package org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTBasicObjectSerializer; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTClazzInfo; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTConfiguration; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectInput; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectOutput; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.ITestResultListener; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.VersionInfo; import org.rascalmpl.library.util.SemVer; import org.rascalmpl.uri.URIResolverRegistry; import org.rascalmpl.value.IList; import org.rascalmpl.value.IListWriter; import org.rascalmpl.value.IMap; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISet; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISourceLocation; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.TypeStore; import org.rascalmpl.values.ValueFactoryFactory; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.RascalValueFactory; /** * RVMExecutable contains all data needed for executing an RVM program. * * RVMExecutable is serialized by FSTRVMExecutableSerializer; make sure that * all **non-static** fields declared here are synced with the serializer. */ public class RVMExecutable implements Serializable{ static private final FSTSerializableType serializableType; static private final FSTSerializableIValue serializableIValue; static private final FSTRVMExecutableSerializer rvmExecutableSerializer; static private final FSTFunctionSerializer functionSerializer; static private final FSTOverloadedFunctionSerializer overloadedFunctionSerializer; static private final FSTCodeBlockSerializer codeblockSerializer; static { // set up FST serialization in gredients that will be reused across read/write calls // PDB Types serializableType = new FSTSerializableType(); // PDB values serializableIValue = new FSTSerializableIValue(); // Specific serializers rvmExecutableSerializer = new FSTRVMExecutableSerializer(); functionSerializer = new FSTFunctionSerializer(); overloadedFunctionSerializer = new FSTOverloadedFunctionSerializer(); codeblockSerializer = new FSTCodeBlockSerializer(); } /** * Create an FSTConfiguration depending on the used extension: ".json" triggers the JSON reader/writer. * Note: the JSON version is somewhat larger and slower but is usefull for recovery during bootstrapping incidents. * @param source or desination of executable * @return an initialized FSTConfiguration */ private static FSTConfiguration makeFSTConfig(ISourceLocation path){ FSTConfiguration config = path.getURI().getPath().contains(".json") ? FSTConfiguration.createJsonConfiguration() : FSTConfiguration.createDefaultConfiguration(); config.registerSerializer(FSTSerializableType.class, serializableType, false); config.registerSerializer(FSTSerializableIValue.class, serializableIValue, false); config.registerSerializer(RVMExecutable.class, rvmExecutableSerializer, false); config.registerSerializer(Function.class, functionSerializer, false); config.registerSerializer(OverloadedFunction.class, overloadedFunctionSerializer, false); config.registerSerializer(CodeBlock.class, codeblockSerializer, false); config.registerClass(OverloadedFunction.class); return config; } private static final long serialVersionUID = -8966920880207428792L; static final String RASCAL_MAGIC = "Rascal Vincit Omnia"; // transient fields static IValueFactory vf; static TypeStore store; // Serializable fields private ISet errors; private String module_name; private IMap moduleTags; private IMap symbol_definitions; private Function[] functionStore; private Map<String, Integer> functionMap; // Constructors private ArrayList<Type> constructorStore; private Map<String, Integer> constructorMap; // Function overloading private OverloadedFunction[] overloadedStore; private Map<String, Integer> resolver; private ArrayList<String> initializers; private String uid_module_init; private String uid_module_main; private byte[] jvmByteCode; private String fullyQualifiedDottedName; public RVMExecutable(ISet errors){ this.errors = errors; } public RVMExecutable( final String module_name, final IMap moduleTags, final IMap symbol_definitions, final Map<String, Integer> functionMap, final Function[] functionStore, final Map<String, Integer> constructorMap, final ArrayList<Type> constructorStore, final Map<String, Integer> resolver, final OverloadedFunction[] overloadedStore, ArrayList<String> initializers, String uid_module_init, String uid_module_main, TypeStore ts, IValueFactory vfactory, boolean jvm ) throws IOException{ vf = vfactory; store = ts; this.errors = vf.set(); this.module_name = module_name; this.moduleTags = moduleTags; this.symbol_definitions = symbol_definitions; this.functionMap = functionMap; this.functionStore = functionStore; this.constructorMap = constructorMap; this.constructorStore = constructorStore; this.resolver = resolver; this.overloadedStore = overloadedStore; this.initializers = initializers; this.uid_module_init = uid_module_init; this.uid_module_main = uid_module_main; if(jvm){ generateClassFile(false); clearForJVM(); } } void clearForJVM(){ for(Function f : functionStore){ f.clearForJVM(); } } public Boolean isValid(){ return errors.size() == 0; } public ISet getErrors(){ return errors; } public String getModuleName() { return module_name; } public IMap getModuleTags() { return moduleTags; } IMap getSymbolDefinitions() { return symbol_definitions; } public Function[] getFunctionStore() { return functionStore; } public Map<String, Integer> getFunctionMap() { return functionMap; } public ArrayList<Type> getConstructorStore() { return constructorStore; } public Map<String, Integer> getConstructorMap() { return constructorMap; } OverloadedFunction[] getOverloadedStore() { return overloadedStore; } Map<String, Integer> getResolver() { return resolver; } ArrayList<String> getInitializers() { return initializers; } public ArrayList<Function> getTests(){ ArrayList<Function> tests = new ArrayList<>(); if(functionStore != null){ for(Function f : functionStore){ if(f.isTest){ tests.add(f); } } } return tests; } public IList executeTests(ITestResultListener testResultListener, RascalExecutionContext rex){ IListWriter w = vf.listWriter(); for(Function f : functionStore){ if(f.isTest){ w.append(f.executeTest(testResultListener, rex)); } } return w.done(); } String getUidModuleInit() { return uid_module_init; } String getUidModuleMain() { return uid_module_main; } byte[] getJvmByteCode() { return jvmByteCode; } void setJvmByteCode(byte[] jvmByteCode) { this.jvmByteCode = jvmByteCode; } String getFullyQualifiedDottedName() { return fullyQualifiedDottedName; } void setFullyQualifiedDottedName(String fullyQualifiedDottedName) { this.fullyQualifiedDottedName = fullyQualifiedDottedName; } private String getGeneratedPackageName(){ String packageName = ""; //"org.rascalmpl.library"; int n = module_name.lastIndexOf("::"); if(n > 2){ if(!packageName.isEmpty()){ packageName += "."; } packageName += module_name.substring(0, n).replaceAll("::", "."); } return packageName; } private String getGeneratedClassName(){ String className; int n = module_name.lastIndexOf("::"); if(n > 2){ className = module_name.substring(n + 2); } else { className = module_name; } className += "$Compiled"; return className; } String getGeneratedClassQualifiedName(){ String packageName = getGeneratedPackageName(); String className = getGeneratedClassName(); return packageName + (packageName.isEmpty() ? "" : ".") + className; } void generateClassFile(boolean debug) { try { BytecodeGenerator codeEmittor = new BytecodeGenerator(functionStore, overloadedStore, functionMap, constructorMap, resolver); codeEmittor.buildClass(getGeneratedPackageName(), getGeneratedClassName(), debug) ; jvmByteCode = codeEmittor.finalizeCode(); fullyQualifiedDottedName = codeEmittor.finalName().replace('/', '.') ; if(debug){ codeEmittor.dumpClass(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().startsWith("Method code too large")) { // ASM does not provide an indication of _which_ method is too large, so let's find out: Comparator<Function> c = ((x, y) -> x.codeblock.finalCode.length - y.codeblock.finalCode.length); throw new RuntimeException("Function too large: " +, e); } else { throw e; } } } public void write(ISourceLocation rvmExecutable) throws IOException{ OutputStream fileOut; TypeStore typeStore = RascalValueFactory.getStore(); //new TypeStore(RascalValueFactory.getStore()); FSTSerializableType.initSerialization(vf, typeStore); FSTSerializableIValue.initSerialization(vf, typeStore); FSTRVMExecutableSerializer.initSerialization(vf, typeStore); FSTFunctionSerializer.initSerialization(vf, typeStore); FSTCodeBlockSerializer.initSerialization(vf, typeStore); ISourceLocation compOut = rvmExecutable; fileOut = URIResolverRegistry.getInstance().getOutputStream(compOut, false); FSTObjectOutput out = new FSTObjectOutput(fileOut, makeFSTConfig(rvmExecutable)); //long before = Timing.getCpuTime(); out.writeObject(this); out.close(); //System.out.println("RVMExecutable.write: " + compOut.getPath() + " [" + (Timing.getCpuTime() - before)/1000000 + " msec]"); } public static RVMExecutable read(ISourceLocation rvmExecutable, TypeStore typeStore) throws IOException { vf = ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory(); // TypeStore typeStore = new TypeStore(RascalValueFactory.getStore()); FSTSerializableType.initSerialization(vf, typeStore); FSTSerializableIValue.initSerialization(vf, typeStore); FSTRVMExecutableSerializer.initSerialization(vf, typeStore); FSTFunctionSerializer.initSerialization(vf, typeStore); FSTCodeBlockSerializer.initSerialization(vf, typeStore); try (InputStream fileIn = URIResolverRegistry.getInstance().getInputStream(rvmExecutable); FSTObjectInput in = new FSTObjectInput(fileIn, makeFSTConfig(rvmExecutable))) { return (RVMExecutable) in.readObject(RVMExecutable.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException c) { throw new IOException("Class not found: " + c.getMessage(), c); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e); } } } class FSTRVMExecutableSerializer extends FSTBasicObjectSerializer { private static IValueFactory vf; private static TypeStore store; public static void initSerialization(IValueFactory vfactory, TypeStore ts){ vf = vfactory; store = ts; store.extendStore(RascalValueFactory.getStore()); } @Override public void writeObject(FSTObjectOutput out, Object toWrite, FSTClazzInfo arg2, FSTFieldInfo arg3, int arg4) throws IOException { int n; RVMExecutable ex = (RVMExecutable) toWrite; // Write standard header out.writeObject(RVMExecutable.RASCAL_MAGIC); out.writeObject(VersionInfo.RASCAL_VERSION); out.writeObject(VersionInfo.RASCAL_RUNTIME_VERSION); out.writeObject(VersionInfo.RASCAL_COMPILER_VERSION); // String[] errors out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableIValue(ex.getErrors())); if(!ex.isValid()){ return; } // public String module_name; out.writeObject(ex.getModuleName()); // public IMap moduleTags; out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableIValue(ex.getModuleTags())); // public IMap symbol_definitions; out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableIValue(ex.getSymbolDefinitions())); // public ArrayList<Function> functionStore; // public Map<String, Integer> functionMap; out.writeObject(ex.getFunctionStore()); // public ArrayList<Type> constructorStore; n = ex.getConstructorStore().size(); out.writeObject(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableType(ex.getConstructorStore().get(i))); } // public Map<String, Integer> constructorMap; out.writeObject(ex.getConstructorMap()); // public ArrayList<OverloadedFunction> overloadedStore; out.writeObject(ex.getOverloadedStore()); // public Map<String, Integer> resolver; out.writeObject(ex.getResolver()); // ArrayList<String> initializers; out.writeObject(ex.getInitializers()); // public String uid_module_init; out.writeObject(ex.getUidModuleInit()); // public String uid_module_main; out.writeObject(ex.getUidModuleMain()); // public byte[] jvmByteCode; out.writeObject(ex.getJvmByteCode()); // public String fullyQualifiedDottedName; out.writeObject(ex.getFullyQualifiedDottedName()); } public void readObject(FSTObjectInput in, Object toRead, FSTClazzInfo clzInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencedBy) { } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object instantiate(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class objectClass, FSTObjectInput in, FSTClazzInfo serializationInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencee, int streamPosition) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { int n; // Read and check standard header // Check magic String rascal_magic = (String) in.readObject(); if(!rascal_magic.equals(RVMExecutable.RASCAL_MAGIC)){ throw new RuntimeException("Cannot read incompatible Rascal executable"); } // Check RASCAL_VERSION String rascal_version = (String) in.readObject(); SemVer sv; try { sv = new SemVer(rascal_version); } catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException("Invalid value for RASCAL_VERSION in Rascal executable"); } if(!sv.satisfiesVersion("~" + VersionInfo.RASCAL_VERSION)){ throw new RuntimeException("RASCAL_VERSION " + rascal_version + " in Rascal executable incompatible with current version " + VersionInfo.RASCAL_VERSION); } // Check RASCAL_RUNTIME_VERSION String rascal_runtime_version = (String) in.readObject(); try { sv = new SemVer(rascal_runtime_version); } catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException("Invalid value for RASCAL_RUNTIME_VERSION in Rascal executable"); } if(!sv.satisfiesVersion("~" + VersionInfo.RASCAL_RUNTIME_VERSION)){ throw new RuntimeException("RASCAL_RUNTIME_VERSION " + rascal_runtime_version + " in Rascal executable incompatible with current version " + VersionInfo.RASCAL_RUNTIME_VERSION); } // Check RASCAL_COMPILER_VERSION String rascal_compiler_version = (String) in.readObject(); try { sv = new SemVer(rascal_runtime_version); } catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException("Invalid value for RASCAL_COMPILER_VERSION in Rascal executable"); } if(!sv.satisfiesVersion("~" + VersionInfo.RASCAL_COMPILER_VERSION)){ throw new RuntimeException("RASCAL_COMPILER_VERSION " + rascal_compiler_version + " in Rascal executable incompatible with current version " + VersionInfo.RASCAL_COMPILER_VERSION); } // System.err.println("RascalShell: Rascal: " + VersionInfo.RASCAL_VERSION + "; Runtime: " + VersionInfo.RASCAL_RUNTIME_VERSION + "; Compiler: " + VersionInfo.RASCAL_COMPILER_VERSION); // System.err.println("Executable : Rascal: " + rascal_version + "; Runtime: " + rascal_runtime_version + "; Compiler: " + rascal_compiler_version); // String[] errors ISet errors = (ISet) in.readObject(); if(errors.size() > 0){ return new RVMExecutable(errors); } // public String name; String module_name = (String) in.readObject(); // public IMap moduleTags; IMap moduleTags = (IMap) in.readObject(); // public IMap symbol_definitions; IMap symbol_definitions = (IMap) in.readObject(); // public ArrayList<Function> functionStore; // public Map<String, Integer> functionMap; Function[] functionStore = (Function[]) in.readObject(); n = functionStore.length; HashMap<String, Integer> functionMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ functionMap.put(functionStore[i].getName(), i); } // public ArrayList<Type> constructorStore; n = (Integer) in.readObject(); ArrayList<Type> constructorStore = new ArrayList<Type>(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ constructorStore.add(i, (Type) in.readObject()); } // public Map<String, Integer> constructorMap; Map<String, Integer> constructorMap = (Map<String, Integer>) in.readObject(); // public OverloadedFunction[] overloadedStore; OverloadedFunction[] overloadedStore = (OverloadedFunction[]) in.readObject(); // public Map<String, Integer> resolver; HashMap<String, Integer> resolver = (HashMap<String, Integer>) in.readObject(); // ArrayList<String> initializers; ArrayList<String> initializers = (ArrayList<String>) in.readObject(); Object o = in.readObject(); //transient for boot // ArrayList<String> testsuites; if(o instanceof ArrayList<?>){ o = in.readObject(); // skip: ArrayList<String> testsuites; } // public String uid_module_init; String uid_module_init = (String) o; // public String uid_module_main; String uid_module_main = (String) in.readObject(); o = in.readObject(); //transient for boot if(o instanceof String){ o = in.readObject(); // skip: public String uid_module_main_testsuite; } // public byte[] jvmByteCode; byte[] jvmByteCode = (byte[]) o; // public String fullyQualifiedDottedName; String fullyQualifiedDottedName = (String) in.readObject(); RVMExecutable ex = new RVMExecutable(module_name, moduleTags, symbol_definitions, functionMap, functionStore, constructorMap, constructorStore, resolver, overloadedStore, initializers, uid_module_init, uid_module_main, store, vf, false); ex.setJvmByteCode(jvmByteCode); ex.setFullyQualifiedDottedName(fullyQualifiedDottedName); return ex; } }