package com.bagri.server.hazelcast.impl; import static com.bagri.core.api.TransactionManagement.TX_NO; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.bagri.core.DocumentKey; import com.bagri.core.IndexKey; import com.bagri.core.KeyFactory; import com.bagri.core.api.TransactionManagement; import com.bagri.core.api.BagriException; import com.bagri.core.model.IndexedDocument; import com.bagri.core.model.IndexedValue; import com.bagri.core.model.NodeKind; import com.bagri.core.model.Occurrence; import com.bagri.core.model.Path; import com.bagri.core.model.UniqueDocument; import com.bagri.core.model.UniqueValue; import com.bagri.core.query.Comparison; import com.bagri.core.query.PathBuilder; import com.bagri.core.query.PathExpression; import com.bagri.core.server.api.IndexManagement; import com.bagri.core.system.Index; import; import; import; import com.hazelcast.core.IExecutorService; import com.hazelcast.core.IMap; import com.hazelcast.core.ReplicatedMap; import com.hazelcast.query.Predicate; import com.hazelcast.query.Predicates; public class IndexManagementImpl implements IndexManagement { //, StatisticsProvider { private static final transient Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IndexManagementImpl.class); private ReplicatedMap<Integer, Index> idxDict; private IMap<IndexKey, IndexedValue> idxCache; //private IExecutorService execService; private Map<Integer, TreeMap<Comparable, Integer>> rangeIndex = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Index, Pattern> patterns = new HashMap<>(); private KeyFactory factory; private ModelManagementImpl mdlMgr; private DocumentManagementImpl docMgr; private TransactionManagementImpl txMgr; private boolean enableStats = true; private BlockingQueue<StatisticsEvent> queue; protected ModelManagementImpl getModelManager() { return this.mdlMgr; } protected Map<Integer, Index> getIndexDictionary() { return idxDict; } IMap<IndexKey, IndexedValue> getIndexCache() { return idxCache; } //public void setDataCache(IMap<XDMDataKey, XDMElements> xdmCache) { // this.xdmCache = xdmCache; //} public void setIndexDictionary(ReplicatedMap<Integer, Index> idxDict) { this.idxDict = idxDict; } public void setIndexCache(IMap<IndexKey, IndexedValue> idxCache) { this.idxCache = idxCache; } public void setStatsQueue(BlockingQueue<StatisticsEvent> queue) { this.queue = queue; } public void setStatsEnabled(boolean enable) { this.enableStats = enable; } public void setRepository(SchemaRepositoryImpl repo) { //this.repo = repo; this.factory = repo.getFactory(); //this.model = repo.getModelManagement(); //this.docMgr = (DocumentManagementImpl) repo.getDocumentManagement(); //this.txMgr = (TransactionManagementImpl) repo.getTxManagement(); //this.xddCache = docMgr.getDocumentCache(); //this.xdmCache = docMgr.getElementCache(); //docMgr.setRepository(repo); } //public void setExecService(IExecutorService execService) { // this.execService = execService; //} public void setDocumentManager(DocumentManagementImpl docMgr) { this.docMgr = docMgr; } public void setModelManager(ModelManagementImpl mdlMgr) { this.mdlMgr = mdlMgr; } public void setTxManager(TransactionManagementImpl txMgr) { this.txMgr = txMgr; } @Override public boolean isPathIndexed(int pathId) { // TODO: it takes a lot of time to perform these two gets // even on local cache! think about better solution! //XDMPath xPath = mdlMgr.getPath(pathId); //if (xPath == null) { // logger.warn("isPathIndexed; got unknown pathId: {}", pathId); // return false; //} // well, one get is better :) // how near cache does works on cache miss!? does is go to // original cache? // shouldn't we also check index.isEnabled() here? //return idxDict.get(pathId) != null; return idxDict.containsKey(pathId); //return pathId == 2; } public boolean isIndexEnabled(int pathId) { Index idx = idxDict.get(pathId); if (idx != null) { return idx.isEnabled(); } return false; } @Override public Path[] createIndex(Index index) throws BagriException { Set<Integer> paths = getPathsForIndex(index); Path[] result = new Path[paths.size()]; int idx = 0; for (Integer pathId: paths) { //idxDict.putIfAbsent(pathId, index); idxDict.put(pathId, index); //indexStats.initStats(index.getName()); if (index.isRange()) { rangeIndex.put(pathId, new TreeMap<Comparable, Integer>()); logger.trace("createIndex; registered range index path: {}", index.getName()); } result[idx] = mdlMgr.getPath(pathId); idx++; } if (isPatternIndex(index)) { //String path = mdlMgr.normalizePath(index.getPath()); String path = index.getPath(); path = path.replaceAll("\\{", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\{")); path = path.replaceAll("\\}", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\}")); patterns.put(index, Pattern.compile(PathBuilder.regexFromPath(path))); } return result; } @Override public Path[] dropIndex(Index index) throws BagriException { // we must not do translate here! Set<Integer> paths = getPathsForIndex(index); Path[] result = new Path[paths.size()]; int idx = 0; for (Integer pathId: paths) { idxDict.remove(pathId); //indexStats.deleteStats(index.getName()); if (index.isRange()) { rangeIndex.remove(pathId); logger.trace("deleteIndex; unregistered range index path: {}", index.getName()); } result[idx] = mdlMgr.getPath(pathId); idx++; } patterns.remove(index); return result; } private Set<Integer> getPathsForIndex(Index index) throws BagriException { String path = index.getPath(); Set<Integer> result; if (PathBuilder.isRegexPath(path)) { // replace {} result = mdlMgr.translatePathFromRegex(index.getDocumentType(), PathBuilder.regexFromPath(path)); } else { int dataType = XQUtils.getBaseTypeForTypeName(index.getDataType()); Path xPath = mdlMgr.translatePath(index.getDocumentType(), path, NodeKind.fromPath(path), 0, dataType, Occurrence.zeroOrOne); result = new HashSet<>(1); result.add(xPath.getPathId()); } logger.trace("getPathsForIndex; returning {} for index {}", result, index); return result; } private boolean isPatternIndex(Index index) { return PathBuilder.isRegexPath(index.getPath()); } private Collection<Index> getPathIndexes(int pathId, String path) { Set<Index> result = new HashSet<>(); Index idx = idxDict.get(pathId); if (idx != null) { result.add(idx); } else { for (Map.Entry<Index, Pattern> e: patterns.entrySet()) { Matcher m = e.getValue().matcher(path); boolean match = m.matches(); if (match) { result.add(e.getKey()); // TODO: do we put multiple indexes for the same path?! think about it.. idxDict.put(pathId, e.getKey()); result.add(e.getKey()); } logger.trace("getPathIndexes; pattern {} {}matched for path {}", e.getValue().pattern(), match ? "" : "not ", path); } } return result; } public void addIndex(long docId, int pathId, String path, Object value) throws BagriException { // shouldn't we index NULL values too? create special NULL class for this.. if (value != null) { Collection<Index> indexes = getPathIndexes(pathId, path); if (indexes.isEmpty()) { return; } for (Index idx: indexes) { indexPath(idx, docId, pathId, value); } } } private Object getIndexedValue(Index idx, int pathId, Object value) { int baseType = getBaseTypeForTypeName(idx.getDataType()); if (isStringTypeCompatible(baseType)) { value = value.toString(); if (!idx.isCaseSensitive()) { value = ((String) value).toLowerCase(); } } else { Path xPath = mdlMgr.getPath(pathId); if (xPath.getDataType() != baseType) {"getIndexedValue; index [{}] and path [{}] types are not compatible; value: {}({})", baseType, xPath.getDataType(), value.getClass().getName(), value); try { // conversion from path type to index type value = getAtomicValue(baseType, value.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { // just log error and use old value logger.error("getIndexedValue.error: " + ex, ex); } } } return value; } private void indexPath(Index idx, long docKey, int pathId, Object value) throws BagriException { value = getIndexedValue(idx, pathId, value); logger.trace("indexPath; index: {}, value: {}({})", idx, value.getClass().getName(), value); int oldCount = 0; boolean first = false; IndexKey xid = factory.newIndexKey(pathId, value); IndexedValue xidx = idxCache.get(xid); if (idx.isUnique()) { long id = DocumentKey.toDocumentId(docKey); if (!checkUniquiness((UniqueDocument) xidx, id)) { throw new BagriException("unique index '" + idx.getName() + "' violated for docKey: " + docKey + ", pathId: " + pathId + ", value: " + value, BagriException.ecIndexUnique); } if (xidx == null) { xidx = new UniqueDocument(); first = true; } else { oldCount = xidx.getCount(); } xidx.addDocument(docKey, txMgr.getCurrentTxId()); IndexedValue xidx2 = idxCache.put(xid, xidx); // why it is done second time here? because it can be new xidx! if (!checkUniquiness((UniqueDocument) xidx2, id)) { // shouldn't we delete just created xidx then ? throw new BagriException("unique index '" + idx.getName() + "' violated for docKey: " + docKey + ", pathId: " + pathId + ", value: " + value, BagriException.ecIndexUnique); } } else { if (xidx == null) { xidx = new IndexedDocument(docKey); first = true; } else { oldCount = xidx.getCount(); xidx.addDocument(docKey, TransactionManagement.TX_NO); } idxCache.set(xid, xidx); if (idx.isRange()) { TreeMap<Comparable, Integer> range = rangeIndex.get(pathId); Integer count = range.get(value); if (count == null) { count = 1; } else { count++; } range.put((Comparable) value, count); } } updateStats(idx.getName(), true, first, xidx.getCount() - oldCount, xidx.getSize()); //if (isPatternIndex(idx)) { //"indexPath; indexed pattern: {}, dataType: {}, value: {}", idx, dataType, value); //} // it works asynch. but major time is taken in isPathIndexed method.. //ValueIndexator indexator = new ValueIndexator(docId); //idxCache.submitToKey(xid, indexator); //logger.trace("addIndex; index submit for key {}", xid); } private boolean checkUniquiness(UniqueDocument uidx, long docId) throws BagriException { //long id = XDMDocumentKey.toDocumentId(docId); // check xidx.docIds - update document UC.. if (uidx != null) { Collection<UniqueValue> ids = uidx.getDocumentValues(); for (UniqueValue uv: ids) { long id = DocumentKey.toDocumentId(uv.getDocumentKey()); if (id == docId) { // skipping index for the same document's family continue; } if (docMgr.checkDocumentCommited(uv.getDocumentKey(), 0) != null) { if (uv.getTxFinish() > TX_NO) { if (txMgr.isTxVisible(uv.getTxFinish())) { // rolledBack, ok } else { // finish is not visible yet! should we lock and wait here?? } } else { if (txMgr.isTxVisible(uv.getTxStart())) { // unique index violation return false; } else { // start is not visible yet! thus it is not yet commited.. should we lock? } } } } //long currId = xidx.getDocumentId(); //if (currId > 0 && id != XDMDocumentKey.toDocumentId(currId)) { // throw new XDMException("unique index '" + idx.getName() + "' violated for docId: " + docId + ", pathId: " + pathId + ", value: " + value); //} } return true; } public void removeIndex(long docId, int pathId, Object value) { IndexKey iKey = factory.newIndexKey(pathId, value); // will have collisions here when two threads change/delete the same index! // but not for unique index! IndexedValue xIdx = idxCache.get(iKey); if (xIdx != null) { long txId = txMgr.getCurrentTxId(); int oldCount = xIdx.getCount(); if (xIdx.removeDocument(docId, txId)) { boolean last = false; if (xIdx.getCount() > 0) { idxCache.put(iKey, xIdx); } else { idxCache.delete(iKey); last = true; } Index idx = idxDict.get(pathId); updateStats(idx.getName(), false, last, oldCount - xIdx.getCount(), xIdx.getSize()); TreeMap<Comparable, Integer> range = rangeIndex.get(pathId); if (range != null) { Integer count = range.get(value); if (count != null) { count++; if (count > 0) { range.put((Comparable) value, count); } else { range.remove(value); } } } logger.trace("dropIndex; dropped index for docKey: {}, pathId: {}, value: {}", docId, pathId, value); } } } public Set<Long> getIndexedDocuments(int pathId, PathExpression pex, Object value) { logger.trace("getIndexedDocuments.enter; pathId: {}, PEx: {}, value: {}", pathId, pex, value); Set<Long> result = null; Index idx = idxDict.get(pathId); if (idx != null && idx.isEnabled()) { if (Comparison.EQ.equals(pex.getCompType())) { if (value instanceof Collection) { result = getIndexedDocuments(idx, pathId, (Iterable) value); } else { result = getIndexedDocuments(idx, pathId, value); } } else { value = getIndexedValue(idx, pathId, value); if (idx.isRange() && value instanceof Comparable) { result = getIndexedDocuments(idx, pathId, pex.getCompType(), (Comparable) value); } else { logger.debug("getIndexedDocuments; value is not comparable: {}", value.getClass()); } } } logger.trace("getIndexedDocuments.exit; returning: {}", result == null ? null : result.size()); return result; } private Set<Long> getIndexedDocuments(Index idx, int pathId, Object value) { IndexKey idxk = factory.newIndexKey(pathId, value); IndexedValue xidv = idxCache.get(idxk); if (xidv != null) { updateStats(idx.getName(), true, 1); return xidv.getDocumentKeys(); } updateStats(idx.getName(), false, 1); return Collections.emptySet(); } private Set<Long> getIndexedDocuments(Index idx, int pathId, Iterable values) { Set<IndexKey> keys = new HashSet<>(); for (Object value: values) { keys.add(factory.newIndexKey(pathId, value)); } Map<IndexKey, IndexedValue> xidv = idxCache.getAll(keys); Set<Long> ids = new HashSet<>(xidv.size()); for (IndexedValue value: xidv.values()) { ids.addAll(value.getDocumentKeys()); } updateStats(idx.getName(), true, xidv.size()); updateStats(idx.getName(), false, keys.size() - xidv.size()); return ids; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Set<Long> getIndexedDocuments(Index idx, int pathId, Comparison cmp, Comparable value) { TreeMap<Comparable, Integer> range = rangeIndex.get(pathId); Map<Comparable, Integer> subRange; switch (cmp) { case GT: { subRange = range.tailMap(value); break; } case GE: { subRange = range.tailMap(value, true); break; } case LE: { subRange = range.headMap(value, true); break; } case LT: { subRange = range.headMap(value); break; } // TODO: implement other comparisons! default: subRange = Collections.emptyMap(); } logger.trace("getIndexedDocuments; got subRange of length {}", subRange.size()); Set<IndexKey> keys = new HashSet<>(subRange.size()); for (Object val: subRange.keySet()) { keys.add(factory.newIndexKey(pathId, val)); } Map<IndexKey, IndexedValue> values = idxCache.getAll(keys); Set<Long> ids = new HashSet<>(values.size()); if (values.size() > 0) { for (IndexedValue val: values.values()) { ids.addAll(val.getDocumentKeys()); } updateStats(idx.getName(), true, 1); } else { updateStats(idx.getName(), false, 1); } return ids; } public Collection<Integer> getTypeIndexes(String root, boolean uniqueOnly) { Collection<Integer> result = new HashSet<>(); //idxDict.keySet(p); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Index> e: idxDict.entrySet()) { if (root.equals(e.getValue().getTypePath())) { if (uniqueOnly) { if (!e.getValue().isUnique()) { continue; } } result.add(e.getKey()); } } logger.trace("getTypeIndexes.exit; returning {} path for root: {}, unique: {}", result.size(), root, uniqueOnly); return result; } private void updateStats(String name, boolean success, int count) { if (enableStats) { if (!queue.offer(new StatisticsEvent(name, success, new Object[] {count}))) { logger.warn("updateStats; queue is full!!"); } } } private void updateStats(String name, boolean add, boolean unique, int count, int size) { if (enableStats) { if (!queue.offer(new StatisticsEvent(name, add, new Object[] {count, size, unique}))) { logger.warn("updateIndexStats; queue is full!!"); } } } @Override public boolean rebuildIndex(int pathId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } }