package org.rascalmpl.repl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.asserts.Ambiguous; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.result.IRascalResult; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.utils.LimitedResultWriter.IOLimitReachedException; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.utils.ReadEvalPrintDialogMessages; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.utils.StringUtils; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.utils.StringUtils.OffsetLengthTerm; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.ideservices.IDEServices; import org.rascalmpl.library.util.PathConfig; import org.rascalmpl.uri.URIResolverRegistry; import org.rascalmpl.uri.URIUtil; import org.rascalmpl.value.IConstructor; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISourceLocation; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValueFactory; import; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type; import org.rascalmpl.values.ValueFactoryFactory; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.RascalValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.TreeAdapter; import jline.Terminal; public abstract class BaseRascalREPL extends BaseREPL { protected enum State { FRESH, CONTINUATION, DEBUG, DEBUG_CONTINUATION } private State currentState = State.FRESH; protected State getState() { return currentState; } private final static int LINE_LIMIT = 200; private final static int CHAR_LIMIT = LINE_LIMIT * 20; protected String currentPrompt = ReadEvalPrintDialogMessages.PROMPT; private StringBuffer currentCommand; private final StandardTextWriter indentedPrettyPrinter; private final StandardTextWriter singleLinePrettyPrinter; private final static IValueFactory VF = ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory(); public BaseRascalREPL(PathConfig pcfg, InputStream stdin, OutputStream stdout, boolean prettyPrompt, boolean allowColors,File persistentHistory, Terminal terminal, IDEServices ideServices) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { super(pcfg, stdin, stdout, prettyPrompt, allowColors, persistentHistory, terminal, ideServices); if (terminal.isAnsiSupported() && allowColors) { indentedPrettyPrinter = new ReplTextWriter(); singleLinePrettyPrinter = new ReplTextWriter(false); } else { indentedPrettyPrinter = new StandardTextWriter(); singleLinePrettyPrinter = new StandardTextWriter(false); } } @Override protected String getPrompt() { return currentPrompt; } @Override protected void handleInput(String line) throws InterruptedException { assert line != null; try { if (line.trim().length() == 0) { // cancel command getErrorWriter().println(ReadEvalPrintDialogMessages.CANCELLED); currentPrompt = ReadEvalPrintDialogMessages.PROMPT; currentCommand = null; currentState = State.FRESH; return; } if (currentCommand == null) { // we are still at a new command so let's see if the line is a full command if (isStatementComplete(line)) { printResult(evalStatement(line, line)); } else { currentCommand = new StringBuffer(line); currentPrompt = ReadEvalPrintDialogMessages.CONTINUE_PROMPT; currentState = State.CONTINUATION; return; } } else { currentCommand.append('\n'); currentCommand.append(line); if (isStatementComplete(currentCommand.toString())) { printResult(evalStatement(currentCommand.toString(), line)); currentPrompt = ReadEvalPrintDialogMessages.PROMPT; currentCommand = null; currentState = State.FRESH; return; } } } catch (IOException ie) { throw new RuntimeException(ie); } catch (Ambiguous e) { getErrorWriter().println("Internal error: ambiguous command: " + TreeAdapter.yield(e.getTree())); return; } } @Override protected void handleReset() throws InterruptedException { handleInput(""); } private void printResult(IRascalResult result) throws IOException { if (result == null) { return; } PrintWriter out = getOutputWriter(); IValue value = result.getValue(); if (value == null) { out.println("ok"); out.flush(); return; } Type type = result.getType(); if (type.isAbstractData() && type.isStrictSubtypeOf(RascalValueFactory.Tree) && !type.isBottom()) { out.print(type.toString()); out.print(": "); // we unparse the tree out.print("(" + type.toString() +") `"); TreeAdapter.yield((IConstructor)result.getValue(), true, out); out.print("`"); } else { out.print(type.toString()); out.print(": "); // limit both the lines and the characters try (Writer wrt = new LimitedWriter(new LimitedLineWriter(out, LINE_LIMIT), CHAR_LIMIT)) { indentedPrettyPrinter.write(value, wrt); } catch (IOLimitReachedException e) { // ignore since this is what we wanted } } out.println(); out.flush(); } protected abstract PrintWriter getErrorWriter(); protected abstract PrintWriter getOutputWriter(); protected abstract boolean isStatementComplete(String command); protected abstract IRascalResult evalStatement(String statement, String lastLine) throws InterruptedException; /** * provide which :set flags (:set profiling true for example) * @return strings that can be set */ protected abstract SortedSet<String> getCommandLineOptions(); protected abstract Collection<String> completePartialIdentifier(String line, int cursor, String qualifier, String identifier); protected abstract Collection<String> completeModule(String qualifier, String partialModuleName); protected boolean isREPLCommand(String line){ return line.startsWith(":"); } @Override protected CompletionResult completeFragment(String line, int cursor) { if (currentState == State.FRESH) { String trimmedLine = line.trim(); if (isREPLCommand(trimmedLine)) { return completeREPLCommand(line, cursor); } if (trimmedLine.startsWith("import ") || trimmedLine.startsWith("extend ")) { return completeModule(line, cursor); } } int locationStart = StringUtils.findRascalLocationStart(line, cursor); if (locationStart != -1) { return completeLocation(line, locationStart); } return completeIdentifier(line, cursor); } protected CompletionResult completeIdentifier(String line, int cursor) { OffsetLengthTerm identifier = StringUtils.findRascalIdentifierAtOffset(line, cursor); if (identifier != null) { String[] qualified = StringUtils.splitQualifiedName(unescapeKeywords(identifier.term)); String qualifier = qualified.length == 2 ? qualified[0] : ""; String qualifee = qualified.length == 2 ? qualified[1] : qualified[0]; Collection<String> suggestions = completePartialIdentifier(line, cursor, qualifier, qualifee); if (suggestions != null && ! suggestions.isEmpty()) { return new CompletionResult(identifier.offset, escapeKeywords(suggestions)); } } return null; } private static final Pattern splitIdentifiers = Pattern.compile("[:][:]"); private static Collection<String> escapeKeywords(Collection<String> suggestions) { return .map(s -> splitIdentifiers.splitAsStream(s + " ") // add space such that the ending "::" is not lost .map(BaseRascalREPL::escapeKeyword) .collect(Collectors.joining("::")).trim() ) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private static String unescapeKeywords(String term) { return splitIdentifiers.splitAsStream(term + " ") // add space such that the ending "::" is not lost .map(BaseRascalREPL::unescapeKeyword) .collect(Collectors.joining("::")).trim() ; } private static final Set<String> RASCAL_KEYWORDS = new HashSet<String>(); private static void assureKeywordsAreScrapped() { if (RASCAL_KEYWORDS.isEmpty()) { synchronized (RASCAL_KEYWORDS) { if (!RASCAL_KEYWORDS.isEmpty()) { return; } String rascalGrammar = ""; try (Reader grammarReader = URIResolverRegistry.getInstance().getCharacterReader(ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory().sourceLocation("std", "", "/lang/rascal/syntax/Rascal.rsc"))) { StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); char[] chunk = new char[8 * 1024]; int read; while ((read =, 0, chunk.length)) != -1) { res.append(chunk, 0, read); } rascalGrammar = res.toString(); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!rascalGrammar.isEmpty()) { /* * keyword RascalKeywords * = "o" * | "syntax" * | "keyword" * | "lexical" * ... * ; */ Pattern findKeywordSection = Pattern.compile("^\\s*keyword([^=]|\\s)*=(?<keywords>([^;]|\\s)*);", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher m = findKeywordSection.matcher(rascalGrammar); if (m.find()) { String keywords = "|" +"keywords"); Pattern keywordEntry = Pattern.compile("\\s*[|]\\s*[\"](?<keyword>[^\"]*)[\"]"); m = keywordEntry.matcher(keywords); while (m.find()) { RASCAL_KEYWORDS.add("keyword")); } } /* * syntax BasicType = \value: "value" | \loc: "loc" | \node: "node" */ Pattern findBasicTypeSection = Pattern.compile("^\\s*syntax\\s*BasicType([^=]|\\s)*=(?<keywords>([^;]|\\s)*);", Pattern.MULTILINE); m = findBasicTypeSection.matcher(rascalGrammar); if (m.find()) { String keywords = "|" +"keywords"); Pattern keywordEntry = Pattern.compile("\\s*[|][^:]*:\\s*[\"](?<keyword>[^\"]*)[\"]"); m = keywordEntry.matcher(keywords); while (m.find()) { RASCAL_KEYWORDS.add("keyword")); } } } if (RASCAL_KEYWORDS.isEmpty()) { RASCAL_KEYWORDS.add("syntax"); } } } } private static String escapeKeyword(String s) { assureKeywordsAreScrapped(); if (RASCAL_KEYWORDS.contains(s)) { return "\\" + s; } return s; } private static String unescapeKeyword(String s) { assureKeywordsAreScrapped(); if (s.startsWith("\\") && !s.contains("-")) { return s.substring(1); } return s; } @Override protected boolean supportsCompletion() { return true; } @Override protected boolean printSpaceAfterFullCompletion() { return false; } private CompletionResult completeLocation(String line, int locationStart) { int locationEnd = StringUtils.findRascalLocationEnd(line, locationStart); try { String locCandidate = line.substring(locationStart + 1, locationEnd + 1); if (!locCandidate.contains("://")) { return null; } ISourceLocation directory = VF.sourceLocation(new URI(locCandidate)); String fileName = ""; URIResolverRegistry reg = URIResolverRegistry.getInstance(); if (!reg.isDirectory(directory)) { // split filename and directory String fullPath = directory.getPath(); int lastSeparator = fullPath.lastIndexOf('/'); fileName = fullPath.substring(lastSeparator + 1); fullPath = fullPath.substring(0, lastSeparator); directory = VF.sourceLocation(directory.getScheme(), directory.getAuthority(), fullPath); if (!reg.isDirectory(directory)) { return null; } } String[] filesInPath = reg.listEntries(directory); URI directoryURI = directory.getURI(); Set<String> result = new TreeSet<>(); // sort it up for (String currentFile : filesInPath) { if (currentFile.startsWith(fileName)) { URI currentDir = URIUtil.getChildURI(directoryURI, currentFile); boolean isDirectory = reg.isDirectory(VF.sourceLocation(currentDir)); result.add(currentDir.toString() + (isDirectory ? "/" : "|")); } } if (result.size() > 0) { return new CompletionResult(locationStart + 1, result); } return null; } catch (URISyntaxException|IOException e) { return null; } } public CompletionResult completeModule(String line, int cursor) { OffsetLengthTerm identifier = StringUtils.findRascalIdentifierAtOffset(line, line.length()); if (identifier != null) { String[] qualified = StringUtils.splitQualifiedName(unescapeKeywords(identifier.term)); String qualifier = qualified.length == 2 ? qualified[0] : ""; String qualifee = qualified.length == 2 ? qualified[1] : qualified[0]; Collection<String> suggestions = completeModule(qualifier, qualifee); if (suggestions != null && ! suggestions.isEmpty()) { return new CompletionResult(identifier.offset, escapeKeywords(suggestions)); } } return null; } protected CompletionResult completeREPLCommand(String line, int cursor) { return RascalCommandCompletion.complete(line, cursor, getCommandLineOptions(), (l,i) -> completeIdentifier(l,i), (l,i) -> completeModule(l,i)); } }