package org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.Commands; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.FileVisitor; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import org.rascalmpl.uri.URIUtil; /** * This program is intended to be executed directly from maven; it downloads a previous version of Rascal from a hard-wired location and uses * this to start a bootstrap cycle to eventually arrive at a compiled Rascal compiler which is copied to the target folder of the maven build. * This same program also runs a number of tests with every stage of the bootstrap to try and fail if problems have been introduced. * * In this manner the maven target always contained a fully tested and freshly bootstrapped binary compiler. */ public class Bootstrap { private static Process childProcess; private static boolean VERBOSE = false; private static final String[] testModules = { "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Booleans", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Equality", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Exceptions", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Functions", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Matching", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Integers", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::IO", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::IsDefined", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::ListRelations", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Lists", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Locations", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Maps", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Overloading", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Nodes", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Memoization", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Relations", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Sets", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Strings", "lang::rascal::tests::basic::Tuples", "lang::rascal::tests::functionality::ConcreteSyntaxTests1", "lang::rascal::tests::functionality::ConcreteSyntaxTests2", "lang::rascal::tests::functionality::ConcreteSyntaxTests3", "lang::rascal::tests::functionality::ConcreteSyntaxTests4", "lang::rascal::tests::functionality::ConcreteSyntaxTests5", }; public static class BootstrapMessage extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L; protected int phase; public BootstrapMessage(int phase) { this.phase = phase; } @Override public String getMessage() { return "Failed during phase " + phase; } } private static class BootTiming { public final String message; public long duration; public BootTiming(String message) { this.message = message; } } private static final List<BootTiming> timings = new ArrayList<>(); private static <T> T time(String message, ThrowingSupplier<T> target) throws Exception { BootTiming currentTimings = new BootTiming(message); timings.add(currentTimings); // reserve spot long start = System.nanoTime(); T result = target.throwingGet(); currentTimings.duration = System.nanoTime() - start; return result; } private static void time(String message, ThrowingSideEffectOnly target) throws Exception { time(message, () ->; } @FunctionalInterface public interface ThrowingSideEffectOnly { default Void call() throws Exception { actualCall(); return null; } void actualCall() throws Exception; } @FunctionalInterface public interface ThrowingSupplier<T> extends Supplier<T> { @Override default T get() { try { return throwingGet(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } T throwingGet() throws Exception; } private static void printTimings() { Optional<Integer> maxLength = -> b.message).map(s -> s.length()).max(Comparator.naturalOrder()); int labelWidth = maxLength.orElse(1) + 4; System.err.println("---------------------"); System.err.println("Bootstrapping time:"); System.err.println("---------------------"); for (BootTiming bt: timings) { System.err.println(String.format("%-"+labelWidth+"s : %,d ms", bt.message, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(bt.duration))); } System.err.println("---------------------"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { initializeShutdownhook(); if (args.length < 5) { System.err.println("Usage: Bootstrap <classpath> <versionToBootstrapOff> <versionToBootstrapTo> <sourceFolder> <targetFolder> <b[--verbose] [--clean] (you provided " + args.length + " arguments instead)"); System.exit(1); return; } int arg = 0; String classpath = args[arg++]; String versionToUse = args[arg++]; String versionToBuild = args[arg++]; if (versionToUse.equals("unstable")) { info("YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BOOTSTRAP OFF AN UNSTABLE VERSION! ***ONLY FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES***"); } Path sourceFolder = new File(args[arg++]).toPath(); if (!Files.exists(sourceFolder.resolve("org/rascalmpl/library/Prelude.rsc"))) { throw new RuntimeException("source folder " + sourceFolder + " should point to source folder of standard library containing Prelude and the compiler"); } System.out.println("sourceFolder: " + sourceFolder); String librarySource = sourceFolder.resolve("org/rascalmpl/library").toAbsolutePath().toString(); String courseSource = sourceFolder.resolve("org/rascalmpl/courses").toAbsolutePath().toString(); System.out.println("courseSource: " + courseSource); Path targetFolder = new File(args[arg++]).toPath(); if (!Files.exists(targetFolder.resolve("org/rascalmpl/library/Prelude.class"))) { // PK: PreludeCompiled throw new RuntimeException("target folder " + sourceFolder + " should point to source folder of compiler library and the RVM interpreter."); } Path tmpFolder = new File(args[arg++]).toPath(); Path bootstrapMarker = targetFolder.resolve("META-INF/bootstrapped.version"); if (Files.exists(bootstrapMarker)) { System.err.println("Not bootstrapping, since " + bootstrapMarker + " already exists"); System.exit(0); } boolean cleanTempDir = false; boolean basicOption = false; boolean validatingOption = false; boolean coursesOption = false; for (;arg < args.length; arg++) { switch (args[arg]) { case "--verbose": VERBOSE=true; break; case "--clean": cleanTempDir = true; break; case "--basic" : basicOption = true; break; case "--download" : basicOption = false; break; case "--validating" : validatingOption = true; break; case "--withCourses": basicOption = true; coursesOption = true; break; default: System.err.println(args[arg] + " is not a supported argument."); System.exit(1); return; } } final boolean realBootstrap = basicOption || validatingOption; final boolean validatingBootstrap = validatingOption; final boolean withCourses = coursesOption || validatingOption; Path tmpDir = initializeTemporaryFolder(tmpFolder, cleanTempDir, versionToUse); if (existsDeployedVersion(tmpDir, versionToBuild)) { System.out.println("INFO: Got the kernel version to compile: " + versionToBuild + " already from existing deployed build."); } // We bootstrap in several stages, in each step generating a new Kernel file using an existing version: // -1. targetFolder contains what is found online already: // - compiled classes for new RVM classes (newRVMClasses) // - copied new source files of the Rascal compiler (newRascalCompilerSources) and library (newLibrarySources) // 0. download a released version (phase0) // contains: // - class files of compiled RVM Java code (OldRVMClasses) // - linked Kernel (OldKernel = Kernel.rvm.ser.gz, muLibrary.rvm.gz, ParserGenerator.rvm.ser.gz + all compiled Rascal libraries) // - old source code of the Rascal compiler (OldCompilerSources) // 1. build new kernel with old jar (OldRVMClasses) using OldKernel from the newCompilerSources (from librarySource), creating phase1 // phase1 consists of: // - linked Kernel (newKernel1) // 2. build newKernel2 using newKernel1 and OldRVMClasses, because newKernel1 was still compiled with the old compiler) // 3. build newKernel3 using newKernel2 with newRVMClasses using newKernel2, because newKernel2 was compiled with new compiler which may depend on changes in the RVM. time("Bootstrap:", () -> { try { String[] rvm = new String[] { getDeployedVersion(tmpDir, versionToUse).toAbsolutePath().toString(), // this is the released jar targetFolder + ":" + /*deps*/ classpath // this is the pre-compiled target folder with the new RVM implementation }; String[] kernel = new String[] { "|boot:///|", // This is retrieved from the released jar phaseFolderString(1, tmpDir), phaseFolderString(2, tmpDir), phaseFolderString(3, tmpDir) }; if (!realBootstrap) { FileSystem jar = FileSystems.newFileSystem(new URI("jar:file", rvm[0], null), Collections.singletonMap("create", true)); time("Copying downloaded files", () -> copyJar(jar.getPath("boot"), targetFolder)); System.exit(0); } /*------------------------------------------,-CODE---------,-RVM---,-KERNEL---,-TESTS--*/ time("Phase 1", () -> compilePhase(tmpDir, 1, librarySource, rvm[0], kernel[0], rvm[1], "|noreloc:///|")); time("Phase 2", () -> compilePhase(tmpDir, 2, librarySource, rvm[1], kernel[1], rvm[1], "|std:///|")); if(validatingBootstrap){ time("Phase 3", () -> compilePhase(tmpDir, 3, librarySource, rvm[1], kernel[2], rvm[1], "|std:///|")); try { time("Validation", () -> { long nfiles = compareGeneratedRVMCode(Paths.get(kernel[2]), Paths.get(kernel[3])); System.out.println("VALIDATION: All " + nfiles + " *.rvm.gz files in Phase 2 and Phase 3 are identical"); }); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Comparison between Phase 2 and Phase 3 failed: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } // Compiling utilities Path phase2Folder = phaseFolder(2, tmpDir); time("Compiling Webserver", () -> compileModule (2, rvm[1], kernel[2], librarySource, phase2Folder, "util::Webserver", "|std:///|")); time("Compiling RascalExtraction", () -> compileModule (2, rvm[1], kernel[2], librarySource, phase2Folder, "experiments::Compiler::RascalExtraction::RascalExtraction", "|std:///|")); time("Compiling QuestionCompiler", () -> compileModule (2, rvm[1], kernel[2], librarySource, phase2Folder, "experiments::tutor3::QuestionCompiler", "|std:///|")); // Compiling courses if(withCourses){ time("Compiling courses", () -> compileCourses(rvm[1], kernel[2], librarySource, courseSource, phase2Folder)); } // The result of the final compilation phase is copied to the bin folder such that it can be deployed with the other compiled (class) files time("Copying bootstrapped files", () -> copyResult(new File(kernel[2]).toPath(), targetFolder.resolve("boot"))); Files.write(bootstrapMarker, versionToUse.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW); } catch (BootstrapMessage | IOException | InterruptedException e) { error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } }); printTimings(); } private static void initializeShutdownhook() { Thread destroyChild = new Thread() { public void run() { synchronized (Bootstrap.class) { if (childProcess != null && childProcess.isAlive()) { childProcess.destroy(); } } } }; Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(destroyChild); } private static Path initializeTemporaryFolder(Path tmpDir, boolean cleanTempDir, String versionToUse) { if (cleanTempDir && Files.exists(tmpDir)) { info("Removing files in " + tmpDir.toString()); try { Files.walkFileTree(tmpDir, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { try { Files.delete(dir); } catch (DirectoryNotEmptyException e) { // that's ok when we've left the jar file in it. } return super.postVisitDirectory(dir, exc); } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { if (!file.equals(cachedDeployedVersion(tmpDir, versionToUse))) { // we don't delete downloaded versions automatically to make sure we can // keep running bootstrap while offline in trains and airplanes Files.delete(file); } return super.visitFile(file, attrs); } }); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e); System.err.println("Error cleaning temp directory"); System.exit(1); return null; } } tmpDir.toFile().mkdir(); info("bootstrap folder: " + tmpDir.toAbsolutePath()); return tmpDir; } // TODO: merge code with copyResult; should be possible imho, but ZipPath.relativize throws exceptions on Paths in the jar private static void copyJar(Path sourcePath, Path targetPath) throws IOException { Files.walkFileTree(sourcePath, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(final Path dir, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.createDirectories(Paths.get(targetPath.toString(), dir.toString())); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(final Path file, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { info("Copying " + file); Files.copy(file, Paths.get(targetPath.toString(), file.toString()), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } private static void copyResult(Path sourcePath, Path targetPath) throws IOException { Files.walkFileTree(sourcePath, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(final Path dir, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.createDirectories(targetPath.resolve(sourcePath.relativize(dir))); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(final Path file, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { //info("Copying " + file + " to " + targetPath.resolve(sourcePath.relativize(file))); Files.copy(file, targetPath.resolve(sourcePath.relativize(file)), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } private static boolean existsDeployedVersion(Path folder, String version) { try (InputStream s = deployedVersion(version).toURL().openStream()) { return s != null; } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } /** * Either download or get the jar of the deployed version of Rascal from a previously downloaded instance. */ private static Path getDeployedVersion(Path tmp, String version) throws IOException { Path cached = cachedDeployedVersion(tmp, version); if (!cached.toFile().exists() || "unstable".equals(version)) { if (cached.toFile().exists()) { cached.toFile().delete(); } URI deployedVersion = deployedVersion(version); info("downloading " + deployedVersion); Files.copy(deployedVersion.toURL().openStream(), cached); } info("deployed version ready: " + cached); return cached; } private static Path cachedDeployedVersion(Path tmpFolder, String version) { return tmpFolder.resolve("rascal-" + version + ".jar"); } private static URI deployedVersion(String version) { if ("unstable".equals(version)) { return unstableVersion(); } return URIUtil.assumeCorrect("http", "", "/console/rascal-" + version + ".jar"); } private static URI unstableVersion() { return URIUtil.assumeCorrect("http", "", "/console/rascal-shell-unstable.jar"); } private static String phaseFolderString(int phase, Path tmp) { Path result = tmp.resolve("phase" + phase); result.toFile().mkdir(); return result.toAbsolutePath().toString(); } private static Path phaseFolder(int phase, Path tmp) { Path result = tmp.resolve("phase" + phase); result.toFile().mkdir(); return result; } private static Path phaseTestFolder(int phase, Path tmp) { Path result = tmp.resolve("phase-test" + phase); result.toFile().mkdir(); return result; } private static Path compilePhase(Path tmp, int phase, String sourcePath, String classPath, String bootPath, String testClassPath, String reloc) throws Exception { Path result = phaseFolder(phase, tmp); Path testResults = phaseTestFolder(phase, tmp); progress("phase " + phase + ": " + result); time("- compile MuLibrary", () -> compileMuLibrary(phase, classPath, bootPath, sourcePath, result)); time("- compile Kernel", () -> compileModule (phase, classPath, bootPath, sourcePath, result, "lang::rascal::boot::Kernel", reloc)); time("- compile ParserGenerator", () -> compileModule (phase, classPath, bootPath, sourcePath, result, "lang::rascal::grammar::ParserGenerator", reloc)); time("- compile tests", () -> compileTests (phase, classPath, result.toAbsolutePath().toString(), sourcePath, testResults)); time("- run tests", () -> runTests (phase, testClassPath, result.toAbsolutePath().toString(), sourcePath, testResults)); return result; } private static String[] concat(String[]... arrays) { return Stream.of(arrays).flatMap(Stream::of).toArray(sz -> new String[sz]); } private static void compileTests(int phase, String classPath, String boot, String sourcePath, Path result) throws IOException, InterruptedException, BootstrapMessage { progress("\tcompiling tests (phase " + phase +")"); String[] paths = new String [] { "--bin", result.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "--src", sourcePath, "--boot", boot }; String[] otherArgs = VERBOSE? new String[] {"--verbose"} : new String[] {}; if (runCompiler(classPath, concat(concat(paths, otherArgs), testModules)) != 0) { throw new BootstrapMessage(phase); } } private static void compileModule(int phase, String classPath, String boot, String sourcePath, Path result, String module, String reloc) throws IOException, InterruptedException, BootstrapMessage { progress("\tcompiling " + module + " (phase " + phase +")"); String[] paths; paths = phase >= 2 ? new String [] { "--bin", result.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "--src", sourcePath, "--boot", boot , "--reloc", reloc } : new String [] { "--bin", result.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "--src", sourcePath, "--boot", boot}; String[] otherArgs = VERBOSE? new String[] {"--verbose", module} : new String[] {module}; if (runCompiler(classPath, concat(paths, otherArgs)) != 0) { throw new BootstrapMessage(phase); } } private static void compileMuLibrary(int phase, String classPath, String bootDLoc, String sourcePath, Path result) throws IOException, InterruptedException, BootstrapMessage { progress("\tcompiling MuLibrary (phase " + phase +")"); String[] paths = new String [] { "--bin", result.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "--src", sourcePath, "--boot", bootDLoc }; String[] otherArgs = VERBOSE? new String[] {"--verbose"} : new String[0]; if (runMuLibraryCompiler(classPath, concat(paths, otherArgs)) != 0) { throw new BootstrapMessage(phase); } } private static void runTests(int phase, String classPath, String boot, String sourcePath, Path result) throws IOException, InterruptedException, BootstrapMessage { progress("Running tests with the results of " + phase); if (phase == 1) return; String[] javaCmd = new String[] {"java", "-cp", classPath, "-Xmx2G", "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.Commands.RascalTests" }; String[] paths = new String [] { "--bin", result.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "--src", sourcePath, "--boot", boot }; String[] otherArgs = VERBOSE? new String[] {"--verbose"} : new String[0]; if (runChildProcess(concat(javaCmd, paths, otherArgs, testModules)) != 0) { throw new BootstrapMessage(phase); } } private static void compileCourses(String classPath, String boot, String sourcePath, String courseSourcePath, Path result) throws IOException, InterruptedException, BootstrapMessage { progress("Compiling all courses"); System.out.println("courseSourcePath: " + courseSourcePath); String[] javaCmd = new String[] {"java", "-cp", classPath, "-Xmx2G", "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.tutor3.CourseCompiler" }; String[] paths = new String [] { "--bin", result.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "--src", sourcePath, "--course", courseSourcePath, "--boot", boot, "--all" }; String[] otherArgs = VERBOSE? new String[] {"--verbose"} : new String[0]; if (runChildProcess(concat(javaCmd, paths, otherArgs)) != 0) { throw new BootstrapMessage(5); } } private static int runCompiler(String classPath, String... arguments) throws IOException, InterruptedException { /* * Remote Debugging Example: * -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8001,server=y,suspend=n * * Flags: * suspend=n - starts up and does not wait for attaching a debugger * suspend=y - waits until a debugger is attached before to proceed */ String[] javaCmd = new String[] {"java", "-cp", classPath, "-Xmx2G", /*"-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8001,server=y,suspend=n",*/ "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.Commands.RascalC" }; return runChildProcess(concat(javaCmd, arguments)); } private static int runMuLibraryCompiler(String classPath, String... arguments) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String[] javaCmd = new String[] {"java", "-cp", classPath, "-Xmx2G", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.Commands.CompileMuLibrary" }; return runChildProcess(concat(javaCmd, arguments)); } private static int runChildProcess(String[] command) throws IOException, InterruptedException { synchronized (Bootstrap.class) { info("command: " +"", (x,y) -> x + " " + y)); childProcess = new ProcessBuilder(command).inheritIO().start(); childProcess.waitFor(); return childProcess.exitValue(); } } private static void progress(String msg) { System.err.println("BOOTSTRAP:" + msg); } private static void info(String msg) { if (VERBOSE) { System.err.println("BOOTSTRAP:" + msg); } } private static void error(String msg) { System.err.println("BOOTSTRAP:" + msg); } /** * Asserts that two directories are recursively "equal" by checking that * - corresponding (sub)directories and files exist in expected and actual directory * - of rvm.gz files actual content is compared. * * If they are not, an {@link RuntimeException} is thrown with the given message.<br/> * Missing or additional files are considered an error.<br/> * * @param expected * Path expected directory * @param actual * Path actual directory */ public static final long compareGeneratedRVMCode(final Path expected, final Path actual) { try { RVMFileCompareAndCount fileVisitor = new RVMFileCompareAndCount(expected, actual); Files.walkFileTree(expected, fileVisitor); return fileVisitor.getCount(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Compare RVM files in two directories and return how many were found * */ class RVMFileCompareAndCount implements FileVisitor<Path> { final Path absoluteExpected; final Path absoluteActual; int nfiles = 0; RVMFileCompareAndCount(final Path expected, final Path actual){ absoluteExpected = expected.toAbsolutePath(); absoluteActual = actual.toAbsolutePath(); } int getCount() { return nfiles; } @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path expectedDir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Path relativeExpectedDir = absoluteExpected.relativize(expectedDir.toAbsolutePath()); Path actualDir = absoluteActual.resolve(relativeExpectedDir); if (!Files.exists(actualDir)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Directory \'%s\' missing in actual.", expectedDir.getFileName())); } if(expectedDir.toFile().list().length != actualDir.toFile().list().length){ throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Directory sizes differ: \'%s\' and \'%s\'.", expectedDir, actualDir)); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path expectedFile, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Path relativeExpectedFile = absoluteExpected.relativize(expectedFile.toAbsolutePath()); Path actualFile = absoluteActual.resolve(relativeExpectedFile); if (!Files.exists(actualFile)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("File \'%s\' missing in actual.", expectedFile.getFileName())); } if(actualFile.toString().endsWith(".rvm.gz")){ nfiles += 1; if(actualFile.toString().endsWith("_imports.rvm.gz")){ // Skip since base directories will always differ return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } if(!Arrays.equals(Files.readAllBytes(expectedFile), Files.readAllBytes(actualFile))){ throw new RuntimeException(String.format("File content differs: \'%s\' and \'%s\'.", expectedFile, actualFile)); } } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException { throw new RuntimeException(exc.getMessage()); } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }