package com.interview.books.topcoder.string; /** * Created_By: stefanie * Date: 15-1-19 * Time: 下午2:57 * * As managing editor of you find to your dismay that you must follow through on your threat * to replace your "Editor of Conventionally Structured Poetry" with a very small shell script (or something to * that effect). * * The first part of this project is to build a method that returns the last cyberword of a cyberline of * cybertext, in a form that is convenient for rhyme testing. Since this is bad cyber poetry, words may contain * symbols other than letters. * * A "cyberword" may contain letters, numbers, the hyphen (minus) character '-' and the '@' character (quotes * for clarity). Cyberwords must contain at least one character that is a letter, number or '@'. Isolated * hyphens or strings of hyphens alone are not cyberwords. Any other character is considered punctuation or * white space and causes a cyberword break. * * Cyberlines may contain cyberwords, punctuation, and spaces in any order, so the last cyberword may not be at * the end of the cyberline. The cyberword you return should have all hyphens removed to simplify rhyme testing. * * For example: In the string "Zowie: This is a line of##cyber-poetry## !", "cyberpoetry" is returned. */ public class TC_S2_CyberLine { public String lastCyberword(String cyberline){ String[] w = cyberline.replaceAll("-","") .replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ") .split(" "); return w[w.length - 1]; } public static void main(String[] args){ TC_S2_CyberLine parser = new TC_S2_CyberLine(); String lines = "Zowie: This is a line of##cyber-poetry## !"; System.out.println(parser.lastCyberword(lines)); } }