package com.bagri.server.hazelcast.impl; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.*; import static com.bagri.core.api.BagriException.ecDocument; import static com.bagri.core.api.TransactionManagement.TX_NO; import static com.bagri.core.model.Document.clnDefault; import static com.bagri.core.model.Document.dvFirst; import static com.bagri.core.query.PathBuilder.*; import static com.bagri.core.system.DataFormat.df_xml; import static; import static*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import com.bagri.client.hazelcast.task.doc.DocumentContentProvider; import com.bagri.core.DataKey; import com.bagri.core.DocumentKey; import com.bagri.core.KeyFactory; import com.bagri.core.api.BagriException; import com.bagri.core.model.Data; import com.bagri.core.model.Document; import com.bagri.core.model.Element; import com.bagri.core.model.Elements; import com.bagri.core.model.FragmentedDocument; import com.bagri.core.model.Path; import com.bagri.core.server.api.ContentParser; import com.bagri.core.server.api.DocumentManagement; import com.bagri.core.server.api.impl.DocumentManagementBase; import com.bagri.core.system.Collection; import com.bagri.core.system.DataFormat; import com.bagri.core.system.Fragment; import com.bagri.core.system.Schema; import com.bagri.core.system.TriggerAction.Order; import com.bagri.core.system.TriggerAction.Scope; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.predicate.CollectionPredicate; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.predicate.DocumentPredicateBuilder; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.task.doc.DocumentProcessor; import; import; import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance; import com.hazelcast.core.IMap; import com.hazelcast.projection.Projection; import com.hazelcast.projection.Projections; import com.hazelcast.query.PagingPredicate; import com.hazelcast.query.Predicate; import com.hazelcast.query.Predicates; public class DocumentManagementImpl extends DocumentManagementBase implements DocumentManagement { private static final String fnUri = "uri"; //private static final String fnTxStart = "txStart"; private static final String fnTxFinish = "txFinish"; private static final String fnRoot = "root"; private KeyFactory factory; private SchemaRepositoryImpl repo; private HazelcastInstance hzInstance; private IndexManagementImpl indexManager; private TransactionManagementImpl txManager; private TriggerManagementImpl triggerManager; private DataDistributionService ddSvc; private IdGenerator<Long> docGen; private IMap<DocumentKey, Object> cntCache; private IMap<DocumentKey, Document> xddCache; private IMap<DataKey, Elements> xdmCache; private boolean enableStats = true; private BlockingQueue<StatisticsEvent> queue; public void setRepository(SchemaRepositoryImpl repo) { this.repo = repo; this.factory = repo.getFactory(); //this.model = repo.getModelManagement(); this.txManager = (TransactionManagementImpl) repo.getTxManagement(); this.triggerManager = (TriggerManagementImpl) repo.getTriggerManagement(); } IMap<DocumentKey, Object> getContentCache() { return cntCache; } IMap<DocumentKey, Document> getDocumentCache() { return xddCache; } IMap<DataKey, Elements> getElementCache() { return xdmCache; } public void setDocumentIdGenerator(IdGenerator<Long> docGen) { this.docGen = docGen; } public void setContentCache(IMap<DocumentKey, Object> cache) { this.cntCache = cache; } public void setXddCache(IMap<DocumentKey, Document> cache) { this.xddCache = cache; } public void setXdmCache(IMap<DataKey, Elements> cache) { this.xdmCache = cache; } //@Autowired public void setHzInstance(HazelcastInstance hzInstance) { this.hzInstance = hzInstance; } public void setIndexManager(IndexManagementImpl indexManager) { this.indexManager = indexManager; } public void setStatsQueue(BlockingQueue<StatisticsEvent> queue) { this.queue = queue; } public void setStatsEnabled(boolean enable) { this.enableStats = enable; } public void setDistrService(DataDistributionService ddSvc) { this.ddSvc = ddSvc; } private Set<DataKey> getDocumentElementKeys(String path, long[] fragments) { Set<Integer> parts = model.getPathElements(path); Set<DataKey> keys = new HashSet<DataKey>(parts.size()*fragments.length); // not all the path keys exists as data key for particular document! for (long docKey: fragments) { for (Integer part: parts) { keys.add(factory.newDataKey(docKey, part)); } } return keys; } public java.util.Collection<Elements> getDocumentElements(String uri) { // could be faster to do this via EP.. Document doc = getDocument(uri); if (doc == null) { return null; } Set<DataKey> keys = getDocumentElementKeys(doc.getTypeRoot(), doc.getFragments()); Map<DataKey, Elements> elements = xdmCache.getAll(keys); return elements.values(); } public String checkDocumentCommited(long docKey, int clnId) throws BagriException { Document doc = getDocument(docKey); if (doc != null) { if (clnId > 0 && !doc.hasCollection(clnId)) { return null; } if (doc.getTxFinish() > TX_NO && txManager.isTxVisible(doc.getTxFinish())) { return null; } if (txManager.isTxVisible(doc.getTxStart())) { return doc.getUri(); } } return null; } int indexElements(int pathId) throws BagriException { Path path = model.getPath(pathId); Set<DocumentKey> docKeys = getDocumentsOfType(path.getRoot()); int cnt = 0; for (DocumentKey docKey: docKeys) { DataKey xdk = factory.newDataKey(docKey.getKey(), pathId); Elements elts = xdmCache.get(xdk); if (elts != null) { for (Element elt: elts.getElements()) { indexManager.addIndex(docKey.getKey(), pathId, path.getPath(), elt.getValue()); cnt++; } } } return cnt; } int deindexElements(int pathId) { Path path = model.getPath(pathId); Set<DocumentKey> docKeys = getDocumentsOfType(path.getRoot()); int cnt = 0; for (DocumentKey docKey: docKeys) { DataKey xdk = factory.newDataKey(docKey.getKey(), pathId); Elements elts = xdmCache.get(xdk); if (elts != null) { for (Element elt: elts.getElements()) { indexManager.removeIndex(docKey.getKey(), pathId, elt.getValue()); cnt++; } } } return cnt; } private int deindexElements(long docKey, int pathId) { int cnt = 0; DataKey xdk = factory.newDataKey(docKey, pathId); Elements elts = xdmCache.get(xdk); if (elts != null) { for (Element elt: elts.getElements()) { indexManager.removeIndex(docKey, pathId, elt.getValue()); cnt++; } } logger.trace("deindexElements.exit; deindexed elements: {} for docKey: {}, pathId: {}", cnt, docKey, pathId); return cnt; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Set<DocumentKey> getDocumentsOfType(String root) { Predicate<DocumentKey, Document> f = Predicates.and(Predicates.equal(fnRoot, root), Predicates.equal(fnTxFinish, TX_NO)); return xddCache.keySet(f); } public Document getDocument(long docKey) { Document doc = getDocument(factory.newDocumentKey(docKey)); //logger.trace("getDocument; returning: {}", doc); return doc; } private Document getDocument(DocumentKey docKey) { return xddCache.get(docKey); } @Override public Document getDocument(String uri) { Document doc = null; DocumentKey docKey = getDocumentKey(uri, false, false); if (docKey != null) { doc = getDocument(docKey); } return doc; } private Object getDocumentContent(String uri) { Object content = null; DocumentKey docKey = getDocumentKey(uri, false, false); if (docKey != null) { content = getDocumentContent(docKey); } return content; } private Object getDocumentContent(DocumentKey docKey) { Object content = cntCache.get(docKey); if (content == null) { // build it with builder! } return content; } private DocumentKey getDocumentKey(String uri, boolean next, boolean acceptClosed) { //Set<DocumentKey> keys = xddCache.localKeySet(Predicates.equal(fnUri, uri)); //if (keys.isEmpty()) { DocumentKey last = ddSvc.getLastKeyForUri(uri); if (last == null) { DocumentKey key = factory.newDocumentKey(uri, 0, dvFirst); if (next) { while (xddCache.getEntryView(key) != null) { key = factory.newDocumentKey(uri, key.getRevision() + 1, dvFirst); } return key; } if (ddSvc.isLocalKey(key)) { // we have not found corresponding Document for the uri provided, // and no option to build a new key, so we returning null return null; } else { // actually, this is wrong scenario.."getDocumentKey; the uri provided {} does not belong to this Member", uri); // think how to get it from concrete node?! //keys = xddCache.keySet(Predicates.equal(fnUri, uri)); //if (keys.isEmpty()) { return null; //} } } //DocumentKey last = Collections.max(keys, versionComparator); if (next) { return factory.newDocumentKey(uri, last.getRevision(), last.getVersion() + 1); } if (acceptClosed) { return last; } Document lastDoc = xddCache.get(last); try { if (lastDoc.getTxFinish() == TX_NO || !txManager.isTxVisible(lastDoc.getTxFinish())) { return last; } // shouldn't we return previous version otherwise? } catch (BagriException ex) { logger.error("getDocumentKey.error", ex); // ?? }"getDocumentKey; the latest document version is finished already: {}", lastDoc); return null; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public java.util.Collection<String> getDocumentUris(String pattern, Properties props) { logger.trace("getDocumentUris.enter; got pattern: {}; props: {}", pattern, props); Predicate<DocumentKey, Document> query; if (pattern != null) { query = DocumentPredicateBuilder.getQuery(pattern); } else { query = Predicates.equal(fnTxFinish, TX_NO); } if (props != null) { int pageSize = Integer.valueOf(props.getProperty(pn_client_fetchSize, "0")); if (pageSize > 0) { query = new PagingPredicate<>(query, pageSize); //query = Predicates.and(new PagingPredicate(pageSize), query); } } //else { // Projection<Entry<DocumentKey, Document>, String> pro = Projections.singleAttribute(fnUri); // uris = xddCache.project(pro, query); //} java.util.Collection<Document> docs = xddCache.values(query); java.util.Collection<String> uris = new ArrayList<>(docs.size()); if (pattern.indexOf(fnTxFinish) < 0) { for (Document doc: docs) { if (doc.getTxFinish() == TX_NO) { uris.add(doc.getUri()); } } } else { for (Document doc: docs) { uris.add(doc.getUri()); } } // should also check if doc's start transaction is committed? logger.trace("getDocumentUris.exit; returning: {}", uris); return uris; } @Override public java.util.Collection<String> buildDocument(Set<Long> docKeys, String template, Map<String, Object> params) throws BagriException { logger.trace("buildDocument.enter; docKeys: {}", docKeys.size()); long stamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); java.util.Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(docKeys.size()); String root = null; for (Iterator<Long> itr = docKeys.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { DocumentKey docKey = factory.newDocumentKey(; if (ddSvc.isLocalKey(docKey)) { Document doc = xddCache.get(docKey); if (doc == null) {"buildDocument; lost document for key {}", docKey); continue; } StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(template); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> param: params.entrySet()) { String key = param.getKey(); String path = param.getValue().toString(); String content = null; if (path.equals(root)) { // TODO: get and convert to string? content = (String) cntCache.get(docKey); } if (content == null) { logger.trace("buildDocument; no content found for doc key: {}", docKey); content = buildElement(path, doc.getFragments()); } int pos = 0; while (true) { int idx = buff.indexOf(key, pos); if (idx < 0) break; buff.replace(idx, idx + key.length(), content); pos = idx + content.length(); } } result.add(buff.toString()); } else { // remove is not supported by the HZ iterator provided! // actually, don't think we have to do it at all.. //itr.remove(); logger.debug("buildDocument; docId {} is not local, processing skipped", docKey); } } stamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - stamp; logger.trace("buildDocument.exit; time taken: {}; returning: {}", stamp, result.size()); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String buildElement(String path, long[] fragments) throws BagriException { logger.trace("buildElement.enter; got path: {}", path); Set<DataKey> xdKeys = getDocumentElementKeys(path, fragments); // TODO: it can be other format... String dataFormat = df_xml; String content = (String) repo.getBuilder(dataFormat).buildContent(xdmCache.getAll(xdKeys)); logger.trace("buildXml.exit; returning xml length: {}", content.length()); return content; } @Override public Object getDocumentAsBean(String uri, Properties props) throws BagriException { String xml = getDocumentAsString(uri, props); if (xml == null) { return null; } return beanFromXML(xml); } @Override public Map<String, Object> getDocumentAsMap(String uri, Properties props) throws BagriException { DocumentKey docKey = ddSvc.getLastKeyForUri(uri); //RecordStore<?> rs = svc.getRecordStore(uri, CN_XDM_CONTENT); //Set<com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.Data> keys = rs.keySet(); //int partId = svc.getPartitionId(uri.hashCode()); //DocumentKey docKey = getDocumentKey(uri, false, false); //"getDocumentAsMap; got uri: {}, hash: {}; uri partId: {}, docKey partId: {}", // uri, uri.hashCode(), partId, svc.getPartitionId(docKey)); Map<String, Object> result = getDocumentAsMap(docKey, props); if (result == null) {"getDocumentAsMap; no document found for uri: {}; key: {}", uri, docKey); } return result; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<String, Object> getDocumentAsMap(DocumentKey docKey, Properties props) throws BagriException { //String xml = getDocumentAsString(docKey, props); //if (xml == null) { // return null; //} //return mapFromXML(xml); // TODO: check props: if content is Map then take it directly as Map return (Map<String, Object>) getDocumentContent(docKey); } public InputStream getDocumentAsStream(long docKey, Properties props) throws BagriException { String content = getDocumentAsString(docKey, props); if (content != null) { try { return new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes(def_encoding)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new BagriException(ex, BagriException.ecInOut); } } return null; } @Override public String getDocumentAsString(String uri, Properties props) throws BagriException { DocumentKey docKey = getDocumentKey(uri, false, false); if (docKey == null) { //throw new XDMException("No document found for document Id: " + docId, XDMException.ecDocument);"getDocumentAsString; can not find active document for uri: {}", uri); return null; } return getDocumentAsString(docKey, props); } @Override public String getDocumentAsString(long docKey, Properties props) throws BagriException { DocumentKey xdmKey = factory.newDocumentKey(docKey); return getDocumentAsString(xdmKey, props); } @Override public String getDocumentAsString(DocumentKey docKey, Properties props) throws BagriException { // TODO: get and convert to string String content = (String) cntCache.get(docKey); if (content == null) { Document doc = getDocument(docKey); if (doc == null) {"getDocumentAsString; no document found for key: {}", docKey); return null; } // TODO: check Properties for document content production! // get Builder type from props, for instance.. // if docId is not local then buildDocument returns null! // query docId owner node for the XML instead if (ddSvc.isLocalKey(docKey)) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put(":doc", doc.getTypeRoot()); java.util.Collection<String> results = buildDocument(Collections.singleton(docKey.getKey()), ":doc", params); if (!results.isEmpty()) { content = results.iterator().next(); cntCache.set(docKey, content); } } else { DocumentContentProvider xp = new DocumentContentProvider(repo.getClientId(), doc.getUri(), props); content = (String) xddCache.executeOnKey(docKey, xp); } } return content; } @Override public String getDocumentContentType(long docKey) throws BagriException { // TODO: get it from the document itself? String def = repo.getSchema().getProperty(pn_schema_format_default); DataFormat df = repo.getDataFormat(def); if (df == null) { return mt_xml; } return df.getType(); } private Collection getTypedCollection(Schema schema, String typePath) { for (Collection collect: schema.getCollections()) { String cPath = collect.getDocumentType(); if (cPath != null && typePath.equals(cPath)) { return collect; } } return null; } public String checkDefaultDocumentCollection(Document doc) { Collection cln = getTypedCollection(repo.getSchema(), doc.getTypeRoot()); logger.trace("checkDefaultDocumentCollection; got collection: {} for typePath: {}", cln, doc.getTypeRoot()); if (cln != null) { doc.addCollection(cln.getId()); return cln.getName(); } return null; } private Document createDocument(DocumentKey docKey, String uri, Object content, Properties props) throws BagriException { logger.trace("createDocument.enter; uri: {}; props: {}", uri, props); String dataFormat = null; int[] collections = null; if (props != null) { dataFormat = props.getProperty(pn_document_data_format); String prop = props.getProperty(pn_document_collections); if (prop != null) { StringTokenizer tc = new StringTokenizer(prop, ", ", false); collections = new int[tc.countTokens()]; int idx = 0; while (tc.hasMoreTokens()) { String clName = tc.nextToken(); Collection cln = repo.getSchema().getCollection(clName); if (cln != null) { collections[idx] = cln.getId(); } idx++; } } } if (dataFormat == null) { dataFormat = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); } Document doc = createDocument(docKey, uri, content, dataFormat, new Date(), repo.getUserName(), txManager.getCurrentTxId(), collections, false); Scope scope; if (docKey.getVersion() == dvFirst) { scope = Scope.insert; triggerManager.applyTrigger(doc, Order.before, scope); } else { scope = Scope.update; // trigger has been already invoked in storeDocument.. } xddCache.set(docKey, doc); cntCache.set(docKey, content); triggerManager.applyTrigger(doc, Order.after, scope); logger.trace("createDocument.exit; returning: {}", doc); return doc; } //@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Document createDocument(DocumentKey docKey, String uri, Object content, String dataFormat, Date createdAt, String createdBy, long txStart, int[] collections, boolean addContent) throws BagriException { List<Data> data; int length = 0; ContentParser<Object> parser = repo.getParser(dataFormat); try { data = parser.parse(content); // TODO: get length from parser } catch (BagriException ex) {"createDocument; parse error. content: {}", content); throw ex; } Object[] ids = loadElements(docKey.getKey(), data); List<Long> fragments = (List<Long>) ids[0]; if (fragments == null) { logger.warn("createDocument.exit; the document is not valid as it has no root element"); throw new BagriException("invalid document", BagriException.ecDocument); } String root = data.get(0).getDataPath().getRoot(); Document doc; if (fragments.size() == 0) { doc = new Document(docKey.getKey(), uri, root, txStart, TX_NO, createdAt, createdBy, def_encoding, length, data.size()); } else { doc = new FragmentedDocument(docKey.getKey(), uri, root, txStart, TX_NO, createdAt, createdBy, def_encoding, length, data.size()); long[] fa = new long[fragments.size()]; fa[0] = docKey.getKey(); for (int i=0; i < fragments.size(); i++) { fa[i] = fragments.get(i); } ((FragmentedDocument) doc).setFragments(fa); } List<String> clns = new ArrayList<>(); if (collections != null && collections.length > 0) { doc.setCollections(collections); for (Collection cln: repo.getSchema().getCollections()) { for (int clnId: collections) { if (clnId == cln.getId()) { clns.add(cln.getName()); break; } } } } if (clns.size() == 0) { String cln = checkDefaultDocumentCollection(doc); if (cln != null) { clns.add(cln); } } if (addContent) { cntCache.set(docKey, content); } // invalidate cached query results. always do this, even on load? Set<Integer> paths = (Set<Integer>) ids[1]; ((QueryManagementImpl) repo.getQueryManagement()).invalidateQueryResults(paths); // update statistics for (String cln: clns) { updateStats(cln, true, data.size(), doc.getFragments().length); //updateStats(cln, true, paths.size(), doc.getFragments().length); } updateStats(null, true, data.size(), doc.getFragments().length); return doc; } private Object[] loadElements(long docKey, List<Data> data) throws BagriException { long stamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); Data dRoot = getDataRoot(data); if (dRoot != null) { String root = dRoot.getDataPath().getRoot(); Map<DataKey, Elements> elements = new HashMap<DataKey, Elements>(data.size()); Set<Integer> fragments = new HashSet<>(); for (Fragment fragment: repo.getSchema().getFragments()) { if (fragment.getDocumentType().equals(root)) { Path path = model.getPath(root, fragment.getPath()); if (path != null) { fragments.add(path.getPathId()); } else if (isRegexPath(fragment.getPath())) { String nPath = fragment.getPath(); fragments.addAll(model.translatePathFromRegex(root, regexFromPath(nPath))); } else {"loadElements; path not found for fragment: {}; docType: {} ({})", fragment, dRoot.getPath(), root); } } } logger.debug("loadElements; fragments found: {}; for docType: {} ({}); docKey: {}", fragments, dRoot.getPath(), root, docKey); long fraPath = docKey; long fraPost = 0; int size = 1; if (fragments.size() > 0) { size = data.size() / fragments.size(); } Set<Integer> pathIds = new HashSet<>(size); List<Long> fragIds = new ArrayList<>(size); for (Data xdm: data) { if (fragments.contains(xdm.getPathId())) { int hash =; fraPath = DocumentKey.toKey(hash, 0, 0); fragIds.add(fraPath); //fraPost = xdm.getPostId(); fraPost = model.getPath(root, xdm.getPath()).getPostId(); } else if (fraPost > 0 && xdm.getPathId() > fraPost) { fraPath = docKey; fraPost = 0; } pathIds.add(xdm.getPathId()); if (xdm.getValue() != null) { DataKey xdk = factory.newDataKey(fraPath, xdm.getPathId()); Elements xdes = elements.get(xdk); if (xdes == null) { xdes = new Elements(xdk.getPathId(), null); elements.put(xdk, xdes); } xdes.addElement(xdm.getElement()); indexManager.addIndex(docKey, xdm.getPathId(), xdm.getPath(), xdm.getValue()); } } xdmCache.putAll(elements); stamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - stamp; logger.debug("loadElements; cached {} elements for docKey: {}; fragments: {}; time taken: {}", elements.size(), docKey, fragIds.size(), stamp); Object[] result = new Object[2]; result[0] = fragIds; result[1] = pathIds; return result; } return null; } public Document processDocument(Map.Entry<DocumentKey, Document> old, long txId, String uri, Object content, List<Data> data, Properties props) throws BagriException { logger.trace("processDocument.enter; uri: {}; data length: {}; props: {}", uri, data.size(), props); //boolean update = (old.getValue() != null); // && (doc.getTxFinish() == TX_NO || !txManager.isTxVisible(doc.getTxFinish()))); DocumentKey docKey = old.getKey(); if (old.getValue() != null) { logger.trace("processDocument; going to update document: {}", old); // we must finish old Document and create a new one! //triggerManager.applyTrigger(doc, Order.before, Scope.update); Document updated = old.getValue(); updated.finishDocument(txId); old.setValue(updated); docKey = factory.newDocumentKey(docKey.getKey(), docKey.getVersion() + 1); // docKey.getKey() + 1); } long key = docKey.getKey(); int length = 0; // get it from parser somehow String root = data.get(0).getDataPath().getRoot(); Set<Integer> ids = processElements(key, data); Document newDoc = new Document(key, uri, root, txId, TX_NO, new Date(), repo.getUserName(), def_encoding, length, data.size()); String collections = props == null ? null : props.getProperty(pn_document_collections); if (collections != null) { StringTokenizer tc = new StringTokenizer(collections, ", ", false); while (tc.hasMoreTokens()) { String clName = tc.nextToken(); Collection cln = repo.getSchema().getCollection(clName); if (cln != null) { newDoc.addCollection(cln.getId()); updateStats(clName, true, data.size(), 0); //updateStats(clName, true, paths.size(), doc.getFragments().length); } } } else { String clName = checkDefaultDocumentCollection(newDoc); if (clName != null) { updateStats(clName, true, data.size(), 0); } } updateStats(null, true, data.size(), 0); if (old.getValue() == null) { old.setValue(newDoc); } else { xddCache.set(docKey, newDoc); } cntCache.set(docKey, content); logger.trace("processDocument.exit; returning: {}", newDoc); return newDoc; } private Set<Integer> processElements(long docKey, List<Data> data) throws BagriException { Data dRoot = getDataRoot(data); if (dRoot != null) { //String root = dRoot.getDataPath().getRoot(); Map<DataKey, Elements> elements = new HashMap<DataKey, Elements>(data.size()); Set<Integer> pathIds = new HashSet<>(data.size()); for (Data xdm: data) { if (xdm.getValue() != null) { pathIds.add(xdm.getPathId()); DataKey xdk = factory.newDataKey(docKey, xdm.getPathId()); Elements xdes = elements.get(xdk); if (xdes == null) { xdes = new Elements(xdk.getPathId(), null); elements.put(xdk, xdes); } xdes.addElement(xdm.getElement()); } } // TODO: do it directly via RecordStore //xdmCache.putAll(elements); for (Map.Entry<DataKey, Elements> e: elements.entrySet()) { xdmCache.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } return pathIds; } throw new BagriException("invalid document: has no root element", ecDocument); } @Override public Document storeDocumentFromBean(String uri, Object bean, Properties props) throws BagriException { String xml = beanToXML(bean); if (xml == null || xml.trim().length() == 0) { throw new BagriException("Can not convert bean [" + bean + "] to XML", BagriException.ecDocument); } logger.trace("storeDocumentFromBean; converted bean: {}", xml); if (props != null) { props.setProperty(pn_document_data_format, df_xml); } return storeDocumentFromString(uri, xml, props); } @Override public Document storeDocumentFromMap(String uri, Map<String, Object> fields, Properties props) throws BagriException { //String xml = mapToXML(fields); //if (xml == null || xml.trim().length() == 0) { // throw new BagriException("Can not convert map [" + fields + "] to XML", BagriException.ecDocument); //} //logger.trace("storeDocumentFromMap; converted map: {}", xml); //if (props != null) { // props.setProperty(pn_document_data_format, df_xml); //} //return storeDocumentFromString(uri, xml, props); Document result = storeDocument(uri, fields, props); return result; } @Override public Document storeDocumentFromString(String uri, String content, Properties props) throws BagriException { return storeDocument(uri, content, props); } private Document storeDocument(String uri, Object content, Properties props) throws BagriException { logger.trace("storeDocument.enter; uri: {}; content: {}; props: {}", uri, content.getClass().getName(), props); if (uri == null) { throw new BagriException("Empty URI passed", ecDocument); } String storeMode; String dataFormat; if (props == null) { storeMode = pv_client_storeMode_merge; dataFormat = null; } else { storeMode = props.getProperty(pn_client_storeMode, pv_client_storeMode_merge); dataFormat = props.getProperty(pn_document_data_format); } DocumentKey docKey = ddSvc.getLastKeyForUri(uri); if (docKey == null) { if (pv_client_storeMode_update.equals(storeMode)) { throw new BagriException("No document with URI '" + uri + "' found for update", ecDocument); } docKey = factory.newDocumentKey(uri, 0, dvFirst); } else { if (pv_client_storeMode_insert.equals(storeMode)) { throw new BagriException("Document with URI '" + uri + "' already exists; docKey: " + docKey, ecDocument); } //Document doc = getDocument(docKey); //update = (doc != null && (doc.getTxFinish() == TX_NO || !txManager.isTxVisible(doc.getTxFinish()))); //triggerManager.applyTrigger(doc, Order.before, Scope.update); // do this asynch after tx? ((QueryManagementImpl) repo.getQueryManagement()).removeQueryResults(docKey.getKey()); } if (dataFormat == null) { dataFormat = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); } ContentParser<Object> parser = repo.getParser(dataFormat); List<Data> data = parser.parse(content); // if fragmented document - process it in the old style! Object result = xddCache.executeOnKey(docKey, new DocumentProcessor(txManager.getCurrentTxId(), uri, content, data, props)); if (result instanceof Exception) { logger.error("storeDocument.error; uri: {}", uri, result); if (result instanceof BagriException) { throw (BagriException) result; } throw new BagriException((Exception) result, ecDocument); } Scope scope; Document newDoc = (Document) result; if (newDoc.getVersion() > dvFirst) { scope = Scope.update; txManager.updateCounters(0, 1, 0); } else { scope = Scope.insert; txManager.updateCounters(1, 0, 0); } triggerManager.applyTrigger(newDoc, Order.after, scope); // invalidate cached query results. java.util.Collection<Path> paths = model.getTypePaths(newDoc.getTypeRoot()); Set<Integer> pathIds = new HashSet<>(paths.size()); for (Path path: paths) { DataKey dKey = factory.newDataKey(newDoc.getDocumentKey(), path.getPathId()); Elements elts = xdmCache.get(dKey); if (elts != null) { for (Element elt: elts.getElements()) { indexManager.addIndex(newDoc.getDocumentKey(), path.getPathId(), path.getPath(), elt.getValue()); } pathIds.add(path.getPathId()); } } ((QueryManagementImpl) repo.getQueryManagement()).invalidateQueryResults(pathIds); logger.trace("storeDocument.exit; returning: {}", newDoc); return newDoc; } @Override public void removeDocument(String uri) throws BagriException { logger.trace("removeDocument.enter; uri: {}", uri); //XDMDocumentKey docKey = getDocumentKey(docId); //if (docKey == null) { // throw new XDMException("No document found for document Id: " + docId, XDMException.ecDocument); //} if (uri == null) { throw new BagriException("No Document URI passed", BagriException.ecDocument); } DocumentKey docKey = getDocumentKey(uri, false, false); if (docKey == null) {"removeDocument; no active document found for uri: {}", uri); return; } boolean removed = false; boolean locked = lockDocument(docKey, txManager.getTransactionTimeout()); if (locked) { try { Document doc = getDocument(docKey); if (doc != null && (doc.getTxFinish() == TX_NO || !txManager.isTxVisible(doc.getTxFinish()))) { triggerManager.applyTrigger(doc, Order.before, Scope.delete); doc.finishDocument(txManager.getCurrentTxId()); xddCache.set(docKey, doc); ((QueryManagementImpl) repo.getQueryManagement()).removeQueryResults(doc.getDocumentKey()); triggerManager.applyTrigger(doc, Order.after, Scope.delete); txManager.updateCounters(0, 0, 1); removed = true; } } catch (BagriException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("removeDocument.error; uri: " + uri, ex); throw new BagriException(ex, BagriException.ecDocument); } finally { unlockDocument(docKey); } } else { throw new BagriException("Was not able to aquire lock while removing Document: " + docKey + ", timeout: " + txManager.getTransactionTimeout(), BagriException.ecTransTimeout); } logger.trace("removeDocument.exit; removed: {}", removed); } public void cleanDocument(DocumentKey docKey, boolean complete) { logger.trace("cleanDocument.enter; docKey: {}, complete: {}", docKey, complete); Document doc = getDocument(docKey); boolean cleaned = false; if (doc != null) { cntCache.delete(docKey); //srcCache.remove(docKey); int size = deleteDocumentElements(doc.getFragments(), doc.getTypeRoot()); java.util.Collection<Integer> pathIds = indexManager.getTypeIndexes(doc.getTypeRoot(), true); for (int pathId: pathIds) { deindexElements(docKey.getKey(), pathId); } if (complete) { xddCache.delete(docKey); } cleaned = true; // update statistics for (Collection cln: repo.getSchema().getCollections()) { if (doc.hasCollection(cln.getId())) { updateStats(cln.getName(), false, size, doc.getFragments().length); } } updateStats(null, false, size, doc.getFragments().length); } ((QueryManagementImpl) repo.getQueryManagement()).removeQueryResults(docKey.getKey()); logger.trace("cleanDocument.exit; cleaned: {}", cleaned); } public void evictDocument(DocumentKey xdmKey, Document xdmDoc) { logger.trace("evictDocument.enter; xdmKey: {}, xdmDoc: {}", xdmKey, xdmDoc); cntCache.delete(xdmKey); //srcCache.remove(xdmKey); int size = deleteDocumentElements(xdmDoc.getFragments(), xdmDoc.getTypeRoot()); //Collection<Integer> pathIds = indexManager.getTypeIndexes(xdmDoc.getTypeId(), true); //for (int pathId: pathIds) { // deindexElements(docKey.getKey(), pathId); //} // update statistics //for (XDMCollection cln: repo.getSchema().getCollections()) { // if (doc.hasCollection(cln.getId())) { // updateStats(cln.getName(), false, size, doc.getFragments().length); // } //} //updateStats(null, false, size, doc.getFragments().length); logger.trace("evictDocument.exit; evicted: {}", size); } private int deleteDocumentElements(long[] fragments, String root) { int cnt = 0; //Set<XDMDataKey> localKeys = xdmCache.localKeySet(); java.util.Collection<Path> allPaths = model.getTypePaths(root); logger.trace("deleteDocumentElements; got {} possible paths to remove; xdmCache size: {}", allPaths.size(), xdmCache.size()); int iCnt = 0; for (long docId: fragments) { for (Path path: allPaths) { int pathId = path.getPathId(); DataKey dKey = factory.newDataKey(docId, pathId); if (indexManager.isPathIndexed(pathId)) { Elements elts = xdmCache.remove(dKey); if (elts != null) { for (Element elt: elts.getElements()) { indexManager.removeIndex(docId, pathId, elt.getValue()); iCnt++; } } } else { xdmCache.delete(dKey); } cnt++; } } logger.trace("deleteDocumentElements; deleted keys: {}; indexes: {}; xdmCache size after delete: {}", cnt, iCnt, xdmCache.size()); return cnt; } public void rollbackDocument(DocumentKey docKey) { logger.trace("rollbackDocument.enter; docKey: {}", docKey); boolean rolled = false; Document doc = getDocument(docKey); if (doc != null) { doc.finishDocument(TX_NO); xddCache.set(docKey, doc); rolled = true; } logger.trace("rollbackDocument.exit; rolled back: {}", rolled); } @Override public java.util.Collection<String> getCollections() throws BagriException { List<String> clNames = new ArrayList<>(repo.getSchema().getCollections().size()); for (Collection cln: repo.getSchema().getCollections()) { clNames.add(cln.getName()); } return clNames; } @Override public java.util.Collection<String> getCollectionDocumentUris(String collection) throws BagriException { Set<DocumentKey> docKeys; if (collection == null) { docKeys = xddCache.localKeySet(); } else { Collection cln = repo.getSchema().getCollection(collection); if (cln == null) { return null; } //int size = xddCache.size(); Predicate<DocumentKey, Document> clp = new CollectionPredicate(cln.getId()); docKeys = xddCache.localKeySet(clp); // TODO: investigate it; the localKeySet returns extra empty key for some reason! } // TODO: use props to fetch docs in batches. otherwise we can get OOM here! Map<DocumentKey, Document> docs = xddCache.getAll(docKeys); Set<String> result = new HashSet<>(docs.size()); for (Document doc: docs.values()) { if (doc.getTxFinish() == TX_NO || !txManager.isTxVisible(doc.getTxFinish())) { // check doc visibility via result.add(doc.getUri()); } } return result; } Set<Long> getCollectionDocumentKeys(int collectId) { // Set<DocumentKey> docKeys; if (collectId == clnDefault) { // TODO: local or global keySet ?! docKeys = xddCache.keySet(); } else { Predicate<DocumentKey, Document> clp = new CollectionPredicate(collectId); // TODO: local or global keySet ?! docKeys = xddCache.keySet(clp); } Set<Long> result = new HashSet<>(docKeys.size()); for (DocumentKey key: docKeys) { result.add(key.getKey()); } return result; } @Override public int removeCollectionDocuments(String collection) throws BagriException { logger.trace("removeCollectionDocuments.enter; collection: {}", collection); int cnt = 0; // remove local documents only?! java.util.Collection<String> uris = getCollectionDocumentUris(collection); for (String uri: uris) { removeDocument(uri); cnt++; } logger.trace("removeCollectionDocuments.exit; removed: {}", cnt); return cnt; } @Override public int addDocumentToCollections(String uri, String[] collections) { logger.trace("addDocumentsToCollections.enter; got uri: {}; collectIds: {}", uri, Arrays.toString(collections)); int addCount = 0; int unkCount = 0; Document doc = getDocument(uri); if (doc != null) { // TODO: cache size in the doc itself? yes, done // but must fix stats to account this size int size = 0; for (Collection cln: repo.getSchema().getCollections()) { for (String collection: collections) { if (collection.equals(cln.getName())) { if (doc.addCollection(cln.getId())) { addCount++; updateStats(cln.getName(), true, size, doc.getFragments().length); } break; } } } if (addCount > 0) { xddCache.set(factory.newDocumentKey(doc.getDocumentKey()), doc); } } else { unkCount++; } logger.trace("addDocumentsToCollections.exit; added: {}; unknown: {}", addCount, unkCount); return addCount; } @Override public int removeDocumentFromCollections(String uri, String[] collections) { logger.trace("removeDocumentsFromCollections.enter; got uri: {}; collectIds: {}", uri, Arrays.toString(collections)); int remCount = 0; int unkCount = 0; Document doc = getDocument(uri); if (doc != null) { int size = 0; for (Collection cln: repo.getSchema().getCollections()) { for (String collection: collections) { if (collection.equals(cln.getName())) { if (doc.removeCollection(cln.getId())) { remCount++; updateStats(cln.getName(), false, size, doc.getFragments().length); } break; } } } if (remCount > 0) { xddCache.set(factory.newDocumentKey(doc.getDocumentKey()), doc); } } else { unkCount++; } logger.trace("removeDocumentsFromCollections.exit; removed: {}; unknown: {}", remCount, unkCount); return remCount; } private boolean lockDocument(DocumentKey docKey, long timeout) { //throws XDMException { boolean locked = false; if (timeout > 0) { try { locked = xddCache.tryLock(docKey, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("lockDocument.error", ex); //throw new XDMException(ex); } } else { locked = xddCache.tryLock(docKey); } return locked; } private void unlockDocument(DocumentKey docKey) { xddCache.unlock(docKey); } private void updateStats(String name, boolean add, int elements, int fragments) { if (enableStats) { if (!queue.offer(new StatisticsEvent(name, add, new Object[] {fragments, elements}))) { logger.warn("updateStats; queue is full!!"); } } } }