package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Paths; /** * A set of static utility methods regarding files * * @author Denis Sukhoroslov * */ public class FileUtils { public static final String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public final static Charset cs_encoding = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; public final static String def_encoding =; /** * Reads text file and return its content as a String * * @param fileName the full path to a file to read * @return the file content * @throws IOException in case of read error */ public static String readTextFile(String fileName) throws IOException { return readTextFile(fileName, def_encoding); } /** * Reads text file and return its content as a String * * @param fileName the full path to a file to read * @param encoding the file encoding * @return the file content * @throws IOException in case of read error */ public static String readTextFile(String fileName, String encoding) throws IOException { Charset cs = Charset.forName(encoding); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); MappedByteBuffer buff = null; try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName)) { FileChannel ch = fis.getChannel(); buff =, 0, ch.size()); while (buff.hasRemaining()) { CharBuffer cb = cs.decode(buff); text.append(cb.toString()); } ch.close(); } unmap(buff); return text.toString(); } /** * Writes String content to a file. Overrides file if it exists already * * @param fileName the full path to a file to write * @param content the String content to write * @throws IOException in case of write error */ public static void writeTextFile(String fileName, String content) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = content.getBytes(); MappedByteBuffer buff = null; try (RandomAccessFile raw = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw")) { FileChannel ch = raw.getChannel(); buff =, 0, bytes.length); buff.put(bytes); } unmap(buff); } private static void unmap(MappedByteBuffer buffer) { if (buffer != null) { sun.misc.Cleaner cleaner = (( buffer).cleaner(); if (cleaner != null) { cleaner.clean(); } } } /** * Appends String content to a file. Throws FileNotFoundException if it not exists yet * * @param fileName the full path to a file to write to * @param content the String content to append * @throws IOException in case of write error */ public static void appendTextFile(String fileName, String content) throws IOException { // TODO: do append via NIO try (Writer writer = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName, true), def_encoding))) { writer.write(content); } } /** * Converts URI string to file Path * * @param uri the URI string to convert * @return the converted String if it starts from {@code file:/} scheme, or the original string otherwise */ public static String uri2Path(String uri) { if (uri.startsWith("file:/")) { return Paths.get(URI.create(uri)).toString(); } return uri; } /** * Converts file path String to URI string * * @param path the file Path string to convert * @return the converted URI string */ public static String path2Uri(String path) { if (!path.startsWith("file:///")) { if (path.startsWith("file:/")) { path = Paths.get(URI.create(path)).toString(); } return Paths.get(path).toUri().toString(); } return path; } /** * Converts Path string to URL string * * @param path the path string to convert * @return the url string * @throws IOException in case of malformed path string */ public static URL path2url(String path) throws IOException { File f = new File(path); return f.toURI().toURL(); } /** * Extracts file name from full path name * * @param path the full path string * @return the last portion of the full path: the file name with extension */ public static String getPathName(String path) { return Paths.get(URI.create(path)).getFileName().toString(); } public static String buildStoreFileName(String dataPath, String nodeNum, String storeName) { if (dataPath == null) { dataPath = ""; } else { dataPath += "/"; } if (nodeNum == null) { nodeNum = "0"; } return dataPath + storeName + nodeNum + ".xdb"; } public static String buildSectionFileName(String dataPath, String nodeNum, String storeName, int section) { if (dataPath == null) { dataPath = ""; } else { dataPath += "/"; } if (nodeNum == null) { nodeNum = "0"; } return dataPath + storeName + nodeNum + "_" + section + ".xdb"; } public static String getStoreFileMask(String nodeNum, String storeName) { return "regex:" + storeName + nodeNum + "_\\d{1,2}\\.xdb"; } }