/* * JaamSim Discrete Event Simulation * Copyright (C) 2014 Ausenco Engineering Canada Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 JaamSim Software Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jaamsim.ProcessFlow; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.jaamsim.Graphics.DisplayEntity; import com.jaamsim.Samples.SampleConstant; import com.jaamsim.Samples.SampleInput; import com.jaamsim.basicsim.Entity; import com.jaamsim.datatypes.IntegerVector; import com.jaamsim.input.BooleanInput; import com.jaamsim.input.EntityInput; import com.jaamsim.input.EntityListInput; import com.jaamsim.input.InputAgent; import com.jaamsim.input.IntegerListInput; import com.jaamsim.input.Keyword; import com.jaamsim.input.KeywordIndex; import com.jaamsim.states.StateEntity; import com.jaamsim.units.TimeUnit; public class Assemble extends LinkedService { @Keyword(description = "The service time required to perform the assembly process.", exampleList = { "3.0 h", "ExponentialDistribution1", "'1[s] + 0.5*[TimeSeries1].PresentValue'" }) private final SampleInput serviceTime; @Keyword(description = "A list of Queue objects in which to place the arriving sub-component entities.", exampleList = {"Queue1 Queue2 Queue3"}) private final EntityListInput<Queue> waitQueueList; @Keyword(description = "The number of entities required from each queue for the assembly process to begin. " + "The last value in the list is used if the number of queues is greater than the number of values.", exampleList = {"1 2 1"}) private final IntegerListInput numberRequired; @Keyword(description = "If TRUE, the all entities used in the assembly process must have the same Match value. " + "The match value for an entity determined by the Match keyword for each queue. The value is calculated " + "when the entity first arrives at its queue.", exampleList = {"TRUE"}) private final BooleanInput matchRequired; @Keyword(description = "The prototype for entities representing the assembled part.", exampleList = {"Proto"}) private final EntityInput<DisplayEntity> prototypeEntity; private DisplayEntity assembledEntity; // the generated entity representing the assembled part private int numberGenerated = 0; // Number of entities generated so far { waitQueue.setHidden(true); match.setHidden(true); serviceTime = new SampleInput("ServiceTime", "Key Inputs", new SampleConstant(TimeUnit.class, 0.0)); serviceTime.setUnitType(TimeUnit.class); serviceTime.setEntity(this); serviceTime.setValidRange(0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); this.addInput(serviceTime); waitQueueList = new EntityListInput<>(Queue.class, "WaitQueueList", "Key Inputs", null); waitQueueList.setRequired(true); this.addInput(waitQueueList); IntegerVector def = new IntegerVector(); def.add(1); numberRequired = new IntegerListInput("NumberRequired", "Key Inputs", def); this.addInput(numberRequired); matchRequired = new BooleanInput("MatchRequired", "Key Inputs", false); this.addInput(matchRequired); prototypeEntity = new EntityInput<>(DisplayEntity.class, "PrototypeEntity", "Key Inputs", null); prototypeEntity.setRequired(true); this.addInput(prototypeEntity); } public Assemble() {} @Override public void earlyInit() { super.earlyInit(); assembledEntity = null; numberGenerated = 0; } @Override public void addEntity( DisplayEntity ent ) { error("An entity cannot be sent directly to an Assemble object. It must be sent to the appropriate queue."); } @Override public void addQueue(Queue que) { ArrayList<String> toks = new ArrayList<>(); waitQueueList.getValueTokens(toks); toks.add(que.getName()); KeywordIndex kw = new KeywordIndex(waitQueueList.getKeyword(), toks, null); InputAgent.apply(this, kw); } @Override public ArrayList<Queue> getQueues() { return waitQueueList.getValue(); } /** * Process DisplayEntities from the Queue */ @Override protected boolean startProcessing(double simTime) { // Do the queues have enough entities? ArrayList<Queue> queueList = waitQueueList.getValue(); if (matchRequired.getValue()) { Integer m = Queue.selectMatchValue(queueList, numberRequired.getValue()); if (m == null) { return false; } this.setMatchValue(m); } else { if (!Queue.sufficientEntities(queueList, numberRequired.getValue(), null)) { return false; } } // Remove the appropriate entities from each queue for (int i=0; i<queueList.size(); i++) { Queue que = queueList.get(i); int ind = Math.min(i, numberRequired.getValue().size()-1); for (int n=0; n<numberRequired.getValue().get(ind); n++) { DisplayEntity ent; ent = que.removeFirstForMatch(getMatchValue()); if (ent == null) error("An entity with the specified match value %s was not found in %s.", getMatchValue(), que); ent.kill(); } } // Create the entity representing the assembled part numberGenerated++; DisplayEntity proto = prototypeEntity.getValue(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(this.getName()).append("_").append(numberGenerated); assembledEntity = Entity.fastCopy(proto, sb.toString()); assembledEntity.earlyInit(); // Set the obj output to the assembled part this.registerEntity(assembledEntity); // Set the state for the assembled part if (!stateAssignment.getValue().isEmpty() && assembledEntity instanceof StateEntity) ((StateEntity)assembledEntity).setPresentState(stateAssignment.getValue()); // Position the assembled part relative to the Assemble object this.moveToProcessPosition(assembledEntity); return true; } @Override protected boolean processStep(double simTime) { // Send the assembled part to the next element in the chain this.sendToNextComponent(assembledEntity); assembledEntity = null; return true; } @Override protected double getStepDuration(double simTime) { return serviceTime.getValue().getNextSample(simTime); } }