package maps.convert.osm2gml; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.Path2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Line2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Point2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Vector2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.GeometryTools2D; //import rescuecore2.misc.gui.ShapeDebugFrame; //import java.awt.Color; import maps.osm.OSMNode; /** Information about an OSM intersection. */ public class OSMIntersectionInfo implements OSMShape { // private static ShapeDebugFrame debug = new ShapeDebugFrame(); private OSMNode centre; private List<RoadAspect> roads; private List<Point2D> vertices; private Area area; /** Create an IntersectionInfo. @param centre The OSMNode at the centre of the intersection. */ public OSMIntersectionInfo(OSMNode centre) { this.centre = centre; roads = new ArrayList<RoadAspect>(); } /** Add an incoming road. @param road The incoming road. */ public void addRoadSegment(OSMRoadInfo road) { if (road.getFrom() == centre && road.getTo() == centre) { System.out.println("Degenerate road found"); } else { roads.add(new RoadAspect(road, centre)); } } /** Process this intersection and determine the vertices and area it covers. @param sizeOf1m The size of 1m in latitude/longitude. */ public void process(double sizeOf1m) { vertices = new ArrayList<Point2D>(); if (roads.size() > 1) { processRoads(sizeOf1m); } else { processSingleRoad(sizeOf1m); area = null; } } /** Get the OSMNode at the centre of this intersection. @return The OSMNode at the centre. */ public OSMNode getCentre() { return centre; } @Override public Area getArea() { return area; } @Override public List<Point2D> getVertices() { return vertices; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("IntersectionInfo (centre "); result.append(centre); result.append(") ["); for (Iterator<Point2D> it = vertices.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { result.append(; if (it.hasNext()) { result.append(", "); } } result.append("]"); if (area == null) { result.append(" (degenerate)"); } return result.toString(); } private void processRoads(double sizeOf1m) { // Sort incoming roads counterclockwise about the centre Point2D centrePoint = new Point2D(centre.getLongitude(), centre.getLatitude()); CounterClockwiseSort sort = new CounterClockwiseSort(centrePoint); Collections.sort(roads, sort); // Go through each pair of adjacent incoming roads and compute the two intersection points Iterator<RoadAspect> it = roads.iterator(); RoadAspect first =; RoadAspect previous = first; while (it.hasNext()) { RoadAspect next =; Point2D p = findIncomingRoadIntersection(previous, next, centrePoint, sizeOf1m); vertices.add(p); previous = next; } Point2D p = findIncomingRoadIntersection(previous, first, centrePoint, sizeOf1m); vertices.add(p); // If there are multiple vertices then compute the area if (vertices.size() > 2) { Iterator<Point2D> ix = vertices.iterator(); Point2D point =; Path2D.Double path = new Path2D.Double(); path.moveTo(point.getX(), point.getY()); while (ix.hasNext()) { point =; path.lineTo(point.getX(), point.getY()); } path.closePath(); area = new Area(path.createTransformedShape(null)); } else { area = null; } } /** Process two incoming roads and find the intersection of the right edge of the first road and the left edge of the second road. @param first The road to check the right edge of. @param second The road the check the left edge of. @param centrePoint The centre of the intersection. @return The intersection of the two roads. */ private Point2D findIncomingRoadIntersection(RoadAspect first, RoadAspect second, Point2D centrePoint, double sizeOf1m) { OSMNode firstNode = first.getFarNode(); OSMNode secondNode = second.getFarNode(); // Find the intersection of the incoming road edges Point2D firstPoint = new Point2D(firstNode.getLongitude(), firstNode.getLatitude()); Point2D secondPoint = new Point2D(secondNode.getLongitude(), secondNode.getLatitude()); Vector2D firstVector = centrePoint.minus(firstPoint); Vector2D secondVector = centrePoint.minus(secondPoint); Vector2D firstNormal = firstVector.getNormal().normalised().scale(-Constants.ROAD_WIDTH * sizeOf1m / 2); Vector2D secondNormal = secondVector.getNormal().normalised().scale(Constants.ROAD_WIDTH * sizeOf1m / 2); Point2D start1Point =; Point2D start2Point =; Line2D line1 = new Line2D(start1Point, firstVector); Line2D line2 = new Line2D(start2Point, secondVector); Point2D intersection = GeometryTools2D.getIntersectionPoint(line1, line2); if (intersection == null) { // Lines are parallel // This means the normals are parallel, so we can just add a normal to the centre point to generate an intersection point intersection =; } first.setRightEnd(intersection); second.setLeftEnd(intersection); /* List<ShapeDebugFrame.ShapeInfo> shapes = new ArrayList<ShapeDebugFrame.ShapeInfo>(); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(new Line2D(firstPoint, centrePoint), "First road", Color.BLUE, false, false)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(new Line2D(firstPoint, firstNormal), "First road offset", Color.YELLOW, false, false)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(start1Point, "Left start", Color.BLUE, true)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(line1, "Left edge", Color.BLUE, true, false)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(new Line2D(secondPoint, centrePoint), "Second road", Color.WHITE, false, false)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(new Line2D(secondPoint, secondNormal), "Second road offset", Color.CYAN, false, false)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(start2Point, "Right start", Color.WHITE, true)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(line2, "Right edge", Color.WHITE, true, false)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(intersection, "Intersection", Color.ORANGE, true));"Intersection", shapes); */ return intersection; } /** This "intersection" has a single incoming road. Set the incoming road's left and right edges. */ private void processSingleRoad(double sizeOf1m) { Point2D centrePoint = new Point2D(centre.getLongitude(), centre.getLatitude()); RoadAspect road = roads.iterator().next(); OSMNode node = road.getFarNode(); Point2D nodePoint = new Point2D(node.getLongitude(), node.getLatitude()); Vector2D nodeVector = centrePoint.minus(nodePoint); Vector2D nodeNormal = nodeVector.getNormal().normalised().scale(-Constants.ROAD_WIDTH * sizeOf1m / 2); Vector2D nodeNormal2 = nodeNormal.scale(-1); Point2D start1Point =; Point2D start2Point =; Line2D line1 = new Line2D(start1Point, nodeVector); Line2D line2 = new Line2D(start2Point, nodeVector); Point2D end1 = line1.getPoint(1); Point2D end2 = line2.getPoint(1); road.setRightEnd(end1); road.setLeftEnd(end2); /* List<ShapeDebugFrame.ShapeInfo> shapes = new ArrayList<ShapeDebugFrame.ShapeInfo>(); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(new Line2D(nodePoint, centrePoint), "Single road", Color.BLUE, false)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(new Line2D(nodePoint, nodeNormal), "Offset 1", Color.YELLOW, false)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(new Line2D(nodePoint, nodeNormal2), "Offset 2", Color.CYAN, false)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(start1Point, "Left start", Color.BLUE, true)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(line1, "Left edge", Color.BLUE, true)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(start2Point, "Right start", Color.WHITE, true)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Line2DShapeInfo(line2, "Right edge", Color.WHITE, true)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(end1, "Endpoint 1", Color.ORANGE, true)); shapes.add(new ShapeDebugFrame.Point2DShapeInfo(end2, "Endpoint 2", Color.PINK, true));; */ } private static class RoadAspect { private boolean forward; private OSMRoadInfo road; RoadAspect(OSMRoadInfo road, OSMNode intersection) { this.road = road; forward = intersection == road.getTo(); } OSMRoadInfo getRoad() { return road; } OSMNode getFarNode() { return forward ? road.getFrom() : road.getTo(); } void setLeftEnd(Point2D p) { if (forward) { road.setToLeft(p); } else { road.setFromRight(p); } } void setRightEnd(Point2D p) { if (forward) { road.setToRight(p); } else { road.setFromLeft(p); } } } private static class CounterClockwiseSort implements Comparator<RoadAspect> { private Point2D centre; /** Construct a CounterClockwiseSort with a reference point. @param centre The reference point. */ public CounterClockwiseSort(Point2D centre) { this.centre = centre; } @Override public int compare(RoadAspect first, RoadAspect second) { double d1 = score(first); double d2 = score(second); if (d1 < d2) { return 1; } else if (d1 > d2) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } /** Compute the score for a RoadAspect - the amount of clockwiseness from 12 o'clock. @param aspect The RoadAspect. @return The amount of clockwiseness. This will be in the range [0..4) with 0 representing 12 o'clock, 1 representing 3 o'clock and so on. */ public double score(RoadAspect aspect) { OSMNode node = aspect.getFarNode(); Point2D point = new Point2D(node.getLongitude(), node.getLatitude()); Vector2D v = point.minus(centre); double sin = v.getX() / v.getLength(); double cos = v.getY() / v.getLength(); if (Double.isNaN(sin) || Double.isNaN(cos)) { System.out.println(v); System.out.println(v.getLength()); } return convert(sin, cos); } // CHECKSTYLE:OFF:MagicNumber private double convert(double sin, double cos) { if (sin >= 0 && cos >= 0) { return sin; } if (sin >= 0 && cos < 0) { return 2 - sin; } if (sin < 0 && cos < 0) { return 2 - sin; } if (sin < 0 && cos >= 0) { return 4 + sin; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("This should be impossible! What's going on? sin=" + sin + ", cos=" + cos); } // CHECKSTYLE:ON:MagicNumber } }