package com.ctriposs.tsdb.test; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import com.ctriposs.tsdb.DBConfig; import com.ctriposs.tsdb.DBEngine; import com.ctriposs.tsdb.test.util.TestUtil; public class DBEngineStressTest { private static final String TEST_DIR = TestUtil.TEST_BASE_DIR +"/stress/"; private static DBEngine engine; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { int numKeyLimit = 1024 * 160; int valueLengthLimit = 1024 * 16; DBConfig config = new DBConfig(TEST_DIR); engine = new DBEngine(config); String[] rndStrings = new String[] { TestUtil.randomString(valueLengthLimit/2), TestUtil.randomString(valueLengthLimit), TestUtil.randomString(valueLengthLimit + valueLengthLimit/2) }; Random random = new Random(); Map<String, byte[]> bytesMap = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); System.out.println("Start from date " + new Date()); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (long counter = 0;; counter++) { String rndKey = String.valueOf(random.nextInt(numKeyLimit)); byte[] rndValue = rndStrings[random.nextInt(3)].getBytes(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); engine.put(rndKey, rndKey, time, rndValue); String key = rndKey+"-"+time; bytesMap.put(key, rndValue); if (bytesMap.size() == 3*numKeyLimit) { System.out.println("Current date: " + new Date()); System.out.println("counter: " + counter); System.out.println("store level " + engine.getStoreCounter(0)); System.out.println("store level error " + engine.getStoreErrorCounter(0)); System.out.println("compact level " + engine.getStoreCounter(1)); System.out.println("compact level error " + engine.getStoreErrorCounter(1)); for (Entry<String, byte[]> entry:bytesMap.entrySet()) { String[] keys = entry.getKey().split("-"); byte[] mapValue = entry.getValue(); byte[] engineValue = engine.get(keys[0], keys[0], Long.parseLong(keys[1])); if (mapValue == null && engineValue != null) { System.out.println("Key:" + key); System.out.println("engine Value:" + new String(engineValue)); //throw new RuntimeException("Validation exception, key exists in cache but not in map"); } if (mapValue != null && engineValue == null) { System.out.println("Validation exception, key exists in map but not in cache"); System.out.println("Key:" + key); System.out.println("engine Value:" + new String(engineValue)); System.out.println("map Value:" + new String(mapValue)); //throw new RuntimeException("Validation exception, key exists in map but not in cache"); } if (engineValue != null && mapValue != null) { if (compare(mapValue, engineValue) != 0) { System.out.println("Validation exception, value in map does not equal to cache"); System.out.println("Key:" + key); System.out.println("engine Value:" + new String(engineValue)); System.out.println("cache Value:" + new String(mapValue)); // throw new RuntimeException("Validation exception, value in map does not equal to cache"); } } } bytesMap.clear(); } } } public static int compare(byte[] left, byte[] right) { for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < left.length && j < right.length; i++, j++) { int a = (left[i] & 0xff); int b = (right[j] & 0xff); if (a != b) { return a - b; } } return left.length - right.length; } }