package com.interview.algorithms.dp; /** * Created_By: zouzhile * Date: 4/2/14 * Time: 5:46 PM * * Problem URL: * * In the city, roads are arranged in a grid pattern. Each point on the grid represents a corner where two blocks meet. * The points are connected by line segments which represent the various street blocks. * Using the cartesian coordinate system, we can assign a pair of integers to each corner as shown below. * * You are standing at the corner with coordinates 0,0. Your destination is at corner width,height. * You will return the number of distinct paths that lead to your destination. * Each path must use exactly width+height blocks. * In addition, the city has declared certain street blocks untraversable. * These blocks may not be a part of any path. * You will be given a String[] bad describing which blocks are bad. * If (quotes for clarity) "a b c d" is an element of bad, * it means the block from corner a,b to corner c,d is untraversable. */ public class C12_9_AvoidRoads { class Counter { long count = 0; public void increase() { this.count ++ ; } public long value() { return this.count; } } private boolean[][][][] parseBlocks(String[] bad, int width, int height){ boolean[][][][] blocks = new boolean[width+1][height+1][width+1][height+1]; for(String block : bad) { String[] points = block.split("\\s+"); //symmetrically set the bad way blocks[Integer.parseInt(points[0])][Integer.parseInt(points[1])][Integer.parseInt(points[2])][Integer.parseInt(points[3])] = true; blocks[Integer.parseInt(points[2])][Integer.parseInt(points[3])][Integer.parseInt(points[0])][Integer.parseInt(points[1])] = true; } return blocks; } public long numWays(int width, int height, String[] bad){ // fromX, fromY, toX, toY boolean[][][][] blocks = parseBlocks(bad, width, height); Counter counter = new Counter(); this.numWays(width, height, blocks, counter, 0, 0); return counter.value(); } public void numWays(int width, int height, boolean[][][][] blocks, Counter counter, int currentX, int currentY) { // Each path must use exactly width+height blocks. // This means you can walk up or right to reach destination if(currentX > width || currentY > height) return; if(currentX == width && currentY == height) { counter.increase(); } else { if(currentY + 1 <= height && blocks[currentX][currentY][currentX][currentY+1] == false) { // go up numWays(width, height, blocks, counter, currentX, currentY + 1); } if(currentX + 1 <= width && blocks[currentX][currentY][currentX + 1][currentY] == false) { // go right numWays(width, height, blocks, counter, currentX + 1, currentY); } } } public long numWaysDP(int width, int height, String[] bad){ boolean[][][][] blocks = parseBlocks(bad, width, height); //path[i][j]: save the path count from 0,0 to i,j // path[i][j] = path[i-1][j] if no block from i-1,j~i,j + path[i][j] if no block from i,j-1~i,j long[][] path = new long[width+1][height+1]; path[0][0] = 1; //parsing the path[0][0] to path[0][height] and path[wight][0], when find one block, it turns to 0 for(int i = 1; i <= width; i++) path[i][0] = blocks[i-1][0][i][0] || path[i-1][0] == 0?0:1; for(int i = 1; i <= height; i++) path[0][i] = blocks[0][i-1][0][i] || path[0][i-1] == 0?0:1; for(int i = 1; i <= width; i++){ for(int j = 1; j <= height; j++){ if(!blocks[i-1][j][i][j]) path[i][j] += path[i-1][j]; if(!blocks[i][j-1][i][j]) path[i][j] += path[i][j-1]; } } return path[width][height]; } }