package; import; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.github.martinprillard.shavadoop.util.Constant; import com.jcabi.ssh.SSH; import com.jcabi.ssh.Shell; /** * * @author martin prillard * */ public class LaunchInitializeHost extends Thread { private SSHManager sm; private String host; private int shellPort; private String dsaKey; private boolean local; private boolean forceInitialize; public LaunchInitializeHost(SSHManager _sm, ExecutorService _es, String _host, boolean _local, boolean _forceInitialize) { sm = _sm; host = _host; shellPort = sm.getShellPort(); dsaKey = sm.getDsaKey(); local = _local; forceInitialize = _forceInitialize; } /** * Create the directories and jar on distant computer needed to run * shavadoop */ public void run() { initializeShavadoopWorkspace(); } /** * Create the directories and jar on distant computer needed to run * shavadoop */ public void initializeShavadoopWorkspace() { Pattern paternRootPath = Pattern.compile(Constant.PATH_ROOT); Matcher matcherRootPath = paternRootPath.matcher(Constant.PATH_REPO); // clean directory File repo = new File(Constant.PATH_REPO); if (!repo.exists() || forceInitialize) { if (!matcherRootPath.find()) { try { String cmdCleanDir = "rm -rf " + Constant.PATH_REPO; String cmdCreateDirRepo = "mkdir " + Constant.PATH_REPO; String cmdCreateDirRepoRes = "mkdir " + Constant.PATH_REPO_RES; if (local) { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdCleanDir); p.waitFor(); p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdCreateDirRepo); p.waitFor(); p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdCreateDirRepoRes); p.waitFor(); } else { Shell shell = new SSH(host, shellPort, Constant.USERNAME, dsaKey); new Shell.Plain(shell).exec(cmdCleanDir); new Shell.Plain(shell).exec(cmdCreateDirRepo); new Shell.Plain(shell).exec(cmdCreateDirRepoRes); new Shell.Plain(shell).exec("killall java"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // master Jar -> master / slave File jar = new File(Constant.PATH_JAR_MASTER); if (!jar.exists() || forceInitialize) { FileTransfert ft = new FileTransfert(sm, host, Constant.PATH_JAR_MASTER, Constant.PATH_JAR, true, false); ft.start(); } } }