package; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_schema_store_enabled; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_schema_format_default; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.xs_ns; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.xs_prefix; import static com.bagri.core.server.api.CacheConstants.PN_XDM_SCHEMA_POOL; import static com.bagri.core.server.api.SchemaRepository.bean_id; import static*; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import; import; import; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedAttribute; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedOperation; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedOperationParameter; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedOperationParameters; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedResource; import com.bagri.client.hazelcast.PartitionStatistics; import com.bagri.core.api.HealthChangeListener; import com.bagri.core.api.HealthState; import com.bagri.core.api.SchemaRepository; import com.bagri.core.system.Collection; import com.bagri.core.system.Fragment; import com.bagri.core.system.Index; import com.bagri.core.system.JavaTrigger; import com.bagri.core.system.Resource; import com.bagri.core.system.Schema; import com.bagri.core.system.TriggerAction; import com.bagri.core.system.TriggerDefinition; import com.bagri.core.system.XQueryTrigger; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.task.doc.DocumentQueueCounter; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.task.node.NodeDistributionProvider; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.task.schema.SchemaActivator; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.task.schema.SchemaHealthAggregator; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.task.schema.SchemaPopulator; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.task.schema.SchemaUpdater; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.util.HazelcastUtils; import; import com.hazelcast.client.HazelcastClient; import com.hazelcast.client.impl.HazelcastClientInstanceImpl; import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance; import com.hazelcast.core.IExecutorService; import com.hazelcast.core.Member; @ManagedResource(description="Schema Manager MBean") public class SchemaManager extends EntityManager<Schema> implements HealthChangeListener { private static final String state_ok = "working"; private static final String state_fail = "inactive"; private SchemaRepository xdmRepo; private SchemaManagement parent; private HealthState hState; private IExecutorService execService; private HazelcastInstance schemaInstance; public SchemaManager() { super(); } public SchemaManager(HazelcastInstance hzInstance, String schemaName, SchemaManagement parent) { super(hzInstance, schemaName); this.parent = parent; } HazelcastInstance getHazelcastClient() { return schemaInstance; } SchemaRepository getRepository() { return xdmRepo; } SchemaManagement getParent() { return parent; } public void setClientContext(ClassPathXmlApplicationContext clientContext) { if (clientContext == null) { if (xdmRepo != null) { xdmRepo.getHealthManagement().removeHealthChangeListener(this); xdmRepo.close(); xdmRepo = null; } execService = null; schemaInstance = null; // shutdown ? } else { //schemaInstance = clientContext.getBean(hz_instance, HazelcastInstance.class); schemaInstance = HazelcastUtils.getHazelcastClientByName(entityName); logger.trace("setClientContext; got HZ instance: {}, from {}", schemaInstance, HazelcastClient.getAllHazelcastClients()); execService = schemaInstance.getExecutorService(PN_XDM_SCHEMA_POOL); //setRepository(clientContext.getBean(XDMRepository.class)); setRepository((SchemaRepository) schemaInstance.getUserContext().get(bean_id)); } } void setRepository(SchemaRepository xdmRepo) { this.xdmRepo = xdmRepo; this.hState = xdmRepo.getHealthManagement().getHealthState(); xdmRepo.getHealthManagement().addHealthChangeListener(this); } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns active schema nodes") public String[] getActiveNodes() { if (schemaInstance == null) { return new String[0]; } java.util.Collection<Member> members; if (schemaInstance instanceof HazelcastClientInstanceImpl) { members = ((HazelcastClientInstanceImpl) schemaInstance).getClientClusterService().getMemberList(); } else { members = schemaInstance.getCluster().getMembers(); } String[] result = new String[members.size()]; int idx = 0; for (Member member: members) { result[idx++] = member.getSocketAddress().toString(); } return result; } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns short Schema description") public String getDescription() { return getEntity().getDescription(); } //@ManagedAttribute(description="Returns short Schema description") //public void setDescription(String description) { // XDMSchema schema = getEntity(); // schema.setDescription(description); // flushEntity(schema); //} @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns true if Schema persist its documents") public boolean isPersistent() { String value = getEntity().getProperty(pn_schema_store_enabled); return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(value); } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns Schema persistence format") public String getDataFormat() { return getEntity().getProperty(pn_schema_format_default); } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns Schema health state") public String getHealthState() { if (hState != null) { return hState.toString(); } return state_fail; } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns HealthManagement statistics, per node") public TabularData getHealthStatistics() { logger.trace("getHealthStatistics.enter;"); int cnt = 0; TabularData result = null; Callable<CompositeData> task = new SchemaHealthAggregator(); Map<Member, Future<CompositeData>> futures = execService.submitToAllMembers(task); for (Map.Entry<Member, Future<CompositeData>> entry: futures.entrySet()) { try { CompositeData counters = entry.getValue().get(); logger.trace("getHealthStatistics; got counters: {}, from member {}", counters, entry.getKey()); result = compositeToTabular("Health", "Desc", "Member", result, counters); logger.trace("getHealthStatistics; got aggregated result: {}", result); cnt++; } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | OpenDataException ex) { logger.error("getHealthStatistics.error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } logger.trace("getHealthStatistics.exit; got stats from {} nodes", cnt); return result; } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns registered Schema name") public String getName() { return entityName; } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns registered Schema properties") public CompositeData getProperties() { Properties props = getEntity().getProperties(); return propsToComposite(entityName, "properties", props); } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns registered Schema version") public int getVersion() { return getEntity().getVersion(); } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns registered Schema activity") public boolean isActive() { return getEntity().isActive(); //?? probably we have to calc it.. } @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns registered Schema state") public String getState() { if (schemaInstance == null) { return state_fail; } return state_ok; } //void setState(String state) { // this.state = state; //} @ManagedOperation(description="Activate Schema") public boolean activateSchema() { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema != null && !schema.isActive()) { String user = getCurrentUser(); Object result = entityCache.executeOnKey(entityName, new SchemaActivator(schema.getVersion(), user, true)); logger.trace("activateSchema; execution result: {}", result); return result != null; } return false; } @ManagedOperation(description="Deactivate Schema") public boolean deactivateSchema() { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema != null && schema.isActive()) { String user = getCurrentUser(); Object result = entityCache.executeOnKey(entityName, new SchemaActivator(schema.getVersion(), user, false)); logger.trace("deactivateSchema; execution result: {}", result); return result != null; } return false; } //@Override @ManagedOperation(description="Returns named Schema property") @ManagedOperationParameters({ @ManagedOperationParameter(name = "name", description = "A name of the property to return")}) public String getProperty(String name) { return getEntity().getProperty(name); } //@Override @ManagedOperation(description="Set named Schema property") @ManagedOperationParameters({ @ManagedOperationParameter(name = "name", description = "A name of the property to set"), @ManagedOperationParameter(name = "value", description = "A value of the property to set")}) public void setProperty(String name, String value) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema != null) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(name, value); Object result = entityCache.executeOnKey(entityName, new SchemaUpdater(schema.getVersion(), getCurrentUser(), false, props)); logger.trace("setProperty; execution result: {}", result); } } //@Override @ManagedOperation(description="Removes named Schema property") @ManagedOperationParameters({ @ManagedOperationParameter(name = "name", description = "A name of the property to remove")}) public void removeProperty(String name) { // override property with default value String defValue = parent.getDefaultProperty(name); if (defValue == null) { defValue = ""; // throw exception ??? } setProperty(name, defValue); } @ManagedOperation(description="Update Schema properties") @ManagedOperationParameters({ @ManagedOperationParameter(name = "properties", description = "Schema properties: key/value pairs separated by comma")}) public boolean updateProperties(String properties) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema != null) { Properties props; try { props = PropUtils.propsFromString(properties); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("updateProperties.error: ", ex); return false; } Object result = entityCache.executeOnKey(entityName, new SchemaUpdater(schema.getVersion(), getCurrentUser(), true, props)); logger.trace("updateProperties; execution result: {}", result); return result != null; } return false; } @Override protected String getEntityType() { return "Schema"; } @ManagedOperation(description="Initiates schema on Cluster node(-s)") @ManagedOperationParameters({ @ManagedOperationParameter(name = "nodeName", description = "Cluster node name")}) public void initSchemaOnNode(String nodeName) { // do this via NodeManager! NodeManager nMgr = (NodeManager) parent.getClusterService().getNodeManager(nodeName); if (nMgr != null) { nMgr.addSchema(entityName); } // throw ex for wrong node name? } @ManagedOperation(description="Initiates schema population process") public void populateSchema() { if (!isPersistent()) { // throw ex? return; } SchemaPopulator pop = new SchemaPopulator(entityName); execService.submitToAllMembers(pop); } @ManagedOperation(description="Return number of not-stored-yet Documents") public int checkUpdatingDocuments() { DocumentQueueCounter task = new DocumentQueueCounter(); Map<Member, Future<Integer>> results = execService.submitToAllMembers(task); int result = 0; for (Map.Entry<Member, Future<Integer>> entry: results.entrySet()) { try { result += entry.getValue().get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) { logger.error("checkUpdatingDocuments.error; ", ex); //throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } } return result; } @ManagedOperation(description="Return partition-related statistics") @ManagedOperationParameters({ @ManagedOperationParameter(name = "typeSwitch", description = "An int flag regulating stats granulatity. 0 = per partition, 1 = per node, 2 = per machine")}) public TabularData getPartitionStatistics(int typeSwitch) { logger.debug("getPartitionStatistics.enter; switch is: {}", typeSwitch); NodeDistributionProvider task = new NodeDistributionProvider(); Map<Member, Future<java.util.Collection<PartitionStatistics>>> results = execService.submitToAllMembers(task); TabularData result = null; java.util.Collection<PartitionStatistics> stats; for (Map.Entry<Member, Future<java.util.Collection<PartitionStatistics>>> entry: results.entrySet()) { try { stats = entry.getValue().get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) { logger.error("getPartitionStatistics.error; ", ex); //throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); continue; } try { for (PartitionStatistics sts: stats) { CompositeData cd = mapToComposite("stats", "parts", sts.toMap()); result = compositeToTabular("stats", "parts", "partition", result, cd); } } catch (OpenDataException ex) { logger.error("getPartitionStatistics.error; ", ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } } logger.debug("getPartitionStatistics.exit; result size: {}", result.size()); return result; } @Override public void onHealthStateChange(HealthState newState) { this.hState = newState; } Collection addCollection(String name, String docType, String description) { Schema schema = getEntity(); int id = 0; for (Collection collect: schema.getCollections()) { if (collect.getId() > id) { id = collect.getId(); } } id++; Collection collection = new Collection(1, new Date(), getCurrentUser(), id, name, docType, description, true); if (schema.addCollection(collection)) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return collection; } return null; } boolean deleteCollection(String name) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.removeCollection(name) != null) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return true; } return false; } boolean enableCollection(String name, boolean enable) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.enableCollection(name, enable)) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return true; } return false; } Fragment addFragment(String name, String docType, String path, String description) { //String typePath = schemaDictionary.normalizePath(docType); Fragment fragment = new Fragment(1, new Date(), getCurrentUser(), name, docType, //typePath, path, description, true); Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.addFragment(fragment)) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return fragment; } return null; } boolean deleteFragment(String name) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.removeFragment(name) != null) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return true; } return false; } boolean enableFragment(String name, boolean enable) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.enableFragment(name, enable)) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return true; } return false; } Index addIndex(String name, String docType, String path, String dataType, boolean caseSensitive, boolean range, boolean unique, String description) { // TODO: what it is for?! String typePath = path; //xdmRepo.getModelManagement().normalizePath(docType); Index index = new Index(1, new Date(), getCurrentUser(), name, docType, typePath, path, new QName(xs_ns, dataType, xs_prefix), caseSensitive, range, unique, description, true); Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.addIndex(index)) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return index; } return null; } boolean deleteIndex(String name) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.removeIndex(name) != null) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return true; } return false; } boolean enableIndex(String name, boolean enable) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.enableIndex(name, enable)) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return true; } return false; } Resource addResource(String name, String path, String module, String description) { Resource resource = new Resource(1, new Date(), getCurrentUser(), name, path, description, module, true); Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.addResource(resource)) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return resource; } return null; } boolean deleteResource(String name) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.removeResource(name) != null) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return true; } return false; } boolean enableResource(String name, boolean enable) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.enableResource(name, enable)) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return true; } return false; } TriggerDefinition addTrigger(boolean java, String container, String implementation, String docType, boolean synchronous, java.util.Collection<TriggerAction> actions, int index) { TriggerDefinition trigger; if (java) { trigger = new JavaTrigger(1, new Date(), getCurrentUser(), container, implementation, docType, synchronous, true, index); } else { trigger = new XQueryTrigger(1, new Date(), getCurrentUser(), container, implementation, docType, synchronous, true, index); } trigger.setActions(actions); Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.addTrigger(trigger)) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return trigger; } return null; } boolean deleteTrigger(String name) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.removeTrigger(name) != null) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return true; } return false; } boolean enableTrigger(String name, boolean enable) { Schema schema = getEntity(); if (schema.enableTrigger(name, enable)) { // store schema! flushEntity(schema); return true; } return false; } }