package org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.repl; import static org.rascalmpl.interpreter.utils.ReadEvalPrintDialogMessages.parseErrorMessage; import static org.rascalmpl.interpreter.utils.ReadEvalPrintDialogMessages.staticErrorMessage; import static org.rascalmpl.interpreter.utils.ReadEvalPrintDialogMessages.throwMessage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.control_exceptions.QuitException; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.control_exceptions.Throw; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.result.IRascalResult; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.staticErrors.StaticError; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.utils.Timing; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.NoSuchRascalFunction; import org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter.ideservices.IDEServices; import org.rascalmpl.library.util.PathConfig; import org.rascalmpl.parser.gtd.exception.ParseError; import org.rascalmpl.repl.BaseRascalREPL; import org.rascalmpl.repl.CompletionResult; import org.rascalmpl.uri.URIUtil; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type; import jline.Terminal; public abstract class CompiledRascalREPL extends BaseRascalREPL { protected CommandExecutor executor; private boolean measureCommandTime; // private boolean semiColonAdded = false; public static final TreeSet<String> SHELL_VERBS; static { String[] shellVerbValues = { // General commands "apropos", "clean", "declarations", "edit", "help", /*"modules",*/ "quit", "set", "test", "undeclare", "unimport", // Debugging commands "break", "clear", "disable", "enable", "ignore" }; SHELL_VERBS = new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(shellVerbValues)); } private PathConfig pcfg; protected final IDEServices ideServices; public CompiledRascalREPL(PathConfig pcfg, InputStream stdin, OutputStream stdout, boolean prettyPrompt, boolean allowColors, File persistentHistory, Terminal terminal, IDEServices ideServices) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { super(pcfg, stdin, stdout, prettyPrompt, allowColors, persistentHistory, terminal, ideServices); this.pcfg = pcfg; this.ideServices = ideServices; } @Override protected boolean isREPLCommand(String line){ if(line.length() > 0){ int idx = line.indexOf(" "); if(idx > 0){ return SHELL_VERBS.contains(line.substring(0, idx)); } return SHELL_VERBS.contains(line); } return false; } @Override protected PrintWriter getErrorWriter() { return executor.getStdErr(); } @Override protected PrintWriter getOutputWriter() { return executor.getStdOut(); } public void setMeasureCommandTime(boolean measureCommandTime) { this.measureCommandTime = measureCommandTime; } public boolean getMeasureCommandTime() { return measureCommandTime; } @Override protected void cancelRunningCommandRequested() { stop(); } @Override protected void terminateRequested() { stop(); } @Override protected void stackTraceRequested() { // TODO: print current stack trace, without stopping the running code. // reminder: this method is called from a different thread. } @Override protected void initialize(PathConfig pcfg, Writer stdout, Writer stderr, IDEServices ideServices) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { try { executor = constructCommandExecutor(pcfg, new PrintWriter(stdout), new PrintWriter(stderr), ideServices); } catch (NoSuchRascalFunction e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected abstract CommandExecutor constructCommandExecutor(PathConfig pcfg, PrintWriter stdout, PrintWriter stderr, IDEServices ideServices) throws IOException, NoSuchRascalFunction, URISyntaxException; @Override protected boolean isStatementComplete(String command) { return executor.isStatementComplete(command); } @Override protected IRascalResult evalStatement(String statement, String lastLine) throws InterruptedException { try { if(executor.semiColonAdded){ statement = statement + ";"; executor.semiColonAdded = false; } String[] words = statement.split(" "); if(words.length > 0 && SHELL_VERBS.contains(words[0])){ if(words[0].equals("quit")){ executor.shutdown(); stop(); return null; } executor.evalShellCommand(words); return null; } else { Timing tm = new Timing(); tm.start(); IValue value = executor.eval(statement, URIUtil.rootLocation("prompt")); if(value != null){ Type tp = value.getType(); if(tp.isAbstractData() && tp.getName().equals("RuntimeException")){ throw new RascalShellExecutionException("Error: " + value.toString()); } } long duration = tm.duration(); if (measureCommandTime) { executor.getStdErr().println("Time: " + (duration / 1000000) + "ms"); } return new IRascalResult() { @Override public IValue getValue() { return value; } @Override public Type getType() { return value.getType(); // TODO: change to static type? } }; } } catch (ParseError pe) { executor.getStdErr().println(parseErrorMessage(lastLine, "prompt", pe)); return null; } catch (StaticError e) { executor.getStdErr().println(staticErrorMessage(e)); return null; } catch (Throw e) { executor.getStdErr().println(throwMessage(e)); return null; } catch (QuitException q) { executor.getStdErr().println("Quiting REPL"); throw new InterruptedException(); } // catch (Throwable e) { // eval.getStdErr().println(throwableMessage(e, eval.getStackTrace())); // return null; // } catch (RascalShellExecutionException e) { executor.getStdErr().println(e.getMessage()); return null; } catch (IOException e) { executor.getStdErr().println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } @Override protected boolean printSpaceAfterFullCompletion() { return false; } @Override protected Collection<String> completeModule(String qualifier, String partialModuleName) { List<String> entries = pcfg.listModuleEntries(qualifier); if (entries != null && entries.size() > 0) { if (entries.contains(partialModuleName)) { // we have a full directory name (at least the option) List<String> subEntries = pcfg.listModuleEntries(qualifier + "::" + partialModuleName); if (subEntries != null) { entries.remove(partialModuleName); subEntries.forEach(e -> entries.add(partialModuleName + "::" + e)); } } return .filter(m -> m.startsWith(partialModuleName)) .map(s -> qualifier.isEmpty() ? s : qualifier + "::" + s) .sorted() .collect(Collectors.toList()); } return null; } @Override protected Collection<String> completePartialIdentifier(String line, int cursor, String qualifier, String term) { Collection<String> result = executor.completePartialIdentifier(qualifier, term); if(result == null){ result = new TreeSet<String>(); } if(cursor == term.length()){ for(String verb : SHELL_VERBS){ if(verb.startsWith(term)){ result.add(verb); } } } return result; } private static final SortedSet<String> commandLineOptions = new TreeSet<String>(); static { commandLineOptions.add("profile"); commandLineOptions.add("trace"); commandLineOptions.add("coverage"); } @Override protected SortedSet<String> getCommandLineOptions() { return commandLineOptions; } @Override protected CompletionResult completeREPLCommand(String line, int cursor) { return RascalCommandCompletion.complete(line, cursor, commandLineOptions, (l,i) -> completeIdentifier(l,i).joinWith(completeModule(l, i)), (l,i) -> completeModule(l,i), executor); } }