package org.jboss.resteasy.skeleton.key.idm.i18n; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle; /** * * @author <a href="">Ron Sigal</a> * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ * * Copyright Aug 31, 2015 */ @MessageBundle(projectCode = "RESTEASY") public interface Messages { Messages MESSAGES = org.jboss.logging.Messages.getBundle(Messages.class); int BASE = 17000; @Message(id = BASE + 0, value = "Your account is not enabled") String accountIsNotEnabled(); @Message(id = BASE + 5, value = "auth") String auth(); @Message(id = BASE + 10, value = "Auth error") String authError(); @Message(id = BASE + 15, value = "caller principal not matched") String callerPrincipalNotMatched(); @Message(id = BASE + 20, value = "client_id not specified") String clientIdNotSpecified(); @Message(id = BASE + 25, value = "client not found") String clientNotFound(); @Message(id = BASE + 30, value = "code") String code(); @Message(id = BASE + 35, value = "Code is expired") String codeIsExpired(); @Message(id = BASE + 40, value = "Code not found") String codeNotFound(); @Message(id = BASE + 45, value = "code not specified") String codeNotSpecified(); @Message(id = BASE + 50, value = "Could not find user") String couldNotFindUser(); @Message(id = BASE + 55, value = "Credential mismatch") String credentialMismatch(); @Message(id = BASE + 60, value = "Failed to verify signature") String failedToVerifySignature(); @Message(id = BASE + 65, value = "grant") String grant(); @Message(id = BASE + 70, value = "Grant Access") String grantAccess(); @Message(id = BASE + 75, value = "Grant Request For ") String grantRequestFor(); @Message(id = BASE + 80, value = "Known client not authorized for the requested scope.") String knownClientNotAuthorized(); @Message(id = BASE + 85, value = "Known client not authorized to access this realm.") String knownClientNotAuthorizedToAccessRealm(); @Message(id = BASE + 90, value = "Known client not authorized to request a user login.") String knownClientNotAuthorizedToRequestUserLogin(); @Message(id = BASE + 95, value = "Login") String login(); @Message(id = BASE + 100, value = "Login For ") String loginFor(); @Message(id = BASE + 105, value = "Missing required user credential") String missingRequiredUserCredential(); @Message(id = BASE + 110, value = "No realm admin users defined for realm") String noRealmAdminUsersDefined(); @Message(id = BASE + 115, value = "No realm admin users are enabled or have appropriate credentials") String noRealmAdminUsersEnabled(); @Message(id = BASE + 120, value = "No realms with that name") String noRealmsWithThatName(); @Message(id = BASE + 125, value = "No resource role for role mapping") String noResourceRoleForRoleMapping(); @Message(id = BASE + 130, value = "No users declared for role mapping") String noUsersDeclaredForRoleMapping(); @Message(id = BASE + 135, value = "No users declared for role mapping surrogate") String noUsersDeclaredForRoleMappingSurrogate(); @Message(id = BASE + 140, value = "Not valid user") String notValidUser(); @Message(id = BASE + 145, value = "public key") String publicKey(); @Message(id = BASE + 150, value = "Realm") String realm(); @Message(id = BASE + 155, value = "Realm credential requirements not defined") String realmCredentialRequirementsNotDefined(); @Message(id = BASE + 160, value = "realm is not enabled") String realmIsNotEnabled(); @Message(id = BASE + 165, value = "Realm not enabled") String realmNotEnabled(); @Message(id = BASE + 170, value = "realm not found") String realmNotFound(); @Message(id = BASE + 175, value = "Realms") String realms(); @Message(id = BASE + 180, value = "Requester not enabled") String requesterNotEnabled(); @Message(id = BASE + 185, value = "Resource: ") String resource(); @Message(id = BASE + 190, value = "Roles:") String roles(); @Message(id = BASE + 195, value = "Security Alert") String securityAlert(); @Message(id = BASE + 200, value = "There is only an 'admin' role for realms") String thereIsOnlyAdminRole(); @Message(id = BASE + 205, value = "A Third Party is requesting access to the following resources") String thirdPartyIsRequestingAccess(); @Message(id = BASE + 210, value = "To Authorize, please login below") String toAuthorizePleaseLogin(); @Message(id = BASE + 215, value = "Token expired") String tokenExpired(); @Message(id = BASE + 220, value = "Unable to authenticate, try again") String unableToAuthenticate(); @Message(id = BASE + 225, value = "Unable to verify code signature") String unableToVerifyCodeSignature(); @Message(id = BASE + 230, value = "Security Alert</h1><p>Unknown client trying to get access to your account.") String unknownClientTryingToAccess(); @Message(id = BASE + 235, value = "User is not enabled") String userIsNotEnabled(); @Message(id = BASE + 240, value = "user not found") String userNotFound(); @Message(id = BASE + 245, value = "Username: ") String username(); @Message(id = BASE + 250, value = "You are not authorized for the requested scope.") String youAreNotAuthorizedForRequestedScope(); }