package org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter; import; import; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTBasicObjectSerializer; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTClazzInfo; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectInput; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectOutput; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.ITestResultListener; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.TypeReifier; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.result.util.MemoizationCache; import org.rascalmpl.library.cobra.TypeParameterVisitor; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.Rascal2muRascal.RandomValueTypeVisitor; import org.rascalmpl.value.IBool; import org.rascalmpl.value.IConstructor; import org.rascalmpl.value.IInteger; import org.rascalmpl.value.IList; import org.rascalmpl.value.IMap; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISourceLocation; import org.rascalmpl.value.IString; import org.rascalmpl.value.ITuple; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.TypeFactory; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.TypeStore; import org.rascalmpl.values.ValueFactoryFactory; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.RascalValueFactory; /** * Function contains all data needed for a single RVM function * * Function is serialized by FSTFunctionSerializer, make sure that * all fields declared here are synced with the serializer. */ public class Function implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1741144671553091111L; private static IValueFactory vf = ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory(); private static final IString ignoreTag = vf.string("ignore"); private static final IString IgnoreTag = vf.string("Ignore"); private static final IString ignoreCompilerTag = vf.string("ignoreCompiler"); private static final IString IgnoreCompilerTag = vf.string("IgnoreCompiler"); String name; public Type ftype; public Type kwType; int scopeId; String funIn; public int scopeIn = -1; public int nformals; private int nlocals; boolean isDefault; boolean isTest; IMap tags; int maxstack; public CodeBlock codeblock; public IValue[] constantStore; public Type[] typeConstantStore; boolean concreteArg = false; int abstractFingerprint = 0; int concreteFingerprint = 0; int[] froms; int[] tos; public int[] types; int[] handlers; int[] fromSPs; int lastHandler = -1; public Integer funId; // USED in dynRun to find the function, in the JVM version only. public String[] fromLabels; public String[] toLabels; public String[] handlerLabels; public int[] fromSPsCorrected; public int continuationPoints = 0; boolean isCoroutine = false; int[] refs; boolean isVarArgs = false; public ISourceLocation src; public IMap localNames; // transient fields transient SoftReference<MemoizationCache<IValue>> memoization; private transient Class<?> javaClazz; private transient Method javaMethod; public static void initSerialization(IValueFactory vfactory, TypeStore ts){ vf = vfactory; } public Function(final String name, final Type ftype, final Type kwType, final String funIn, final int nformals, final int nlocals, boolean isDefault, boolean isTest, final IMap tags, final IMap localNames, final int maxstack, boolean concreteArg, int abstractFingerprint, int concreteFingerprint, final CodeBlock codeblock, final ISourceLocation src, int ctpt){ = name; this.ftype = ftype; this.kwType = (kwType == null) ? TypeFactory.getInstance().tupleEmpty() : kwType; this.funIn = funIn; this.nformals = nformals; this.setNlocals(nlocals); this.isDefault = isDefault; this.isTest = isTest; this.tags = (tags == null) ? ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory().mapWriter().done() : tags; this.localNames = localNames; this.maxstack = maxstack; this.concreteArg = concreteArg; this.abstractFingerprint = abstractFingerprint; this.concreteFingerprint = concreteFingerprint; this.codeblock = codeblock; this.src = src; this.continuationPoints = ctpt ; } Function(final String name, final Type ftype, final Type kwType, final String funIn, final int nformals, final int nlocals, boolean isDefault, boolean isTest, final IMap tags, final IMap localNames, final int maxstack, boolean concreteArg, int abstractFingerprint, int concreteFingerprint, final CodeBlock codeblock, final ISourceLocation src, int scopeIn, IValue[] constantStore, Type[] typeConstantStore, int[] froms, int[] tos, int[] types, int[] handlers, int[] fromSPs, int lastHandler, int scopeId, boolean isCoroutine, int[] refs, boolean isVarArgs, int ctpt){ = name; this.ftype = ftype; this.kwType = (kwType == null) ? TypeFactory.getInstance().tupleEmpty() : kwType; this.funIn = funIn; this.nformals = nformals; this.setNlocals(nlocals); this.isDefault = isDefault; this.isTest = isTest; this.tags = (tags == null) ? ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory().mapWriter().done() : tags; this.localNames = localNames; this.maxstack = maxstack; this.concreteArg = concreteArg; this.abstractFingerprint = abstractFingerprint; this.concreteFingerprint = concreteFingerprint; this.codeblock = codeblock; this.src = src; this.scopeIn = scopeIn; this.constantStore = constantStore; this.typeConstantStore = typeConstantStore; this.froms = froms; this.tos = tos; this.types = types; this.handlers = handlers; this.fromSPs = fromSPs; this.lastHandler = lastHandler; this.scopeId = scopeId; this.isCoroutine = isCoroutine; this.refs = refs; this.isVarArgs = isVarArgs; this.continuationPoints = ctpt ; } public void finalize(final Map<String, Integer> codeMap, final Map<String, Integer> constructorMap, final Map<String, Integer> resolver){ if(constructorMap == null){ System.out.println("finalize: null"); } codeblock.done(name, codeMap, constructorMap, resolver); this.scopeId = codeblock.getFunctionIndex(name); if(funIn.length() != 0) { this.scopeIn = codeblock.getFunctionIndex(funIn); } this.constantStore = codeblock.getConstants(); this.typeConstantStore = codeblock.getTypeConstants(); } public void clearForJVM(){ codeblock.clearForJVM(); } public void attachExceptionTable(final IList exceptions) { froms = new int[exceptions.length()]; tos = new int[exceptions.length()]; types = new int[exceptions.length()]; handlers = new int[exceptions.length()]; fromSPs = new int[exceptions.length()]; fromSPsCorrected = new int[exceptions.length()]; fromLabels = new String[exceptions.length()]; toLabels = new String[exceptions.length()]; handlerLabels = new String[exceptions.length()]; int i = 0; for(IValue entry : exceptions) { ITuple tuple = (ITuple) entry; String from = ((IString) tuple.get(0)).getValue(); String to = ((IString) tuple.get(1)).getValue(); Type type = new TypeReifier(vf).symbolToType((IConstructor) tuple.get(2)); String handler = ((IString) tuple.get(3)).getValue(); int fromSP = ((IInteger) tuple.get(4)).intValue(); froms[i] = codeblock.getLabelPC(from); tos[i] = codeblock.getLabelPC(to); types[i] = codeblock.getTypeConstantIndex(type); handlers[i] = codeblock.getLabelPC(handler); fromSPs[i] = fromSP; fromSPsCorrected[i] = fromSP + getNlocals(); fromLabels[i] = from; toLabels[i] = to; handlerLabels[i] = handler; i++; } } public int getHandler(final int pc, final Type type) { int i = 0; lastHandler = -1; for(int from : froms) { if(pc >= from) { if(pc < tos[i]) { // In the range... if(type.isSubtypeOf(codeblock.getConstantType(types[i]))) { lastHandler = i; return handlers[i]; } } } i++; } return -1; } public int getFromSP(){ return getNlocals() + fromSPs[lastHandler]; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getNlocals() { return nlocals; } public void setNlocals(int nlocals) { this.nlocals = nlocals; } public String getPrintableName(){ int comp = name.lastIndexOf("::companion"); if(comp >= 0){ String tmpName = name.substring(0, comp); int from = tmpName.lastIndexOf("::")+2; int to = tmpName.indexOf("(", from); return tmpName.substring(from, to); } int from = name.lastIndexOf("/")+1; int to = name.indexOf("(", from); if(to < 0){ to = name.length(); } return name.substring(from, to); } public String getQualifiedName(){ return name.substring(0, name.indexOf("(")); } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("FUNCTION ").append(name).append(" ->> ").append(ftype).append("\n"); if(kwType.getArity() > 0){ sb.append("kwType: " + kwType); } for(int i = 0; i < constantStore.length; i++){ sb.append("\t constant "). append(i).append(": "). append(constantStore[i]).append("\n"); } for(int i = 0; i < typeConstantStore.length; i++){ sb.append("\t type constant "). append(i).append(": "). append(typeConstantStore[i]).append("\n"); } sb.append(codeblock.toString()); return sb.toString(); } public boolean isIgnored(){ return tags.containsKey(ignoreTag) || tags.containsKey(IgnoreTag) || tags.containsKey(ignoreCompilerTag) || tags.containsKey(IgnoreCompilerTag) ; } private static final int MAXDEPTH = 5; private static final int TRIES = 500; public int getTries(){ if(ftype.getFieldTypes().getArity() == 0){ return 1; } IValue itries = tags.get(vf.string("tries")); return itries == null ? TRIES : Integer.parseInt(((IString) itries).getValue()); } public int getDepth(){ IValue imaxDepth = tags.get(vf.string("maxDepth")); return imaxDepth == null ? MAXDEPTH : Integer.parseInt(((IString) imaxDepth).getValue()); } /** * Execute current function as test * @param testResultListener TODO **/ public ITuple executeTest(ITestResultListener testResultListener, RascalExecutionContext rex) { String fun = name; if(isIgnored()){ testResultListener.ignored(computeTestName(), src); return vf.tuple(src, vf.integer(2), vf.string("")); } IValue iexpected = tags.get(vf.string("expected")); String expected = iexpected == null ? "" : ((IString) iexpected).getValue(); int maxDepth = getDepth(); int tries = getTries(); Type requestedType = ftype.getFieldTypes(); int nargs = requestedType.getArity(); IValue[] args = new IValue[nargs]; TypeParameterVisitor tpvisit = new TypeParameterVisitor(); HashMap<Type, Type> tpbindings = tpvisit.bindTypeParameters(requestedType); RandomValueTypeVisitor randomValue = new RandomValueTypeVisitor(vf, maxDepth, tpbindings, rex.getTypeStore()); boolean passed = true; String message = ""; Throwable exception = null; for(int i = 0; i < tries; i++){ if(nargs > 0){ message = "test fails for arguments: "; ITuple tup = (ITuple) randomValue.generate(requestedType); if(tup == null){ System.err.println(name + "(" + nargs + "): " + requestedType + ", " + tup ); printTypeStore(rex.getTypeStore()); } for(int j = 0; j < nargs; j++){ args[j] = tup.get(j); message = message + args[j].toString() + " "; } } try { IValue res = (IValue) rex.getRVM().executeRVMFunction(fun, args, null); passed = ((IBool) res).getValue(); if(!passed){ break; } } catch (Thrown e){ String ename; if(e.getValue() instanceof IConstructor){ ename = ((IConstructor) e.getValue()).getName(); } else { ename = e.toString(); } if(!ename.equals(expected)){ message = e.toString() + message; passed = false; exception = e; break; } } catch (Exception e){ message = e.getMessage() + message; passed = false; break; } } if(passed) message = "";, computeTestName(), src, message, exception); return vf.tuple(src, vf.integer(passed ? 1 : 0), vf.string(message)); } public String computeTestName(){ // Resembles Function.getPrintableName String base = name; int colons = name.lastIndexOf("::"); if(colons > 0){ base = name.substring(colons+2, name.indexOf("(")).replaceAll("/", "::"); } else { base = name.substring(name.indexOf("/")+1, name.indexOf("(")); } return base + ": <" + src.getOffset() +"," + src.getLength() +">"; } public static void printTypeStore(TypeStore ts){ for(Type adt : ts.getAbstractDataTypes()){ System.err.println("adt: " + adt); } for(Type cons : ts.getConstructors()){ System.err.println("cons: " + cons); } } public Class<?> getJavaClass() { return javaClazz; } public Method getJavaMethod() { return javaMethod; } public void setJavaMetaObjects(Class<?> clazz, Method method) { assert javaClazz == null && javaMethod == null; this.javaClazz = clazz; this.javaMethod = method; } } /** * FSTFunctionSerializer: serializer for Function objects * */ class FSTFunctionSerializer extends FSTBasicObjectSerializer { //private static IValueFactory vf; private static TypeStore store; public static void initSerialization(IValueFactory vfactory, TypeStore ts){ //vf = vfactory; store = ts; store.extendStore(RascalValueFactory.getStore()); } @Override public void writeObject(FSTObjectOutput out, Object toWrite, FSTClazzInfo clzInfo, FSTFieldInfo arg3, int arg4) throws IOException { Function fun = (Function) toWrite; // String name; out.writeObject(; // Type ftype; out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableType(fun.ftype)); // Type kwType; out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableType(fun.kwType)); // int scopeId; out.writeObject(fun.scopeId); // private String funIn; out.writeObject(fun.funIn); // int scopeIn = -1; out.writeObject(fun.scopeIn); // int nformals; out.writeObject(fun.nformals); // int nlocals; out.writeObject(fun.getNlocals()); // boolean isDefault; out.writeObject(fun.isDefault); // boolean isTest; out.writeObject(fun.isTest); // IMap tags; if(fun.tags == null){ fun.tags = ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory().mapWriter().done(); } out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableIValue(fun.tags)); // int maxstack; out.writeObject(fun.maxstack); // CodeBlock codeblock; out.writeObject(fun.codeblock); // IValue[] constantStore; int n = fun.constantStore.length; out.writeObject(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableIValue(fun.constantStore[i])); } // Type[] typeConstantStore; n = fun.typeConstantStore.length; out.writeObject(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableType(RascalExecutionContext.shareTypeConstant(fun.typeConstantStore[i]))); } // boolean concreteArg = false; out.writeObject(fun.concreteArg); // int abstractFingerprint = 0; out.writeObject(fun.abstractFingerprint); // int concreteFingerprint = 0; out.writeObject(fun.concreteFingerprint); // int[] froms; out.writeObject(fun.froms); // int[] tos; out.writeObject(fun.tos); // int[] types; out.writeObject(fun.types); // int[] handlers; out.writeObject(fun.handlers); // int[] fromSPs; out.writeObject(fun.fromSPs); // int lastHandler = -1; out.writeObject(fun.lastHandler); //public Integer funId; out.writeObject(fun.funId); // boolean isCoroutine = false; out.writeObject(fun.isCoroutine); // int[] refs; out.writeObject(fun.refs); // boolean isVarArgs = false; out.writeObject(fun.isVarArgs); // ISourceLocation src; out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableIValue(fun.src)); // IMap localNames; out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableIValue(fun.localNames)); // int continuationPoints out.writeObject(fun.continuationPoints); } @Override public void readObject(FSTObjectInput in, Object toRead, FSTClazzInfo clzInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencedBy) { } public Object instantiate(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class objectClass, FSTObjectInput in, FSTClazzInfo serializationInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencee, int streamPosition) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { // String name; String name = (String) in.readObject(); // Type ftype; Type ftype = (Type) in.readObject(); Object o = in.readObject(); Type kwType; // Transitional for boot Integer scopeId; if(o instanceof Type){ kwType = (Type) o; // int scopeId; scopeId = (Integer) in.readObject(); } else { kwType = null; // int scopeId; scopeId = (Integer) o; } // // Type kwType; // Type kwType = (Type) in.readObject(); // // // int scopeId; // Integer scopeId = (Integer) in.readObject(); // private String funIn; String funIn = (String) in.readObject(); // int scopeIn = -1; Integer scopeIn = (Integer) in.readObject(); // int nformals; Integer nformals = (Integer) in.readObject(); // int nlocals; Integer nlocals = (Integer) in.readObject(); // boolean isDefault; Boolean isDefault = (Boolean) in.readObject(); Boolean isTest = false; IMap tags = null; o = in.readObject();// transitional for boot Integer maxstack; if(o instanceof Boolean){ isTest = (Boolean) o; tags = (IMap) in.readObject(); maxstack = (Integer) in.readObject(); } else { maxstack = (Integer) o; } // // Boolean isTest; // Boolean isTest = (Boolean) in.readObject(); // // IMap tags; // IMap tags = (IMap) in.readObject(); // // // int maxstack; // Integer maxstack = (Integer) in.readObject(); // CodeBlock codeblock; CodeBlock codeblock = (CodeBlock) in.readObject(); // IValue[] constantStore; int n = (Integer) in.readObject(); IValue[] constantStore = new IValue[n]; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ constantStore[i] = (IValue) in.readObject(); } // Type[] typeConstantStore; n = (Integer) in.readObject(); Type[] typeConstantStore = new Type[n]; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ typeConstantStore[i] = RascalExecutionContext.shareTypeConstant((Type) in.readObject()); } // boolean concreteArg = false; Boolean concreteArg = (Boolean) in.readObject(); // int abstractFingerprint = 0; Integer abstractFingerprint = (Integer) in.readObject(); // int concreteFingerprint = 0; Integer concreteFingerprint = (Integer) in.readObject(); // int[] froms; int[] froms = (int[]) in.readObject(); // int[] tos; int[] tos = (int[]) in.readObject(); // int[] types; int[] types = (int[]) in.readObject(); // int[] handlers; int[] handlers = (int[]) in.readObject(); // int[] fromSPs; int[] fromSPs = (int[]) in.readObject(); // int lastHandler = -1; Integer lastHandler = (Integer) in.readObject(); //public Integer funId; Integer funId = (Integer) in.readObject(); // boolean isCoroutine = false; Boolean isCoroutine = (Boolean) in.readObject(); // int[] refs; int[] refs = (int[]) in.readObject(); // boolean isVarArgs = false; Boolean isVarArgs = (Boolean)in.readObject(); // ISourceLocation src; ISourceLocation src = (ISourceLocation) in.readObject(); // IMap localNames; IMap localNames = (IMap) in.readObject(); // int continuationPoints Integer continuationPoints = (Integer) in.readObject(); Function func = new Function(name, ftype, kwType, funIn, nformals, nlocals, isDefault, isTest, tags, localNames, maxstack, concreteArg, abstractFingerprint, concreteFingerprint, codeblock, src, scopeIn, constantStore, typeConstantStore, froms, tos, types, handlers, fromSPs, lastHandler, scopeId, isCoroutine, refs, isVarArgs, continuationPoints); func.funId = funId; return func; } }