package org.rascalmpl.library.experiments.Compiler.RVM.Interpreter; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTBasicObjectSerializer; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTClazzInfo; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectInput; import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectOutput; import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.types.OverloadedFunctionType; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValue; import org.rascalmpl.value.IValueFactory; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.Type; import org.rascalmpl.value.type.TypeStore; import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.RascalValueFactory; /** * Represent one overloaded function given * - a list of function alternatives * - a list of constructor alternatives * - a scope * * An overloaded function is created during loading and is consulted at run-time * to create an OverloadedFunctionInstance for each specific call. * */ public class OverloadedFunction implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5235184427484318482L; final String name; final Type funType; int[] functions; final int[] constructors; final String funIn; int scopeIn = -1; boolean allConcreteFunctionArgs = false; boolean allConcreteConstructorArgs = false; HashMap<Integer, int[]> filteredFunctions; // Functions and constructors filtered on fingerprint of first argument HashMap<Integer, int[]> filteredConstructors; public OverloadedFunction(String name, Type funType, final int[] functions, final int[] constructors, final String funIn) { if(funIn == null){ System.out.println("OverloadedFunction: funIn is null"); } = name; this.funType = funType; this.functions = functions; this.constructors = constructors; this.funIn = funIn; } public OverloadedFunction(String name, Type funType, int[] functions, int[] constructors, String funIn, int scopeIn, boolean allConcreteFunctionArgs, boolean allConcreteConstructorArgs, HashMap<Integer, int[]> filteredFunctions, HashMap<Integer, int[]> filteredConstructors) { = name; this.funType = funType; this.functions = functions; this.constructors = constructors; this.funIn = funIn; this.scopeIn = scopeIn; this.allConcreteFunctionArgs = allConcreteFunctionArgs; this.allConcreteConstructorArgs = allConcreteConstructorArgs; this.filteredFunctions = filteredFunctions; this.filteredConstructors = filteredConstructors; } public boolean matchesNameAndSignature(String name, Type funType){ if(!{ return false; } if(this.funType.comparable(funType)){ return true; } if(this.funType instanceof OverloadedFunctionType){ OverloadedFunctionType oft = (OverloadedFunctionType) this.funType; for(Type ft : oft.getAlternatives()){ if(ft.comparable(funType)){ return true; } } } return false; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getArity(){ return funType.getArity(); } public void finalize(final Map<String, Integer> functionMap, ArrayList<Function> functionStore, Map<Integer, Integer> indexMap){ if(funIn.length() > 0){ // != null) { Integer si = functionMap.get(funIn); if(si == null){ // Give up, containing scope is not included in final RVM image created by loader return; } this.setScopeIn(si); } if(indexMap != null){ int nelems = 0; for(int i = 0; i < functions.length; i++){ Integer newIndex = indexMap.get(functions[i]); if(newIndex != null){ functions[nelems++] = newIndex; } } if(functions.length > nelems){ int[] newFunctions = new int[nelems]; for(int i = 0; i < nelems; i++){ newFunctions[i] = functions[i]; } functions = newFunctions; } } // TODO: temp consistency tests for(int fid : functions){ if(fid < 0 || fid >= functionStore.size()){ System.err.println("OverloadedFunction: function outside functionStore: " + fid); } } // for(int cid : constructors){ // if(cid < 0 || cid >= functionStore.size()){ // System.err.println("OverloadedFunction: constructor outside functionStore: " + cid); // } // } filter(functionStore); } void printArray(int[] a){ System.out.print("[ ");for(int i : functions) System.out.print(i + " "); System.out.println("]"); } boolean compareIntArrays(int[] a, int[] b){ if(a == null && b != null){ System.out.println("Array a null, b is not null"); return false; } if(a != null && b == null){ System.out.println("Array a not null, b is null"); return false; } if(a == null && b == null){ System.out.println("Array a null, b is null"); return false; } if(a.length != b.length){ System.out.println("Different length: " + a.length + " vs " + b.length); } for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ if(a[i] != b[i]){ System.out.println("Differ at index " + i); return false; } } return true; } boolean compareIntMaps(HashMap<Integer, int[]> a, HashMap<Integer, int[]> b){ if(a.size() != b.size()){ System.out.println("Different length: " + a.size() + " vs " + b.size()); } for(int i : a.keySet()){ if(!compareIntArrays(a.get(i), b.get(i))){ System.out.println("Maps differ at index " + i); return false; } } return true; } public boolean comparable(OverloadedFunction other){ if(!compareIntArrays(functions, other.functions)){ System.out.println("functions differ: " + functions + " vs " + other.functions); printArray(functions); System.out.print(" vs "); printArray(other.functions); return false; } if(!compareIntArrays(constructors, other.constructors)){ System.out.println("constructors differ: " + constructors + " vs " + other.constructors); printArray(constructors); System.out.print(" vs "); printArray(other.constructors); return false; } if(!funIn.equals(other.funIn)){ System.out.println("funIn differ"); return false; } if(getScopeIn() != other.getScopeIn()){ System.out.println("scopeIn differ"); return false; } if(allConcreteFunctionArgs != other.allConcreteFunctionArgs){ System.out.println("allConcreteFunctionArgs differ"); return false; } if(allConcreteConstructorArgs != other.allConcreteConstructorArgs){ System.out.println("allConcreteConstructorArgs differ"); return false; } if(filteredFunctions != null && other.filteredFunctions != null && !compareIntMaps(filteredFunctions, other.filteredFunctions)){ System.out.println("filteredFunctions differ"); return false; } if(filteredConstructors != null && other.filteredConstructors != null && !compareIntMaps(filteredConstructors, other.filteredConstructors)){ System.out.println("filteredConstructors differ"); return false; } return true; } /** * Get the overloaded alternatives for this function given (first) actual parameter args0 * @param arg0 first actual parameter * @return list of overloadings */ public int[] getFunctions(Object arg0){ if(functions.length <= 1 || !(arg0 instanceof IValue)){ return functions; } int fp = ToplevelType.getFingerprint((IValue) arg0, allConcreteFunctionArgs); int[] funs = filteredFunctions.get(fp); return funs == null ? filteredFunctions.get(0) : funs; } /** * Get the overloaded constructor alternatives for this function given (first) actual parameter args0 * @param arg0 first actual parameter * @return list of overloadings * * Note: at the moment we do not (yet?) filter constructor alternatives */ public int[] getConstructors(Object arg0) { return constructors; } private void filter(ArrayList<Function> functionStore){ filterFunctions(functionStore); //filterConstructors(rvm); } /** * Preprocess all overloadings to make run-time lookup as fast as possible: * - All overloads with the same fingerprint are collected and placed in a table. * - All overloads that (a) map to fingerprint 0 (b) are a default functions are * are placed at the end of the list of alternatives for each fingerprint. * * @param rvm needed for access to the function declarations via rvm.functionStore */ private void filterFunctions(ArrayList<Function> functionStore){ if(functions.length > 1){ filteredFunctions = new HashMap<Integer,int[]>(); } else { return; } // Determine whether all first arguments are concrete allConcreteFunctionArgs = true; HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> filtered = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>(); for(int fid : functions){ Function fdef = functionStore.get(fid); if(!fdef.concreteArg){ allConcreteFunctionArgs = false; } } // Collect applicable functions per fingerprint for(int fid : functions){ Function fdef = functionStore.get(fid); int fp = fdef.isDefault ? 0 : (allConcreteFunctionArgs ? fdef.concreteFingerprint : fdef.abstractFingerprint); ArrayList<Integer> alts = filtered.get(fp); if(alts == null){ alts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); filtered.put(fp, alts); } alts.add(fid); } // Transform the table into one with the required values of type: int[] // On the fly attach all default functions to each entry ArrayList<Integer> defaults = filtered.get(0); if(defaults == null){ defaults = new ArrayList<Integer>(); filtered.put(0, defaults); } int ndefaults = defaults.size(); for(int fp : filtered.keySet()){ ArrayList<Integer> alts = filtered.get(fp); int nalts = alts.size(); int[] funs = new int[nalts + ndefaults]; for(int i = 0; i < nalts; i++){ funs[i] = alts.get(i); } for(int i = 0; i < ndefaults; i++){ funs[nalts + i] = defaults.get(i); } filteredFunctions.put(fp, funs); } } // The next four members are needed by the bytecode generator. public int[] getFunctions() { return functions; } public int[] getConstructors() { return constructors; } public int getScope() { return getScopeIn() ; } public String getScopeFun() { return funIn ; } public String toString(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Overloaded[" + name + ":" + funType + ":"); if(functions.length > 0){ sb.append("functions:"); for(int i = 0; i < functions.length; i++){ sb.append(" ").append(functions[i]); } } if(constructors.length > 0){ if(functions.length > 0){ sb.append("; "); } sb.append("constructors:"); for(int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++){ sb.append(" ").append(constructors[i]); } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public int getScopeIn() { return scopeIn; } public void setScopeIn(int scopeIn) { this.scopeIn = scopeIn; } } /** * FSTOverloadedFunctionSerializer: serializer for OverloadedFunction objects * */ class FSTOverloadedFunctionSerializer extends FSTBasicObjectSerializer { //private static IValueFactory vf; private static TypeStore store; public static void initSerialization(IValueFactory vfactory, TypeStore ts){ //vf = vfactory; store = ts; store.extendStore(RascalValueFactory.getStore()); } @Override public void writeObject(FSTObjectOutput out, Object toWrite, FSTClazzInfo clzInfo, FSTFieldInfo arg3, int arg4) throws IOException { OverloadedFunction ofun = (OverloadedFunction) toWrite; // String name; out.writeObject(; // Type funType; out.writeObject(new FSTSerializableType(ofun.funType)); // int[] functions; out.writeObject(ofun.functions); // final int[] constructors; out.writeObject(ofun.constructors); // final String funIn; out.writeObject(ofun.funIn); // private int scopeIn = -1; out.writeObject(ofun.scopeIn); // boolean allConcreteFunctionArgs = false; out.writeObject(ofun.allConcreteFunctionArgs); // boolean allConcreteConstructorArgs = false; out.writeObject(ofun.allConcreteConstructorArgs); // HashMap<Integer, int[]> filteredFunctions; out.writeObject(ofun.filteredFunctions); // HashMap<Integer, int[]> filteredConstructors; out.writeObject(ofun.filteredConstructors); } @Override public void readObject(FSTObjectInput in, Object toRead, FSTClazzInfo clzInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencedBy) { } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object instantiate(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class objectClass, FSTObjectInput in, FSTClazzInfo serializationInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencee, int streamPosition) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { // String name; String name = (String) in.readObject(); // Type funType; Type funType = (Type) in.readObject(); // int[] functions; int[] functions = (int[]) in.readObject(); // final int[] constructors; int[] constructors = (int[]) in.readObject(); // final String funIn; String funIn = (String) in.readObject(); // private int scopeIn = -1; int scopeIn = (Integer) in.readObject(); // boolean allConcreteFunctionArgs = false; boolean allConcreteFunctionArgs = (Boolean) in.readObject(); // boolean allConcreteConstructorArgs = false; boolean allConcreteConstructorArgs = (Boolean) in.readObject(); // HashMap<Integer, int[]> filteredFunctions; HashMap<Integer, int[]> filteredFunctions = (HashMap<Integer, int[]>) in.readObject(); // HashMap<Integer, int[]> filteredConstructors; HashMap<Integer, int[]> filteredConstructors = (HashMap<Integer, int[]>) in.readObject(); OverloadedFunction ofun = new OverloadedFunction(name, funType, functions, constructors, funIn, scopeIn, allConcreteFunctionArgs, allConcreteConstructorArgs, filteredFunctions,filteredConstructors); return ofun; } }