package com.bagri.xqj; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.xquery.XQException; import javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType; import javax.xml.xquery.XQStaticContext; import; import static javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants.*; public class BagriXQStaticContext implements XQStaticContext { private String[] prefixes = null; private Map<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<String, String>(6); private String defaultElementTypeNamespace = ""; //""; private String defaultFunctionNamespace = ""; private String defaultCollationUri = ""; private String baseUri = ""; private int constructionMode = CONSTRUCTION_MODE_PRESERVE; private int orderingMode = ORDERING_MODE_UNORDERED; private int defaultOrderForEmptySequences = DEFAULT_ORDER_FOR_EMPTY_SEQUENCES_LEAST; private int boundarySpacePolicy = BOUNDARY_SPACE_PRESERVE; private int copyNamespacesModePreserve = COPY_NAMESPACES_MODE_PRESERVE; private int copyNamespacesModeInherit = COPY_NAMESPACES_MODE_INHERIT; private int bindingMode = BINDING_MODE_IMMEDIATE; private int holdability = HOLDTYPE_CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT; private int queryLanguageTypeAndVersion = LANGTYPE_XQUERY; private int scrollability = SCROLLTYPE_FORWARD_ONLY; private int queryTimeout = 0; private BagriXQItemType type = null; BagriXQStaticContext() { // namespaces.put("xml", ""); namespaces.put("xs", ""); namespaces.put("xsi", ""); namespaces.put("fn", ""); namespaces.put("local", ""); } BagriXQStaticContext(XQStaticContext from) { try { copyFrom(from); } catch (XQException ex) { // log error... } } public void copyFrom(XQStaticContext from) throws XQException { this.prefixes = null; this.namespaces.clear(); for (String prefix: from.getNamespacePrefixes()) { this.declareNamespace(prefix, from.getNamespaceURI(prefix)); } this.defaultElementTypeNamespace = from.getDefaultElementTypeNamespace(); this.defaultFunctionNamespace = from.getDefaultFunctionNamespace(); this.defaultCollationUri = from.getDefaultCollation(); this.constructionMode = from.getConstructionMode(); this.orderingMode = from.getOrderingMode(); this.defaultOrderForEmptySequences = from.getDefaultOrderForEmptySequences(); this.boundarySpacePolicy = from.getBoundarySpacePolicy(); this.copyNamespacesModePreserve = from.getCopyNamespacesModePreserve(); this.copyNamespacesModeInherit = from.getCopyNamespacesModeInherit(); this.baseUri = from.getBaseURI(); this.bindingMode = from.getBindingMode(); this.holdability = from.getHoldability(); this.queryLanguageTypeAndVersion = from.getQueryLanguageTypeAndVersion(); this.scrollability = from.getScrollability(); this.queryTimeout = from.getQueryTimeout(); setContextItemStaticType(from.getContextItemStaticType()); } @Override public String[] getNamespacePrefixes() { if (prefixes == null) { prefixes = namespaces.keySet().toArray(new String[namespaces.size()]); } return prefixes; } @Override public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) throws XQException { if (prefix == null) { throw new XQException("Namespace prefix is null"); } if (!namespaces.containsKey(prefix)) { throw new XQException("Unknown namespace prefix"); } return namespaces.get(prefix); } @Override public void declareNamespace(String prefix, String uri) throws XQException { if (uri == null) { throw new XQException("Declared namespace URI is null"); } if (uri.length() == 0) { namespaces.remove(prefix); } else { namespaces.put(prefix, uri); } prefixes = null; } @Override public String getDefaultElementTypeNamespace() { return defaultElementTypeNamespace; } @Override public void setDefaultElementTypeNamespace(String uri) throws XQException { if (uri == null) { throw new XQException("Default element type namespace URI is null"); } defaultElementTypeNamespace = uri; } @Override public String getDefaultFunctionNamespace() { return defaultFunctionNamespace; } @Override public void setDefaultFunctionNamespace(String uri) throws XQException { if (uri == null) { throw new XQException("Default function namespace URI is null"); } defaultFunctionNamespace = uri; } @Override public XQItemType getContextItemStaticType() { return type; } @Override public void setContextItemStaticType(XQItemType contextItemType) throws XQException { if (contextItemType == null) { this.type = null; } else { QName typeName = null; if (XQUtils.isBaseTypeSupported(contextItemType.getItemKind())) { typeName = contextItemType.getTypeName(); } else { // ??? } QName nodeName = null; if (XQUtils.isNodeNameSupported(contextItemType.getItemKind())) { nodeName = contextItemType.getNodeName(); } this.type = new BagriXQItemType(contextItemType.getBaseType(), contextItemType.getItemKind(), nodeName, typeName, contextItemType.isElementNillable(), contextItemType.getSchemaURI()); } } @Override public String getDefaultCollation() { return defaultCollationUri; } @Override public void setDefaultCollation(String uri) throws XQException { if (uri == null) { throw new XQException("Default collation URI is null"); } this.defaultCollationUri = uri; } @Override public int getConstructionMode() { return constructionMode; } @Override public void setConstructionMode(int mode) throws XQException { if (mode != CONSTRUCTION_MODE_PRESERVE && mode != CONSTRUCTION_MODE_STRIP) { throw new XQException("Wrong construction mode value: " + mode); } this.constructionMode = mode; } @Override public int getOrderingMode() { return orderingMode; } @Override public void setOrderingMode(int mode) throws XQException { if (mode != ORDERING_MODE_ORDERED && mode != ORDERING_MODE_UNORDERED) { throw new XQException("Wrong ordering mode value: " + mode); } this.orderingMode = mode; } @Override public int getDefaultOrderForEmptySequences() { return defaultOrderForEmptySequences; } @Override public void setDefaultOrderForEmptySequences(int order) throws XQException { if (order != DEFAULT_ORDER_FOR_EMPTY_SEQUENCES_GREATEST && order != DEFAULT_ORDER_FOR_EMPTY_SEQUENCES_LEAST) { throw new XQException("Wrong default order for empty sequences value: " + order); } this.defaultOrderForEmptySequences = order; } @Override public int getBoundarySpacePolicy() { return boundarySpacePolicy; } @Override public void setBoundarySpacePolicy(int policy) throws XQException { if (policy != BOUNDARY_SPACE_PRESERVE && policy != BOUNDARY_SPACE_STRIP) { throw new XQException("Wrong boundary space policy value: " + policy); } this.boundarySpacePolicy = policy; } @Override public int getCopyNamespacesModePreserve() { return copyNamespacesModePreserve; } @Override public void setCopyNamespacesModePreserve(int mode) throws XQException { if (mode != COPY_NAMESPACES_MODE_PRESERVE && mode != COPY_NAMESPACES_MODE_NO_PRESERVE) { throw new XQException("Wrong copy namespace mode preserve value: " + mode); } this.copyNamespacesModePreserve = mode; } @Override public int getCopyNamespacesModeInherit() { return copyNamespacesModeInherit; } @Override public void setCopyNamespacesModeInherit(int mode) throws XQException { if (mode != COPY_NAMESPACES_MODE_INHERIT && mode != COPY_NAMESPACES_MODE_NO_INHERIT) { throw new XQException("Wrong copy namespace mode inherit value: " + mode); } this.copyNamespacesModeInherit = mode; } @Override public String getBaseURI() { return baseUri; } @Override public void setBaseURI(String baseUri) throws XQException { if (baseUri == null) { throw new XQException("Base URI is null"); } this.baseUri = baseUri; } @Override public int getBindingMode() { return bindingMode; } @Override public void setBindingMode(int bindingMode) throws XQException { if (bindingMode != BINDING_MODE_IMMEDIATE && bindingMode != BINDING_MODE_DEFERRED) { throw new XQException("Wrong binding mode value: " + bindingMode); } this.bindingMode = bindingMode; } @Override public int getHoldability() { return holdability; } @Override public void setHoldability(int holdability) throws XQException { if (holdability != HOLDTYPE_HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT && holdability != HOLDTYPE_CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT) { throw new XQException("Wrong holdability value: " + holdability); } this.holdability = holdability; } @Override public int getQueryLanguageTypeAndVersion() { return queryLanguageTypeAndVersion; } @Override public void setQueryLanguageTypeAndVersion(int langType) throws XQException { if (langType != LANGTYPE_XQUERY && langType != LANGTYPE_XQUERYX) { throw new XQException("Wrong language type and version value: " + langType); } // we do not support XQueryX, don't see how it can be set.. this.queryLanguageTypeAndVersion = langType; } @Override public int getScrollability() { return scrollability; } @Override public void setScrollability(int scrollability) throws XQException { if (scrollability != SCROLLTYPE_FORWARD_ONLY && scrollability != SCROLLTYPE_SCROLLABLE) { throw new XQException("Wrong scrollability value: " + scrollability); } this.scrollability = scrollability; } @Override public int getQueryTimeout() { return queryTimeout; } @Override public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds) throws XQException { if (seconds < 0) { throw new XQException("Wrong query timeout value: " + seconds); } this.queryTimeout = seconds; } }