package org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.repl; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.utils.LimitedResultWriter.IOLimitReachedException; import org.rascalmpl.library.Prelude; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.ExecutionTools; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.NameCompleter; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.NoSuchRascalFunction; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.RVMExecutable; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.RascalExecutionContext; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.RascalExecutionContextBuilder; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.Thrown; import; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.ideservices.IDEServices; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.java2rascal.Java2Rascal; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.repl.debug.DebugREPLFrameObserver; import org.rascalmpl.library.lang.rascal.boot.IKernel; import org.rascalmpl.library.lang.rascal.syntax.RascalParser; import org.rascalmpl.library.util.PathConfig; import org.rascalmpl.parser.Parser; import org.rascalmpl.parser.gtd.exception.ParseError; import org.rascalmpl.parser.gtd.result.action.IActionExecutor; import org.rascalmpl.parser.gtd.result.out.DefaultNodeFlattener; import org.rascalmpl.parser.uptr.UPTRNodeFactory; import org.rascalmpl.parser.uptr.action.NoActionExecutor; import org.rascalmpl.repl.CompletionResult; import org.rascalmpl.repl.LimitedLineWriter; import org.rascalmpl.repl.LimitedWriter; import org.rascalmpl.uri.URIUtil; import org.rascalmpl.value.IBool; import org.rascalmpl.value.IConstructor; import org.rascalmpl.value.IList; import org.rascalmpl.value.IListWriter; import org.rascalmpl.value.IMap; import org.rascalmpl.value.IMapWriter; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISet; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISourceLocation; import org.rascalmpl.value.IString; import org.rascalmpl.value.ITuple; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.value.exceptions.FactTypeUseException; import; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.TypeStore; import org.rascalmpl.values.ValueFactoryFactory; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.ITree; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.RascalValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.TreeAdapter; public class CommandExecutor { private final static int LINE_LIMIT = 75; private final static int CHAR_LIMIT = LINE_LIMIT * 20; private PathConfig pcfg; private PrintWriter stdout; private PrintWriter stderr; private final IValueFactory vf; private String consoleInputName = "ConsoleInput"; public static String consoleInputPath = "/ConsoleInput.rsc"; private ISourceLocation consoleInputLocation; private RVMExecutable rvmConsoleExecutable; private SortedSet<String> vocabulary; private final Prelude prelude; boolean semiColonAdded = false; private DebugREPLFrameObserver debugObserver; private IDEServices ideServices; protected final CompiledRascalREPL repl; private HelpManager helpManager; private HashMap<String, Variable> variables ; private ArrayList<String> imports; private HashMap<String,List<String>> syntaxDefinitions; private HashMap<String,List<String>> functionDeclarations; private HashMap<String,List<String>> dataDeclarations; private Map<IValue, IValue> moduleVariables; private final String shellModuleName = "CompiledRascalShell"; private boolean forceRecompilation = true; private IKernel kernel; private StandardTextWriter indentedPrettyPrinter; private Settings settings; private boolean kernel_coverage; private boolean kernel_debug; private boolean kernel_profile; private boolean kernel_trace; private boolean kernel_verbose; private boolean compile_coverage; private boolean compile_debug; private boolean compile_enableAsserts; private boolean compile_optimize; private boolean compile_profile; private boolean compile_testsuite; private boolean compile_trace; private boolean compile_verbose; private boolean execute_coverage; private boolean execute_debug; private boolean execute_debugRVM; private boolean execute_jvm; private boolean execute_profile; private boolean execute_testsuite; private boolean execute_trace; private boolean execute_verbose; private boolean repl_verbose; public CommandExecutor(PathConfig pcfg, PrintWriter stdout, PrintWriter stderr, IDEServices ideServices, CompiledRascalREPL repl) throws IOException, NoSuchRascalFunction, URISyntaxException { vf = ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory(); prelude = new Prelude(vf); settings = new Settings(); this.pcfg = settings.getPathConfig(pcfg).addSourceLoc(vf.sourceLocation("test-modules", "", "")); this.stdout = stdout; this.stderr = stderr; this.ideServices = ideServices; this.repl = repl; consoleInputLocation = vf.sourceLocation("test-modules", "", consoleInputName + ".rsc"); try { for(IValue isrc : pcfg.getSrcs()){ isrc).getPath())); } } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println("Unable to watch file changes due to: " + e); } // options for the kernel kernel_coverage = settings.getBool("kernel.coverage", false); kernel_debug = settings.getBool("kernel.debug", false); kernel_profile = settings.getBool("kernel.profile", false); kernel_trace = settings.getBool("kernel.trace", false); kernel_verbose = settings.getBool("kernel.verbose", false); // options for compiler compile_coverage = settings.getBool("compile.coverage", false); compile_debug = settings.getBool("compile.debug", false); compile_enableAsserts = settings.getBool("compile.enableAsserts", true); compile_optimize = settings.getBool("compile.optimize", false); compile_profile = settings.getBool("compile.profile", false); compile_testsuite = settings.getBool("compile.testsuite", false); compile_trace = settings.getBool("compile.trace", false); compile_verbose = settings.getBool("compile.verbose", false); // options per executed command execute_coverage = settings.getBool("execute.coverage", false); execute_debug = settings.getBool("execute.debug", false); execute_debugRVM = settings.getBool("execute.debugRVM", false); execute_jvm = settings.getBool("execute.jvm", true); execute_profile = settings.getBool("execute.profile", false); execute_testsuite = settings.getBool("execute.testsuite", false); execute_trace = settings.getBool("execute.trace", false); execute_verbose = settings.getBool("execute.verbose", false); // options for the repl itself repl_verbose = settings.getBool("repl.verbose", false); IMapWriter w = vf.mapWriter(); //w.put(vf.string("bootstrapParser"), vf.string("")); IMap CompiledRascalShellModuleTags = w.done(); // w = vf.mapWriter(); // w.put(vf.string(shellModuleName), CompiledRascalShellModuleTags); // w.put(vf.string(consoleInputName), CompiledRascalShellModuleTags); kernel = Java2Rascal.Builder.bridge(vf, pcfg, IKernel.class) .coverage(kernel_coverage) .debug(kernel_debug) .profile(kernel_profile) .trace(kernel_trace) .verbose(kernel_verbose) .build(); startupMessage(pcfg); variables = new HashMap<>(); imports = new ArrayList<>(); syntaxDefinitions = new HashMap<>(); functionDeclarations = new HashMap<>(); dataDeclarations = new HashMap<>(); moduleVariables = new HashMap<>(); // helpManager is only initialized on first help or apropos call indentedPrettyPrinter = new StandardTextWriter(true); //singleLinePrettyPrinter = new StandardTextWriter(false); stderr.println("Type 'help' for information or 'quit' to leave"); } private void startupMessage(PathConfig pcfg){ if(repl_verbose){ System.err.println(pcfg); } } public void reset(){ variables = new HashMap<>(); imports = new ArrayList<>(); syntaxDefinitions = new HashMap<>(); functionDeclarations = new HashMap<>(); dataDeclarations = new HashMap<>(); moduleVariables = new HashMap<>(); forceRecompilation = true; vocabulary = null; } public void shutdown(){ kernel.shutdown(); } public void setDebugObserver(DebugREPLFrameObserver observer){ this.debugObserver = observer; if(kernel_debug){ kernel.setFrameObserver(observer); } } private boolean noErrors(RVMExecutable exec){ return exec.getErrors().size() == 0; } private String capitalize(String s){ return s.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1); } private boolean anyFilesChanged(){ for(Path p : ideServices.fileChanges()){ if(p.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".rsc")){ System.err.println("File changed: " + p); return true; } } return false; } private String getErrors(String modString, RVMExecutable exec){ ISet errors = exec.getErrors(); if(errors.size() == 0){ return ""; } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); for(IValue m : errors){ IConstructor msg = (IConstructor) m; String msgKind = msg.getName(); String txt = ((IString)msg.get("msg")).getValue(); ISourceLocation src = (ISourceLocation)msg.get("at"); String origin = " AT " + src.toString(); if(src.getPath().equals(consoleInputPath)){ int offset = src.getOffset(); String subarea = modString.substring(offset, offset + src.getLength()); origin = subarea.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9]+") ? "" : " IN '" + subarea + "'"; } else if(txt.contains("Cannot import")){ origin = ""; } sw.append(capitalize(msgKind)).append(": ").append(txt).append(origin); } return sw.toString(); } private void executeTests(String[] words){ IListWriter w = vf.listWriter(); if(words.length > 1){ for(int i = 1; i < words.length; i++){ String mname = words[i]; for(int j = 0; j < imports.size(); j++){ // Support abbreviations of already imported modules if(imports.get(j).contains(mname)){ mname = imports.get(j); break; } } w.append(vf.string(mname)); } } else { if(imports.size() > 0){ for(int i = 0; i < imports.size(); i++){ w.append(vf.string(imports.get(i))); } } else { stderr.println("No tests to execute; import modules with tests or give list of modules with tests"); return; } } IValue res = kernel.rascalTests(w.done(), pcfg.asConstructor(kernel), kernel.kw_rascalTests() .verbose(execute_verbose) .jvm(true) .recompile(true) ); stderr.println("executeTests: " + res); } public IConstructor executeTestsRaw(String mname){ return kernel.rascalTestsRaw(vf.list(vf.string(mname)), pcfg.asConstructor(kernel), kernel.kw_rascalTests() .verbose(execute_verbose) .jvm(true) .recompile(true) ); } private void moduleDeclarations(StringWriter w){ for(String imp : imports){ w.append("import ").append(imp).append(";\n"); } for(String syn : syntaxDefinitions.keySet()){ for(String alt : syntaxDefinitions.get(syn)){ w.append(alt).append("\n"); } } for(String d : dataDeclarations.keySet()){ for(String alt : dataDeclarations.get(d)){ w.append(alt).append("\n"); } } for(String f : functionDeclarations.keySet()){ for(String alt : functionDeclarations.get(f)){ w.append(alt).append("\n"); } } for(String name : variables.keySet()){ Variable var = variables.get(name); w.append(var.type).append(" ").append(name).append(";\n"); } } private IValue executeModule(String main, boolean onlyMainChanged) throws RascalShellExecutionException { StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); w.append("module ConsoleInput\n"); moduleDeclarations(w); w.append(main); String modString = w.toString(); //System.err.println(modString); try { prelude.writeFile(consoleInputLocation, vf.list(vf.string(modString))); IBool reuseConfig = vf.bool(onlyMainChanged && !forceRecompilation && !anyFilesChanged()); forceRecompilation = true; IConstructor rvmProgram = kernel.compileAndMergeProgramIncremental(vf.string(consoleInputName), reuseConfig, pcfg.asConstructor(kernel), kernel.kw_compileAndMergeProgramIncremental() .optimize(compile_optimize) .verbose(compile_verbose) .jvm(true) ); rvmConsoleExecutable =, ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory().bool(true), new TypeStore()); if(noErrors(rvmConsoleExecutable)){ RascalExecutionContext rex = RascalExecutionContextBuilder.normalContext(pcfg, stdout, stderr) .forModule(shellModuleName) .withModuleTags(rvmConsoleExecutable.getModuleTags()) .withModuleVariables(moduleVariables) .debug(execute_debug) .debugRVM(execute_debugRVM) .testsuite(execute_testsuite) .profile(execute_profile) .trace(execute_trace) .coverage(execute_coverage) .jvm(true) .verbose(execute_verbose) .observedBy(debugObserver != null ? (kernel_debug ? debugObserver : debugObserver.getObserverWhenActiveBreakpoints()) : null) .build(); IValue val = ExecutionTools.executeProgram(rvmConsoleExecutable, new HashMap<String,IValue>(), rex); updateModuleVariables(rex.getModuleVariables()); forceRecompilation = false; vocabulary = null; return val; } else { System.err.println(getErrors(modString, rvmConsoleExecutable)); return null; } } catch (Thrown e){ StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); if(e.getFrame() != null){ System.err.println(e); debugObserver.exception(e.getFrame(), e); } else { System.err.println("Exception [debugger cannot break at null frame]: " + e); } return null; //throw new RascalShellExecutionException(sw.toString()); } catch (IOException e){ throw new RascalShellExecutionException("Error: " + (e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : e.toString())); } catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); throw new RascalShellExecutionException("Error: " + (e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : e.toString())); } } private boolean is(ITree tree, String consName){ return TreeAdapter.getConstructorName(tree).equals(consName); } private ITree get(ITree tree, String fieldName){ return TreeAdapter.getArg(tree, fieldName); } private boolean has(ITree tree, String fieldName){ try { TreeAdapter.getArg(tree, fieldName); return true; } catch (Exception e){ return false; } } // public String evalPrint(String statement, ISourceLocation rootLocation) throws IOException, ExecutionException{ // IValue result = eval(statement, rootLocation); // return resultToString(result); // } public IValue eval(String statement, ISourceLocation rootLocation) throws RascalShellExecutionException, IOException { ITree cmd = parseCommand(statement, rootLocation); cmd = TreeAdapter.getStartTop(cmd); if(is(cmd, "expression")){ return evalExpression(statement, get(cmd, "expression")); } if(is(cmd, "statement")){ return evalStatement(statement, get(cmd, "statement")); } if(is(cmd, "import")){ // try { return evalImport(statement, get(cmd, "imported")); // } catch (FactTypeUseException | IOException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } // return null; } if(is(cmd, "declaration")){ //try { return evalDeclaration(statement, get(cmd, "declaration")); // } catch (FactTypeUseException | IOException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } } return null; } private IValue evalExpression(String src, ITree exp) throws RascalShellExecutionException{ return executeModule("\nvalue main() = " + src + ";\n", true); } private void declareVar(String type, String name){ variables.put(name, new Variable(type, name)); } private void updateVar(String name, IValue val){ moduleVariables.put(vf.string("ConsoleInput:" + name), val); } private void annotateVar(String name, String annoName, IValue annoVal){ IValue iname = vf.string("ConsoleInput:" + name); IValue oldVal = moduleVariables.get(iname); if(oldVal != null){ moduleVariables.put(iname, oldVal.asAnnotatable().setAnnotation(annoName, annoVal)); } } private boolean undeclareVar(String name){ return !(variables.remove(name) == null && moduleVariables.remove("ConsoleInput:" + name) == null); } private void updateModuleVariables(Map<IValue,IValue> newModuleVariables){ for(IValue ivar : moduleVariables.keySet()){ String name = ((IString) ivar).getValue(); IValue newVal = newModuleVariables.get("ConsoleInput:" + name); if(newVal != null){ moduleVariables.put(ivar, newVal); } } } private IValue report(String msg) { stdout.println(msg); stdout.flush(); return null; } private IValue reportError(String msg) throws RascalShellExecutionException { throw new RascalShellExecutionException("Error: " + msg); } private String getBaseVar(ITree assignable) throws FactTypeUseException, IOException{ if(is(assignable, "variable")){ return unparse(get(assignable, "qualifiedName")); } if(has(assignable, "receiver")){ return getBaseVar(get(assignable, "receiver")); } return null; } private String makeMain(String stat){ return "\nvalue main() { try { return " + stat + "} catch e: return e;}\n"; } private String makeMainOk(){ return "\nvalue main() = \"ok\";\n"; } private IValue evalStatement(String src, ITree stat) throws IOException, RascalShellExecutionException { String consName = TreeAdapter.getConstructorName(stat); switch(consName){ case "expression": String innerExp = unparse(get(stat, "expression")); return executeModule(makeMain(innerExp + ";"), true); case "assignment": //assignment: Assignable assignable Assignment operator Statement!functionDeclaration!variableDeclaration statement ITree assignable = get(stat, "assignable"); String assignableName = TreeAdapter.getConstructorName(assignable); IValue val; switch(assignableName){ case "variable": case "subscript": case "slice": case "sliceStep": case "fieldAccess": { String name = getBaseVar(assignable); Variable var = variables.get(name); if(var != null){ val = executeModule("\nvalue main() { " + src + "}\n", true); updateVar(name, val); return val; } else { val = executeModule(makeMain(unparse(get(stat, "statement"))), true); declareVar(val.getType().toString(), name); updateVar(name, val); forceRecompilation = true; return val; } } case "annotation": { String annoName = unparse(get(assignable, "annotation")); String name = getBaseVar(assignable); Variable var = variables.get(name); val = executeModule(makeMain(unparse(get(stat, "statement"))), true); if(var != null){ annotateVar(name, annoName, val); } return val; } case "ifDefinedOrDefault": { String name = getBaseVar(assignable); Variable var = variables.get(name); val = executeModule(makeMain(src), true); if(var == null){ declareVar(val.getType().toString(), name); updateVar(name, val); } return val; } case "tuple": { ITree elements = get(assignable, "elements"); val = executeModule(makeMain(unparse(get(stat, "statement"))), true); ITuple tupleVal = (ITuple) val; IList elemList = TreeAdapter.getListASTArgs(elements); for(int i = 0; i < elemList.length(); i++){ ITree element = (ITree) elemList.get(i); String elemName = getBaseVar((ITree)element); if(elemName != null){ declareVar(val.getType().getFieldType(i).toString(), elemName); updateVar(elemName, tupleVal.get(i)); forceRecompilation = true; } else { return reportError("Assignable is not supported: " + unparse((ITree)element)); } } return val; } case "constructor": { consName = unparse(get(assignable, "name")); ITree elements = get(assignable, "arguments"); val = executeModule(makeMain(unparse(get(stat, "statement"))), true); if(val != null){ IConstructor consVal = (IConstructor) val; if(consVal.getName().equals(consName)){ IList elemList = TreeAdapter.getListASTArgs(elements); for(int i = 0; i < elemList.length(); i++){ ITree element = (ITree) elemList.get(i); String elemName = getBaseVar((ITree)element); if(elemName != null){ declareVar(consVal.getConstructorType().getFieldType(i).toString(), elemName); updateVar(elemName, consVal.get(i)); } else { return reportError("Assignable is not supported: " + unparse((ITree)element)); } } } else { return reportError("Name mismatch in assignment: " + consName + " vs " + consVal.getName()); } } forceRecompilation = true; return val; } default: return reportError("Assignable is not supported: " + src); } default: return executeModule(makeMain(unparse(stat)), true); } } private IValue evalDeclaration(String src, ITree cmd) throws FactTypeUseException, IOException, RascalShellExecutionException{ IValue result = null; if(is(cmd, "variable")){ ITree type = get(cmd, "type"); ITree variables = get(cmd, "variables"); IList vars = TreeAdapter.getListASTArgs(variables); for(IValue ivar : vars){ ITree var = (ITree) ivar; String name = unparse(get(var, "name")); if(is(var, "initialized")){ String initial = unparse(get(var, "initial")); declareVar(unparse(type), name); try { forceRecompilation = true; result = executeModule(makeMain(name + " = " + initial + ";"), false); updateVar(name, result); } catch (RascalShellExecutionException e){ undeclareVar(name); return null; } } else { declareVar(unparse(type), name); try { forceRecompilation = true; result = executeModule(makeMain("true;"), false); } catch (RascalShellExecutionException e){ undeclareVar(name); } return null; } } return result; } else if(is(cmd, "dataAbstract") || is(cmd, "data")){ ITree userType = get(cmd, "user"); String name = unparse(get(userType, "name")); List<String> alts = dataDeclarations.containsKey(name) ? dataDeclarations.get(name) : new ArrayList<String>(); alts.add(src); dataDeclarations.put(name, alts); try { result = executeModule(makeMain("true;"), false); return null; } catch (RascalShellExecutionException e) { alts.remove(src); dataDeclarations.put(name, alts); throw e; } } else if(is(cmd, "function")){ ITree functionDeclaration = get(cmd, "functionDeclaration"); ITree signature = get(functionDeclaration, "signature"); String name = unparse(get(signature, "name")); List<String> alts = functionDeclarations.containsKey(name) ? functionDeclarations.get(name) : new ArrayList<String>(); alts.add(src); functionDeclarations.put(name, alts); try { result = executeModule(makeMain("true;"), false); return null; } catch (RascalShellExecutionException e) { alts.remove(src); functionDeclarations.put(name, alts); throw e; } } return reportError("Not supported construct: " + src); } private IValue evalImport(String src, ITree imp) throws FactTypeUseException, IOException, RascalShellExecutionException{ IValue result; if(is(imp, "default")){ String impName = unparse(get(get(imp, "module"), "name")); if(!imports.contains(impName)){ imports.add(impName); } try { forceRecompilation = true; result = executeModule(makeMainOk(), false); return null; } catch (RascalShellExecutionException e){ imports.remove(impName); throw e; } } if(is(imp, "syntax")){ StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); TreeAdapter.unparse(get(get(imp, "syntax"), "defined"), w); String name = w.toString(); List<String> alts = syntaxDefinitions.containsKey(name) ? syntaxDefinitions.get(name) : new ArrayList<String>(); alts.add(src); syntaxDefinitions.put(name, alts); try { result = executeModule(makeMainOk(), false); return null; } catch (RascalShellExecutionException e){ alts.remove(src); syntaxDefinitions.put(name, alts); throw e; } } return null; } private boolean getBooleanValue(String val) throws RascalShellExecutionException{ switch(val){ case "true": return true; case "false": return false; default: throw new RascalShellExecutionException("Error: '" + val + "' is not a boolean value"); } } private String unparse(ITree tree) throws FactTypeUseException, IOException{ StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); TreeAdapter.unparse(tree, w); return w.toString(); } //TODO merge with BaseRascalRepl public String resultToString(IValue value) throws IOException { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); if (value == null) { out.append("ok\n"); return out.toString(); } Type type = value.getType(); if (type.isAbstractData() && type.isStrictSubtypeOf(RascalValueFactory.Tree)) { out.append(type.toString()); out.append(": "); // we unparse the tree out.append("(" + type.toString() +") `"); TreeAdapter.yield((IConstructor)value, false, out); out.append("`"); } else if(type.isAbstractData() && type.getName().equals("RuntimeException")){ out.append("Error: "); out.append(value.toString()); } else { out.append(type.toString()); out.append(": "); try (Writer wrt = new LimitedWriter(new LimitedLineWriter(out, LINE_LIMIT), CHAR_LIMIT)) { indentedPrettyPrinter.write(value, wrt); } catch (IOLimitReachedException e) { // ignore since this is what we wanted } } out.append("\n"); return out.toString(); } private IValue showOptions(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); return report( sb.append("profile: ").append(execute_profile).append("\n") .append("trace: ").append(execute_trace).append("\n") .append("coverage: ").append(execute_coverage).append("\n") .toString() ); } public IValue evalShellCommand(String[] words) throws RascalShellExecutionException { switch(words[0]){ case "set": if(words.length == 1){ return showOptions(); } if(words.length != 3){ return reportError("set requires two arguments"); } String name = words[1]; String val = words[2]; switch(name){ case "profile": execute_profile = getBooleanValue(val); if(execute_profile && (execute_trace || execute_coverage)){ execute_trace = execute_coverage = false; return showOptions(); } return report(name + " set to " + execute_profile); case "trace": execute_trace = getBooleanValue(val); if(execute_trace && (execute_profile || execute_coverage)){ execute_profile = execute_coverage = false; return showOptions(); } return report(name + " set to " + execute_trace); case "coverage": execute_coverage = getBooleanValue(val); if(execute_coverage && (execute_profile || execute_trace)){ execute_profile = execute_trace = false; return showOptions(); } return report(name + " set to " + execute_coverage); default: return reportError("Unrecognized option: " + name); } case "help": case "apropos": if(helpManager == null){ helpManager = new HelpManager(pcfg, stdout, stderr, ideServices); } helpManager.handleHelp(words); break; case "edit": System.err.println("edit: " + words[1]); ISourceLocation loc = pcfg.resolveModule(words[1]); System.err.println("loc: " + loc); ideServices.edit( Paths.get(loc.getPath())); break; case "declarations": if(syntaxDefinitions.isEmpty() && dataDeclarations.isEmpty() && functionDeclarations.isEmpty() && variables.isEmpty() && imports.isEmpty()){ stderr.println("No declarations"); } else { StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); moduleDeclarations(w); stderr.println(w.toString()); } break; case "unimport": if(words.length > 1){ for(int i = 1; i <words.length; i++){ if(imports.remove(words[i])){ stderr.println("Import " + words[i] + "removed"); } else { stderr.println("No import " + words[i] + " found"); } } } else { imports = new ArrayList<String>(); stderr.println("All imports removed"); } executeModule(makeMain("true;"), false); break; case "undeclare": if(words.length > 1){ for(int i = 1; i <words.length; i++){ if(!undeclareVar(words[i]) || syntaxDefinitions.remove(words[i]) == null || functionDeclarations.remove(words[i]) == null || dataDeclarations.remove(words[i]) == null){ stderr.println("No declaration for " + words[i] + " found"); } else { stderr.println("Declaration for " + words[i] + " removed"); } } } else { variables = new HashMap<>(); syntaxDefinitions = new HashMap<>(); functionDeclarations = new HashMap<>(); dataDeclarations = new HashMap<>(); stderr.println("All declarations removed"); } executeModule(makeMain("true;"), false); break; case "clean": cleanProject(words); case "break": debugObserver.getBreakPointManager().breakDirective(words); break; case "clear": debugObserver.getBreakPointManager().clearDirective(words); break; case "ignore": debugObserver.getBreakPointManager().ignoreDirective(words); break; case "enable": debugObserver.getBreakPointManager().enableDirective(words); break; case "disable": debugObserver.getBreakPointManager().disableDirective(words); break; case "test": executeTests(words); break; } stdout.flush(); return null; } private boolean endsNonEmpty(ITree stat, String consName, String partName){ return is(stat, consName) && !is(get(stat, partName), "emptyStatement"); } private boolean mayComplete(ITree tree){ ITree cmd = TreeAdapter.getStartTop(tree); if(is(cmd, "statement")){ ITree stat = get(cmd, "statement"); return endsNonEmpty(stat, "ifThen", "thenStatement") || endsNonEmpty(stat, "ifThenElse", "elseStatement") || endsNonEmpty(stat, "while", "body") || endsNonEmpty(stat, "solve", "body") || endsNonEmpty(stat, "assignment", "statement") || endsNonEmpty(stat, "for", "body") || endsNonEmpty(stat, "tryFinally", "finallyBody"); } else if(is(cmd, "import")){ return true; } return false; } public boolean isStatementComplete(String command) { String[] words = command.split(" "); if(words.length > 0 && CompiledRascalREPL.SHELL_VERBS.contains(words[0])){ return true; } ITree parseResult = null; try { parseResult = parseCommand(command, URIUtil.rootLocation("prompt")); } catch (ParseError pe) { String[] commandLines = command.split("\n"); int lastLine = commandLines.length; int lastColumn = commandLines[lastLine - 1].length(); if (pe.getEndLine() + 1 == lastLine && lastColumn < pe.getEndColumn()) { semiColonAdded = false; return false; } if (lastLine == 1 && !semiColonAdded && pe.getEndLine() + 1 == lastLine && lastColumn == pe.getEndColumn()) { semiColonAdded = true; boolean isComplete = isStatementComplete(command + ";"); semiColonAdded &= isComplete; return isComplete; } return false; } return !semiColonAdded || mayComplete(parseResult); } public ITree parseCommand(String command, ISourceLocation location) { //__setInterrupt(false); IActionExecutor<ITree> actionExecutor = new NoActionExecutor(); ITree tree = new RascalParser().parse(Parser.START_COMMAND, location.getURI(), command.toCharArray(), actionExecutor, new DefaultNodeFlattener<IConstructor, ITree, ISourceLocation>(), new UPTRNodeFactory(true)); // if (!noBacktickOutsideStringConstant(command)) { // tree = org.rascalmpl.semantics.dynamic.Import.parseFragments(this, tree, location, getCurrentModuleEnvironment()); // } return tree; } public PrintWriter getStdErr() { return stderr; } public PrintWriter getStdOut() { return stdout; } SortedSet<String> getVocabulary(){ if(vocabulary != null){ return vocabulary; } ISet names = kernel.getIncrementalVocabulary(); vocabulary = new TreeSet<>(); for(IValue iname : names){ vocabulary.add(((IString) iname).getValue()); } return vocabulary; } public Collection<String> completePartialIdentifier(String qualifier, String term) { getVocabulary(); return completePartialIdentifier(new NameCompleter(), term).getResult(); } private NameCompleter completePartialIdentifier(NameCompleter completer, String partialIdentifier) { if (partialIdentifier == null || partialIdentifier.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The behavior with empty string is undefined."); } if (partialIdentifier.startsWith("\\")) { partialIdentifier = partialIdentifier.substring(1); } for(String completeName : vocabulary.tailSet(partialIdentifier)){ completer.add(completeName, partialIdentifier); } return completer; } public Collection<String> completeDeclaredIdentifier(String term) { TreeSet<String> result = new TreeSet<String>(); for(String var : variables.keySet()){ if(var.startsWith(term)){ result.add(var); } } for(String var : syntaxDefinitions.keySet()){ if(var.startsWith(term)){ result.add(var); } } for(String var : functionDeclarations.keySet()){ if(var.startsWith(term)){ result.add(var); } } for(String var : dataDeclarations.keySet()){ if(var.startsWith(term)){ result.add(var); } } return result; } public Collection<String> completeImportedIdentifier(String term) { TreeSet<String> result = null; for(String mod : imports){ if(mod.startsWith(term)){ if(result == null){ result = new TreeSet<String>(); } result.add(mod); } } return result; } public CompletionResult completeModule(String line, int cursor){ return repl.completeModule(line, cursor); } private void cleanProject(String[] words) { try { Path binRoot = Paths.get(pcfg.getBin().getPath()); Files.walkFileTree(binRoot, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path filePath, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { System.err.println("delete: " + filePath); Files.delete(filePath); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println("Could not clean project: " + e); } } } class Variable { String name; String type; Variable(String type, String name){ = name; this.type = type; } }