package iamrescue.agent; import iamrescue.agent.firebrigade.FastFirePredictor; import; import; import iamrescue.belief.IAMWorldModel; import iamrescue.belief.commupdates.IMessageHandler; import iamrescue.belief.commupdates.IWorldModelUpdatePropagator; import iamrescue.belief.commupdates.WorldModelCommsUpdater; import iamrescue.belief.commupdates.WorldModelUpdatePropagator; import iamrescue.belief.entities.BlockInfoRoadEntityFactory; import iamrescue.belief.entities.BlockedEdgesPropertyFactory; import iamrescue.belief.entities.KnownToBePassablePropertyFactory; import iamrescue.belief.entities.RoutingInfoBlockade; import iamrescue.belief.entities.RoutingInfoBlockadeEntityFactory; import iamrescue.belief.gui.IAMWorldModelViewerComponent; import iamrescue.belief.inference.BlockDetectingRoutingModule; import iamrescue.belief.inference.BlockForgettingModule; import iamrescue.belief.inference.INegativeSenseUpdater; import iamrescue.belief.inference.NegativeSenseUpdater; import iamrescue.belief.inference.PassableRoadsDetector; import iamrescue.belief.inference.RoutingInfoUpdater; import iamrescue.belief.provenance.LatestProperty; import iamrescue.communication.ISimulationCommunicationConfiguration; import iamrescue.communication.SimulationCommunicationConfigurationAdapter; import iamrescue.communication.messages.Message; import iamrescue.communication.messages.PingMessage; import iamrescue.communication.messages.codec.CommunicationBeliefBaseAdapter; import iamrescue.communication.messages.codec.ICommunicationBeliefBaseAdapter; import iamrescue.communication.scenario.IAMCommunicationModule; import iamrescue.execution.IExecutionService; import iamrescue.execution.RC2ExecutionService; import iamrescue.execution.command.IPath; import iamrescue.routing.IRoutingModule; import iamrescue.routing.costs.SimpleDistanceRoutingCostFunction; import iamrescue.routing.dijkstra.BidirectionalDijkstrasRoutingModule; import iamrescue.routing.dijkstra.SimpleDijkstrasRoutingModule; import iamrescue.routing.util.ISpeedInfo; import iamrescue.routing.util.SpeedLearningModule; import iamrescue.util.IntervalTimer; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javolution.util.FastList; import javolution.util.FastSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import rescuecore2.components.AbstractAgent; import rescuecore2.messages.Command; import rescuecore2.messages.control.KASense; import rescuecore2.registry.Registry; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Human; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntity; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntityURN; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardPropertyURN; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.ChangeSet; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Property; public abstract class AbstractIAMAgent<E extends StandardEntity> extends AbstractAgent<IAMWorldModel, E> { private static final boolean NAME_THREADS = true; private static final boolean USE_BLOCK_DETECTION = true; private static final boolean USE_FALLBACK_BEHAVIOUR = false; private static final int FORGET_BLOCKADES_AFTER = 50; private static final String IGNORE_KEY = "kernel.agents.ignoreuntil"; private final Object SYNC_BLOCK = new Object(); private IAMCommunicationModule communicationModule; private IRoutingModule routing; private IRoutingModule reusableRouting = null; private IExecutionService executionService; private SimulationTimer timer = new SimulationTimer(); private WorldModelCommsUpdater worldModelCommsUpdater; private IWorldModelUpdatePropagator propagator; // private ISpatialIndex spatialIndex = null; private INegativeSenseUpdater negativeUpdater; private PassableRoadsDetector passableRoadsDetector; private ISearchBehaviour searchBehaviour; private IntervalTimer intervalTimer = new IntervalTimer(); private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(AbstractIAMAgent.class); private IAMWorldModelViewerComponent viewer = null; private RoutingInfoUpdater blockUpdater; private SpeedLearningModule speedInfo; private SimpleDistanceRoutingCostFunction routingCostFunction; private ExecutorService ThinkExecution; private int thinkRuntime = 0; private int ignoreUntil; private boolean iAmCentre = false; private ShoutGenerator shoutGenerator; private BlockForgettingModule blockForgetter = null; private int fallbackRuntime; private boolean myTypeIsCentre; /** * Shows a GUI containing the agent's local world model. This brings up a * JFrame that remains visible throughout the simuation. * */ protected void showWorldModelViewer() { synchronized (SYNC_BLOCK) { if (viewer == null) { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { JFrame frame = new JFrame("World Model view of " + me()); viewer = new IAMWorldModelViewerComponent(); JPanel main = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); main.add(viewer.getGUIComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.add(main); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); viewer.simulationStarted(config, getWorldModel(), getRoutingModule()); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } protected void showRoutingViewer() { showWorldModelViewer(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (SYNC_BLOCK) { viewer.showRoutingLayer(); } } }); } protected void showFireImportanceModel(FastFirePredictor firePredictor) { showWorldModelViewer(); final FastFirePredictor predictor = firePredictor; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (SYNC_BLOCK) { viewer.showFireLayer(predictor); } } }); } protected void showSearchViewer() { showWorldModelViewer(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (SYNC_BLOCK) { viewer.showSearchLayer(); } } }); } // Override this to set the time before properties are updated. @Override protected final void processSense(KASense sense) { int time = sense.getTime(); timer.setTime(time); if (NAME_THREADS) { Thread.currentThread().setName(me().toString() + " " + time); } else { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) { + " is starting time step " + time); } } super.processSense(sense); } @Override protected final void think(int time, ChangeSet changed, Collection<Command> heard) { intervalTimer.start(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Starting think method with changeset :" + changed + " at time " + timer.getTime()); } try { handleWorldUpdates(changed, heard); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.error("EXCEPTION OCCURED"); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Handling world updates took " + intervalTimer.lap() + "ns"); } // Now signal start of turn timer.fireTimeStepStarted(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Timer listeners took " + intervalTimer.lap() + "ns"); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Calling abstract think method"); } // initialse search; // System.out // .println(me() // + " knows about " // + getWorldModel().getEntitiesOfType( // StandardEntityURN.BLOCKADE)); // Do shouting behaviour if (!myTypeIsCentre) { shoutGenerator.generateShouts(); } if (USE_FALLBACK_BEHAVIOUR) { runThinkWithFallBack(time, changed); } else { try { think(time, changed); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("An exception occurred: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); doDefaultSearch(); } } // Main think method // think(time, changed); // at this point, the execution module has unprocessed commands and the // communication module has unsent messages // Only send messages at time step 3 and later if (timer.getTime() >= ignoreUntil) { communicationModule.flushOutbox(); } executionService.flushCommands(); long delay = intervalTimer.getTime(); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"Think method done after " + delay / 1000000.0 + "ms"); } if (delay > 300000000) { LOGGER.warn("Think method took " + delay / 1000000.0 + "ms!"); } if (viewer != null) { viewer.timestepCompleted(getWorldModel()); } } private void runThinkWithFallBack(int time, ChangeSet changed) { // Execution service for fallback behaviour Future thinkFuture = null; Future fallbackFuture = null; try { thinkFuture = ThinkExecution.submit(new ThinkRunner(time, changed)); thinkFuture.get(thinkRuntime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); thinkFuture.cancel(true); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error(" - INTERRUPTED EXCEPTION!"); e.printStackTrace(); try { thinkFuture.cancel(true); if (executionService.NotSubmittedCommand()) { fallbackFuture = ThinkExecution.submit(new FallbackRunner( time, changed)); fallbackFuture.get(fallbackRuntime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); fallbackFuture.cancel(true); } } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (TimeoutException e3) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOGGER.error(" - EXECUTION EXCEPTION!"); LOGGER.error(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); try { thinkFuture.cancel(true); if (executionService.NotSubmittedCommand()) { fallbackFuture = ThinkExecution.submit(new FallbackRunner( time, changed)); fallbackFuture.get(fallbackRuntime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); fallbackFuture.cancel(true); } } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (TimeoutException e3) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (TimeoutException e) { LOGGER.error(" - TIMEOUT EXCEPTION!"); e.printStackTrace(); try { thinkFuture.cancel(true); if (executionService.NotSubmittedCommand()) { fallbackFuture = ThinkExecution.submit(new FallbackRunner( time, changed)); fallbackFuture.get(fallbackRuntime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); fallbackFuture.cancel(true); } } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (TimeoutException e3) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * @param changed * @param changed * @param heard * */ private void handleWorldUpdates(ChangeSet changed, Collection<Command> heard) { IntervalTimer updateTimer = new IntervalTimer(); updateTimer.start(); // Get only the real differences between the changed ChangeSet and what // was in the world model at the beginning of the time step. ChangeSet sensedChanges = getWorldModel().getLastSensedChanges(); // sensedChanges = changed; if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Newly sensed: " + sensedChanges); } // Now do negative updates try { ChangeSet negativeUpdates = negativeUpdater .removeUnseenEntities(changed); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Negative updates took " + updateTimer.lap() + "ns"); LOGGER.debug("Negative updates: " + negativeUpdates); } // Add these to the sensed changes mergeChangeSets(sensedChanges, negativeUpdates); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.error("EXCETION OCCURED"); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER .debug("Merging change sets took " + updateTimer.lap() + "ns"); } // Now infer passable roads try { ChangeSet passableUpdates = passableRoadsDetector .inferPassableRoads(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER .debug("Passable update took " + updateTimer.lap() + "ns"); LOGGER.debug("Passable updates: " + passableUpdates); } mergeChangeSets(sensedChanges, passableUpdates); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.error("EXCEPTION OCCURED"); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER .debug("Merging change sets took " + updateTimer.lap() + "ns"); } try { // Now infer blockage routing updates ChangeSet blockedUpdates = blockUpdater.inferUpdatedBlockades(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Routing block update took " + updateTimer.lap() + "ns"); LOGGER.debug("Routing block updates: " + blockedUpdates); } mergeChangeSets(sensedChanges, blockedUpdates); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.error("EXCEPTION OCCURED"); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER .debug("Merging change sets took " + updateTimer.lap() + "ns"); } LOGGER.debug("Heard " + heard.size() + " messages."); // process all incoming messages // heard = filterOldMessages(heard); /* * if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { * LOGGER.debug("Filtering messages took " + updateTimer.lap() + "ns"); * } */ if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { for (Command c : heard) { LOGGER.trace("Heard: " + c.toString()); } } communicationModule.hear(heard); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Decoding messages took " + updateTimer.lap() + "ns"); } // Now check if I am a centre boolean amICentre = false; try { amICentre = communicationModule.amICentre(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Caught exception. This means I am not a centre."); e.printStackTrace(); } if (amICentre != iAmCentre) { iAmCentre = amICentre; if (iAmCentre) {"Detected centre role"); worldModelCommsUpdater.setCentreRole(communicationModule .getChannelsToOwnTeam()); } else {"Detected no longer centre role"); worldModelCommsUpdater.unsetCentreRole(); } } // Update world model based on communicated messages List<Message> updates = worldModelCommsUpdater.update(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Merging update messages with world model took " + updateTimer.lap() + "ns"); } // Now forward messages if necessary if (iAmCentre) { for (Message message : updates) { communicationModule.enqueueRadioMessageToOwnTeam(message); } if (updates.size() == 0) { // Make sure to send a ping every time step if nothing else is // sent communicationModule .enqueueRadioMessageToOwnTeam(new PingMessage()); } } // Make sure all position information is consistent (always includes x,y // and position updates if any change) ensurePositionConsistency(sensedChanges); // Remove updates that would be propagated by others filterOutRedundantUpdates(sensedChanges, changed); // Send sensed entities to other agents (using only changed properties) propagator.sendUpdates(sensedChanges, me().getID()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Sending update messages took " + updateTimer.lap() + "ns"); } // Finally remove old blocks if (blockForgetter != null && FORGET_BLOCKADES_AFTER > 0) { blockForgetter.forgetOldBlockades(); } // ensureBlockadeConsistency(); } // private void ensureBlockadeConsistency() { // } /** * @param sensedChanges * @param changed */ private void filterOutRedundantUpdates(ChangeSet sensedChanges, ChangeSet changed) { Set<EntityID> changedEntities = changed.getChangedEntities(); Set<StandardEntity> otherAgents = new FastSet<StandardEntity>(); for (EntityID id : changedEntities) { StandardEntity entity = getWorldModel().getEntity(id); // if (entity instanceof Human && !(entity instanceof Civilian) && // entity) { // } } } /** * @param sensedChanges */ private void ensurePositionConsistency(ChangeSet sensedChanges) { Set<EntityID> changedEntities = sensedChanges.getChangedEntities(); for (EntityID changed : changedEntities) { StandardEntity entity = getWorldModel().getEntity(changed); if (entity instanceof Human) { Set<Property> changedProperties = sensedChanges .getChangedProperties(entity.getID()); Set<String> included = new FastSet<String>(); for (Property p : changedProperties) { if (p.getURN().equals(StandardPropertyURN.X.toString()) || p.getURN().equals( StandardPropertyURN.Y.toString()) || p.getURN().equals( StandardPropertyURN.POSITION.toString())) { included.add(p.getURN()); } } if (included.size() > 0 && included.size() < 3) { // Not all were included. if (!included.contains(StandardPropertyURN.X.toString())) { sensedChanges.addChange(entity, entity .getProperty(StandardPropertyURN.X.toString())); } if (!included.contains(StandardPropertyURN.Y.toString())) { sensedChanges.addChange(entity, entity .getProperty(StandardPropertyURN.Y.toString())); } if (!included.contains(StandardPropertyURN.POSITION .toString())) { sensedChanges.addChange(entity, entity .getProperty(StandardPropertyURN.POSITION .toString())); } } } } } /** * * @return The simulation timer. */ protected ISimulationTimer getTimer() { return timer; } /** * This removes out-of-date messages. Used as a workaround for current bug * with server that sends old messages. */ private Collection<Command> filterOldMessages(Collection<Command> heard) { Collection<Command> newHeard = new FastList<Command>(); for (Command command : heard) { if (command.getTime() >= timer.getTime() - 6) { newHeard.add(command); } else { LOGGER.trace("Ignoring old command: " + command); } } return newHeard; } /** * Merges negative updates into sensed changes. At the end of the method, * sensedChanges will contain all changes. * * @param sensedChanges * The original changes * @param negativeUpdates * The negative updates to merge into the original changes. */ private void mergeChangeSets(ChangeSet sensedChanges, ChangeSet negativeUpdates) { Set<EntityID> changedEntities = negativeUpdates.getChangedEntities(); for (EntityID entityID : changedEntities) { String entityURN = negativeUpdates.getEntityURN(entityID); Set<Property> changedProperties = negativeUpdates .getChangedProperties(entityID); for (Property property : changedProperties) { sensedChanges.addChange(entityID, entityURN, property); } } } /** * Main fallback method that is called every time step if the think fails. * Logic for the agent goes here. * * @param time * The current time step. * @param changed * Everything that has been observed this time step. */ protected abstract void fallback(int time, ChangeSet changed); /** * Main think method that is called every time step. Logic for the agent * goes here. * * @param time * The current time step. * @param changed * Everything that has been observed this time step. */ protected abstract void think(int time, ChangeSet changed); @Override protected void postConnect() { Thread.currentThread().setName(me().toString());"Starting postconnect"); /* * Registry.getCurrentRegistry().registerEntityFactory( * StandardEntityURN.BLOCKADE.toString(), new * RoutingInfoBlockadeEntityFactory()); * * Registry.getCurrentRegistry().registerPropertyFactory( * RoutingInfoBlockade.BLOCK_INFO_URN, new * BlockedEdgesPropertyFactory()); */ try { super.postConnect(); getWorldModel().buildShortIndex(); // Only create speed info object if I am human if (getWorldModel().getEntity(getID()) instanceof Human) { speedInfo = new SpeedLearningModule(getWorldModel(), getID(), getTimer()); } executionService = new RC2ExecutionService(getID(), connection, config, timer, getWorldModel(), speedInfo); routingCostFunction = new SimpleDistanceRoutingCostFunction( getWorldModel(), false); routingCostFunction.setBurningPenalty(5000000); if (USE_BLOCK_DETECTION) { routing = getReusableRouting();// new // BlockDetectingRoutingModule(getWorldModel(), // routingCostFunction, timer, executionService, getID(), // speedInfo, true); } else { routing = new BidirectionalDijkstrasRoutingModule( getWorldModel(), routingCostFunction, timer); } ICommunicationBeliefBaseAdapter communicationBeliefBaseAdapter = new CommunicationBeliefBaseAdapter( getWorldModel(), config, routing.getConverter()); getWorldModel().setDefaultConverter(routing.getConverter()); ISimulationCommunicationConfiguration configuration = new SimulationCommunicationConfigurationAdapter( config, getID(), getWorldModel().getEntity(getID()) .getStandardURN(), getWorldModel()); communicationModule = new IAMCommunicationModule(getID(), timer, communicationBeliefBaseAdapter, configuration, connection); worldModelCommsUpdater = new WorldModelCommsUpdater( getWorldModel(), communicationModule, timer, config, getID()); if (!getWorldModel().getEntitiesOfType( StandardEntityURN.AMBULANCE_CENTRE, StandardEntityURN.FIRE_STATION, StandardEntityURN.POLICE_OFFICE).contains(me())) { myTypeIsCentre = false; this.shoutGenerator = new ShoutGenerator(getWorldModel(), getCommunicationModule()); } else { myTypeIsCentre = true; } /* * executionService = new RC2ExecutionService(getID(), connection, * config, timer, getWorldModel()); */ if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Starting to build routing."); } propagator = new WorldModelUpdatePropagator(getWorldModel(), communicationModule, timer, getRoutingModule() .getConverter()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Starting to build spatial index."); } // spatialIndex = new SpatialIndex(getWorldModel()); negativeUpdater = new NegativeSenseUpdater(config, getWorldModel(), getID(), timer, new LatestProperty()); passableRoadsDetector = new PassableRoadsDetector(getWorldModel(), getID()); if ((me().getURN().equals( StandardEntityURN.AMBULANCE_TEAM.toString()) || me() .getURN().equals(StandardEntityURN.FIRE_BRIGADE.toString())) && FORGET_BLOCKADES_AFTER > 0) { this.blockForgetter = new BlockForgettingModule( getWorldModel(), new LatestProperty(), timer, FORGET_BLOCKADES_AFTER); } getWorldModel().postConnect(); searchBehaviour = new ClashRandomisedClosestSearchBehaviour( getWorldModel(), getID(), executionService, getRoutingModule(), config, getCommunicationModule()); blockUpdater = new RoutingInfoUpdater(getWorldModel(), getRoutingModule().getConverter(), getTimer(), new LatestProperty()); // make execution service ThinkExecution = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); double temp = config.getFloatValue("kernel.agents.think-time") * 0.8; thinkRuntime = (int) temp; temp = config.getFloatValue("kernel.agents.think-time") * 0.2; fallbackRuntime = (int) temp; this.ignoreUntil = config.getIntValue(IGNORE_KEY, 3); getWorldModel().getStuckMemory().enableAutoUpdate(getWorldModel()); if (!getWorldModel().initialisedSearch()) { getWorldModel().initialiseSearch(getID()); }"Finished postconnect"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception during postconnect! " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void stopIfInterrupted() { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } /** * Causes the agent to follow the default search behaviour. This will * automatically submit a command, so the think method can return after * calling this. */ public void doDefaultSearch() { searchBehaviour.doDefaultSearch(); } /** * Returns the agent's default routing module. * * @return The agent's routing module. */ public IRoutingModule getRoutingModule() { return getReusableRouting(); // return routing; } /** * Returns the communication module. Use this to send messages. * * @return The communication module. */ public IAMCommunicationModule getCommunicationModule() { return communicationModule; } /** * Returns execution service. Use this to submit commands to the server. * * @return The execution service. */ public IExecutionService getExecutionService() { return executionService; } @Override protected final IAMWorldModel createWorldModel() { IAMWorldModel wm = new IAMWorldModel(timer, config); return wm; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * rescuecore2.components.AbstractComponent#getPreferredRegistry(rescuecore2 * .registry.Registry) */ @Override public Registry getPreferredRegistry(Registry parent) { Registry registry = new Registry(parent); registry.registerEntityFactory(StandardEntityURN.BLOCKADE.toString(), RoutingInfoBlockadeEntityFactory.INSTANCE); registry.registerPropertyFactory(RoutingInfoBlockade.BLOCK_INFO_URN, BlockedEdgesPropertyFactory.INSTANCE); registry.registerEntityFactory(StandardEntityURN.ROAD.toString(), BlockInfoRoadEntityFactory.INSTANCE); registry .registerPropertyFactory(KnownToBePassablePropertyFactory.INSTANCE); return registry; } /** * Returns the agent's world model. * * @return THe world model */ protected IAMWorldModel getWorldModel() { return model; } public ISpeedInfo getSpeedInfo() { return speedInfo; } @Override public final String[] getRequestedEntityURNs() { List<StandardEntityURN> agentTypes = getAgentTypes(); String[] result = new String[agentTypes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = agentTypes.get(i).toString(); } return result; } /** * Returns the spatial index used by this agent (creates one if necessary). * * @return The spatial index. */ /* * public ISpatialIndex getSpatialIndex() { if (spatialIndex == null) { * spatialIndex = new SpatialIndex(getWorldModel()); } return spatialIndex; * } */ /** * Subclasses need to define which agents they want to control * * @return */ protected abstract List<StandardEntityURN> getAgentTypes(); protected void addUpdateHandler(IMessageHandler handler) { worldModelCommsUpdater.addUpdateHandler(handler); } /** * Plans a path from the agent's current position to another entity * (building, road, agent...). * * @param id * The target ID. * @return The shortest path or an invalid path if none could be found * (e.g., if blocked). */ protected IPath planPath(EntityID id) { return getRoutingModule().findShortestPath(getID(), id); } /** * Plans a path from the agent's current position to the closest of a set of * other entities (buildings, roads, agents...). * * @param ids * The target IDs. * @return The shortest path to the closest entity or an invalid path if * none could be found (e.g., if all are blocked). */ protected IPath planPath(Collection<EntityID> ids) { return getRoutingModule().findShortestPath(getID(), ids); } /** * @return the reusableRouting */ public IRoutingModule getReusableRouting() { if (reusableRouting == null) { if (USE_BLOCK_DETECTION) { reusableRouting = new BlockDetectingRoutingModule( getWorldModel(), routingCostFunction, timer, executionService, getID(), speedInfo, false); } else { reusableRouting = new SimpleDijkstrasRoutingModule( getWorldModel(), routingCostFunction, timer); } } return reusableRouting; } private class ThinkRunner implements Runnable { private ChangeSet changeSet; private int time; public ThinkRunner(int time2, ChangeSet changed) { time = time2; changeSet = changed; } @Override public void run() { Thread.currentThread().setName(me().toString() + " " + time); think(time, changeSet); } } private class FallbackRunner implements Runnable { private ChangeSet changeSet; private int time; public FallbackRunner(int time2, ChangeSet changed) { time = time2; changeSet = changed; } @Override public void run() { Thread.currentThread().setName(me().toString() + " " + time); fallback(time, changeSet); } } }