package com.github.hoffart.dmap; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode; import java.util.*; import com.github.hoffart.dmap.util.CompressionUtils; import com.github.hoffart.dmap.util.ExtendedFileChannel; import gnu.trove.impl.Constants; import; import org.iq80.snappy.Snappy; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.github.hoffart.dmap.util.ByteArray; import com.github.hoffart.dmap.util.ByteArrayUtils; import; /** * Disk-backed implementation of a very simple Map that supports only */ public class DMap { public static final int VERSION = 4; private static final int DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_COUNT = 250; /** Current Map file generated by Builder has Global trailer offset at 13. */ protected static final int DEFAULT_LOC_FOR_TRAILER_OFFSET = 13; /** Map file with data. */ private final File mapFile_; private final ExtendedFileChannel raf_; /** Number of entries in the map. */ private final int size; /** The block size */ private final int blockSize; /** Indicates if the values are compressed */ private final boolean valuesCompressed; /** Maximum number of blocks that can are held in memory when value blocks are held on disk. */ private final int cacheBlockCount_; /** First Key - Mapped block pair. */ private final Map<ByteArray, MappedByteBuffer> cachedByteBuffers_; /** Mapping of first key of block to block's start offset. */ private final Map<ByteArray, Long> firstKeyInBlock_; /** Mapping of block start offset to block trailer offset. */ private final Map<Long, Long> blockOffsetInfo_; /** Flag to enable/disable preloading of key offset pairs. */ private final boolean preloadAllKeyOffsets; /** Flag to enable/disable preloading of all the values. */ private final boolean preloadAllValues; /** Trove Map load factor (default: 0.5) */ private final float troveLoadFactor = Constants.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR; /** Trove Map no Entry value (default: -1) */ private final int troveNoEntryValue = -1; /** Mapping of BlockTrailer Start offset and block trailer mapped bytebuffer of trailer. */ private final Map<Long, MappedByteBuffer> blockTrailerBuffer_; /** Mapping of BlockTrailer start offset and all key-offset pairs info contained in the trailer. */ private final Map<Long, TObjectIntHashMap<ByteArray>> blockTrailerKeys; /** First keys of all the blocks present in the dmap loaded once. */ private ByteArray[] firstKeys; private final Logger logger_ = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DMap.class); private DMap(Builder loader) throws IOException { mapFile_ = loader.mapFile_; preloadAllKeyOffsets = loader.preloadOffsets_; preloadAllValues = loader.preloadValues_; cacheBlockCount_ = loader.cacheBlockSize_; raf_ = new ExtendedFileChannel(new RandomAccessFile(mapFile_, "r").getChannel()); int version = raf_.readInt(); if(version != VERSION) { throw new IOException("Invalid version of DMap file encountered. Please fix."); } // Sorted first keys: firstKey->blockStart firstKeyInBlock_ = new TreeMap<>(); // blockStartOffset->blockTrailerOffset blockOffsetInfo_ = new HashMap<>(); // without pre load key-offset, put BlockTrailer total to mem:<blockTrailerStartOffset, BlockTrailer> blockTrailerBuffer_ = new HashMap<>(); // BlockTrailerStartOffset map to <key, offset of value in current block> blockTrailerKeys = new HashMap<>(); size = raf_.readInt(); blockSize = raf_.readInt(); valuesCompressed = raf_.readBool(); if (size == 0) { cachedByteBuffers_ = new CachingHashMap<>(0); return; } //加载BlockTrailer里的key->offset到内存中,如果设置了preloadAllKeyOffsets的话 //否则直接把BlockTrailer加载到内存中.这样在get(key)时,需要解析BlockTrailer信息 loadKeyDetails(); //把value也加载到内存里.cachedByteBuffers_是每个Block的firstKey和整个数据块的内容的映射 if (preloadAllValues) { int numBlocks = getBlockCount(); // override the cacheBlockCount_ cachedByteBuffers_ = new CachingHashMap<>(numBlocks); for(ByteArray firstKey : firstKeyInBlock_.keySet()) { // firstKey --------------> blockStart ----------------> blockTrailerStart // firstKeyInBlock blockOffsetInfo //Block-A|Block-A-Trailer|Block-B|Block-B-Trailer //|blockStart // |blockTrailerStart //|<---->| // mappedBuffer long blockStart = firstKeyInBlock_.get(firstKey); long blockTrailerStart = blockOffsetInfo_.get(blockStart); //定位到blockStart位置,读取长度为blockTrailerStart-blockStart,即整个数据块的内容加载到内存中 MappedByteBuffer mappedBuffer_ =, blockStart, blockTrailerStart - blockStart); mappedBuffer_.load(); //缓存里存放的是每个块的第一个firstKey和整个数据块的内容 cachedByteBuffers_.put(firstKey, mappedBuffer_); } logger_.debug("Preloaded all " + numBlocks + " blocks."); } else //如果没有事先加载,则先构建一个Map. 在get的时候再放入 cachedByteBuffers_ = new CachingHashMap<>(cacheBlockCount_); } /* * This public Builder class allows creation of customized DMap instance. * This is the Only way to create a DMap instance. */ public static class Builder { private boolean preloadOffsets_; private boolean preloadValues_; private int cacheBlockSize_; private final File mapFile_; /** * A Loader constructor that takes a File parameter to be loaded into DMap. * * @param mapFile A File instance to be loaded. */ public Builder(File mapFile) { mapFile_ = mapFile; cacheBlockSize_ = DEFAULT_BLOCK_CACHE_COUNT; // by default, both keyoffset loading and value loading will be disabled preloadOffsets_ = false; preloadValues_ = false; } /** * This method enables key-offset preloading during DMap instantiation * * @return The current Loader instance. */ public Builder preloadOffsets() { this.preloadOffsets_ = true; return this; } /** * This method enables values preloading during DMap instantiation * * @return The current Loader instance. */ public Builder preloadValues() { this.preloadValues_ = true; return this; } /** * This method sets the DMap block limit to specified value * * @return The current Loader instance. */ public Builder setMaxBlockLimit(int value) { this.cacheBlockSize_ = value; return this; } /** * The parameter-less build method creates an instance of DMap. * This method needs to be called once all DMap customizations are done. * * @return A DMap instance. * @throws IOException */ public DMap build() throws IOException { return new DMap(this); } } /** * Get the number of entries in the map. * * @return Number of entries in the map. */ public int size() { return size; } /** * Get the size of a block in bytes * * @return Size of the blocks */ public int getBlockSize() { return blockSize; } /** * Get number of blocks in the map.数据块的数量 * * @return Number of blocks in the map. * @throws IOException */ public synchronized int getBlockCount() throws IOException { //首先定位到GlobalTrailerOffset,在DMapBuilder.build的最末尾,这个位置开始首先写入BlockCount long trailerOffset = getGlobalTrailerOffset(); raf_.position(trailerOffset); //读取出BlockCounts return raf_.readVInt(); } /** * Get byte[] value for key. * * @param key Key to retrieve the value for. * @return byte[] associated with key. */ public byte[] get(byte[] key) throws IOException { if (size == 0) return null; ByteArray keyBytes = new ByteArray(key); logger_.debug("get(" + keyBytes + ") - hash: " + keyBytes.hashCode()); // identify the block containing the given key using first key information. // firstKeys is settup at loadKeyDetails() ByteArray firstKeyBytes = ByteArrayUtils.findMaxElementLessThanTarget(firstKeys, keyBytes); // key not in range (less than start key) if(firstKeyBytes == null) return null; //firstKey-->所在的Block的startOffset-->BlockTrailerOffset //要获取key对应的value, 首先要找到key对应的value,其中value在Block中的Offset, 这个信息记录在BlockTrailer里 long blockStart = firstKeyInBlock_.get(firstKeyBytes); long blockTrailerStart = blockOffsetInfo_.get(blockStart); // load the value offset int valueOffset = getValueOffset(keyBytes, blockTrailerStart); if (valueOffset == troveNoEntryValue) return null; //缓存: 一整个Block的数据都缓存起来. 如果是顺序读的话,因为知道了Block的firstKey, //只要读取了Block的第一个key, 这个Block其余的key也都加载进内存中.而不必从文件中读取了 MappedByteBuffer blockMapBuffer = cachedByteBuffers_.get(firstKeyBytes); if(blockMapBuffer == null) { synchronized (cachedByteBuffers_) { blockMapBuffer = cachedByteBuffers_.get(firstKeyBytes); if (blockMapBuffer == null) { //起始位置是BlockStart, 读取的数量=BlockTrailerOffset-BlockStartOffset=这个所有value的长度 //|val1,val2,...| //|<BlockStart |<BlockTrailerOffset //后者减去前者就是当前Block所有的value了 blockMapBuffer =, blockStart, blockTrailerStart - blockStart); //缓存的key是Block的firstKey, 缓存的内容是这个Block的所有数据内容 //整个过程要做的工作和preloadAllValues=true时在构造函数里的工作一样.都是要加载整个数据块的内容到内存中 cachedByteBuffers_.put(firstKeyBytes, blockMapBuffer); } } } //上一步已经将当前Block放进内存中了,现在要获取value的值,因为知道了value在Block中的offset,可以直接从内存中get出来 ByteBuffer slice = blockMapBuffer.slice(); //定位到value所在的offset位置 slice.position(valueOffset); //数据value的格式是valLen,然后是value,所以依次读取 int valueLength = CompressionUtils.readVInt(slice); byte[] value = new byte[valueLength]; slice.get(value); //如果写入的时候经过压缩,读取的时候就要解压缩 if (valuesCompressed) value = Snappy.uncompress(value, 0, value.length); return value; } /* NOTE: * When Offset preloading is disabled, this method does a linear search over all the keys in the given block * to find the matching key and retrieve the value offset associated with the key. * Searching single block DMap contaning N keys will be slower than Searching M-Blocks DMap * with each block containing a subset of key. */ private int getValueOffset(ByteArray keyBytes, Long blockTrailerStartOffset) throws IOException { int valueOffset = troveNoEntryValue; //没有预加载key-offset的话,要从blockTrailerBuffer_中自己去解析出来 if(!preloadAllKeyOffsets) { // time for linear search over the keys in block using mappedTrailer // 现在trailerBuffer里放的是整个BlockTrailer的信息. 对应的内容就是DMapBuilder.updateBlockTrailer() ByteBuffer trailerBuffer = blockTrailerBuffer_.get(blockTrailerStartOffset).slice(); // load key count - int int numKeysInBlock = CompressionUtils.readVInt(trailerBuffer); // start search over keys 循环当前BlockTrailer里的所有key,判断和要查询的keyBytes是否一样,查到则找到offset for(int count=0; count<numKeysInBlock; count++) { int keyLen = CompressionUtils.readVInt(trailerBuffer); byte[] currentkey = new byte[keyLen]; trailerBuffer.get(currentkey); ByteArray currentKeyBytes = new ByteArray(currentkey); int offset = CompressionUtils.readVInt(trailerBuffer); logger_.debug("Comparing " + keyBytes + " and " + currentKeyBytes + " : " + keyBytes.compareTo(currentKeyBytes)); if(keyBytes.compareTo(currentKeyBytes) == 0) { valueOffset = offset; break; } } } else { // just look up in the existing map //value的offset记录在BlockTrailer里. //value看做Block,value之后的内容是BlockTrailer. BlockTrailer里记录了key的数量,key,以及key对应的value在Block中的offset //BlockTrailer的中文意思是Block的跟踪者. 跟踪者要能记录Block中的信息,才叫做跟踪. //对于Map而言,key对应value是很自然的. 通过key对应value在Block中的offset,可以间接地对应到value //value1,value2,...key1,value1'offset // |<------------------------| TObjectIntHashMap tmpMap = blockTrailerKeys.get(blockTrailerStartOffset); if(tmpMap != null) { valueOffset = tmpMap.get(keyBytes); } } return valueOffset; } // 定位到Header的postion=13位置,读取出里面的值,这个值是GlobalTrailerOffset在文件中的位置 private long getGlobalTrailerOffset() throws IOException { raf_.position(DEFAULT_LOC_FOR_TRAILER_OFFSET); return raf_.readLong(); } /** * * @param trailerStartOffset BlockTrailer的start-offset * @param trailerSize 这个值的计算方式是下一个Block的start减去前一个Block的Trailer. * @throws IOException */ private void processBlockTrailer(long trailerStartOffset, long trailerSize) throws IOException { //将BlockTrailer的内存都加载到内存中. BlockTrailer的信息是在DMapBuilder.updateBlockTrailer写入的 //主要是要将key和value在Block中的offset映射起来. 这样根据key能找到offset,从而在Block的offset处开始读取结果数据 MappedByteBuffer trailerBuffer =, trailerStartOffset, trailerSize); if(!preloadAllKeyOffsets) { //不预先加载keyOffset.这里的keyOffset中的offset指的是key对应的value在Block中的offset. //如果预先加载到内存中,则key对应的value的offset都在内存中.要查找key对应的value时, //直接获取tmpKeyOffsetMap.get(key)得到offset,然后定位到Block的offset开始读取数据. //如果没有预先加载,相当于BlockTrailer这部分信息要在get(key)的时候每次都解析一次. //放到内存的好处是事先把BlockTrailer的信息都解析出来.这样在get时,直接从内存获取,无需解析. blockTrailerBuffer_.put(trailerStartOffset, trailerBuffer); } else { //BlockTrailer首先写入当前Block的key数量,因为写入的使用使用writeVInt,对应读取的时候就用readVInt int numKeysInBlock = CompressionUtils.readVInt(trailerBuffer); //构造和key数量相符(初始容量)的Map TObjectIntHashMap<ByteArray> tmpKeyOffsetMap = new TObjectIntHashMap<>((int) (numKeysInBlock/troveLoadFactor+0.5), troveLoadFactor, troveNoEntryValue); //读取的顺序和在DMapBuilder.updateBlockTrailer中写入的顺序一样 for(int count=0; count<numKeysInBlock; count++) { //keyLen, key, key对应的value在当前Block的offset int keyLen = CompressionUtils.readVInt(trailerBuffer); byte[] currentkey = new byte[keyLen]; trailerBuffer.get(currentkey); ByteArray currentKeyBytes = new ByteArray(currentkey); int offset = CompressionUtils.readVInt(trailerBuffer); //key->value在当前Block的offset tmpKeyOffsetMap.put(currentKeyBytes, offset); } //BlockTrailer的开始位置--> <key-->value在Block里的offset> //因为一个DataBlock写入了多个value,同样BlockTrailer里也记录了多个key. //blockTrailerKeys记录的是一个BlockTrailer的offset, 以及在这里面的所有key和所有value在Block中的offset blockTrailerKeys.put(trailerStartOffset, tmpKeyOffsetMap); } } private void loadKeyDetails() throws IOException { // 定位到GlobalTrailerOffset,并读取出BlockCounts. int numBlocks = getBlockCount(); logger_.debug("Number of blocks in file : " + numBlocks); long blockStart; long blockTrailerStart; long prevBlockTrailerStart = -1; for(int blockCount = 0; blockCount < numBlocks; ++blockCount) { //写入的顺序对应DMapBuilder的step8:BlockStart, BlockTrailer, firstKeyLen, firstKey blockStart = raf_.readVLong(); blockTrailerStart = raf_.readVLong(); int firstKeySize = raf_.readVInt(); byte[] firstKeyBytes = new byte[firstKeySize];; firstKeyInBlock_.put(new ByteArray(firstKeyBytes), blockStart); blockOffsetInfo_.put(blockStart, blockTrailerStart); //第一个数据块没有前面的数据块.所以第一个数据块不会调用processBlockTrailer //Block-1|Block-1-Trailer|Block-2|Block-2-Trailer //| |prevBlockTrailerStart //blockStart //第二个数据块,blockCount=1. 文件的格式为(数据块之间以|分隔): //Block-1|Block-1-Trailer|Block-2|Block-2-Trailer // |prevBlockTrailerStart // |blockStart // |<------------->| // BlockTrailer to be processed. firstParam:prevBlockTrailerStart, secParam:trailerSize // 因为第一次循环没有处理,第二次循环处理第一个BlockTrailer. 当到达最后一次循环时,处理的是倒数第二个BlockTrailer // 所以在循环外面还需要最后一次处理,处理最后一个BlockTrailer. if(blockCount > 0) { // compute the previous block's trailer size and store the information processBlockTrailer(prevBlockTrailerStart, blockStart - prevBlockTrailerStart); } prevBlockTrailerStart = blockTrailerStart; } processBlockTrailer(prevBlockTrailerStart, getGlobalTrailerOffset()-prevBlockTrailerStart); // load all the first keys for binary search during get() firstKeys = new ByteArray[firstKeyInBlock_.size()]; firstKeyInBlock_.keySet().toArray(firstKeys); } /** * This method returns an iterator for this DMap with different implementations for different preload settings. * These iterators are NOT thread save. * @return an iterator for the current dmap */ public EntryIterator entryIterator() { if (preloadAllKeyOffsets) return new EntryIteratorForPreloadedKeys(); else return new EntryIteratorWithoutPreloading(); } private class EntryIteratorWithoutPreloading implements EntryIterator { Iterator<MappedByteBuffer> blockIterator_; ByteBuffer curBuffer_; int curBlockKeyNum_; int curKey_; //如果没有预加载key-offset,则可用的是BlockTrailer的信息:blockTrailerBuffer_:<BlockTrailerOffset,BlockTrailer> private EntryIteratorWithoutPreloading() { //the iterator of BlockTrailer. 用于迭代每个BlockTrailer //next方法的迭代由用户控制,循环读取BlockTrailer的每一对信息 //实际上是否控制执行下一个BlockTrailer都是在next()方法中执行. blockIterator_ = blockTrailerBuffer_.values().iterator(); if (blockIterator_.hasNext()) { // current BlockTrailer curBuffer_ =; // the first data is the number of keys in this block/blockTrailer curBlockKeyNum_ = CompressionUtils.readVInt(curBuffer_); } else { curBuffer_ = null; curBlockKeyNum_ = 0; } curKey_ = 0; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return curKey_ < curBlockKeyNum_ || blockIterator_.hasNext(); } @Override public Entry next() throws IOException { // TODO: make it more efficient if necessary if (curKey_++ < curBlockKeyNum_) { // keyLen, key, offset int keyLen = CompressionUtils.readVInt(curBuffer_); byte[] key = new byte[keyLen]; curBuffer_.get(key); // skip offset, 因为next循环要能够定位到每一个|keyLen,key,offset|的边界 CompressionUtils.readVInt(curBuffer_); // Entry的两个参数分别是key和对应的value. return new Entry(key, get(key)); } else if (blockIterator_.hasNext()) { // 一个BlockTrailer已经读取完了.判断是否有下一个BlockTrailer,有的话,重置相关变量,下一次从if里执行 curBuffer_ =; // 第一个BlockTrailer的这三个变量都在构造函数里,接下来的BlockTrailer在这里设置 curBlockKeyNum_ = CompressionUtils.readVInt(curBuffer_); curKey_ = 0; // 递归调用. return next(); } else return null; } } private class EntryIteratorForPreloadedKeys implements EntryIterator { Iterator<TObjectIntHashMap<ByteArray>> blockIterator_; Iterator<ByteArray> keyIterator_; Entry nextEntry; // 如果预加载了key-offset,则从blockTrailerKeys中获取:<BlockTrailerOffset,<key,offset>> private EntryIteratorForPreloadedKeys() { blockIterator_ = blockTrailerKeys.values().iterator(); if (blockIterator_.hasNext()) { keyIterator_ =; } else keyIterator_ = null; nextEntry = null; } @Override public boolean hasNext() throws IOException { if (nextEntry == null) nextEntry = getNextEntry(); return nextEntry != null; } @Override public Entry next() throws IOException { if (nextEntry == null) nextEntry = getNextEntry(); Entry tmpNextEntry = nextEntry; nextEntry = null; return tmpNextEntry; } private Entry getNextEntry() throws IOException { // TODO: make it more efficient if necessary // 当前BlockTrailer里的key->offset的迭代 if (keyIterator_ != null && keyIterator_.hasNext()) { ByteArray key =; return new Entry(key.getBytes(), get(key.getBytes())); } //当前BlockTrailer里的List都读取完了,读取下一个BlockTrailer //因为blockTrailerKeys放的是BlockTrailerOffset和key->offset的映射. //if里执行的是key->offset的迭代 while (blockIterator_.hasNext()) { keyIterator_ =; if (keyIterator_.hasNext()) //还是递归调用. 一个BlockTrailer读取完毕,要接着下一个BlockTrailer里的key->offset return getNextEntry(); } return null; } } /** * A not thread save iterator for DMap entries (byte[], byte[]) */ public static interface EntryIterator { public boolean hasNext() throws IOException; public Entry next() throws IOException; } public static class Entry { private byte[] key; private byte[] value; private Entry(byte[] key, byte[] value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } public byte[] getKey() { return key; } public byte[] getValue() { return value; } } }