package org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter; import; import; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.IEvaluatorContext; // TODO: remove import? NOT YET: Only used as argument of reflective library function import org.rascalmpl.library.util.PathConfig; import org.rascalmpl.value.IBool; import org.rascalmpl.value.IConstructor; import org.rascalmpl.value.IMap; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISourceLocation; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.TypeStore; public class ExecuteProgram { IValueFactory vf; public ExecuteProgram(IValueFactory vf) { this.vf =vf; } // Library function to serialize a RVMProgram public void linkAndSerializeProgram( ISourceLocation rvmProgramLoc, IConstructor rvmProgram, IBool jvm ) throws IOException { TypeStore typeStore = new TypeStore(); RVMExecutable exec =, jvm, typeStore); exec.write(rvmProgramLoc); } // Library function to execute a RVMProgram // (Interpreter version) public IValue executeProgram( IConstructor rvmProgram, IMap keywordArguments, IBool debug, IBool debugRVM, IBool testsuite, IBool profile, IBool trace, IBool coverage, IBool jvm, IEvaluatorContext ctx ) throws IOException { TypeStore typeStore = new TypeStore(); RVMExecutable executable =, jvm, typeStore); if(executable.isValid()){ RascalExecutionContext rex = null; try { rex = ExecutionTools.makeRex(new PathConfig(), executable, ctx.getStdOut(), ctx.getStdErr(), debug, debugRVM, testsuite, profile, trace, coverage, jvm, typeStore); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // to be able to link the classes necessary for compiling parsers and to link builtins implemented based on jars for (ClassLoader l : ctx.getEvaluator().getClassLoaders()) { rex.addClassLoader(l); } rex.getConfiguration().setRascalJavaClassPathProperty(ctx.getConfiguration().getRascalJavaClassPathProperty()); return ExecutionTools.executeProgram(executable, new KWArgs(vf).add(keywordArguments).build(), rex); } else { throw new IOException("Cannot execute program with errors: " + executable.getErrors().toString()); } } // Library function to execute an RVMProgram // (Compiler version) public IValue executeProgram( IConstructor rvmProgram, IMap keywordArguments, IBool debug, IBool debugRVM, IBool testsuite, IBool profile, IBool trace, IBool coverage, IBool jvm, RascalExecutionContext rex ) throws IOException { TypeStore typeStore = new TypeStore(); RVMExecutable executable =, jvm, typeStore); if(executable.isValid()){ RascalExecutionContext rex2 = ExecutionTools.makeRex(rex.getPathConfig(), executable, rex.getStdOut(), rex.getStdErr(), debug, debugRVM, testsuite, profile, trace, coverage, jvm, typeStore); return ExecutionTools.executeProgram(executable, new KWArgs(vf).add(keywordArguments).build(), rex2); } else { throw new IOException("Cannot execute program with errors: " + executable.getErrors().toString()); } } // Library function to link and execute a RVM program from file // (Interpreter version) public IValue executeProgram( ISourceLocation rvmExecutableLoc, IMap keywordArguments, IBool debug, IBool debugRVM, IBool testsuite, IBool profile, IBool trace, IBool coverage, IBool jvm, IEvaluatorContext ctx ) throws IOException { TypeStore typeStore = new TypeStore(); RVMExecutable executable = ExecutionTools.load(rvmExecutableLoc, typeStore); if(executable.isValid()){ RascalExecutionContext rex = null; try { rex = ExecutionTools.makeRex(new PathConfig(), executable, ctx.getStdOut(), ctx.getStdErr(), debug, debugRVM, testsuite, profile, trace, coverage, jvm, typeStore); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // to be able to link the classes necessary for compiling parsers and to link builtins implemented based on jars for (ClassLoader l : ctx.getEvaluator().getClassLoaders()) { rex.addClassLoader(l); } rex.getConfiguration().setRascalJavaClassPathProperty(ctx.getConfiguration().getRascalJavaClassPathProperty()); return ExecutionTools.executeProgram(executable, new KWArgs(vf).add(keywordArguments).build(), rex); } else { throw new IOException("Cannot execute program with errors: " + executable.getErrors().toString()); } } // Library function to link and execute a RVM program from file // (Compiler version) public IValue executeProgram( ISourceLocation rvmExecutableLoc, IMap keywordArguments, IBool debug, IBool debugRVM, IBool testsuite, IBool profile, IBool trace, IBool coverage, IBool jvm, RascalExecutionContext rex ) throws IOException { TypeStore typeStore = new TypeStore(); RVMExecutable executable = ExecutionTools.load(rvmExecutableLoc, typeStore); if(executable.isValid()){ RascalExecutionContext rex2 = ExecutionTools.makeRex(rex.getPathConfig(), executable, rex.getStdOut(), rex.getStdErr(), debug, debugRVM, testsuite, profile, trace, coverage, jvm, typeStore); return ExecutionTools.executeProgram(executable, new KWArgs(vf).add(keywordArguments).build(), rex2); } else { throw new IOException("Cannot execute program with errors: " + executable.getErrors().toString()); } } }