package org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.Instructions.*; import org.rascalmpl.value.IList; import org.rascalmpl.value.IMap; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISourceLocation; import org.rascalmpl.value.IString; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.TypeStore; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.RascalValueFactory; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTBasicObjectSerializer; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTClazzInfo; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectInput; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectOutput; /** * CodeBlock contains all instructions needed for a single RVM function * * CodeBlock is serialized by FSTCodeBlockerializer, make sure that * all fields declared here are synced with the serializer. */ public class CodeBlock implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6955775282462381062L; // Transient fields transient public IValueFactory vf; //transient private static TypeSerializer typeserializer; transient int pc; transient int labelIndex = 0; transient private ArrayList<Instruction> insList; transient private HashMap<String, LabelInfo> labelInfo; // Serializable fields String name; private Map<IValue, Integer> constantMap; private ArrayList<IValue> constantStore; IValue[] finalConstantStore; private Map<Type, Integer> typeConstantMap; private ArrayList<Type> typeConstantStore; protected Type[] finalTypeConstantStore; Map<String, Integer> functionMap; Map<String, Integer> resolver; Map<String, Integer> constructorMap; public long[] finalCode; CodeBlock(String name, Map<IValue, Integer> constantMap, ArrayList<IValue> constantStore, IValue[] finalConstantStore, Map<Type, Integer> typeConstantMap, ArrayList<Type> typeConstantStore, Type[] finalTypeConstantStore, Map<String, Integer> functionMap, Map<String, Integer> resolver, Map<String, Integer> constructorMap, long[] finalCode ){ = name; this.constantMap = constantMap; this.constantStore = constantStore; this.finalConstantStore = finalConstantStore; this.typeConstantMap = typeConstantMap; this.typeConstantStore = typeConstantStore; this.finalTypeConstantStore = finalTypeConstantStore; this.functionMap = functionMap; this.resolver = resolver; this.constructorMap = constructorMap; this.finalCode = finalCode; } public CodeBlock(String name, IValueFactory factory){ labelInfo = new HashMap<String, LabelInfo>(); insList = new ArrayList<Instruction>(); new ArrayList<Integer>(); pc = 0; = name; this.vf = factory; constantMap = new HashMap<IValue, Integer>(); this.constantStore = new ArrayList<IValue>(); this.typeConstantMap = new HashMap<Type, Integer>(); this.typeConstantStore = new ArrayList<Type>(); } void clearForJVM(){ finalCode = new long[] {}; } public void defLabel(String label, Instruction ins){ LabelInfo info = labelInfo.get(label); if(info == null){ labelInfo.put(label, new LabelInfo(ins, labelIndex++, pc)); } else { if(info.isResolved()){ throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": double declaration of label " + label); } info.instruction = ins; info.PC = pc; } } protected int useLabel(String label){ LabelInfo info = labelInfo.get(label); if(info == null){ info = new LabelInfo(labelIndex++); labelInfo.put(label, info); } return info.index; } public int getLabelPC(String label){ LabelInfo info = labelInfo.get(label); if(info == null){ throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + " undefined label " + label); } return info.PC; } public Instruction getLabelInstruction(String label){ LabelInfo info = labelInfo.get(label); if(info == null){ throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": undefined label " + label); } return info.instruction; } public IValue getConstantValue(long finalCode2){ for(IValue constant : constantMap.keySet()){ if(constantMap.get(constant) == finalCode2){ return constant; } } throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": undefined constant index " + finalCode2); } public int getConstantIndex(IValue v){ Integer n = constantMap.get(v); if(n == null){ n = constantStore.size(); constantStore.add(v); constantMap.put(v, n); } return n; } public Type getConstantType(int n){ for(Type type : typeConstantMap.keySet()){ if(typeConstantMap.get(type) == n){ return type; } } throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": undefined type constant index " + n); } public int getTypeConstantIndex(Type type){ Integer n = typeConstantMap.get(type); if(n == null){ n = typeConstantStore.size(); typeConstantStore.add(type); typeConstantMap.put(type, n); } return n; } public String getFunctionName(int n){ for(String fname : functionMap.keySet()){ if(functionMap.get(fname) == n){ return fname; } } throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": undefined function index " + n); } public String getFunctionName(String name){ int n = getFunctionIndex(name); for(String fname : functionMap.keySet()){ if(functionMap.get(fname) == n){ return fname; } } throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": undefined function index " + n); } public int getFunctionIndex(String name){ Integer n = functionMap.get(name); if(n == null){ throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": undefined function name " + name); } return n; } public String getOverloadedFunctionName(int n){ for(String fname : resolver.keySet()){ if(resolver.get(fname) == n) { return fname; } } throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": undefined overloaded function index " + n); } public int getOverloadedFunctionIndex(String name){ Integer n = resolver.get(name); if(n == null){ return getFunctionIndex(name); //throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": undefined overloaded function name " + name); } return n; } public String getConstructorName(int n) { for(String cname : constructorMap.keySet()) { if(constructorMap.get(cname) == n) return cname; } throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": undefined constructor index " + n); } public int getConstructorIndex(String name) { Integer n = constructorMap.get(name); if(n == null) throw new CompilerError("In function " + name + ": undefined constructor name " + name); return n; } public String getModuleVarName(int n){ return ((IString)getConstantValue(n)).getValue(); } public int getModuleVarIndex(String name){ return getConstantIndex(vf.string(name)); } CodeBlock add(Instruction ins){ insList.add(ins); pc += ins.pcIncrement(); return this; } public void addCode(long c){ finalCode[pc++] = c; } public void addCode0(int op){ finalCode[pc++] = op; } public void addCode1(int op, int arg1){ // finalCode[pc++] = op; // finalCode[pc++] = arg1; finalCode[pc++] = encode1(op, arg1); } public void addCode2(int op, int arg1, int arg2){ // finalCode[pc++] = op; // finalCode[pc++] = arg1; // finalCode[pc++] = arg2; finalCode[pc++] = encode2(op, arg1, arg2); } /* * Instruction encoding: * * argument2 argument1 op * |-----------| |-----------| |---------| * sizeArg2 bits sizeArg1 bits sizeOp bits */ public final static int sizeOp = 8; public final static int sizeArg1 = 28; public final static int sizeArg2 = 28; public final static long maskOp = (1L << sizeOp) - 1; public final static long maskArg1 = (1L << sizeArg1) - 1; public final static long maskArg2 = (1L << sizeArg2) - 1; public final static int shiftArg1 = sizeOp; public final static int shiftArg2 = sizeOp + sizeArg1; public final static int maxArg1 = (int) ((1L << sizeArg1) - 1); public final static int maxArg2 = (int) ((1L << sizeArg2) - 1); public final static int maxArg = Math.min(maxArg1,maxArg2); public final static long encode0(int op){ return op; } public final static long encode1(int op, int arg1){ assert arg1 < (1L << sizeArg1); long larg1 = arg1; return (larg1 << shiftArg1) | op; } public final static long encode2(int op, int arg1, int arg2){ assert arg1 < (1L << sizeArg1) && arg2 < (1L << sizeArg2); long larg1 = arg1; long larg2 = arg2; return (larg2 << shiftArg2) | (larg1 << shiftArg1) | op; } public final static int fetchOp(long instruction){ return (int) (instruction & maskOp); } public final static int fetchArg1(long instruction){ return (int) ((instruction >> shiftArg1) & maskArg1); } public final static int fetchArg2(long instruction){ return (int) ((instruction >> shiftArg2) & maskArg2); } public final static boolean isMaxArg1(int arg){ return arg == maskArg1; } public final static boolean isMaxArg2(int arg){ return arg == maskArg2; } /* * All Instructions */ public CodeBlock POP(){ return add(new Pop(this)); } public CodeBlock HALT(){ return add(new Halt(this)); } public CodeBlock RETURN0() { return add(new Return0(this)); } public CodeBlock RETURN1(){ return add(new Return1(this)); } public CodeBlock CORETURN0() { return add(new CoReturn0(this)); } public CodeBlock CORETURN1(int arity){ return add(new CoReturn1(this,arity)); } public CodeBlock LABEL(String arg){ return add(new Label(this, arg)); } public CodeBlock LOADCON(boolean arg){ return add(new LoadCon(this, getConstantIndex(vf.bool(arg)))); } public CodeBlock LOADCON(int arg){ return add(new LoadCon(this, getConstantIndex(vf.integer(arg)))); } public CodeBlock LOADCON(String arg){ return add(new LoadCon(this, getConstantIndex(vf.string(arg)))); } public CodeBlock LOADCON(IValue val){ return add(new LoadCon(this, getConstantIndex(val))); } public CodeBlock PUSHCON(IValue val){ return add(new PushCon(this, getConstantIndex(val))); } public CodeBlock LOADBOOL(boolean bool){ return add(new LoadBool(this, bool)); } public CodeBlock LOADINT(int n){ return add(new LoadInt(this, n)); } public CodeBlock CALL(String fuid, int arity,int ctpt){ return add(new Call(this, fuid, arity, ctpt)); } public CodeBlock JMP(String arg){ return add(new Jmp(this, arg)); } public CodeBlock JMPTRUE(String arg){ return add(new JmpTrue(this, arg)); } public CodeBlock JMPFALSE(String arg){ return add(new JmpFalse(this, arg)); } public CodeBlock LOADLOC (int pos){ switch(pos){ case 0: return add(new LoadLoc0(this)); case 1: return add(new LoadLoc1(this)); case 2: return add(new LoadLoc2(this)); case 3: return add(new LoadLoc3(this)); case 4: return add(new LoadLoc4(this)); case 5: return add(new LoadLoc5(this)); case 6: return add(new LoadLoc6(this)); case 7: return add(new LoadLoc7(this)); case 8: return add(new LoadLoc8(this)); case 9: return add(new LoadLoc9(this)); default: return add(new LoadLoc(this, pos)); } } public CodeBlock PUSHLOC (int pos){ return add(new PushLoc(this, pos)); } public CodeBlock RESETLOC (int pos){ return add(new ResetLoc(this, pos)); } public CodeBlock STORELOC (int pos){ return add(new StoreLoc(this, pos)); } public CodeBlock LOADVAR(String fuid, int pos){ if(pos == -1){ getConstantIndex(vf.string(fuid)); } return add(new LoadVar(this, fuid, pos)); } public CodeBlock PUSHVAR(String fuid, int pos){ if(pos == -1){ getConstantIndex(vf.string(fuid)); } return add(new PushVar(this, fuid, pos)); } public CodeBlock STOREVAR (String fuid, int pos){ if(pos == -1){ getConstantIndex(vf.string(fuid)); } return add(new StoreVar(this, fuid, pos)); } public CodeBlock RESETVAR (String fuid, int pos){ if(pos == -1){ getConstantIndex(vf.string(fuid)); } return add(new ResetVar(this, fuid, pos)); } public CodeBlock CALLMUPRIM0 (MuPrimitive muprim){ return add(new CallMuPrim0(this, muprim)); } public CodeBlock PUSHCALLMUPRIM0 (MuPrimitive muprim){ return add(new PushCallMuPrim0(this, muprim)); } public CodeBlock CALLMUPRIM1 (MuPrimitive muprim){ return add(new CallMuPrim1(this, muprim)); } public CodeBlock PUSHCALLMUPRIM1 (MuPrimitive muprim){ return add(new PushCallMuPrim1(this, muprim)); } public CodeBlock CALLMUPRIM2 (MuPrimitive muprim){ return add(new CallMuPrim2(this, muprim)); } public CodeBlock PUSHCALLMUPRIM2 (MuPrimitive muprim){ return add(new PushCallMuPrim2(this, muprim)); } public CodeBlock CALLMUPRIMN (MuPrimitive muprim, int arity){ return add(new CallMuPrimN(this, muprim, arity)); } public CodeBlock PUSHCALLMUPRIMN (MuPrimitive muprim, int arity){ return add(new PushCallMuPrimN(this, muprim, arity)); } public CodeBlock CALLPRIM0 (RascalPrimitive prim, ISourceLocation src){ return add(new CallPrim0(this, prim, src)); } public CodeBlock PUSHCALLPRIM0 (RascalPrimitive prim, ISourceLocation src){ return add(new PushCallPrim0(this, prim, src)); } public CodeBlock CALLPRIM1 (RascalPrimitive prim, ISourceLocation src){ return add(new CallPrim1(this, prim, src)); } public CodeBlock PUSHCALLPRIM1 (RascalPrimitive prim, ISourceLocation src){ return add(new PushCallPrim1(this, prim, src)); } public CodeBlock CALLPRIM2 (RascalPrimitive prim, ISourceLocation src){ return add(new CallPrim2(this, prim, src)); } public CodeBlock PUSHCALLPRIM2 (RascalPrimitive prim, ISourceLocation src){ return add(new PushCallPrim2(this, prim, src)); } public CodeBlock CALLPRIMN (RascalPrimitive prim, int arity, ISourceLocation src){ return add(new CallPrimN(this, prim, arity, src)); } public CodeBlock PUSHCALLPRIMN (RascalPrimitive prim, int arity, ISourceLocation src){ return add(new PushCallPrimN(this, prim, arity, src)); } public CodeBlock PUSH_ROOT_FUN (String fuid){ return add(new PushRootFun(this, fuid)); } public CodeBlock CALLDYN(int arity, int ctpt){ return add(new CallDyn(this, arity, ctpt)); } public CodeBlock CREATE(String fuid, int arity) { return add(new Create(this, fuid, arity)); } public CodeBlock CREATEDYN(int arity) { return add(new CreateDyn(this, arity)); } public CodeBlock NEXT0() { return add(new Next0(this)); } public CodeBlock NEXT1() { return add(new Next1(this)); } public CodeBlock YIELD0(int ctpt) { return add(new Yield0(this, ctpt)); } public CodeBlock YIELD1(int arity, int ctpt) { return add(new Yield1(this, arity, ctpt)); } public CodeBlock PRINTLN(int arity){ return add(new Println(this, arity)); } public CodeBlock LOADLOCREF(int pos) { return add(new LoadLocRef(this, pos)); } public CodeBlock PUSHLOCREF(int pos) { return add(new PushLocRef(this, pos)); } public CodeBlock LOADVARREF(String fuid, int pos) { return add(new LoadVarRef(this, fuid, pos)); } public CodeBlock PUSHVARREF(String fuid, int pos) { return add(new PushVarRef(this, fuid, pos)); } public CodeBlock LOADLOCDEREF(int pos) { return add(new LoadLocDeref(this, pos)); } public CodeBlock PUSHLOCDEREF(int pos) { return add(new PushLocDeref(this, pos)); } public CodeBlock LOADVARDEREF(String fuid, int pos) { return add(new LoadVarDeref(this, fuid, pos)); } public CodeBlock PUSHVARDEREF(String fuid, int pos) { return add(new PushVarDeref(this, fuid, pos)); } public CodeBlock STORELOCDEREF(int pos) { return add(new StoreLocDeref(this, pos)); } public CodeBlock STOREVARDEREF(String fuid, int pos) { return add(new StoreVarDeref(this, fuid, pos)); } public CodeBlock PUSHCONSTR(String name) { return add(new PushConstr(this, name)); } public CodeBlock CALLCONSTR(String name, int arity/*, ISourceLocation src*/) { return add(new CallConstr(this, name, arity/*, src*/)); } public CodeBlock PUSHNESTEDFUN(String fuid, String scopeIn) { return add(new PushNestedFun(this, fuid, scopeIn)); } public CodeBlock LOADTYPE(Type type) { return add(new LoadType(this, getTypeConstantIndex(type))); } public CodeBlock PUSHTYPE(Type type) { return add(new PushType(this, getTypeConstantIndex(type))); } public CodeBlock FAILRETURN(){ return add(new FailReturn(this)); } public CodeBlock PUSHOFUN(String fuid) { return add(new PushOFun(this, fuid)); } public CodeBlock OCALL(String fuid, int arity, ISourceLocation src) { return add(new OCall(this, fuid, arity, src)); } public CodeBlock OCALLDYN(Type types, int arity, ISourceLocation src) { return add(new OCallDyn(this, getTypeConstantIndex(types), arity, src)); } public CodeBlock CALLJAVA(String methodName, String className, Type parameterTypes, Type keywordTypes, int reflect){ return add(new CallJava(this, getConstantIndex(vf.string(methodName)), getConstantIndex(vf.string(className)), getTypeConstantIndex(parameterTypes), getTypeConstantIndex(keywordTypes), reflect)); } public CodeBlock THROW(ISourceLocation src) { return add(new Throw(this, src)); } public CodeBlock TYPESWITCH(IList labels){ return add(new TypeSwitch(this, labels)); } public CodeBlock UNWRAPTHROWNLOC(int pos) { return add(new UnwrapThrownLoc(this, pos)); } public CodeBlock FILTERRETURN(){ return add(new FilterReturn(this)); } public CodeBlock EXHAUST() { return add(new Exhaust(this)); } public CodeBlock GUARD(int ctpt) { return add(new Guard(this,ctpt)); } public CodeBlock SUBSCRIPTARRAY() { return add(new SubscriptArray(this)); } public CodeBlock SUBSCRIPTLIST() { return add(new SubscriptList(this)); } public CodeBlock LESSINT() { return add(new LessInt(this)); } public CodeBlock GREATEREQUALINT() { return add(new GreaterEqualInt(this)); } public CodeBlock ADDINT() { return add(new AddInt(this)); } public CodeBlock SUBTRACTINT() { return add(new SubtractInt(this)); } public CodeBlock ANDBOOL() { return add(new AndBool(this)); } public CodeBlock TYPEOF() { return add(new TypeOf(this)); } public CodeBlock SUBTYPE() { return add(new SubType(this)); } public CodeBlock CHECKARGTYPEANDCOPY(int pos1, Type type, int pos2) { return add(new CheckArgTypeAndCopy(this, pos1, getTypeConstantIndex(type), pos2)); } public CodeBlock LOADLOCKWP(String name) { return add(new LoadLocKwp(this, name)); } public CodeBlock PUSHLOCKWP(String name) { return add(new PushLocKwp(this, name)); } public CodeBlock LOADVARKWP(String fuid, String name) { return add(new LoadVarKwp(this, fuid, name)); } public CodeBlock PUSHVARKWP(String fuid, String name) { return add(new PushVarKwp(this, fuid, name)); } public CodeBlock STORELOCKWP(String name) { return add(new StoreLocKwp(this, name)); } public CodeBlock STOREVARKWP(String fuid, String name) { return add(new StoreVarKwp(this, fuid, name)); } public CodeBlock UNWRAPTHROWNVAR(String fuid, int pos) { return add(new UnwrapThrownVar(this, fuid, pos)); } public CodeBlock APPLY(String fuid, int arity) { return add(new Apply(this, fuid, arity)); } public CodeBlock APPLYDYN(int arity) { return add(new ApplyDyn(this, arity)); } public CodeBlock SWITCH(IMap caseLabels, String caseDefault, boolean useConcreteFingerprint) { return add(new Switch(this, caseLabels, caseDefault, useConcreteFingerprint)); } public CodeBlock RESETLOCS(IList positions) { return add(new ResetLocs(this, getConstantIndex(positions))); } public CodeBlock VISIT(boolean direction, boolean progress, boolean fixedpoint, boolean rebuild){ return add(new Visit(this, getConstantIndex(vf.bool(direction)), getConstantIndex(vf.bool(progress)), getConstantIndex(vf.bool(fixedpoint)), getConstantIndex(vf.bool(rebuild)))); } public CodeBlock CHECKMEMO(){ return add(new CheckMemo(this)); } public CodeBlock PUSHEMPTYKWMAP(){ return add(new PushEmptyKwMap(this)); } public CodeBlock VALUESUBTYPE(Type type){ return add(new ValueSubtype(this, getTypeConstantIndex(type))); } public CodeBlock PUSHACCU(){ return add(new PushAccu(this)); } public CodeBlock POPACCU(){ return add(new PopAccu(this)); } public CodeBlock done(String fname, Map<String, Integer> codeMap, Map<String, Integer> constructorMap, Map<String, Integer> resolver) { this.functionMap = codeMap; this.constructorMap = constructorMap; this.resolver = resolver; int codeSize = pc; pc = 0; finalCode = new long[codeSize]; for(Instruction ins : insList){ ins.generate(); } finalConstantStore = new IValue[constantStore.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < constantStore.size(); i++ ){ finalConstantStore[i] = constantStore.get(i); } finalTypeConstantStore = new Type[typeConstantStore.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < typeConstantStore.size(); i++) { finalTypeConstantStore[i] = typeConstantStore.get(i); } if(constantStore.size() >= maxArg){ throw new CompilerError("In function " + fname + ": constantStore size " + constantStore.size() + "exceeds limit " + maxArg); } if(typeConstantStore.size() >= maxArg){ throw new CompilerError("In function " + fname + ": typeConstantStore size " + typeConstantStore.size() + "exceeds limit " + maxArg); } return this; } public long[] getInstructions(){ return finalCode; } public IValue[] getConstants(){ return finalConstantStore; } public Type[] getTypeConstants() { return finalTypeConstantStore; } void listing(String fname){ int pc = 0; while(pc < finalCode.length){ Opcode opc = Opcode.fromInteger(fetchOp((int) finalCode[pc])); System.out.println(fname + "[" + pc +"]: " + Opcode.toString(this, opc, pc)); pc += opc.getPcIncrement(); } System.out.println(); } public String toString(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\n") ; boolean prevLabel = false ; if(insList != null){ for (Instruction ins : insList ) { if ( ins instanceof Label ) { sb.append(ins).append(": "); prevLabel = true ; } else { if ( prevLabel ) { sb.append("\t").append(ins).append("\n") ; prevLabel = false ; } else { sb.append("\t\t").append(ins).append("\n") ; } } } } return sb.toString(); } public String toString(int n){ Opcode opc = Opcode.fromInteger(fetchOp(finalCode[n])); return Opcode.toString(this, opc, n); } public void genByteCode(BytecodeGenerator gen, boolean debug) { for(Instruction ins : insList){ ins.generateByteCode(gen, debug); } if (insList.get(insList.size() - 1) instanceof Label) { // The mu2rvm code generator emits faulty code and jumps outside existing space // put in a panic return, code is also generated on a not used label. // Activate the peephole optimizer :). gen.emitPanicReturn(); } } } class LabelInfo { final int index; int PC; Instruction instruction; LabelInfo(Instruction ins, int index, int pc){ this.instruction = ins; this.index = index; this.PC = pc; } public LabelInfo(int index) { this.index = index; PC = -1; } public boolean isResolved(){ return PC >= 0; } } /** * FSTCodeBlockSerializer: serializer for CodeBlock objects * */ class FSTCodeBlockSerializer extends FSTBasicObjectSerializer { private static TypeStore store; public static void initSerialization(IValueFactory vfactory, TypeStore ts){ store = ts; store.extendStore(RascalValueFactory.getStore()); } @Override public void writeObject(FSTObjectOutput out, Object toWrite, FSTClazzInfo arg2, FSTFieldInfo arg3, int arg4) throws IOException { int n; CodeBlock cb = (CodeBlock) toWrite; // private String name; out.writeObject(; // private Map<IValue, Integer> constantMap; // private ArrayList<IValue> constantStore; // private IValue[] finalConstantStore; n = cb.finalConstantStore.length; out.writeObject(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableIValue(cb.finalConstantStore[i])); } // private Map<Type, Integer> typeConstantMap; // private ArrayList<Type> typeConstantStore; // private Type[] finalTypeConstantStore; n = cb.finalTypeConstantStore.length; out.writeObject(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableType(cb.finalTypeConstantStore[i])); } // private Map<String, Integer> functionMap; out.writeObject(cb.functionMap); // private Map<String, Integer> resolver; out.writeObject(cb.resolver); // private Map<String, Integer> constructorMap; out.writeObject(cb.constructorMap); // public int[] finalCode; out.writeObject(cb.finalCode); } public void readObject(FSTObjectInput in, Object toRead, FSTClazzInfo clzInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencedBy) { } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object instantiate(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class objectClass, FSTObjectInput in, FSTClazzInfo serializationInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencee, int streamPosition) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { int n; // private String name; String name = (String) in.readObject(); // private Map<IValue, Integer> constantMap; // private ArrayList<IValue> constantStore; // private IValue[] finalConstantStore; n = (Integer) in.readObject(); Map<IValue,Integer> constantMap = new HashMap<IValue, Integer> (); ArrayList<IValue> constantStore = new ArrayList<IValue>(); IValue[] finalConstantStore = new IValue[n]; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ IValue val = (IValue) in.readObject(); constantMap.put(val, i); constantStore.add(i, val); finalConstantStore[i] = val; } // private Map<Type, Integer> typeConstantMap; // private ArrayList<Type> typeConstantStore; // private Type[] finalTypeConstantStore; n = (Integer) in.readObject(); Map<Type, Integer> typeConstantMap = new HashMap<Type, Integer>(); ArrayList<Type> typeConstantStore = new ArrayList<Type>(); Type[] finalTypeConstantStore = new Type[n]; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ Type type = (Type) in.readObject(); typeConstantMap.put(type, i); typeConstantStore.add(i, type); finalTypeConstantStore[i] = type; } // private Map<String, Integer> functionMap; Map<String, Integer> functionMap = (HashMap<String, Integer>) in.readObject(); // private Map<String, Integer> resolver; Map<String, Integer> resolver = (HashMap<String, Integer>) in.readObject(); // private Map<String, Integer> constructorMap; Map<String, Integer> constructorMap = (HashMap<String, Integer>) in.readObject(); // public int[] finalCode; long[] finalCode = (long[]) in.readObject(); return new CodeBlock(name, constantMap, constantStore, finalConstantStore, typeConstantMap, typeConstantStore, finalTypeConstantStore, functionMap, resolver, constructorMap, finalCode); } }