package org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter; import; import; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.rascalmpl.debug.IRascalMonitor; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.IEvaluatorContext; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.ITestResultListener; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.asserts.ImplementationError; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.control_exceptions.Throw; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.result.util.MemoizationCache; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.types.DefaultRascalTypeVisitor; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.types.FunctionType; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.types.RascalType; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.java2rascal.RascalFunctionInvocationHandler; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.observers.IFrameObserver; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.observers.NullFrameObserver; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.traverse.DescendantDescriptor; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.traverse.Traverse; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.traverse.Traverse.DIRECTION; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.traverse.Traverse.FIXEDPOINT; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.traverse.Traverse.PROGRESS; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.traverse.Traverse.REBUILD; import org.rascalmpl.value.IBool; import org.rascalmpl.value.IConstructor; import org.rascalmpl.value.IDateTime; import org.rascalmpl.value.IInteger; import org.rascalmpl.value.IList; import org.rascalmpl.value.IListWriter; import org.rascalmpl.value.IMap; import org.rascalmpl.value.IMapWriter; import org.rascalmpl.value.INode; import org.rascalmpl.value.INumber; import org.rascalmpl.value.IRational; import org.rascalmpl.value.IReal; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISet; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISetWriter; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISourceLocation; import org.rascalmpl.value.IString; import org.rascalmpl.value.ITuple; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.TypeFactory; import org.rascalmpl.values.ValueFactoryFactory; public abstract class RVMCore { public final IValueFactory vf; protected final TypeFactory tf; protected final static IBool Rascal_TRUE = ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory().bool(true); protected final static IBool Rascal_FALSE = ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory().bool(false); protected final IString NOVALUE; protected Function[] functionStore; protected Map<String, Integer> functionMap; protected ArrayList<Type> constructorStore; protected final Map<String, Integer> constructorMap; // Function overloading protected final Map<String, Integer> resolver; protected final OverloadedFunction[] overloadedStore; private Map<String, OverloadedFunction> overloadedStoreMap; protected IFrameObserver frameObserver; public final static Function noCompanionFunction = new Function("noCompanionFunction", null, null, null, 0, 0, false, false, null, null, 0, false, 0, 0, null, null, 0); public static final HashMap<String, IValue> emptyKeywordMap = new HashMap<>(0); protected PrintWriter stdout; protected PrintWriter stderr; // Management of active coroutines protected Stack<Coroutine> activeCoroutines = new Stack<>(); protected Frame ccf = null; // The start frame of the current active coroutine (coroutine's main function) protected Frame cccf = null; // The candidate coroutine's start frame; used by the guard semantics protected RascalExecutionContext rex; public Map<IValue, IValue> moduleVariables; List<ClassLoader> classLoaders; private final Map<Class<?>, Object> instanceCache; private final Map<String, Class<?>> classCache; private final Types types; public static RVMCore readFromFileAndInitialize(ISourceLocation rvmBinaryLocation, RascalExecutionContext rex) throws IOException{ RVMExecutable rvmExecutable =, rex.getTypeStore()); return ExecutionTools.initializedRVM(rvmExecutable, rex); } public static IValue readFromFileAndExecuteProgram(ISourceLocation rvmBinaryLocation, Map<String, IValue> keywordArguments, RascalExecutionContext rex) throws Exception{ RVMExecutable rvmExecutable =, rex.getTypeStore()); return ExecutionTools.executeProgram(rvmExecutable, keywordArguments, rex); } // An exhausted coroutine instance public static Coroutine exhausted = new Coroutine(null) { @Override public void next(Frame previousCallFrame) { throw new CompilerError("Attempt to activate an exhausted coroutine instance."); } @Override public void suspend(Frame current) { throw new CompilerError("Attempt to suspend an exhausted coroutine instance."); } @Override public boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return false; } @Override public Coroutine copy() { throw new CompilerError("Attempt to copy an exhausted coroutine instance."); } }; public RVMCore(RVMExecutable rvmExec, RascalExecutionContext rex){ this.rex = rex; rex.setRVM(this); rex.setFullModuleName(rvmExec.getModuleName()); this.instanceCache = new HashMap<Class<?>, Object>(); this.classCache = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>(); this.classLoaders = rex.getClassLoaders(); this.vf = rex.getValueFactory(); tf = TypeFactory.getInstance(); this.stdout = rex.getStdOut(); this.stderr = rex.getStdErr(); NOVALUE = vf.string("$no-value$"); moduleVariables = new HashMap<IValue,IValue>(); this.functionStore = rvmExec.getFunctionStore(); this.functionMap = rvmExec.getFunctionMap(); this.resolver = rvmExec.getResolver(); this.overloadedStore = rvmExec.getOverloadedStore(); mappifyOverloadedStore(); this.constructorStore = rvmExec.getConstructorStore(); this.constructorMap = rvmExec.getConstructorMap(); this.types = new Types(vf); IFrameObserver observer = rex.getFrameObserver(); this.frameObserver = (observer == null) ? NullFrameObserver.getInstance() : observer; } public void shutdown(){; } public Map<IValue, IValue> getModuleVariables() { return moduleVariables; } public void updateModuleVariable(IValue name, IValue newVal){ IValue oldVal = moduleVariables.get(name); if(oldVal != null && !oldVal.getType().comparable(newVal.getType())){ throw new CompilerError("Module variable " + name + " initalized with incompatible value " + newVal + " was " + oldVal); } moduleVariables.put(name, newVal); } void mappifyOverloadedStore(){ overloadedStoreMap = new HashMap<>(); for(OverloadedFunction of : overloadedStore){ String name = of.getName(); if(overloadedStoreMap.containsKey(name)){ OverloadedFunction previous = overloadedStoreMap.get(name); if(of.getFunctions().length > previous.getFunctions().length){ overloadedStoreMap.put(name, of); } } else { overloadedStoreMap.put(name, of); } } } /** * Create an object which implements the provided interface (that is * usually created by ApiGen.generate) by forwarding calls * to its methods directly to Rascal functions. * * This works for interfaces which contain a specific kind of methods: * * each method should have a name which maps to a Rascal function name which * is loaded into the current RVMCore * * the arity of the method should be equal to at least one of the Rascal * functions with the given name * * all arguments of the methods should have a type which is a sub-type of IValue * * the return type of the methods should be either IValue or void * * @param interf the interface which is to be implemented * @return an object which implements this interface by forwarding to Rascal functions */ public <T> T asInterface(Class<T> interf) { return interf.cast(Proxy.newProxyInstance(RVMCore.class.getClassLoader(), new Class<?> [] { interf }, new RascalFunctionInvocationHandler(this, interf))); } public PrintWriter getStdErr() { return rex.getStdErr(); } public PrintWriter getStdOut() { return rex.getStdOut(); } IRascalMonitor getMonitor() {return rex.getMonitor();} public IFrameObserver getFrameObserver() { return frameObserver; } public void setFrameObserver(IFrameObserver observer){ frameObserver = observer; rex.setFrameObserver(observer); } protected String getFunctionName(int n) { for(String fname : functionMap.keySet()) { if(functionMap.get(fname) == n) { return fname; } } throw new CompilerError("Undefined function index " + n); } public String findVarName(Frame cf, int s, int pos){ for (Frame fr = cf; fr != null; fr = fr.previousScope) { if (fr.scopeId == s) { return findLocalName(fr, pos); } } return "** unknown variable **"; } public String findLocalName(Frame cf, int pos){ IString name = ((IString) cf.function.localNames.get(vf.integer(pos))); return (name != null) ? name.getValue() : "** unknown variable **"; } public Function getFunction(String name, Type returnType, Type argumentTypes){ next: for(Function f : functionStore){ if("/" + name + "(") && f.ftype instanceof FunctionType){ FunctionType ft = (FunctionType) f.ftype; int arity = argumentTypes.getArity(); if(returnType.equals(ft.getReturnType()) && arity == ft.getArgumentTypes().getArity()){ for(int i = 0; i < arity; i++){ // ignore field names if(!argumentTypes.getFieldType(i).equals(ft.getArgumentTypes().getFieldType(i))){ continue next; } } return f; } } } return null; } private ArrayList<Integer> getFunctionByNameAndArity(String name, int arity){ ArrayList<Integer> functions = new ArrayList<>(); for(int n = 0; n < functionStore.length; n++){ Function f = functionStore[n]; if("/" + name + "(") && f.ftype instanceof FunctionType){ FunctionType ft = (FunctionType) f.ftype; if(ft.getArgumentTypes().getArity() == arity){ functions.add(n); } } } return functions; } public OverloadedFunction getOverloadedFunctionByNameAndArity(String name, int arity) throws NoSuchRascalFunction { // System.err.println("getFirstOverloadedFunctionByNameAndArity: " + name + ", " + arity); OverloadedFunction of = overloadedStoreMap.get(name); Type tp = null; //System.err.println(of); ArrayList<Integer> filteredAlts = new ArrayList<>(); if(of != null){ for (int alt : of.getFunctions()) { //System.err.println("alt: " + functionStore[alt].ftype); if (functionStore[alt].ftype.getArity() == arity) { tp = functionStore[alt].ftype; filteredAlts.add(alt); } } if(filteredAlts.size() > 0){ int falts[] = new int[filteredAlts.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < falts.length; i++){ falts[i] = filteredAlts.get(i); } return new OverloadedFunction(name, tp, falts, new int[] { }, ""); } } filteredAlts = getFunctionByNameAndArity(name, arity); if(filteredAlts.size() > 0){ tp = tf.tupleType(tf.valueType()); // arbitrary! int falts[] = new int[filteredAlts.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < falts.length; i++){ falts[i] = filteredAlts.get(i); } return new OverloadedFunction(name, tp, falts, new int[] { }, ""); } // ?? why are constructors not part of overloaded functions? for(int i = 0; i < constructorStore.size(); i++){ tp = constructorStore.get(i); if (tp.getName().equals(name) && tp.getArity() == arity) { return new OverloadedFunction(name, tp, new int[]{}, new int[] { i }, ""); } } throw new NoSuchRascalFunction(name); } // deprecated public OverloadedFunction getOverloadedFunction(String signature) throws NoSuchRascalFunction{ OverloadedFunction result = null; String name = types.getFunctionName(signature); Type funType = types.getFunctionType(signature); FunctionType ft = (FunctionType) funType; int arity = ft.getArity(); for(OverloadedFunction of : overloadedStore){ if(of.matchesNameAndSignature(name, funType)){ if(result == null){ result = of; } else { if(result.getFunctions().length < of.getFunctions().length || result.getConstructors().length < of.getConstructors().length){ result = of; } } } } if(result != null){ return result; } ArrayList<Integer> filteredAlts = getFunctionByNameAndArity(name, arity); if(filteredAlts.size() > 0){ Type tp = tf.tupleType(tf.valueType()); // arbitrary! int falts[] = new int[filteredAlts.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < falts.length; i++){ falts[i] = filteredAlts.get(i); } return new OverloadedFunction(name, tp, falts, new int[] { }, ""); } for(int i = 0; i < constructorStore.size(); i++){ Type tp = constructorStore.get(i); if(name.equals(tp.getName()) && ft.getFieldTypes().comparable(funType.getFieldTypes()) && ft.getReturnType().comparable(tp.getAbstractDataType()) ){ return new OverloadedFunction(name, tp, new int[]{}, new int[] { i }, ""); } } // No overloaded function or constructor matched, only nonterminals remain ... for(int i = 0; i < functionStore.length; i++){ Function fun = functionStore[i]; if("/" + name + "(")){ if(fun.ftype instanceof FunctionType){ FunctionType tp = (FunctionType) fun.ftype; if(tp.comparable(ft)){ return new OverloadedFunction(name, tp, new int[]{ i }, new int[] { }, ""); } } } } throw new NoSuchRascalFunction(signature); } public Function getCompanionDefaultsFunction(String name, Type ftype){ all: for(Function f : functionStore){ //if("companion")) System.err.println("getCompanionDefaultsFunction " +; if("companion-defaults") &&"::" + name + "(")){ FunctionType ft = (FunctionType) f.ftype; if(ftype.getAbstractDataType().equals(ft.getReturnType())){ if(ftype.isAbstractData()){ //System.err.println("getCompanionDefaultsFunction1: " + name + ", " + ftype); return f; } if(ftype.getFieldTypes().getArity() == ft.getArgumentTypes().getArity()){ for(int i = 0; i < ftype.getFieldTypes().getArity(); i++){ if(!ftype.getFieldType(i).equals(ft.getArgumentTypes().getFieldType(i))){ continue all; } } //System.err.println("getCompanionDefaultsFunction2: " + name + ", " + ftype); return f; } } } } //System.err.println("getCompanionDefaultsFunction3: " + name + ", " + ftype); return noCompanionFunction; } public Function getCompanionFieldDefaultFunction(Type adtType, String fieldName){ String key = adtType.toString() + "::" + fieldName + "-companion-default"; for(Function f : functionStore){ if({ return f; } } return noCompanionFunction; } public Frame makeFrameForVisit(FunctionInstance func){ return new Frame(func.function.scopeId, null, func.env, func.function.maxstack, func.function); } /** * Execute a single, not-overloaded, function * * @param uid_func Internal function name * @param posArgs Positional arguments * @param kwArgs Keyword arguments * @return */ public Object executeRVMFunction(String uid_func, IValue[] posArgs, Map<String,IValue> kwArgs){ // Assumption here is that the function called is not a nested one and does not use global variables Function func = functionStore[functionMap.get(uid_func)]; return executeRVMFunction(func, posArgs, kwArgs); } /** * Execute an OverloadedFunction * @param func OverloadedFunction * @param posArgs Arguments (last one is a map with keyword arguments) * @param kwArgs Keyword arguments * @return Result of function execution */ public IValue executeRVMFunction(OverloadedFunction func, IValue[] posArgs, Map<String, IValue> kwArgs){ if(func.getFunctions().length > 0){ Function firstFunc = functionStore[func.getFunctions()[0]]; Frame root = new Frame(func.scopeIn, null, null, func.getArity()+2, firstFunc); OverloadedFunctionInstance ofi = OverloadedFunctionInstance.computeOverloadedFunctionInstance(func.functions, func.constructors, root, func.scopeIn, functionStore, constructorStore, this); return executeRVMFunction(ofi, posArgs, kwArgs); } else { Type cons = constructorStore.get(func.getConstructors()[0]); return vf.constructor(cons, posArgs, kwArgs); } } public IList executeTests(ITestResultListener testResultListener, RascalExecutionContext rex){ IListWriter w = vf.listWriter(); for(Function f : functionStore){ if(f.isTest){ w.append(f.executeTest(testResultListener, rex)); } } return w.done(); } /************************************************************************************/ /* Abstract methods to execute RVMFunctions and RVMPrograms */ /************************************************************************************/ /** * Execute a single, not-overloaded, function * * @param func Function * @param posArgs Positional arguments * @param kwArgs Keyword arguments * @return Result of function execution */ abstract public Object executeRVMFunction(Function func, IValue[] posArgs, Map<String,IValue> kwArgs); /** * Execute a FunctionInstance * @param func Function instance * @param posArgs Arguments (last one is a map with keyword arguments) * @param kwArgs Keyword arguments * @return Result of function execution */ abstract public IValue executeRVMFunction(FunctionInstance func, IValue[] posArgs, Map<String, IValue> kwArgs); /** * Execute an OverloadedFunctionInstance * @param func OverloadedFunctionInstance * @param posArgs Positional arguments * @param kwArgs Keyword arguments * @return Result of function execution */ abstract public IValue executeRVMFunction(OverloadedFunctionInstance func, IValue[] posArgs, Map<String, IValue> kwArgs); /** * Execute a function during a visit * @param root Frame in which the function will be executed * @return Result of function execution */ abstract public IValue executeRVMFunctionInVisit(Frame root); /** * Execute a main program in a Rascal module * @param moduleName Name of the module * @param uid_main Internal name of the main function * @param posArgs Positional arguments * @param kwArgs Keyword arguments * @return Result of executing main function */ abstract public IValue executeRVMProgram(String moduleName, String uid_main, IValue[] posArgs, Map<String,IValue> kwArgs); /** * Narrow an Object as occurring on the RVM runtime stack to an IValue that can be returned. * Note that various non-IValues can occur: * - Coroutine * - Reference * - FunctionInstance * - Object[] (is converted to an IList) * @param result to be returned * @return converted result or an exception */ protected IValue narrow(Object result){ if(result instanceof Integer) { return vf.integer((Integer)result); } if(result instanceof IValue) { return (IValue) result; } if(result instanceof Thrown) { ((Thrown) result).printStackTrace(stdout); return vf.string(((Thrown) result).toString()); } if(result instanceof Object[]) { IListWriter w = vf.listWriter(); Object[] lst = (Object[]) result; for(int i = 0; i < lst.length; i++){ w.append(narrow(lst[i])); } return w.done(); } if(result == null){ return null; } throw new CompilerError("Cannot convert object back to IValue: " + result); } /** * Represent any object that can occur on the RVM stack stack as string * @param some stack object * @return its string representation */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected static String asString(Object o){ if(o == null) return "null"; if(o instanceof Integer) return ((Integer)o).toString() + " [Java]"; if(o instanceof String) return ((String)o) + " [Java]"; if(o instanceof IValue) return ((IValue) o).toString() +" [IValue]"; if(o instanceof Type) return ((Type) o).toString() + " [Type]"; if(o instanceof Object[]){ StringBuilder w = new StringBuilder(); Object[] lst = (Object[]) o; w.append("["); for(int i = 0; i < lst.length; i++){ w.append(asString(lst[i])); if(i < lst.length - 1) w.append(", "); } w.append("]"); return w.toString() + " [Object[]]"; } if(o instanceof Coroutine){ if(((Coroutine)o).frame != null && ((Coroutine)o).frame.function != null){ return "Coroutine[" + ((Coroutine)o).frame.function.getName() + "]"; } else { return "Coroutine[**no name**]"; } } if(o instanceof Function){ return "Function[" + ((Function)o).getName() + "]"; } if(o instanceof FunctionInstance){ return "Function[" + ((FunctionInstance)o).function.getName() + "]"; } if(o instanceof OverloadedFunctionInstance) { OverloadedFunctionInstance of = (OverloadedFunctionInstance) o; String alts = ""; for(Integer fun : of.getFunctions()) { alts = alts + fun + "; "; } return "OverloadedFunction[ alts: " + alts + "]"; } if(o instanceof Reference){ Reference ref = (Reference) o; return "Reference[" + ref.stack + ", " + ref.pos + "]"; } if(o instanceof IListWriter){ return "ListWriter[" + ((IListWriter) o).toString() + "]"; } if(o instanceof ISetWriter){ return "SetWriter[" + ((ISetWriter) o).toString() + "]"; } if(o instanceof IMapWriter){ return "MapWriter[" + ((IMapWriter) o).toString() + "]"; } if(o instanceof Matcher){ return "Matcher[" + ((Matcher) o).pattern() + "]"; } if(o instanceof Thrown) { return "THROWN[ " + asString(((Thrown) o).getValue()) + " ]"; } if(o instanceof StringBuilder){ return "StringBuilder[" + ((StringBuilder) o).toString() + "]"; } if(o instanceof HashSet){ return "HashSet[" + ((HashSet<?>) o).toString() + "]"; } if(o instanceof Map){ return "Map[" + ((Map<?, ?>) o).toString() + "]"; } if(o instanceof HashMap){ return "HashMap[" + ((HashMap<?, ?>) o).toString() + "]"; } if(o instanceof Map.Entry){ return "Map.Entry[" + ((Map.Entry) o).toString() + "]"; } return o.getClass().getName(); //throw new CompilerError("asString cannot convert: " + o); } public String asString(Object o, int w){ String repr = asString(o); return (repr.length() < w) ? repr : repr.substring(0, w) + "..."; } /********************************************************************************/ /* Auxiliary functions that implement specific instructions and are */ /* used both by RVM interpreter and generated JVM bytecod */ /********************************************************************************/ // LOAD/PUSH VAR protected Object LOADVAR(final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ return CodeBlock.isMaxArg2(pos) ? LOADVARMODULE(cf, varScope) : LOADVARSCOPED(cf, varScope, pos); } protected Object LOADVARMODULE(final Frame cf, final int varScope){ return moduleVariables.get(cf.function.constantStore[varScope]); // TODO: undefined case } protected Object LOADVARSCOPED(final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ for (Frame fr = cf.previousScope; fr != null; fr = fr.previousScope) { if (fr.scopeId == varScope) { return fr.stack[pos]; // TODO: undefined case } } throw new CompilerError("LOADVAR cannot find matching scope: " + varScope + " from scope " + cf.scopeId, cf); } protected int PUSHVAR(final Object[] stack, int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ stack[sp++] = CodeBlock.isMaxArg2(pos) ? LOADVARMODULE(cf, varScope) : LOADVARSCOPED(cf, varScope, pos); return sp; } protected int PUSHVARMODULE(final Object[] stack, int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope){ stack[sp++] = LOADVARMODULE(cf, varScope); return sp; } protected int PUSHVARSCOPED(final Object[] stack, int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ stack[sp++] = LOADVARSCOPED(cf, varScope, pos); return sp; } // LOAD/PUSH VARREF protected Object LOADVARREF(final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ return CodeBlock.isMaxArg2(pos) ? LOADVARREFMODULE(cf, varScope) : LOADVARREFSCOPED(cf, varScope, pos); } protected Object LOADVARREFMODULE(final Frame cf, final int varScope){ return moduleVariables.get(cf.function.constantStore[varScope]); } protected Object LOADVARREFSCOPED(final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ for (Frame fr = cf.previousScope; fr != null; fr = fr.previousScope) { if (fr.scopeId == varScope) { return new Reference(fr.stack, pos); } } throw new CompilerError("LOADVARREF cannot find matching scope: " + varScope + " from scope " + cf.scopeId, cf); } protected int PUSHVARREF(final Object[] stack, int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ stack[sp++] = CodeBlock.isMaxArg2(pos) ? LOADVARREFMODULE(cf, varScope) : LOADVARREFSCOPED(cf, varScope, pos); return sp; } protected int PUSHVARREFMODULE(final Object[] stack, int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope){ stack[sp++] = LOADVARREFMODULE(cf, varScope); return sp; } protected int PUSHVARREFSCOPED(final Object[] stack, int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ stack[sp++] = LOADVARREFSCOPED(cf, varScope, pos); return sp; } // LOAD/PUSH VARDEREF protected Object LOADVARDEREF(Frame cf, int varScope, int pos){ for (Frame fr = cf.previousScope; fr != null; fr = fr.previousScope) { if (fr.scopeId == varScope) { Reference ref = (Reference) fr.stack[pos]; return ref.stack[ref.pos]; } } throw new CompilerError("LOADVARDEREF cannot find matching scope: " + varScope, cf); } protected int PUSHVARDEREF(final Object[] stack, int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ stack[sp++] = LOADVARDEREF(cf, varScope, pos); return sp; } // STOREVAR protected void STOREVAR(final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos, final Object accu){ if(CodeBlock.isMaxArg2(pos)){ STOREVARMODULE(cf, varScope, accu); } else { STOREVARSCOPED(cf, varScope, pos, accu); } } protected void STOREVARMODULE(final Frame cf, final int varScope, final Object accu){ IValue mvar = cf.function.constantStore[varScope]; moduleVariables.put(mvar, (IValue)accu); return; } protected void STOREVARSCOPED(Frame cf, int varScope, int pos, Object accu){ for (Frame fr = cf.previousScope; fr != null; fr = fr.previousScope) { if (fr.scopeId == varScope) { // TODO: We need to re-consider how to guarantee safe use of both Java objects and IValues fr.stack[pos] = accu; return; } } throw new CompilerError("STOREVAR cannot find matching scope: " + varScope + " from scope " + cf.scopeId, cf); } // RESETVAR protected void RESETVAR(Frame cf, int varScope, int pos){ if(CodeBlock.isMaxArg2(pos)){ IValue mvar = cf.function.constantStore[varScope]; moduleVariables.put(mvar, null); return; } for (Frame fr = cf.previousScope; fr != null; fr = fr.previousScope) { if (fr.scopeId == varScope) { // TODO: We need to re-consider how to guarantee safe use of both Java objects and IValues fr.stack[pos] = null; return; } } throw new CompilerError("RESETVAR cannot find matching scope: " + varScope + " from scope " + cf.scopeId, cf); } // UNWRAPTHROWNVAR protected int UNWRAPTHROWNVAR(final Object[] stack, final int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ return CodeBlock.isMaxArg2(pos) ? UNWRAPTHROWNVARMODULE(stack, sp, cf, varScope) : UNWRAPTHROWNVARSCOPED(stack, sp, cf, varScope, pos); } protected int UNWRAPTHROWNVARMODULE(final Object[] stack, final int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope){ IValue mvar = cf.function.constantStore[varScope]; moduleVariables.put(mvar, (IValue)stack[sp - 1]); return sp; } protected int UNWRAPTHROWNVARSCOPED(final Object[] stack, int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int pos){ for (Frame fr = cf; fr != null; fr = fr.previousScope) { if (fr.scopeId == varScope) { // TODO: We need to re-consider how to guarantee safe use of both Java objects and IValues fr.stack[pos] = ((Thrown) stack[--sp]).getValue(); return sp; } } throw new CompilerError("UNWRAPTHROWNVAR cannot find matching scope: " + varScope, cf); } protected void STOREVARDEREF(Frame cf, int varScope, int pos, Object accu){ for (Frame fr = cf.previousScope; fr != null; fr = fr.previousScope) { if (fr.scopeId == varScope) { Reference ref = (Reference) fr.stack[pos]; ref.stack[ref.pos] = accu; } } throw new CompilerError("STOREVARDEREF cannot find matching scope: " + varScope + " from scope " + cf.scopeId, cf); } // STORELOCKWP @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void STORELOCKWP(final Object[] stack, Frame cf, int iname, Object accu){ String name = ((IString) cf.function.codeblock.getConstantValue(iname)).getValue(); Map<String, IValue> kargs = (Map<String, IValue>) stack[cf.function.nformals - 1]; if(kargs == emptyKeywordMap){ System.err.println("Creating new kw map while updating: " + name); kargs = new HashMap<>(); stack[cf.function.nformals - 1] = kargs; } kargs.put(name, (IValue) accu); } // LOAD/PUSH VARKWP @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Object LOADVARKWP(final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int iname){ String name = ((IString) cf.function.codeblock.getConstantValue(iname)).getValue(); for(Frame f = cf.previousScope; f != null; f = f.previousCallFrame) { if (f.scopeId == varScope) { if(f.function.nformals > 0){ Object okargs = f.stack[f.function.nformals - 1]; if(okargs instanceof Map<?,?>){ // Not all frames provide kwargs, i.e. generated PHI functions. Map<String, IValue> kargs = (Map<String,IValue>) okargs; if(kargs.containsKey(name)) { IValue val = kargs.get(name); //if(val.getType().isSubtypeOf(defaultValue.getKey())) { return val; //} } Map<String, Entry<Type, IValue>> defaults = (Map<String, Map.Entry<Type, IValue>>) f.stack[f.function.nformals]; if(defaults.containsKey(name)) { Entry<Type, IValue> defaultValue = defaults.get(name); //if(val.getType().isSubtypeOf(defaultValue.getKey())) { return defaultValue.getValue(); //} } } } } } throw new CompilerError("LOADVARKWP cannot find matching scope: " + varScope + " from scope " + cf.scopeId, cf); } protected int PUSHVARKWP(final Object[] stack, int sp, final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int iname){ stack[sp++] = LOADVARKWP(cf, varScope, iname); return sp; } // STOREVARKWP @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void STOREVARKWP(final Frame cf, final int varScope, final int iname, final Object accu){ String name = ((IString) cf.function.codeblock.getConstantValue(iname)).getValue(); IValue val = (IValue) accu; for(Frame f = cf.previousScope; f != null; f = f.previousCallFrame) { if (f.scopeId == varScope) { if(f.function.nformals > 0){ Object okargs = f.stack[f.function.nformals - 1]; if(okargs instanceof Map<?,?>){ // Not all frames provide kwargs, i.e. generated PHI functions. Map<String, IValue> kargs = (Map<String,IValue>) f.stack[f.function.nformals - 1]; if(kargs.containsKey(name)) { val = kargs.get(name); //if(val.getType().isSubtypeOf(defaultValue.getKey())) { if(kargs == emptyKeywordMap){ System.err.println("Creating new kw map while updating: " + name); kargs = new HashMap<>(); f.stack[f.function.nformals - 1] = kargs; } kargs.put(name, val); return; //} } Map<String, Entry<Type, IValue>> defaults = (Map<String, Map.Entry<Type, IValue>>) f.stack[f.function.nformals]; if(defaults.containsKey(name)) { //Entry<Type, IValue> defaultValue = defaults.get(name); //if(val.getType().isSubtypeOf(defaultValue.getKey())) { kargs.put(name,val); return; //} } } } } } throw new CompilerError("STOREVARKWP cannot find matching scope: " + varScope + " from scope " + cf.scopeId, cf); } // LOAD/PUSH LOCKWP @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Object LOADLOCKWP(final Object[] stack, final Frame cf, final int iname){ String name = ((IString) cf.function.codeblock.getConstantValue(iname)).getValue(); Map<String, Map.Entry<Type, IValue>> defaults = (Map<String, Map.Entry<Type, IValue>>) stack[cf.function.nformals]; Map.Entry<Type, IValue> defaultValue = defaults.get(name); Frame f = cf; // TODO: UNCOMMENT TO GET KEYWORD PARAMETER PROPAGATION //for(Frame f = cf; f != null; f = f.previousCallFrame) { int nf = f.function.nformals; if(nf > 0){ // Some generated functions have zero args, i.e. EQUIVALENCE Object okargs = f.stack[nf - 1]; if(okargs instanceof Map<?,?>){ // Not all frames provide kwargs, i.e. generated PHI functions. Map<String, IValue> kargs = (Map<String,IValue>) okargs; if(kargs.containsKey(name)) { IValue val = kargs.get(name); if(val.getType().isSubtypeOf(defaultValue.getKey())) { return val; } } } } //} return defaultValue.getValue(); } protected int PUSHLOCKWP(final Object[] stack, int sp, final Frame cf, final int iname){ stack[sp++] = LOADLOCKWP(stack, cf, iname); return sp; } // CALLCONSTR @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected int CALLCONSTR(final Object[] stack, int sp, final int iconstructor, final int arity){ Type constructor = constructorStore.get(iconstructor); IValue[] args = new IValue[constructor.getArity()]; java.util.Map<String,IValue> kwargs; @SuppressWarnings("unused") Type type = (Type) stack[--sp]; // TODO: emove from instruction kwargs = (java.util.Map<String,IValue>) stack[--sp]; for(int i = 0; i < constructor.getArity(); i++) { args[constructor.getArity() - 1 - i] = (IValue) stack[--sp]; } stack[sp++] = vf.constructor(constructor, args, kwargs); return sp; } protected int PRINTLN(Object[] stack, int sp, int arity){ StringBuilder w = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = arity - 1; i >= 0; i--){ String str = (stack[sp - 1 - i] instanceof IString) ? ((IString) stack[sp - 1 - i]).toString() : asString(stack[sp - 1 - i]); w.append(str).append(" "); } stdout.println(w.toString()); sp = sp - arity + 1; return sp; } public int VISIT(Object[] stack, int sp, boolean direction, boolean progress, boolean fixedpoint, boolean rebuild){ FunctionInstance phi = (FunctionInstance)stack[sp - 8]; IValue subject = (IValue) stack[sp - 7]; Reference refMatched = (Reference) stack[sp - 6]; Reference refChanged = (Reference) stack[sp - 5]; Reference refLeaveVisit = (Reference) stack[sp - 4]; Reference refBegin = (Reference) stack[sp - 3]; Reference refEnd = (Reference) stack[sp - 2]; DescendantDescriptor descriptor = (DescendantDescriptor) stack[sp - 1]; DIRECTION tr_direction = direction ? DIRECTION.BottomUp : DIRECTION.TopDown; PROGRESS tr_progress = progress ? PROGRESS.Continuing : PROGRESS.Breaking; FIXEDPOINT tr_fixedpoint = fixedpoint ? FIXEDPOINT.Yes : FIXEDPOINT.No; REBUILD tr_rebuild = rebuild ? REBUILD.Yes :REBUILD.No; IValue res = new Traverse(vf).traverse(tr_direction, tr_progress, tr_fixedpoint, tr_rebuild, subject, phi, refMatched, refChanged, refLeaveVisit, refBegin, refEnd, this, descriptor); stack[sp - 8] = res; sp -= 7; // Trick: we return a negative sp to force a function return; return ((IBool)refLeaveVisit.getValue()).getValue() ? -sp : sp; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public int CHECKMEMO(Object[] stack, int sp, Frame cf){; Function fun = cf.function; MemoizationCache<IValue> cache = fun.memoization == null ? null : fun.memoization.get(); if(cache == null){ cache = new MemoizationCache<>(); fun.memoization = new SoftReference<>(cache); } int nformals = fun.nformals; IValue[] args = new IValue[nformals - 1]; for(int i = 0; i < nformals - 1; i++){ args[i] = (IValue) stack[i]; } IValue result = cache.getStoredResult(args, (Map<String,IValue>)stack[nformals - 1]); if(result == null){ return sp + 1; } stack[sp++] = result; return -sp; // Trick: we return a negative sp to force a function return; } public Class<?> getJavaClass(String className){ Class<?> clazz = classCache.get(className); if(clazz != null){ return clazz; } try { clazz = this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(className); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e1) { // If the class is not found, try other class loaders for(ClassLoader loader : this.classLoaders) { try { clazz = loader.loadClass(className); break; } catch(ClassNotFoundException e2) { ; } } } if(clazz == null) { throw new CompilerError("Class " + className + " not found"); } classCache.put(className, clazz); return clazz; } public Object getJavaClassInstance(Class<?> clazz){ Object instance = instanceCache.get(clazz); if (instance != null){ return instance; } try { Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getConstructor(IValueFactory.class); instance = constructor.newInstance(vf); instanceCache.put(clazz, instance); return instance; } catch (IllegalArgumentException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException | NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new ImplementationError(e.getMessage(), e); } } Method getJavaMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, String className, Type parameterTypes, Type keywordTypes, int reflect) { try { return clazz.getMethod(methodName, makeJavaTypes(methodName, className, parameterTypes, keywordTypes, reflect)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { throw new CompilerError("could not find Java method", e); } } int callJavaMethod(String methodName, String className, Type parameterTypes, Type keywordTypes, int reflect, Object[] stack, int sp) throws Throw, Throwable { Class<?> clazz = getJavaClass(className); Method m = getJavaMethod(clazz, methodName, className, parameterTypes, keywordTypes, reflect); return callJavaMethod(clazz, m, parameterTypes, keywordTypes, reflect, stack, sp); } int callJavaMethod(Class<?> clazz, Method m, Type parameterTypes, Type keywordTypes, int reflect, Object[] stack, int sp) throws Throw, Throwable { try { Object instance = getJavaClassInstance(clazz); int arity = parameterTypes.getArity(); int kwArity = keywordTypes.getArity(); int kwMaps = kwArity > 0 ? 2 : 0; Object[] parameters = new Object[arity + kwArity + reflect]; for(int i = arity - 1; i >= 0; i--){ parameters[i] = stack[sp - arity - kwMaps + i]; } if(kwArity > 0){ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, IValue> kwMap = (Map<String, IValue>) stack[sp - 2]; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Map.Entry<Type, IValue>> kwDefaultMap = (Map<String, Map.Entry<Type, IValue>>) stack[sp - 1]; for(int i = arity + kwArity - 1; i >= arity; i--){ String key = keywordTypes.getFieldName(i - arity); IValue val = kwMap.get(key); if(val == null){ val = kwDefaultMap.get(key).getValue(); } parameters[i] = val; } } if(reflect == 1) { parameters[arity + kwArity] = converted.contains(clazz.getName() + "." + m.getName()) ? this.rex : null /*this.getEvaluatorContext()*/; // TODO: remove CTX } stack[sp - arity - kwMaps] = m.invoke(instance, parameters); return sp - arity - kwMaps + 1; } catch (SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new CompilerError("could not call Java method", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if(e.getTargetException() instanceof Throw) { throw (Throw) e.getTargetException(); } if(e.getTargetException() instanceof Thrown){ throw (Thrown) e.getTargetException(); } throw e.getTargetException(); } } // Reflective methods where the CTX arguments has already been replaced by a REX argument private static HashSet<String> converted = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList( "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.ParsingTools.parseFragment", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.ExecuteProgram.executeProgram", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.CoverageCompiled.startCoverage", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.CoverageCompiled.stopCoverage", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.CoverageCompiled.getCoverage", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.ProfileCompiled.startProfile", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.ProfileCompiled.stopProfile", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.ProfileCompiled.getProfile", "org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.ProfileCompiled.reportProfile", "org.rascalmpl.library.lang.csv.IOCompiled.readCSV", "org.rascalmpl.library.lang.csv.IOCompiled.getCSVType", "org.rascalmpl.library.lang.csv.IOCompiled.writeCSV", "org.rascalmpl.library.lang.json.IOCompiled.fromJSON", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.delAnnotation", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.delAnnotations", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.implode", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.parse", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.print", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.println", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.iprint", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.iprintln", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.rprint", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.rprintln", "org.rascalmpl.library.PreludeCompiled.sort", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.MonitorCompiled.startJob", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.MonitorCompiled.event", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.MonitorCompiled.endJob", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.MonitorCompiled.todo", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.ReflectiveCompiled.parseModule", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.ReflectiveCompiled.getModuleLocation", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.ReflectiveCompiled.getSearchPathLocation", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.ReflectiveCompiled.inCompiledMode", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.ReflectiveCompiled.parseNamedModuleWithSpaces", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.ReflectiveCompiled.diff", "", "org.rascalmpl.library.util.WebserverCompiled.serve" /* * TODO: * cobra::util::outputlogger::startLog * cobra::util::outputlogger::getLog * cobra::quickcheck::_quickcheck * cobra::quickcheck::arbitrary * * experiments::resource::Resource::registerResource * experiments::resource::Resource::getTypedResource * experiments::resource::Resource::generateTypedInterfaceInternal * experiments::vis2::vega::Vega::color * * lang::aterm::IO::readTextATermFile * lang::aterm::IO::writeTextATermFile * * lang::html::IO::readHTMLFile * * lang::java::m3::AST::setEnvironmentOptions * lang::java::m3::AST::createAstFromFile * lang::java::m3::AST::createAstFromString * lang::java::m3::Core::createM3FromFile * lang::java::m3::Core::createM3FromFile * lang::java::m3::Core::createM3FromJarClass * * lang::jvm::run::RunClassFile::runClassFile * lang::jvm::transform::SerializeClass::serialize * * lang::rsf::IO::readRSF * lang::rsf::IO::getRSFTypes * lang::rsf::IO::readRSFRelation * * lang::yaml::Model::loadYAML * lang::yaml::Model::dumpYAML * * resource::jdbc::JDBC::registerJDBCClass * util::tasks::Manager * util::Eval * util::Monitor * vis::Figure::color * * Traversal::getTraversalContext * * **eclipse** * util::Editors * util::FastPrint * util::HtmlDisplay * util::IDE * util::ResourceMarkers * vis::Render * vis::RenderSWT * */ )); private static Class<?>[] makeJavaTypes(String methodName, String className, Type parameterTypes, Type keywordTypes, int reflect){ JavaClasses javaClasses = new JavaClasses(); int arity = parameterTypes.getArity(); int kwArity = keywordTypes.getArity(); Class<?>[] jtypes = new Class<?>[arity + kwArity + reflect]; int i = 0; while(i < parameterTypes.getArity()){ jtypes[i] = parameterTypes.getFieldType(i).accept(javaClasses); i++; } while(i < arity + kwArity){ jtypes[i] = keywordTypes.getFieldType(i - arity).accept(javaClasses); i++; } if(reflect == 1) { jtypes[arity + kwArity] = converted.contains(className + "." + methodName) ? RascalExecutionContext.class : IEvaluatorContext.class; // TODO: remove CTX } return jtypes; } private static class JavaClasses extends DefaultRascalTypeVisitor<Class<?>, RuntimeException> { public JavaClasses() { super(IValue.class); } @Override public Class<?> visitNonTerminal(RascalType type) throws RuntimeException { return IConstructor.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitBool(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type boolType) { return IBool.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitReal(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return IReal.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitInteger(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return IInteger.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitRational(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return IRational.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitNumber(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return INumber.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitList(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return IList.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitMap(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return IMap.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitAlias(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return type.getAliased().accept(this); } @Override public Class<?> visitAbstractData(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return IConstructor.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitSet(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return ISet.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitSourceLocation(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return ISourceLocation.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitString(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return IString.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitNode(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return INode.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitConstructor(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return IConstructor.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitTuple(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return ITuple.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitValue(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return IValue.class; } @Override public Class<?> visitVoid(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type type) { return null; } @Override public Class<?> visitParameter(org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type parameterType) { return parameterType.getBound().accept(this); } @Override public Class<?> visitDateTime(Type type) { return IDateTime.class; } } }