package; import static com.bagri.core.api.TransactionManagement.TX_NO; import static; import static; import; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.PathMatcher; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Date; import com.bagri.core.model.Document; import com.hazelcast.core.IMap; public class DocumentMemoryStore extends MemoryMappedStore<Long, Document> { private long maxTxId = TX_NO; public DocumentMemoryStore(String dataPath, String nodeNum, int buffSize) { super(dataPath, nodeNum, buffSize); } @Override public void init(IMap<Long, Document> cache) { int docCount = 0; int actCount = 0; boolean found = false; Path root = Paths.get(dataPath); String mask = getStoreFileMask(nodeNum, "catalog"); final PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher(mask); DirectoryStream.Filter<Path> filter = new DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>() { @Override public boolean accept(Path path) throws IOException { return matcher.matches(path.getFileName()); } }; try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(root, filter)) { for (Path path: stream) { //logger.trace("processPathFiles; path: {}; uri: {}", path.toString(), path.toUri().toString()); String fileName = path.toString(); int section = getSection(path.getFileName().toString()); FileBuffer fb = initBuffer(fileName, section); int count = fb.getCount();"init; buffer {} initialized, going to read {} documents from file: {}", section, count, fileName); actCount += readEntries(fb); docCount += count; found = true; } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("init; error reading catalog:", ex); } if (!found) { int section = 0; String fileName = getBufferName(section); try { initBuffer(fileName, section); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("init; error initializing catalog:", ex); } } // now synch it with cache anyway, regardless of found files or not if (!found) {"init; no existing catalog files found, going to load documents from cache"); docCount = cache.size(); actCount = loadEntries(cache); }"init; active documents: {}, out of total: {}", actCount, docCount); initialized = true; } public boolean isActivated() { return initialized; } public int getActiveEntryCount() { return cntActive.get(); } public int getFullEntryCount() { return pointers.size(); } public long getMaxTransactionId() { return maxTxId; } @Override protected Long getEntryKey(Document entry) { return entry.getDocumentKey(); } @Override protected int getEntrySize(Document entry) { return 4*8 // 4 long's (txStart, txFinish, docKey, createdAt) + 2*4 // 2 int's (bytes, elements) + entry.getUri().getBytes().length + 4 // uri size + entry.getTypeRoot().getBytes().length + 4 // root size + entry.getCreatedBy().getBytes().length + 4 // createdBy size + entry.getEncoding().getBytes().length + 4 // encoding size + entry.getCollections().length*4 + 4; // collections } @Override protected boolean isEntryActive(Document entry) { return entry.getTxFinish() == TX_NO; } @Override protected Document readEntry(MappedByteBuffer buff) { long txFinish = buff.getLong(); long docKey = buff.getLong(); String uri = getString(buff); String root = getString(buff); long txStart = buff.getLong(); Date createdAt = new Date(buff.getLong()); String createdBy = getString(buff); String encoding = getString(buff); int bytes = buff.getInt(); int elts = buff.getInt(); Document result = new Document(docKey, uri, root, txStart, txFinish, createdAt, createdBy, encoding, bytes, elts); result.setCollections(getIntArray(buff)); if (txFinish > maxTxId) { maxTxId = txFinish; } else if (txStart > maxTxId) { maxTxId = txStart; } return result; } @Override protected void writeEntry(MappedByteBuffer buff, Document entry) { //if (buff.remaining() < getEntrySize(entry)) { //"writeDocument; remaining: {}, capacity: {}, limit: {}", buff.remaining(), buff.capacity(), buff.limit()); //buff. //} buff.putLong(entry.getTxFinish()); buff.putLong(entry.getDocumentKey()); putString(buff, entry.getUri()); putString(buff, entry.getTypeRoot()); buff.putLong(entry.getTxStart()); buff.putLong(entry.getCreatedAt().getTime()); putString(buff, entry.getCreatedBy()); putString(buff, entry.getEncoding()); buff.putInt(entry.getBytes()); buff.putInt(entry.getElements()); putIntArray(buff, entry.getCollections()); } @Override protected void deactivateEntry(MappedByteBuffer buff, Document entry) { if (entry == null) {"deactivateEntry; got null entry for some reason!"); } else if (entry.getTxFinish() > TX_NO) { buff.putLong(entry.getTxFinish()); } else { buff.putLong(-1); // make some const for this.. } } @Override protected String getBufferName(int section) { return buildSectionFileName(dataPath, nodeNum, "catalog", section); } }