a wildcard * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfNonMatchWildCard() { testIfNonMatchWildCard(""); testIfNonMatchWildCard("/fromField"); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_NONE_MATCH and IF_MATCH to an entity value which matches to eTag in the resource * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfMatchWithMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithMatchingETag() { testIfMatchWithMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithMatchingETag(""); testIfMatchWithMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithMatchingETag("/fromField"); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_NONE_MATCH to an entity value which doesn't match to eTag in the resource * and IF_MATCH to an entity value which matches to eTag in the resource * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfMatchWithMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag() { testIfMatchWithMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag(""); testIfMatchWithMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag("/fromField"); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_NONE_MATCH to an entity value which matches to eTag in the resource * and IF_MATCH to an entity value which doesn't match to eTag in the resource * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithMatchingETag() { testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithMatchingETag(""); testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithMatchingETag("/fromField"); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_NONE_MATCH to an entity value which doesn't match to eTag in the resource * and IF_MATCH to an entity value which doesn't match to eTag in the resource * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag() { testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag(""); testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag("/fromField"); } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_MATCH to an weak eTag value which matches to eTag in the resource * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfMatchWithMatchingWeakETag() { WebTarget base ="/etag/weak")); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "W/\"1\"").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Sets header IF_MATCH to an weak eTag value which matches to eTag in the resource * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.16 */ @Test public void testIfMatchWithNonMatchingWeakEtag() { WebTarget base ="/etag/weak")); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "W/\"2\"").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } //////////// public void testIfMatchWithMatchingETag(String fromField) { WebTarget base ="/etag" + fromField)); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "\"1\"").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag(String fromField) { WebTarget base ="/etag" + fromField)); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "\"2\"").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void testIfMatchWildCard(String fromField) { WebTarget base ="/etag" + fromField)); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "*").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void testIfNonMatchWithMatchingETag(String fromField) { WebTarget base ="/etag" + fromField)); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "\"1\"").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatus()); Assert.assertEquals("The eTag in the response doesn't match", "\"1\"", response.getStringHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaderNames.ETAG)); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void testIfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag(String fromField) { WebTarget base ="/etag" + fromField)); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "2").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void testIfNonMatchWildCard(String fromField) { WebTarget base ="/etag" + fromField)); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "*").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatus()); Assert.assertEquals("The eTag in the response doesn't match", "\"1\"", response.getStringHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaderNames.ETAG)); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void testIfMatchWithMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithMatchingETag(String fromField) { WebTarget base ="/etag" + fromField)); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "\"1\"") .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "\"1\"").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatus()); Assert.assertEquals("The eTag in the response doesn't match", "\"1\"", response.getStringHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaderNames.ETAG)); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void testIfMatchWithMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag(String fromField) { WebTarget base ="/etag" + fromField)); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "\"1\"") .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "\"2\"").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithMatchingETag(String fromField) { WebTarget base ="/etag" + fromField)); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "\"2\"") .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "\"1\"").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void testIfMatchWithoutMatchingETag_IfNonMatchWithoutMatchingETag(String fromField) { WebTarget base ="/etag" + fromField)); try { Response response = base.request().header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "\"2\"") .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "\"2\"").get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @tpTestDetails Response if all match * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.17 */ @Test public void testPrecedence_AllMatch() { Response response = precedenceWebTarget.request() .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "1") // true .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "Mon, 1 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT") // true .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "2") // true .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT") // true .get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } /** * @tpTestDetails Response if all match without IF_MATCH * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.17 */ @Test public void testPrecedence_IfMatchWithNonMatchingEtag() { Response response = precedenceWebTarget.request() .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH, "2") // false .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "Mon, 1 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT") // true .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "2") // true .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT") // true .get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } /** * @tpTestDetails Response if all match without IF_MATCH * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.17 */ @Test public void testPrecedence_IfMatchNotPresentUnmodifiedSinceBeforeLastModified() { Response response = precedenceWebTarget.request() .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT") //false .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "2") // true .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT") // true .get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } /** * @tpTestDetails Response if IF_MATH is missing * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.17 */ @Test public void testPrecedence_IfNoneMatchWithMatchingEtag() { Response response = precedenceWebTarget.request() .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "1") // true .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Mon, 1 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT") // true .get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } /** * @tpTestDetails Response if IF_MATH is missing and IF_NONE_MATCH don't match * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.17 */ @Test public void testPrecedence_IfNoneMatchWithNonMatchingEtag() { Response response = precedenceWebTarget.request() .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH, "2") // false .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Mon, 1 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT") // true .get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } /** * @tpTestDetails Response if IF_MODIFIED_SINCE don't match * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.17 */ @Test public void testPrecedence_IfNoneMatchNotPresent_IfModifiedSinceBeforeLastModified() { Response response = precedenceWebTarget.request() .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:00:00 GMT") // false .get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_OK, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } /** * @tpTestDetails Response if IF_MODIFIED_SINCE match * @tpSince RESTEasy 3.0.17 */ @Test public void testPrecedence_IfNoneMatchNotPresent_IfModifiedSinceAfterLastModified() { Response response = precedenceWebTarget.request() .header(HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "Tue, 2 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT") // true .get(); Assert.assertEquals(HttpResponseCodes.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, response.getStatus()); response.close(); } }