package firesimulator.simulator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; public class EnergyHistory { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(EnergyHistory.class); private int time; private Map<Building, Double> initialEnergy; private Map<Building, Double> initialTemperature; private Map<Building, Double> burnEnergy; private Map<Building, Double> coolEnergy; private Map<Building, Double> exchangedWithAir; private Map<Building, Double> lostToRadiation; private Map<Building, Double> gainedByRadiation; private Map<Building, Double> finalEnergy; private Map<Building, Double> finalTemperature; public EnergyHistory(World world, int time) { initialEnergy = new HashMap<Building, Double>(); initialTemperature = new HashMap<Building, Double>(); burnEnergy = new HashMap<Building, Double>(); coolEnergy = new HashMap<Building, Double>(); exchangedWithAir = new HashMap<Building, Double>(); lostToRadiation = new HashMap<Building, Double>(); gainedByRadiation = new HashMap<Building, Double>(); finalEnergy = new HashMap<Building, Double>(); finalTemperature = new HashMap<Building, Double>(); this.time = time; for (Building next : world.getBuildings()) { initialEnergy.put(next, next.getEnergy()); initialTemperature.put(next, next.getTemperature()); } } public void registerBurn(Building b, double energy) { burnEnergy.put(b, energy); } public void registerCool(Building b, double energy) { coolEnergy.put(b, energy); } public void registerAir(Building b, double energy) { exchangedWithAir.put(b, energy); } public void registerRadiationLoss(Building b, double energy) { lostToRadiation.put(b, energy); } public void registerRadiationGain(Building b, double energy) { double old = gainedByRadiation.containsKey(b) ? gainedByRadiation.get(b) : 0; gainedByRadiation.put(b, old + energy); } public void registerFinalEnergy(World world) { for (Building next : world.getBuildings()) { finalEnergy.put(next, next.getEnergy()); finalTemperature.put(next, next.getTemperature()); } } public void logSummary() { LOG.debug("Energy summary at time " + time); for (Building next : initialEnergy.keySet()) { boolean changed = burnEnergy.containsKey(next) || coolEnergy.containsKey(next) || exchangedWithAir.containsKey(next) || lostToRadiation.containsKey(next) || gainedByRadiation.containsKey(next); if (changed && !initialEnergy.get(next).equals(finalEnergy.get(next))) { LOG.debug("Building " + next.getID()); LOG.debug(" Initial energy / temperature: " + initialEnergy.get(next) + " / " + initialTemperature.get(next)); LOG.debug(" Burn energy : " + burnEnergy.get(next)); LOG.debug(" Cool energy : " + coolEnergy.get(next)); LOG.debug(" Exchanged with air : " + exchangedWithAir.get(next)); LOG.debug(" Lost to radiation : " + lostToRadiation.get(next)); LOG.debug(" Gained by radiation : " + gainedByRadiation.get(next)); LOG.debug(" Final energy / temperature : " + finalEnergy.get(next) + " / " + finalTemperature.get(next)); } } } }