package rescuecore2.misc; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Entity; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Property; import rescuecore2.messages.Message; import rescuecore2.registry.Registry; /** A bunch of useful tools for encoding and decoding things like integers. */ public final class EncodingTools { /** The size of an INT_32 in bytes. */ public static final int INT_32_SIZE = 4; /** Charset for encoding/decoding strings. Should always be UTF-8 */ private static final Charset CHARSET = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); /** Private constructor: this is a utility class. */ private EncodingTools() {} /** Turn off the checkstyle test for magic numbers since we use a lot of them here */ /** CHECKSTYLE:OFF:MagicNumber */ /** Write a 32-bit integer to an OutputStream, big-endian style. @param i The integer to write. @param out The OutputStream to write it to. @throws IOException If the OutputStream blows up. */ public static void writeInt32(int i, OutputStream out) throws IOException { // Most significant byte first out.write((byte) (i >> 24) & 0xFF); out.write((byte) (i >> 16) & 0xFF); out.write((byte) (i >> 8) & 0xFF); out.write((byte) i & 0xFF); } /** Write a 32-bit integer to a DataOutput, big-endian style. @param i The integer to write. @param out The DataOutput to write it to. @throws IOException If the DataOutput blows up. */ public static void writeInt32(int i, DataOutput out) throws IOException { // DataOutput writes big-endian out.write(i); } /** Write a 32-bit integer to a byte array, big-endian style. @param i The integer to write. @param out The buffer to write it to. @param offset Where in the buffer to write it. */ public static void writeInt32(int i, byte[] out, int offset) { // Most significant byte first out[offset] = (byte) ((i >> 24) & 0xFF); out[offset + 1] = (byte) ((i >> 16) & 0xFF); out[offset + 2] = (byte) ((i >> 8) & 0xFF); out[offset + 3] = (byte) (i & 0xFF); } /** Read a 32-bit integer from an input stream, big-endian style. @param in The InputStream to read from. @return The next big-endian, 32-bit integer in the stream. @throws IOException If the InputStream blows up. @throws EOFException If the end of the stream is reached. */ public static int readInt32(InputStream in) throws IOException { int first =; if (first == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read 0 bytes of 4."); } int second =; if (second == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read 1 bytes of 4."); } int third =; if (third == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read 2 bytes of 4."); } int fourth =; if (fourth == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read 3 bytes of 4."); } return (first << 24) | (second << 16) | (third << 8) | fourth; } /** Read a 32-bit integer from a DataInput. @param in The DataInput to read from. @return The next big-endian, 32-bit integer in the stream. @throws IOException If the DataInput blows up. @throws EOFException If the end of the stream is reached. */ public static int readInt32(DataInput in) throws IOException { return in.readInt(); } /** Read a 32-bit integer from an input stream, little-endian style. @param in The InputStream to read from. @return The next little-endian, 32-bit integer in the stream. @throws IOException If the InputStream blows up. @throws EOFException If the end of the stream is reached. */ public static int readInt32LE(InputStream in) throws IOException { int first =; if (first == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read 0 bytes of 4."); } int second =; if (second == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read 1 bytes of 4."); } int third =; if (third == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read 2 bytes of 4."); } int fourth =; if (fourth == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read 3 bytes of 4."); } return (fourth << 24) | (third << 16) | (second << 8) | first; } /** Read a 32-bit integer from a byte array, big-endian style. @param in The buffer to read from. @param offset Where to begin reading. @return The next big-endian, 32-bit integer in the buffer. */ public static int readInt32(byte[] in, int offset) { return (in[offset] << 24) | (in[offset + 1] << 16) | (in[offset + 2] << 8) | (in[offset + 3]); } /** Read a 32-bit integer from a byte array, big-endian style. This is equivalent to calling {@link #readInt32(byte[], int) readInt32(in, 0)}. @param in The buffer to read from. @return The first big-endian, 32-bit integer in the buffer. */ public static int readInt32(byte[] in) { return readInt32(in, 0); } /** Write a String to an OutputStream. Strings are always in UTF-8. @param s The String to write. @param out The OutputStream to write to. @throws IOException If the OutputStream blows up. */ public static void writeString(String s, OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(CHARSET); writeInt32(bytes.length, out); out.write(bytes); } /** Write a String to a DataOutput. Strings are always in UTF-8. @param s The String to write. @param out The DataOutput to write to. @throws IOException If the DataOutput blows up. */ public static void writeString(String s, DataOutput out) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(CHARSET); writeInt32(bytes.length, out); out.write(bytes); } /** Write a String to a byte array. Strings are always in UTF-8. @param s The String to write. @param out The byte array to write to. Make sure it's big enough! @param offset The index to start writing from. */ public static void writeString(String s, byte[] out, int offset) { byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(CHARSET); writeInt32(bytes.length, out, offset); System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, out, offset + 4, bytes.length); } /** Read a String from an InputStream. @param in The InputStream to read. @return The string that was read. @throws IOException If the InputStream blows up. @throws EOFException If the end of the stream is reached. */ public static String readString(InputStream in) throws IOException { int length = readInt32(in); byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; int count = 0; while (count < length) { int read =, count, length - count); if (read == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read " + count + " bytes of " + length + "."); } count += read; } return new String(buffer, CHARSET); } /** Read a String from a DataInput. @param in The DataInput to read. @return The string that was read. @throws IOException If the DataInput blows up. @throws EOFException If the end of the stream is reached. */ public static String readString(DataInput in) throws IOException { int length = readInt32(in); byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; in.readFully(buffer); return new String(buffer, CHARSET); } /** Read a String from a byte array. This is equivalent to calling {@link #readString(byte[], int) readString(in, 0)}. @param in The byte array to read. @return The string that was read. */ public static String readString(byte[] in) { return readString(in, 0); } /** Read a String from a byte array. @param in The byte array to read. @param offset The index in the array to read from. @return The string that was read. */ public static String readString(byte[] in, int offset) { int length = readInt32(in, offset); byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(in, offset + 4, buffer, 0, length); return new String(buffer, CHARSET); } /** Read a fixed number of bytes from an InputStream into an array. @param size The number of bytes to read. @param in The InputStream to read from. @return A new byte array containing the bytes. @throws IOException If the read operation fails. */ public static byte[] readBytes(int size, InputStream in) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; int total = 0; while (total < size) { int read =, total, size - total); if (read == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read " + total + " bytes of " + size + "."); } total += read; } return buffer; } /** Read a fixed number of bytes from a DataInput into an array. @param size The number of bytes to read. @param in The DataInput to read from. @return A new byte array containing the bytes. @throws IOException If the read operation fails. */ public static byte[] readBytes(int size, DataInput in) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; in.readFully(buffer); return buffer; } /** Write a double to an OutputStream. @param d The double to write. @param out The OutputStream to write it to. @throws IOException If the OutputStream blows up. */ public static void writeDouble(double d, OutputStream out) throws IOException { long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d); out.write((byte) (bits >> 56) & 0xFF); out.write((byte) (bits >> 48) & 0xFF); out.write((byte) (bits >> 40) & 0xFF); out.write((byte) (bits >> 32) & 0xFF); out.write((byte) (bits >> 24) & 0xFF); out.write((byte) (bits >> 16) & 0xFF); out.write((byte) (bits >> 8) & 0xFF); out.write((byte) bits & 0xFF); } /** Write a double to a DataOutput. @param d The double to write. @param out The DataOutput to write it to. @throws IOException If the DataOutput blows up. */ public static void writeDouble(double d, DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeDouble(d); } /** Write a double to a byte array. @param d The double to write. @param out The buffer to write it to. @param offset Where in the buffer to write it. */ public static void writeDouble(double d, byte[] out, int offset) { long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d); out[offset + 0] = (byte) ((bits >> 56) & 0xFF); out[offset + 1] = (byte) ((bits >> 48) & 0xFF); out[offset + 2] = (byte) ((bits >> 40) & 0xFF); out[offset + 3] = (byte) ((bits >> 32) & 0xFF); out[offset + 4] = (byte) ((bits >> 24) & 0xFF); out[offset + 5] = (byte) ((bits >> 16) & 0xFF); out[offset + 6] = (byte) ((bits >> 8) & 0xFF); out[offset + 7] = (byte) (bits & 0xFF); } /** Read a double from an input stream. @param in The InputStream to read from. @return The next double in the stream. @throws IOException If the InputStream blows up. @throws EOFException If the end of the stream is reached. */ public static double readDouble(InputStream in) throws IOException { long[] data = new long[8]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { data[i] =; if (data[i] == -1) { throw new EOFException("Broken input pipe. Read " + i + " bytes of 8."); } } long result = data[0] << 56 | data[1] << 48 | data[2] << 40 | data[3] << 32 | data[4] << 24 | data[5] << 16 | data[6] << 8 | data[7]; return Double.longBitsToDouble(result); } /** Read a double from a DataInput. @param in The DataInput to read from. @return The next double in the stream. @throws IOException If the DataInput blows up. @throws EOFException If the end of the stream is reached. */ public static double readDouble(DataInput in) throws IOException { return in.readDouble(); } /** Read a double from a byte array. @param in The buffer to read from. @param offset Where to begin reading. @return The next double in the buffer. */ public static double readDouble(byte[] in, int offset) { long[] parts = new long[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { parts[i] = in[offset + i]; } long result = parts[0] << 56 | parts[1] << 48 | parts[2] << 40 | parts[3] << 32 | parts[4] << 24 | parts[5] << 16 | parts[6] << 8 | parts[7]; return Double.longBitsToDouble(result); } /** Read a double from a byte array. This is equivalent to calling {@link #readDouble(byte[], int) readDouble(in, 0)}. @param in The buffer to read from. @return The first double in the buffer. */ public static double readDouble(byte[] in) { return readDouble(in, 0); } /** Write a boolean to an OutputStream. @param b The boolean to write. @param out The OutputStream to write it to. @throws IOException If the OutputStream blows up. */ public static void writeBoolean(boolean b, OutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write(b ? 1 : 0); } /** Write a boolean to a DataOutput. @param b The boolean to write. @param out The DataOutput to write it to. @throws IOException If the DataOutput blows up. */ public static void writeBoolean(boolean b, DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeBoolean(b); } /** Write a boolean to a byte array. @param b The boolean to write. @param out The buffer to write it to. @param offset Where in the buffer to write it. */ public static void writeBoolean(boolean b, byte[] out, int offset) { out[offset] = (byte)(b ? 1 : 0); } /** Read a boolean from an input stream. @param in The InputStream to read from. @return The next boolean in the stream. @throws IOException If the InputStream blows up. @throws EOFException If the end of the stream is reached. */ public static boolean readBoolean(InputStream in) throws IOException { int b =; return b == 1; } /** Read a boolean from a DataInput. @param in The DataInput to read from. @return The next boolean in the stream. @throws IOException If the DataInput blows up. @throws EOFException If the end of the stream is reached. */ public static boolean readBoolean(DataInput in) throws IOException { return in.readBoolean(); } /** Read a boolean from a byte array. @param in The buffer to read from. @param offset Where to begin reading. @return The next boolean in the buffer. */ public static boolean readBoolean(byte[] in, int offset) { return in[offset] == 1; } /** Read a boolean from a byte array. This is equivalent to calling {@link #readBoolean(byte[], int) readBoolean(in, 0)}. @param in The buffer to read from. @return The first boolean in the buffer. */ public static boolean readBoolean(byte[] in) { return readBoolean(in, 0); } /** Call InputStream.skip until exactly <code>count</code> bytes have been skipped. If InputStream.skip ever returns a negative number then an EOFException is thrown. @param in The InputStream to skip. @param count The number of bytes to skip. @throws IOException If the bytes cannot be skipped for some reason. */ public static void reallySkip(InputStream in, long count) throws IOException { long done = 0; while (done < count) { long next = in.skip(count - done); if (next < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } done += next; } } /** Call DataInput.skip until exactly <code>count</code> bytes have been skipped. If DataInput.skip ever returns a negative number then an EOFException is thrown. @param in The DataInput to skip. @param count The number of bytes to skip. @throws IOException If the bytes cannot be skipped for some reason. */ public static void reallySkip(DataInput in, int count) throws IOException { int done = 0; while (done < count) { int next = in.skipBytes(count - done); if (next < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } done += next; } } /** Write an entity to a stream. @param e The entity to write. @param out The OutputStream to write to. @throws IOException If there is a problem writing to the stream. */ public static void writeEntity(Entity e, OutputStream out) throws IOException { // Type URN, entityID, size, content // Gather the content first ByteArrayOutputStream gather = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); e.write(gather); byte[] bytes = gather.toByteArray(); // Type URN writeString(e.getURN(), out); // EntityID writeInt32(e.getID().getValue(), out); // Size writeInt32(bytes.length, out); // Content out.write(bytes); } /** Write an entity to a DataOutput. @param e The entity to write. @param out The DataOutput to write to. @throws IOException If there is a problem writing to the stream. */ public static void writeEntity(Entity e, DataOutput out) throws IOException { // Type URN, entityID, size, content // Gather the content first ByteArrayOutputStream gather = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); e.write(gather); byte[] bytes = gather.toByteArray(); // Type URN writeString(e.getURN(), out); // EntityID writeInt32(e.getID().getValue(), out); // Size writeInt32(bytes.length, out); // Content out.write(bytes); } /** Read an entity from a stream. @param in The InputStream to read from. @return A new Entity, or null if the entity URN is not recognised. @throws IOException If there is a problem reading from the stream. */ public static Entity readEntity(InputStream in) throws IOException { String urn = readString(in); if ("".equals(urn)) { return null; } int entityID = readInt32(in); int size = readInt32(in); byte[] content = readBytes(size, in); Entity result = Registry.getCurrentRegistry().createEntity(urn, new EntityID(entityID)); if (result != null) { ByteArrayInputStream(content)); } return result; } /** Read an entity from a DataInput. @param in The DataInput to read from. @return A new Entity, or null if the entity URN is not recognised. @throws IOException If there is a problem reading from the stream. */ public static Entity readEntity(DataInput in) throws IOException { String urn = readString(in); if ("".equals(urn)) { return null; } int entityID = readInt32(in); int size = readInt32(in); byte[] content = readBytes(size, in); Entity result = Registry.getCurrentRegistry().createEntity(urn, new EntityID(entityID)); if (result != null) { ByteArrayInputStream(content)); } return result; } /** Write a property to a stream. @param p The property to write. @param out The OutputStream to write to. @throws IOException If there is a problem writing to the stream. */ public static void writeProperty(Property p, OutputStream out) throws IOException { // Type writeString(p.getURN(), out); writeBoolean(p.isDefined(), out); if (p.isDefined()) { ByteArrayOutputStream gather = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); p.write(gather); byte[] bytes = gather.toByteArray(); // Size writeInt32(bytes.length, out); // Data out.write(bytes); } } /** Write a property to a DataOutput. @param p The property to write. @param out The DataOutput to write to. @throws IOException If there is a problem writing to the stream. */ public static void writeProperty(Property p, DataOutput out) throws IOException { // Type writeString(p.getURN(), out); writeBoolean(p.isDefined(), out); if (p.isDefined()) { ByteArrayOutputStream gather = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); p.write(gather); byte[] bytes = gather.toByteArray(); // Size writeInt32(bytes.length, out); // Data out.write(bytes); } } /** Read a property from a stream. @param in The InputStream to read from. @return A new Property, or null if the property URN is not recognised. @throws IOException If there is a problem reading from the stream. */ public static Property readProperty(InputStream in) throws IOException { String urn = readString(in); if ("".equals(urn)) { return null; } boolean defined = readBoolean(in); Property result = Registry.getCurrentRegistry().createProperty(urn); if (defined) { int size = readInt32(in); byte[] content = readBytes(size, in); if (result != null) { ByteArrayInputStream(content)); } } return result; } /** Read a property from a DataInput. @param in The DataInput to read from. @return A new Property, or null if the property URN is not recognised. @throws IOException If there is a problem reading from the stream. */ public static Property readProperty(DataInput in) throws IOException { String urn = readString(in); if ("".equals(urn)) { return null; } boolean defined = readBoolean(in); Property result = Registry.getCurrentRegistry().createProperty(urn); if (defined) { int size = readInt32(in); byte[] content = readBytes(size, in); if (result != null) { ByteArrayInputStream(content)); } } return result; } /** Write a message to a stream. @param m The message to write. @param out The OutputStream to write to. @throws IOException If there is a problem writing to the stream. */ public static void writeMessage(Message m, OutputStream out) throws IOException { // Type URN, size, content // Gather the content first ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); m.write(bytes); byte[] content = bytes.toByteArray(); // Type URN writeString(m.getURN(), out); // Size writeInt32(content.length, out); // Content out.write(content); } /** Write a message to a DataOutput. @param m The message to write. @param out The DataOutput to write to. @throws IOException If there is a problem writing to the stream. */ public static void writeMessage(Message m, DataOutput out) throws IOException { // Type URN, size, content // Gather the content first ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); m.write(bytes); byte[] content = bytes.toByteArray(); // Type URN writeString(m.getURN(), out); // Size writeInt32(content.length, out); // Content out.write(content); } /** Read a message from a stream. @param in The InputStream to read from. @return A new Message, or null if the message URN is not recognised. @throws IOException If there is a problem reading from the stream. */ public static Message readMessage(InputStream in) throws IOException { String urn = readString(in); if ("".equals(urn)) { return null; } int size = readInt32(in); byte[] content = readBytes(size, in); Message result = Registry.getCurrentRegistry().createMessage(urn, new ByteArrayInputStream(content)); return result; } /** Read a message from a DataInput. @param in The DataInput to read from. @return A new Message, or null if the message URN is not recognised. @throws IOException If there is a problem reading from the stream. */ public static Message readMessage(DataInput in) throws IOException { String urn = readString(in); if ("".equals(urn)) { return null; } int size = readInt32(in); byte[] content = readBytes(size, in); Message result = Registry.getCurrentRegistry().createMessage(urn, new ByteArrayInputStream(content)); return result; } /** CHECKSTYLE:ON:MagicNumber */ }