package; import static org.rascalmpl.library.lang.json.Factory.JSON; import static org.rascalmpl.library.lang.json.Factory.JSON_array; import static org.rascalmpl.library.lang.json.Factory.JSON_boolean; import static org.rascalmpl.library.lang.json.Factory.JSON_ivalue; import static org.rascalmpl.library.lang.json.Factory.JSON_null; import static org.rascalmpl.library.lang.json.Factory.JSON_number; import static org.rascalmpl.library.lang.json.Factory.JSON_object; import static org.rascalmpl.library.lang.json.Factory.JSON_string; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.asserts.NotYetImplemented; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.types.NonTerminalType; import org.rascalmpl.value.IBool; import org.rascalmpl.value.IConstructor; import org.rascalmpl.value.IDateTime; import org.rascalmpl.value.IExternalValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.IInteger; import org.rascalmpl.value.IList; import org.rascalmpl.value.IListWriter; import org.rascalmpl.value.IMap; import org.rascalmpl.value.IMapWriter; import org.rascalmpl.value.INode; import org.rascalmpl.value.IRational; import org.rascalmpl.value.IReal; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISet; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISetWriter; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISourceLocation; import org.rascalmpl.value.IString; import org.rascalmpl.value.ITuple; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.value.IWithKeywordParameters; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.ITypeVisitor; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.TypeFactory; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.TypeStore; import org.rascalmpl.value.visitors.IValueVisitor; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.RascalValueFactory; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public class JSONReadingTypeVisitor implements ITypeVisitor<IValue, IOException> { private static final TypeFactory tf = TypeFactory.getInstance(); private final IValueFactory vf; private final TypeStore ts; private final Stack<Object> stack; public static IValue read(Object obj, IValueFactory vf, TypeStore ts, Type t) throws IOException { JSONReadingTypeVisitor v = new JSONReadingTypeVisitor(obj, vf, ts); return; } private JSONReadingTypeVisitor(Object obj, IValueFactory vf, TypeStore ts) { this.stack = new Stack<Object>(); this.stack.push(obj); this.vf = vf; this.ts = ts; } private IValue read(Type type) throws IOException { while (type.isAliased()) { type = type.getAliased(); } if (type == tf.valueType()) { return visitValue(type); } if (type == tf.numberType()) { return visitNumber(type); } if (type == JSON) { return readPlainJSON(); } // NB: why not treat isNode same as isNumber: // because nodes have values, but nums do not. stack.push(contents()); // skip tag IValue v = type.accept(this); stack.pop(); return v; } private String tag() { assert stack.peek() instanceof List && ((List)stack.peek()).size() == 2; List m = (List)stack.peek(); return (String) m.get(0); } private Object contents() { assert stack.peek() instanceof List && ((List)stack.peek()).size() == 2; List m = (List)stack.peek(); return m.get(1); } @Override public IValue visitReal(Type type) throws IOException { return vf.real(((Double)stack.peek()).doubleValue()); } @Override public IValue visitInteger(Type type) throws IOException { return vf.integer(((Double)stack.peek()).longValue()); } @Override public IValue visitRational(Type type) throws IOException { // [ num, denom ] List l = (List)stack.peek(); long num = ((Double)l.get(0)).longValue(); long den = ((Double)l.get(1)).longValue(); return vf.rational(num, den); } private Type elementType(Type t) { return t.isTop() ? tf.valueType() : t.getElementType(); } private Type keyType(Type t) { return t.isTop() ? tf.valueType() : t.getKeyType(); } private Type valueType(Type t) { return t.isTop() ? tf.valueType() : t.getValueType(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public IValue visitList(Type type) throws IOException { IListWriter w = vf.listWriter(elementType(type)); List l = (List)stack.peek(); for (Object e: l) { stack.push(e); w.append(read(elementType(type))); stack.pop(); } return w.done(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public IValue visitMap(Type type) throws IOException { // [ [k, v], ... ] IMapWriter w = vf.mapWriter(keyType(type), valueType(type)); List l = (List)stack.peek(); for (Object e: l) { List pair = (List)e; stack.push(pair.get(0)); IValue k = read(keyType(type)); stack.pop(); stack.push(pair.get(1)); IValue v = read(valueType(type)); stack.pop(); w.put(k, v); } return w.done(); } @Override public IValue visitNumber(Type type) throws IOException { IValue value = null; String tag = tag(); stack.push(contents()); switch (tag) { case "int": value = visitInteger(type); break; case "real": value = visitReal(type); break; case "rat": value = visitRational(type); break; default: throw new IOException("invalid tag for num: " + tag); } stack.pop(); return value; } @Override public IValue visitAlias(Type type) throws IOException { throw new AssertionError("alias normalization should happen in read()"); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public IValue visitSet(Type type) throws IOException { ISetWriter w = vf.setWriter(elementType(type)); List l = (List)stack.peek(); for (Object e: l) { stack.push(e); w.insert(read(elementType(type))); stack.pop(); } return w.done(); } @Override public IValue visitSourceLocation(Type type) throws IOException { String scheme = null; String authority = null; String path = null; String fragment = ""; String query = ""; int offset = -1; int length = -1; int beginLine = -1; int endLine = -1; int beginColumn = -1; int endColumn = -1; Map m = (Map)stack.peek(); for (Object k: m.keySet()) { String name = (String)k; switch (name) { case "scheme": scheme = (String)m.get(name); break; case "authority": authority = (String)m.get(name); break; case "path": path = (String)m.get(name); break; case "fragment": fragment = (String)m.get(name); break; case "query": query = (String)m.get(name); break; case "offset": offset = ((Double)m.get(name)).intValue(); break; case "length": length = ((Double)m.get(name)).intValue(); break; case "beginLine": beginLine = ((Double)m.get(name)).intValue(); break; case "endLine": endLine = ((Double)m.get(name)).intValue(); break; case "beginColumn": beginColumn = ((Double)m.get(name)).intValue(); break; case "endColumn": endColumn = ((Double)m.get(name)).intValue(); break; default: throw new IOException( "invalid property name in SourceLocation serialization: " + name); } } if (path != null && offset != -1 && length != -1 && beginLine != -1 && endLine != -1 && beginColumn != -1 && endColumn != -1) { return vf.sourceLocation(path, offset, length, beginLine, endLine, beginColumn, endColumn); } try { if (scheme != null && authority != null && query != null && fragment != null) { return vf.sourceLocation(scheme, authority, path, query, fragment); } if (scheme != null) { return vf.sourceLocation(scheme, authority == null ? "" : authority, path); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IOException(e); } if (path != null) { return vf.sourceLocation(path); } throw new IOException("Could not parse complete source location"); } @Override public IValue visitString(Type type) throws IOException { return vf.string((String)stack.peek()); } @Override public IValue visitNode(Type type) throws IOException { // ["name", [ ... ] ] List l = (List)stack.peek(); String name = (String)l.get(0); int arity = ((Double)l.get(1)).intValue(); List argsList = (List) l.get(2); IValue[] args = new IValue[arity]; for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { stack.push(argsList.get(i)); args[i] = read(tf.valueType()); stack.pop(); } Map<String, IValue> kwargs = null; if (l.size() > 3) { kwargs = new HashMap<>(); Map kw = (Map)l.get(3); for (Object k: kw.keySet()) { String label = (String)k; stack.push(kw.get(label)); kwargs.put(label, fixupTypeOfNodeValues(read(tf.valueType()))); stack.pop(); } } if (kwargs != null) { return vf.node(name, args, kwargs); } return vf.node(name, args); } private IValue fixupTypeOfNodeValues(IValue input) { return input.accept(new IValueVisitor<IValue, RuntimeException>() { @Override public IValue visitList(IList o) throws RuntimeException { List<IValue> elements = new ArrayList<IValue>(o.length()); for (IValue e : o) { elements.add(e.accept(this)); } IListWriter writer = vf.listWriter(); writer.appendAll(elements); return writer.done(); } @Override public IValue visitRelation(ISet o) throws RuntimeException { List<IValue> elements = new ArrayList<IValue>(o.size()); for (IValue e : o) { elements.add(e.accept(this)); } ISetWriter writer = vf.setWriter(); writer.insertAll(elements); return writer.done(); } @Override public IValue visitListRelation(IList o) throws RuntimeException { List<IValue> elements = new ArrayList<IValue>(o.length()); for (IValue e : o) { elements.add(e.accept(this)); } IListWriter writer = vf.listWriter(); writer.appendAll(elements); return writer.done(); } @Override public IValue visitSet(ISet o) throws RuntimeException { List<IValue> elements = new ArrayList<IValue>(o.size()); for (IValue e : o) { elements.add(e.accept(this)); } ISetWriter writer = vf.setWriter(); writer.insertAll(elements); return writer.done(); } @Override public IValue visitTuple(ITuple o) throws RuntimeException { IValue[] elements = new IValue[o.arity()]; Type[] types = new Type[o.arity()]; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { elements[i] = o.get(i).accept(this); types[i] = elements[i].getType(); } return vf.tuple(tf.tupleType(types), elements); } @Override public IValue visitNode(INode o) throws RuntimeException { IValue[] children = new IValue[o.arity()]; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { children[i] = o.get(i).accept(this); } if (o.mayHaveKeywordParameters()) { IWithKeywordParameters<? extends INode> okw = o.asWithKeywordParameters(); Map<String, IValue> oldKwParams = okw.getParameters(); Map<String, IValue> kwParams = new HashMap<>(oldKwParams.size()); for (String key : oldKwParams.keySet()) { kwParams.put(key, oldKwParams.get(key).accept(this)); } return vf.node(o.getName(), children, kwParams); } return vf.node(o.getName(), children); } @Override public IValue visitMap(IMap o) throws RuntimeException { Iterator<Entry<IValue,IValue>> entries = o.entryIterator(); Map<IValue, IValue> newEntries = new HashMap<>(o.size()); while (entries.hasNext()) { Entry<IValue, IValue> ent =; newEntries.put(ent.getKey().accept(this), ent.getValue().accept(this)); } IMapWriter writer = vf.mapWriter(); writer.putAll(newEntries); return writer.done(); } @Override public IValue visitConstructor(IConstructor o) throws RuntimeException { throw new NotYetImplemented("Constructors are not yet implemented"); } @Override public IValue visitString(IString o) throws RuntimeException { return o; } @Override public IValue visitReal(IReal o) throws RuntimeException { return o; } @Override public IValue visitRational(IRational o) throws RuntimeException { return o; } @Override public IValue visitSourceLocation(ISourceLocation o) throws RuntimeException { return o; } @Override public IValue visitInteger(IInteger o) throws RuntimeException { return o; } @Override public IValue visitBoolean(IBool boolValue) throws RuntimeException { return boolValue; } @Override public IValue visitExternal(IExternalValue externalValue) throws RuntimeException { return externalValue; } @Override public IValue visitDateTime(IDateTime o) throws RuntimeException { return o; } }); } @Override public IValue visitConstructor(Type type) throws IOException { throw new NotYetImplemented("constructor types"); } @Override public IValue visitAbstractData(Type type) throws IOException { // [ "name", [ ... ], { ... } } if (type == JSON) { return readPlainJSON(); } List l = (List)stack.peek(); String name = (String)l.get(0); int arity = ((Double)l.get(1)).intValue(); Set<Type> ctors = ts.lookupConstructor(type, name); Type ctor = null; for (Type t: ctors) { if (t.getArity() == arity) { ctor = t; break; } } if (ctor == null) { throw new IOException("no constructor " + name + "/" + arity+ " in " + type); } List argsList = (List) l.get(2); IValue[] args = new IValue[arity]; for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { stack.push(argsList.get(i)); args[i] = read(ctor.getFieldType(i)); stack.pop(); } Map<String, IValue> kwargs = null; Map<String, Type> kwformals = ts.getKeywordParameters(ctor); if (kwformals.size() > 0 && l.size() > 3) { kwargs = new HashMap<>(); Map kw = (Map)l.get(3); for (Object k: kw.keySet()) { String label = (String)k; Type kwType = kwformals.get(label); if (kwType == null) { // TODO: JV added this, kwType could be null kwType = tf.valueType(); } stack.push(kw.get(label)); kwargs.put(label, read(kwType)); stack.pop(); } } if (kwargs != null) { return vf.constructor(ctor, args, kwargs); } return vf.constructor(ctor, args); } private IValue readPlainJSON() throws IOException { return convertToIValue(stack.peek()); } private IValue convertToIValue(Object obj) throws IOException { if (obj == null) { return vf.constructor(JSON_null); } if (obj instanceof Double) { return vf.constructor(JSON_number, vf.real(((Double)obj).doubleValue())); } if (obj instanceof Boolean) { return vf.constructor(JSON_boolean, vf.bool(((Boolean)obj).booleanValue())); } if (obj instanceof String) { return vf.constructor(JSON_string, vf.string((String)obj)); } if (obj instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map)obj; if (map.keySet().size() == 1) { for (Object k: map.keySet()) { if (k.equals("#value")) { stack.push(map.get(k)); IValue v = read(tf.valueType()); stack.pop(); return vf.constructor(JSON_ivalue, v); } } } IMapWriter w = vf.mapWriter(); for (Object k: map.keySet()) { w.put(vf.string((String) k), convertToIValue(map.get(k))); } return vf.constructor(JSON_object, w.done()); } if (obj instanceof List) { IListWriter w = vf.listWriter(); for (Object k: (List)obj) { w.append(convertToIValue(k)); } return vf.constructor(JSON_array, w.done()); } if (obj instanceof Double) { return vf.constructor(JSON_null); } throw new AssertionError("unhandled generic JSON object: " + obj); } @Override public IValue visitTuple(Type type) throws IOException { List l = (List)stack.peek(); if (type.isTop()) { IValue[] args = new IValue[l.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { stack.push(l.get(i)); args[i] = read(tf.valueType()); stack.pop(); } return vf.tuple(args); } IValue args[] = new IValue[type.getArity()]; for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { stack.push(l.get(i)); args[i] = read(type.getFieldType(i)); stack.pop(); } return vf.tuple(type, args); } @Override public IValue visitValue(Type type) throws IOException { String tag = tag(); IValue value = null; stack.push(contents()); switch (tag) { case "cons": value = visitNode(type); break; case "node": value = visitNode(type); break; case "int": value = visitInteger(type); break; case "rat": value = visitRational(type); break; case "real": value = visitReal(type); break; case "loc": value = visitSourceLocation(type); break; case "datetime": value = visitDateTime(type); break; case "bool": value = visitBool(type); break; case "list": value = visitList(type); break; case "set": value = visitSet(type); break; case "map": value = visitMap(type); break; case "str": value = visitString(type); break; case "tuple": value = visitTuple(type); break; default: throw new IOException("invalid tag for value: " + tag); } stack.pop(); return value; } @Override public IValue visitDateTime(Type type) throws IOException { // {datetime: { }} int year = -1; int monthOfYear = -1; int dayOfMonth = -1; int hourOfDay = -1; int minuteOfHour = -1; int secondOfMinute = -1; int millisecondsOfSecond = -1; int timezoneOffsetHours = -1; int timezoneOffsetMinutes = -1; Map m = (Map)stack.peek(); for (Object k: m.keySet()) { String fld = (String)k; int n = ((Double)m.get(fld)).intValue(); switch (fld) { case "year": year = n; break; case "monthOfYear": monthOfYear = n; break; case "dayOfMonth": dayOfMonth = n; break; case "hourOfDay": hourOfDay = n; break; case "minuteOfHour": minuteOfHour = n; break; case "secondOfMinute": secondOfMinute = n; break; case "millisecondsOfSecond": millisecondsOfSecond = n; break; case "timezoneOffsetHours": timezoneOffsetHours = n; break; case "timezoneOffsetMinutes": timezoneOffsetMinutes = n; break; default: throw new IOException("invalid field for date time: " + fld); } } if (year != -1 && monthOfYear != -1 && dayOfMonth != -1 && hourOfDay != -1 && minuteOfHour != -1 && secondOfMinute != -1 && millisecondsOfSecond != -1 && timezoneOffsetHours != -1 && timezoneOffsetMinutes != -1) { return vf.datetime(year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth, hourOfDay, minuteOfHour, secondOfMinute, millisecondsOfSecond, timezoneOffsetHours, timezoneOffsetMinutes); } if (year != -1 && monthOfYear != -1 && dayOfMonth != -1 && hourOfDay != -1 && minuteOfHour != -1 && secondOfMinute != -1 && millisecondsOfSecond != -1) { return vf.datetime(year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth, hourOfDay, minuteOfHour, secondOfMinute, millisecondsOfSecond); } if (year != -1 && monthOfYear != -1 && dayOfMonth != -1) { return, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth); } throw new IOException("insufficient fields for making a datetime value"); } @Override public IValue visitVoid(Type type) throws IOException { throw new AssertionError("cannot read values of type void"); } @Override public IValue visitBool(Type type) throws IOException { return vf.bool((Boolean)stack.peek()); } @Override public IValue visitParameter(Type type) throws IOException { throw new AssertionError("parameter types should have been bound"); } @Override public IValue visitExternal(Type type) throws IOException { if (type instanceof NonTerminalType) { return RascalValueFactory.Tree.accept(this); } throw new IOException("cannot deserialize external values"); } }