package rescuecore2.standard.entities; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Entity; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Property; import; /** The FireBrigade object. */ public class FireBrigade extends Human { private IntProperty water; /** Construct a FireBrigade object with entirely undefined values. @param id The ID of this entity. */ public FireBrigade(EntityID id) { super(id); water = new IntProperty(StandardPropertyURN.WATER_QUANTITY); registerProperties(water); } /** FireBrigade copy constructor. @param other The FireBrigade to copy. */ public FireBrigade(FireBrigade other) { super(other); water = new IntProperty(other.water); registerProperties(water); } @Override protected Entity copyImpl() { return new FireBrigade(getID()); } @Override public StandardEntityURN getStandardURN() { return StandardEntityURN.FIRE_BRIGADE; } @Override public Property getProperty(String urn) { StandardPropertyURN type; try { type = StandardPropertyURN.fromString(urn); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return super.getProperty(urn); } switch (type) { case WATER_QUANTITY: return water; default: return super.getProperty(urn); } } /** Get the water property. @return The water property. */ public IntProperty getWaterProperty() { return water; } /** Get the amount of water this fire brigade is carrying. @return The water. */ public int getWater() { return water.getValue(); } /** Set the amount of water this fire brigade is carrying. @param water The new amount of water. */ public void setWater(int water) { this.water.setValue(water); } /** Find out if the water property has been defined. @return True if the water property has been defined, false otherwise. */ public boolean isWaterDefined() { return water.isDefined(); } /** Undefine the water property. */ public void undefineWater() { water.undefine(); } @Override protected String getEntityName() { return "Fire brigade"; } }