package sample; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashSet; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.ChangeSet; import rescuecore2.messages.Command; import rescuecore2.log.Logger; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntity; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntityURN; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.AmbulanceTeam; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Human; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Civilian; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Refuge; /** A sample ambulance team agent. */ public class SampleAmbulanceTeam extends AbstractSampleAgent<AmbulanceTeam> { private Collection<EntityID> unexploredBuildings; @Override public String toString() { return "Sample ambulance team"; } @Override protected void postConnect() { super.postConnect(); model.indexClass(StandardEntityURN.CIVILIAN, StandardEntityURN.FIRE_BRIGADE, StandardEntityURN.POLICE_FORCE, StandardEntityURN.AMBULANCE_TEAM, StandardEntityURN.REFUGE, StandardEntityURN.BUILDING); unexploredBuildings = new HashSet<EntityID>(buildingIDs); } @Override protected void think(int time, ChangeSet changed, Collection<Command> heard) { if (time == config.getIntValue(kernel.KernelConstants.IGNORE_AGENT_COMMANDS_KEY)) { // Subscribe to channel 1 sendSubscribe(time, 1); } for (Command next : heard) { Logger.debug("Heard " + next); } updateUnexploredBuildings(changed); // Am I transporting a civilian to a refuge? if (someoneOnBoard()) { // Am I at a refuge? if (location() instanceof Refuge) { // Unload!"Unloading"); sendUnload(time); return; } else { // Move to a refuge List<EntityID> path = search.breadthFirstSearch(me().getPosition(), refugeIDs); if (path != null) {"Moving to refuge"); sendMove(time, path); return; } // What do I do now? Might as well carry on and see if we can dig someone else out. Logger.debug("Failed to plan path to refuge"); } } // Go through targets (sorted by distance) and check for things we can do for (Human next : getTargets()) { if (next.getPosition().equals(location().getID())) { // Targets in the same place might need rescueing or loading if ((next instanceof Civilian) && next.getBuriedness() == 0 && !(location() instanceof Refuge)) { // Load"Loading " + next); sendLoad(time, next.getID()); return; } if (next.getBuriedness() > 0) { // Rescue"Rescueing " + next); sendRescue(time, next.getID()); return; } } else { // Try to move to the target List<EntityID> path = search.breadthFirstSearch(me().getPosition(), next.getPosition()); if (path != null) {"Moving to target"); sendMove(time, path); return; } } } // Nothing to do List<EntityID> path = search.breadthFirstSearch(me().getPosition(), unexploredBuildings); if (path != null) {"Searching buildings"); sendMove(time, path); return; }"Moving randomly"); sendMove(time, randomWalk()); } @Override protected EnumSet<StandardEntityURN> getRequestedEntityURNsEnum() { return EnumSet.of(StandardEntityURN.AMBULANCE_TEAM); } private boolean someoneOnBoard() { for (StandardEntity next : model.getEntitiesOfType(StandardEntityURN.CIVILIAN)) { if (((Human)next).getPosition().equals(getID())) { Logger.debug(next + " is on board"); return true; } } return false; } private List<Human> getTargets() { List<Human> targets = new ArrayList<Human>(); for (StandardEntity next : model.getEntitiesOfType(StandardEntityURN.CIVILIAN, StandardEntityURN.FIRE_BRIGADE, StandardEntityURN.POLICE_FORCE, StandardEntityURN.AMBULANCE_TEAM)) { Human h = (Human)next; if (h == me()) { continue; } if (h.isHPDefined() && h.isBuriednessDefined() && h.isDamageDefined() && h.isPositionDefined() && h.getHP() > 0 && (h.getBuriedness() > 0 || h.getDamage() > 0)) { targets.add(h); } } Collections.sort(targets, new DistanceSorter(location(), model)); return targets; } private void updateUnexploredBuildings(ChangeSet changed) { for (EntityID next : changed.getChangedEntities()) { unexploredBuildings.remove(next); } } }