package com.bagri.server.hazelcast.impl; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import; import com.bagri.core.api.ResultCursor; import com.bagri.core.query.AxisType; import com.bagri.core.query.Comparison; import com.bagri.core.query.ExpressionContainer; import com.bagri.core.query.PathBuilder; import com.bagri.core.server.api.ModelManagement; import com.bagri.core.server.api.QueryManagement; import com.bagri.core.server.api.SchemaRepository; import com.bagri.core.system.Library; import com.bagri.core.system.Module; import com.bagri.core.system.Schema; import com.bagri.core.test.BagriManagementTest; import com.bagri.core.xquery.api.XQProcessor; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.impl.SchemaRepositoryImpl; import; public class QueryManagementImplTest extends BagriManagementTest { private static ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context; @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { sampleRoot = "..\\..\\etc\\samples\\tpox\\"; //System.setProperty(pn_log_level", "trace"); System.setProperty(pn_node_instance, "0"); System.setProperty("logback.configurationFile", "hz-logging.xml"); System.setProperty(pn_config_properties_file, ""); System.setProperty(pn_config_path, "src\\test\\resources"); context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring/cache-test-context.xml"); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { context.close(); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { xRepo = context.getBean(SchemaRepositoryImpl.class); SchemaRepositoryImpl xdmRepo = (SchemaRepositoryImpl) xRepo; Schema schema = xdmRepo.getSchema(); if (schema == null) { schema = new Schema(1, new java.util.Date(), "test", "test", "test schema", true, null); schema.setProperty(pn_xqj_baseURI, sampleRoot); xdmRepo.setSchema(schema); xdmRepo.setDataFormats(getBasicDataFormats()); xdmRepo.setLibraries(new ArrayList<Library>()); xdmRepo.setModules(new ArrayList<Module>()); com.bagri.core.system.Collection collection = new com.bagri.core.system.Collection(1, new Date(), JMXUtils.getCurrentUser(), 1, "CLN_Security", "/{}Security", "securities", true); schema.addCollection(collection); } } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { // remove documents here! removeDocumentsTest(); Thread.sleep(1000); } private ModelManagement getModelManagement() { return ((SchemaRepository) xRepo).getModelManagement(); } public Collection<String> getPrice(String symbol) throws Exception { String prefix = ""; int docType = 0; //getModelManagement().getDocumentType("/" + prefix + ":Security"); PathBuilder path = new PathBuilder(). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Security"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Symbol"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, null, "text()"); ExpressionContainer ec = new ExpressionContainer(); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.EQ, path, "$sym", symbol); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put(":name", "/" + prefix + ":Security/" + prefix + ":Name/text()"); params.put(":price", "/" + prefix + ":Security/" + prefix + ":Price/" + prefix + ":PriceToday/" + prefix + ":Open/text()"); return ((QueryManagement) getQueryManagement()).getContent(ec, "<print>The open price of the security \":name\" is :price dollars</print>", params); } public Collection<String> getSecurity(String symbol) throws Exception { String prefix = ""; int docType = 0; //getModelManagement().getDocumentType("/" + prefix + ":Security"); PathBuilder path = new PathBuilder(). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Security"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Symbol"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, null, "text()"); ExpressionContainer ec = new ExpressionContainer(); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.EQ, path, "$sym", symbol); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put(":sec", "/" + prefix + ":Security"); return ((QueryManagement) getQueryManagement()).getContent(ec, ":sec", params); } public Collection<String> getOrder(String id) throws Exception { String prefix = ""; int docType = 0; //getModelManagement().getDocumentType("/" + prefix + ":FIXML"); // /" + prefix + ":Order"); PathBuilder path = new PathBuilder(). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "FIXML"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Order"). addPathSegment(AxisType.ATTRIBUTE, null, "ID"); ExpressionContainer ec = new ExpressionContainer(); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.EQ, path, "$id", id); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put(":order", "/" + prefix + ":FIXML/" + prefix + ":Order"); return ((QueryManagement) getQueryManagement()).getContent(ec, ":order", params); } public Collection<String> getCustomerProfile(String id) throws Exception { String prefix = ""; int docType = 0; //getModelManagement().getDocumentType("/" + prefix + ":Customer"); PathBuilder path = new PathBuilder(). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Customer"). addPathSegment(AxisType.ATTRIBUTE, null, "id"); ExpressionContainer ec = new ExpressionContainer(); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.EQ, path, "$id", id); String template = "<Customer_Profile CUSTOMERID=\":id\">\n" + "\t:name" + "\t:dob" + "\t:gender" + "\t:langs" + "\t:addrs" + "\t:email" + "</Customer_Profile>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put(":id", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/@id"); params.put(":name", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/" + prefix + ":Name"); params.put(":dob", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/" + prefix + ":DateOfBirth"); params.put(":gender", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/" + prefix + ":Gender"); params.put(":langs", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/" + prefix + ":Languages"); params.put(":addrs", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/" + prefix + ":Addresses"); params.put(":email", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/" + prefix + ":EmailAddresses"); return ((QueryManagement) getQueryManagement()).getContent(ec, template, params); } public Collection<String> getCustomerAccounts(String id) throws Exception { String prefix = ""; int docType = 0; //getModelManagement().getDocumentType("/" + prefix + ":Customer"); PathBuilder path = new PathBuilder(). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Customer"). addPathSegment(AxisType.ATTRIBUTE, null, "id"); ExpressionContainer ec = new ExpressionContainer(); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.EQ, path, "$id", id); String template = "<Customer>:id\n" + "\t:name" + "\t<Customer_Securities>\n" + "\t\t<Account BALANCE=\":balance\" ACCOUNT_ID=\":accId\">\n" + "\t\t\t<Securities>\n" + "\t\t\t\t:posName" + "\t\t\t</Securities>\n" + "\t\t</Account>\n" + "\t</Customer_Securities>\n" + "</Customer_Profile>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put(":id", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/@id"); params.put(":name", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/" + prefix + ":Name"); params.put(":balance", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/" + prefix + ":Accounts/" + prefix + ":Account/" + prefix + ":Balance/" + prefix + ":OnlineActualBal/text()"); params.put(":accId", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/" + prefix + ":Accounts/" + prefix + ":Account/@id"); params.put(":posName", "/" + prefix + ":Customer/" + prefix + ":Accounts/" + prefix + ":Account/" + prefix + ":Holdings/" + prefix + ":Position/" + prefix + ":Name"); return ((QueryManagement) getQueryManagement()).getContent(ec, template, params); } public Collection<String> searchSecurity(String sector, float peMin, float peMax, float yieldMin) throws Exception { String prefix = ""; int docType = 0; //getModelManagement().getDocumentType("/" + prefix + ":Security"); PathBuilder path = new PathBuilder(). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Security"); ExpressionContainer ec = new ExpressionContainer(); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.AND, path); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.AND, path); path.addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "SecurityInformation"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, null, "*"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Sector"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, null, "text()"); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.EQ, path, "$sec", sector); path = new PathBuilder(). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Security"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "PE"); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.AND, path); path.addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, null, "text()"); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.GE, path, "$peMin", new BigDecimal(peMin)); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.LT, path, "$peMax", new BigDecimal(peMax)); path = new PathBuilder(). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Security"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, prefix, "Yield"). addPathSegment(AxisType.CHILD, null, "text()"); ec.addExpression(docType, Comparison.GT, path, "$yMin", new BigDecimal(yieldMin)); String template = "<Security>\n" + "\t:symbol" + "\t:name" + "\t:type" + //{$sec/SecurityInformation//Sector} //regex = "^/" + prefix + ":Security/" + prefix + ":SecurityInformation/.*/" + prefix + ":Sector$"; //Collection<String> sPath = mDictionary.getPathFromRegex(docType, regex); //int idx = 0; //for (String path : sPath) { // params.put(":sector" + idx, path); // template += "\t:sector" + idx; // idx++; //} "\t:sector" + "\t:pe" + "\t:yield" + "</Security>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put(":symbol", "/" + prefix + ":Security/" + prefix + ":Symbol"); params.put(":name", "/" + prefix + ":Security/" + prefix + ":Name"); params.put(":type", "/" + prefix + ":Security/" + prefix + ":SecurityType"); params.put(":sector", "/" + prefix + ":Security/" + prefix + ":SecurityInformation//" + prefix + ":Sector"); params.put(":pe", "/" + prefix + ":Security/" + prefix + ":PE"); params.put(":yield", "/" + prefix + ":Security/" + prefix + ":Yield"); return ((QueryManagement) getQueryManagement()).getContent(ec, template, params); } @Test public void getPriceTest() throws Exception { storeSecurityTest(); Collection<String> sec = getPrice("VFINX"); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); sec = getPrice("IBM"); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); sec = getPrice("PTTAX"); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); } @Test public void getSecurityTest() throws Exception { storeSecurityTest(); Collection<String> sec = getSecurity("VFINX"); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); sec = getSecurity("IBM"); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); sec = getSecurity("PTTAX"); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); } @Test public void searchSecurityTest() throws Exception { storeSecurityTest(); Collection<String> sec = searchSecurity("Technology", 25, 28, 0); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); sec = searchSecurity("Technology", 25, 28, 1); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(0, sec.size()); sec = searchSecurity("Technology", 28, 29, 0); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(0, sec.size()); } @Test public void getOrderTest() throws Exception { storeOrderTest(); Collection<String> sec = getOrder("103404"); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); sec = getOrder("103935"); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); } @Test public void getCustomerProfileTest() throws Exception { storeCustomerTest(); Collection<String> sec = getCustomerProfile("1011"); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); } @Test public void getCustomerAccountsTest() throws Exception { storeCustomerTest(); Collection<String> sec = getCustomerAccounts("1011"); assertNotNull(sec); assertEquals(1, sec.size()); } @Test public void selectDocumentByUriTest() throws Exception { storeSecurityTest(); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(pn_client_id, "1"); String[] uris = new String[] {"security1500.xml", "security5621.xml", "security9012.xml"}; for (String uri: uris) { String query = "declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + "for $sec in fn:doc(\"" + uri + "\")/s:Security\n" + "return $sec\n"; try (ResultCursor rc = query(query, params, props)) { assertNotNull(rc); assertTrue(; } } } @Test public void compareSequrityPriceTest() throws Exception { storeSecurityTest(); String query = "declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $sym external;\n" + //"for $sec in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/s:Security\n" + "for $sec in fn:collection()/s:Security\n" + "where $sec/s:Symbol=$sym\n" + "return \n" + "\t<print>The open price of the security \"{$sec/s:Name/text()}\" is {$sec/s:Price/s:PriceToday/s:Open/text()} dollars</print>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("sym", "VFINX"); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(pn_client_id, "1"); props.setProperty(pn_client_fetchSize, "5"); props.setProperty(pn_xqj_defaultElementTypeNamespace, ""); ResultCursor rc = query(query, params, props); assertNotNull(rc); assertTrue(; XQProcessor xqp = ((SchemaRepositoryImpl) xRepo).getXQProcessor(); Object result = rc.getObject(); assertNotNull(result); String text = xqp.convertToString(result, null); assertEquals("<print>The open price of the security \"Vanguard 500 Index Fund\" is 101.12 dollars</print>", text); assertFalse(; props = new Properties(); //props.setProperty(javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); //props.setProperty(javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); props.setProperty(javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys.METHOD, "text"); text = xqp.convertToString(result, props); assertEquals("The open price of the security \"Vanguard 500 Index Fund\" is 101.12 dollars", text); rc.close(); } }