package iamrescue.belief.entities; import static rescuecore2.standard.Constants.PROPERTY_URN_PREFIX; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Road; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Entity; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Property; import; import; public class BlockInfoRoad extends Road { public static final String HAS_BEEN_PASSED_URN = PROPERTY_URN_PREFIX + "hasbeenpassed"; public static final String IMPORTANCE_URN = PROPERTY_URN_PREFIX + "importance"; private BooleanProperty hasBeenPassed; private IntProperty importance; /** * Construct a BlockInfoRoad object with entirely undefined property values. * * @param id * The ID of this entity. */ public BlockInfoRoad(EntityID id) { super(id); hasBeenPassed = new BooleanProperty(HAS_BEEN_PASSED_URN); importance = new IntProperty(IMPORTANCE_URN); registerProperties(hasBeenPassed, importance); } /** * BlockInfoRoad copy constructor. * * @param other * The BlockInfoRoad to copy. */ public BlockInfoRoad(BlockInfoRoad other) { super(other); hasBeenPassed = new BooleanProperty(other.hasBeenPassed); importance = new IntProperty(other.importance); registerProperties(hasBeenPassed, importance); } @Override protected Entity copyImpl() { return new BlockInfoRoad(getID()); } public boolean hasBeenPassed() { return hasBeenPassed.getValue(); } public boolean isHasBeenPassedDefined() { return hasBeenPassed.isDefined(); } public void setHasBeenPassed(boolean knownToBePassable) { this.hasBeenPassed.setValue(knownToBePassable); } public BooleanProperty getHasBeenPassedProperty() { return hasBeenPassed; } public void undefineHasBeenPassed() { hasBeenPassed.undefine(); } public int getImportance() { return importance.getValue(); } public boolean isImportanceDefined() { return importance.isDefined(); } public void setImportance(int importance) { this.importance.setValue(importance); } public IntProperty getImportanceProperty() { return importance; } public void undefineImportance() { importance.undefine(); } @Override public Property getProperty(String urn) { if (urn.equals(HAS_BEEN_PASSED_URN)) { return hasBeenPassed; } else if (urn.equals(IMPORTANCE_URN)) { return importance; } else { return super.getProperty(urn); } } }