package org.rascalmpl.library.util; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.Configuration; import org.rascalmpl.library.lang.rascal.boot.IJava2Rascal; import org.rascalmpl.uri.URIResolverRegistry; import org.rascalmpl.uri.URIUtil; import org.rascalmpl.value.IConstructor; import org.rascalmpl.value.IList; import org.rascalmpl.value.ISourceLocation; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.values.ValueFactoryFactory; public class PathConfig { private static IValueFactory vf = ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory(); List<ISourceLocation> srcs; // List of locations to search for source files List<ISourceLocation> libs; // List of (library) locations to search for derived files List<ISourceLocation> courses; // List of (library) locations to search for course source files ISourceLocation bin; // Global location for derived files outside projects or libraries ISourceLocation boot; // Location with Rascal boot files // private RascalSearchPath rascalSearchPath; private static ISourceLocation defaultStd; private static List<ISourceLocation> defaultCourses; private static ISourceLocation defaultBin; private static ISourceLocation defaultBoot; static { try { // Defaults should be in sync with util::Reflective defaultStd = vf.sourceLocation("std", "", ""); defaultBin = vf.sourceLocation("home", "", "bin"); defaultBoot = vf.sourceLocation("boot", "", ""); defaultCourses = Arrays.asList(vf.sourceLocation("courses", "", "")); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public PathConfig() throws URISyntaxException{ srcs = Arrays.asList(defaultStd); courses = defaultCourses; bin = defaultBin; boot = defaultBoot; libs = Arrays.asList(bin, boot); // makeRascalSearchPath(); } public PathConfig(List<ISourceLocation> srcs, List<ISourceLocation> libs, ISourceLocation bin) { this(srcs, libs, bin, defaultBoot, defaultCourses); } public PathConfig(List<ISourceLocation> srcs, List<ISourceLocation> libs, ISourceLocation bin, List<ISourceLocation> courses) { this(srcs, libs, bin, defaultBoot, courses); } public PathConfig(List<ISourceLocation> srcs, List<ISourceLocation> libs, ISourceLocation bin, ISourceLocation boot) { this(srcs, libs, bin, boot, defaultCourses); } public PathConfig(List<ISourceLocation> srcs, List<ISourceLocation> libs, ISourceLocation bin, ISourceLocation boot, List<ISourceLocation> courses){ this.srcs = srcs; = courses; this.libs = libs; this.bin = bin; this.boot = boot; // makeRascalSearchPath(); } public PathConfig(IList srcs, IList libs, ISourceLocation bin, ISourceLocation boot){ this.srcs = convertLocs(srcs); this.libs = convertLocs(libs); this.bin = bin; this.boot = boot; = defaultCourses; // makeRascalSearchPath(); } public PathConfig(IList srcs, IList libs, ISourceLocation bin, IList courses){ this.srcs = convertLocs(srcs); this.libs = convertLocs(libs); this.bin = bin; this.boot = defaultBoot; = convertLocs(courses); // makeRascalSearchPath(); } public PathConfig(IList srcs, IList libs, ISourceLocation bin, ISourceLocation boot, IList courses){ this.srcs = convertLocs(srcs); this.libs = convertLocs(libs); this.bin = bin; this.boot = boot; = convertLocs(courses); // makeRascalSearchPath(); } List<ISourceLocation> convertLocs(IList locs){ List<ISourceLocation> result = new ArrayList<>(); for(IValue p : locs){ if(p instanceof ISourceLocation){ result.add((ISourceLocation) p); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Path should contain source locations and not " + p.getClass().getName()); } } return result; } String makeFileName(String qualifiedModuleName) { return makeFileName(qualifiedModuleName, "rsc"); } public static ISourceLocation getDefaultStd(){ return defaultStd; } public static ISourceLocation getDefaultBin(){ return defaultBin; } public static ISourceLocation getDefaultBoot(){ return defaultBoot; } public static List<ISourceLocation> getDefaultCourses(){ return defaultCourses; } public IValueFactory getValueFactory() { return vf; } public IList getSrcs() { return vf.list(srcs.toArray(new IValue[0])); } public PathConfig addSourceLoc(ISourceLocation dir) { List<ISourceLocation> extendedsrcs = new ArrayList<ISourceLocation>(srcs); extendedsrcs.add(dir); return new PathConfig(extendedsrcs, libs, bin, boot); } public IList getCourses() { return vf.list(courses.toArray(new IValue[0])); } public PathConfig addCourseLoc(ISourceLocation dir) { List<ISourceLocation> extendedcourses = new ArrayList<ISourceLocation>(courses); extendedcourses.add(dir); return new PathConfig(srcs, libs, bin, boot, extendedcourses); } public ISourceLocation getCourseLoc(String courseName) throws URISyntaxException, IOException{ for(ISourceLocation dir : courses){ ISourceLocation fileLoc = vf.sourceLocation(dir.getScheme(), dir.getAuthority(), dir.getPath() + courseName); if(URIResolverRegistry.getInstance().exists(fileLoc)){ return fileLoc; } } throw new IOException("Course " + courseName + " not found"); } private boolean isCourse(String name){ return name.matches("[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*$"); } private String fileName(ISourceLocation loc){ String[] parts = loc.getPath().split("/"); return parts[parts.length - 1]; } public List<String> listCourseEntries() throws IOException{ URIResolverRegistry reg = URIResolverRegistry.getInstance(); ArrayList<String> courseList = new ArrayList<>(); for(ISourceLocation dir : courses){ if(reg.exists(dir)){ for(ISourceLocation entry : reg.list(dir)){ if(reg.isDirectory(entry)){ String name = fileName(entry); if(isCourse(name)){ courseList.add(name); } } } } } return courseList; } public IList getLibs() { return vf.list(libs.toArray(new IValue[0])); } public PathConfig addLibLoc(ISourceLocation dir){ List<ISourceLocation> extendedlibs = new ArrayList<ISourceLocation>(libs); extendedlibs.add(dir); return new PathConfig(srcs, extendedlibs, bin, boot); } public ISourceLocation getBoot() { return boot; } public ISourceLocation getBin() { return bin; } // void makeRascalSearchPath(){ // this.rascalSearchPath = new RascalSearchPath(); // rascalSearchPath.addPathContributor(getSourcePathContributor()); // } // public IRascalSearchPathContributor getSourcePathContributor() { // return new PathContributor("srcs", srcs); // } String makeFileName(String qualifiedModuleName, String extension) { return qualifiedModuleName.replaceAll("::", "/") + "." + extension; } // public RascalSearchPath getRascalSearchPath(){ // return rascalSearchPath; // } ISourceLocation getModuleLoc(String qualifiedModuleName) throws IOException { ISourceLocation result = resolveModule(qualifiedModuleName); if(result == null){ throw new IOException("Module " + qualifiedModuleName + " not found"); } return result; } public ISourceLocation resolveModule(String qualifiedModuleName) { String fileName = makeFileName(qualifiedModuleName); for(ISourceLocation dir : srcs){ ISourceLocation fileLoc; try { getFullURI(fileName, dir); fileLoc = getFullURI(fileName, dir); if(URIResolverRegistry.getInstance().exists(fileLoc)){ return fileLoc; } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { return null; } } return null; } String getModuleName(ISourceLocation moduleLoc) throws IOException{ String modulePath = moduleLoc.getPath(); if(!modulePath.endsWith(".rsc")){ throw new IOException("Not a Rascal source file: " + moduleLoc); } for(ISourceLocation dir : srcs){ if(modulePath.startsWith(dir.getPath()) && moduleLoc.getScheme() == dir.getScheme()){ String moduleName = modulePath.replaceFirst(dir.getPath(), "").replace(".rsc", ""); if(moduleName.startsWith("/")){ moduleName = moduleName.substring(1, moduleName.length()); } return moduleName.replace("/", "::"); } } throw new IOException("No module name found for " + moduleLoc); } private String moduleToDir(String module) { return module.replaceAll(Configuration.RASCAL_MODULE_SEP, Configuration.RASCAL_PATH_SEP); } private String moduleToFile(String module) { if (!module.endsWith(Configuration.RASCAL_FILE_EXT)) { module = module.concat(Configuration.RASCAL_FILE_EXT); } return module.replaceAll(Configuration.RASCAL_MODULE_SEP, Configuration.RASCAL_PATH_SEP); } private ISourceLocation getFullURI(String path, ISourceLocation dir) throws URISyntaxException { return URIUtil.getChildLocation(dir, path); } public List<String> listModuleEntries(String moduleRoot) { assert !moduleRoot.endsWith("::"); final URIResolverRegistry reg = URIResolverRegistry.getInstance(); try { String modulePath = moduleToDir(moduleRoot); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (ISourceLocation dir : srcs) { ISourceLocation full = getFullURI(modulePath, dir); if (reg.exists(full)) { try { String[] entries = reg.listEntries(full); if (entries == null) { continue; } for (String module: entries ) { if (module.endsWith(Configuration.RASCAL_FILE_EXT)) { result.add(module.substring(0, module.length() - Configuration.RASCAL_FILE_EXT.length())); } else if (module.indexOf('.') == -1 && reg.isDirectory(getFullURI(module, full))) { // a sub folder path result.add(module + "::"); } } } catch (IOException e) { } } } if (result.size() > 0) { return result; } return null; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { return null; } } public IConstructor asConstructor(IJava2Rascal j2r){ return j2r.pathConfig(j2r.kw_pathConfig().srcs(getSrcs()).libs(getLibs()).boot(getBoot()).bin(getBin()).courses(getCourses())); } public String toString(){ StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); w.append("srcs: ").append(getSrcs().toString()).append("\n") .append("libs: ").append(getLibs().toString()).append("\n") .append("courses: ").append(getCourses().toString()).append("\n") .append("boot: ").append(getBoot().toString()).append("\n") .append("bin: ").append(getBin().toString()).append("\n"); return w.toString(); } } //class PathContributor implements IRascalSearchPathContributor{ // // private final String name; // private final List<ISourceLocation> stdPath; // // PathContributor(String name, List<ISourceLocation> path){ // = name; // this.stdPath = path; // } // @Override // public void contributePaths(List<ISourceLocation> path) { // for(ISourceLocation p : stdPath){ // path.add(p); // } // } // // @Override // public String getName() { // return name; // } // //}