package com.interview.algorithms.heap; import java.util.Comparator; /** * Created_By: zouzhile * Date: 10/26/14 * Time: 9:24 AM */ public class Heap { private int capacity = 0; private int[] buffer; private int size; private Comparator<Integer> comparator; public Heap(int capacity, Comparator<Integer> comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; this.capacity = capacity; this.buffer = new int[this.capacity + 1]; // spare buffer[0] } public Heap(int[] buffer, Comparator<Integer> comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; this.capacity = buffer.length * 2; // spare buffer[0] this.size = buffer.length; this.buffer = new int[capacity + 1]; for(int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i ++) this.buffer[i+1] = buffer[i]; // buffer[0] is not used int nonLeafNodeIndex = this.size / 2; // the last for(int i = nonLeafNodeIndex; i >= 1; i --) this.swim(i); } public void insert(int value) { if(this.size >= this.capacity) { this.capacity *= 2; int[] buffer = new int[this.capacity + 1]; for(int i = 1; i <= this.size; i ++) { buffer[i] = this.buffer[i]; } this.buffer = buffer; } this.buffer[++size] = value; this.swim(size/2); } public int remove() { int top = this.buffer[1]; this.buffer[1] = this.buffer[this.size--]; this.sink(1); return top; } public void sink(int index) { while(index <= this.size/2) { // loop until last non leaf child // Compare the left and right child // to see which one should be exchanged with current node int exchangeChildIndex = 2 * index; int exchangeChild = this.buffer[2 * index]; if(2 * index + 1 <= this.size) { if(, this.buffer[2 * index + 1]) < 0) { exchangeChildIndex = 2 * index + 1; exchangeChild = this.buffer[exchangeChildIndex]; } } if([index], exchangeChild) >= 0) // heap condition met break; else { this.swap(this.buffer, index, exchangeChildIndex); index = exchangeChildIndex; } } } public void swim(int index) { while(index >= 1 && 2 * index <= this.size) { // loop until first node // Compare the left and right child // to see which one should be exchanged with current node int exchangeChildIndex = 2 * index; int exchangeChild = this.buffer[2 * index]; if(2 * index + 1 <= this.size) { if(, this.buffer[2 * index + 1]) < 0) { exchangeChildIndex = 2 * index + 1; exchangeChild = this.buffer[exchangeChildIndex]; } } if([index], exchangeChild) >= 0) // heap condition met break; else { this.swap(this.buffer, index, exchangeChildIndex); index /= 2; } } } private void swap(int[] array, int i, int j) { int tmp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = tmp; } public int size() { return this.size; } }