package com.bagri.server.hazelcast.impl; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_config_path; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_config_properties_file; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_log_level; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_node_instance; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import; import com.bagri.core.api.ResultCursor; import com.bagri.core.system.Library; import com.bagri.core.system.Module; import com.bagri.core.system.Schema; import com.bagri.core.test.BagriManagementTest; import com.bagri.server.hazelcast.impl.SchemaRepositoryImpl; public class XMarkQueryTest extends BagriManagementTest { private static ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context; //private XQProcessor xqProc; @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { sampleRoot = "..\\..\\etc\\samples\\xmark\\"; //System.setProperty(pn_log_level, "trace"); System.setProperty(pn_node_instance, "0"); System.setProperty("logback.configurationFile", "hz-logging.xml"); System.setProperty(pn_config_properties_file, ""); System.setProperty(pn_config_path, "src\\test\\resources"); context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring/cache-test-context.xml"); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { context.close(); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { xRepo = context.getBean(SchemaRepositoryImpl.class); SchemaRepositoryImpl xdmRepo = (SchemaRepositoryImpl) xRepo; //xqProc = context.getBean("xqProcessor", XQProcessor.class); Schema schema = xdmRepo.getSchema(); if (schema == null) { schema = new Schema(1, new java.util.Date(), "test", "test", "test schema", true, null); xdmRepo.setSchema(schema); xdmRepo.setDataFormats(getBasicDataFormats()); xdmRepo.setLibraries(new ArrayList<Library>()); xdmRepo.setModules(new ArrayList<Module>()); long txId = getTxManagement().beginTransaction(); createDocumentTest(sampleRoot + getFileName("auction.xml")); getTxManagement().commitTransaction(txId); } } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { } @Test public void getPersonTest() throws Exception { // Q1.Return the name of the person with ID `person0'. String query = "declare variable $name external;\n" + "let $auction := fn:doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $b in $auction/site/people/person[@id = $name] return $b/name/text()"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("name", "person0"); try (ResultCursor results = query(query, params, null)) { assertTrue(; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("method", "text"); String text = results.getItemAsString(props); assertEquals("Huei Demke", text); assertFalse(; } } @Test public void getPersonLiteralTest() throws Exception { // Q1.Return the name of the person with ID `person0'. String query = //"declare base-uri \"file:/C:/Work/Bagri/git/bagri/etc/samples/xmark/\";\n" + "let $auction := fn:doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $b in $auction/site/people/person[@id = 'person0'] return $b/name/text()"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { assertTrue(; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("method", "text"); String text = results.getItemAsString(props); assertEquals("Huei Demke", text); assertFalse(; } } @Test public void getIncreasesTest() throws Exception { // Q2. Return the initial increases of all open auctions. String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $b in $auction/site/open_auctions/open_auction\n" + "return <increase>{$b/bidder[1]/increase/text()}</increase>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { int cnt = 0; while ( { String text = results.getItemAsString(null); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + text, text.startsWith("<increase>") && text.endsWith("</increase>")); cnt++; } assertEquals(12, cnt); } } @Test public void getOpenAuctionsTest() throws Exception { // Q3. Return the IDs of all open auctions whose current // increase is at least twice as high as the initial increase. String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $b in $auction/site/open_auctions/open_auction\n" + "where zero-or-one($b/bidder[1]/increase/text()) * 2 <= $b/bidder[last()]/increase/text()\n" + "return <increase first=\"{$b/bidder[1]/increase/text()}\" last=\"{$b/bidder[last()]/increase/text()}\"/>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { //<increase first="4.50" last="12.00"/> //<increase first="6.00" last="30.00"/> int cnt = 0; while ( { String text = results.getItemAsString(null); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + text, text.startsWith("<increase")); cnt++; } assertEquals(2, cnt); } } @Test public void getReservesTest() throws Exception { // Q4. List the reserves of those open auctions where a // certain person issued a bid before another person. String query = "declare variable $name1 external;\n" + "declare variable $name2 external;\n" + "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $b in $auction/site/open_auctions/open_auction\n" + "where\n" + "some $pr1 in $b/bidder/personref[@person = $name1],\n" + " $pr2 in $b/bidder/personref[@person = $name2]\n" + "satisfies $pr1 << $pr2\n" + "return <history>{$b/reserve/text()}</history>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("name1", "person8"); params.put("name2", "person19"); try (ResultCursor results = query(query, params, null)) { assertTrue(; assertFalse(; } } @Test public void getSoldItemsTest() throws Exception { // Q5. How many sold items cost more than 40? String query = "declare variable $pmin external;\n" + "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "count(\n" + " for $i in $auction/site/closed_auctions/closed_auction\n" + " where $i/price/text() >= $pmin\n" + " return $i/price\n" + ")"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("pmin", new Integer(40)); try (ResultCursor results = query(query, params, null)) { assertTrue(; assertEquals(7, results.getInt()); assertFalse(; } } @Test public void getListedItemsTest() throws Exception { // Q6. How many items are listed on all continents? String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $b in $auction//site/regions return count($b//item)"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { assertTrue(; assertEquals(22, results.getInt()); assertFalse(; } } @Test public void getDbPiecesTest() throws Exception { //Q7. How many pieces of prose are in our database?} String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $p in $auction/site return\n" + " count($p//description) + count($p//annotation) + count($p//emailaddress)"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { assertTrue(; assertEquals(92, results.getInt()); assertFalse(; } } @Test public void getPersonsWithItemsTest() throws Exception { // Q8. List the names of persons and the number of items they bought. // (joins person, closed\_auction)} String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $p in $auction/site/people/person\n" + "let $a := \n" + " for $t in $auction/site/closed_auctions/closed_auction\n" + " where $t/buyer/@person = $p/@id\n" + " return $t\n" + "return <item person=\"{$p/name/text()}\">{count($a)}</item>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { int cnt = 0; while ( { String text = results.getItemAsString(null); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + text, text.startsWith("<item person") && text.endsWith("</item>")); cnt++; } assertEquals(25, cnt); } } @Test public void getPersonsWithItemsInEuropeTest() throws Exception { // Q9. List the names of persons and the names of the items they bought // in Europe. (joins person, closed\_auction, item)} String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "let $ca := $auction/site/closed_auctions/closed_auction return\n" + "let\n" + " $ei := $auction/site/regions/europe/item\n" + "for $p in $auction/site/people/person\n" + "let $a := \n" + " for $t in $ca\n" + " where $p/@id = $t/buyer/@person\n" + " return\n" + " let $n := for $t2 in $ei where $t/itemref/@item = $t2/@id return $t2\n" + " return <item>{$n/name/text()}</item>\n" + "return <person name=\"{$p/name/text()}\">{$a}</person>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { int cnt = 0; while ( { String text = results.getItemAsString(null); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + text, text.startsWith("<person name")); cnt++; } assertEquals(25, cnt); } } @Test public void getPersonsWithInterestsTest() throws Exception { // Q10. List all persons according to their interest; // use French markup in the result. String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $i in\n" + " distinct-values($auction/site/people/person/profile/interest/@category)\n" + "let $p := \n" + " for $t in $auction/site/people/person\n" + " where $t/profile/interest/@category = $i\n" + " return\n" + " <personne>\n" + " <statistiques>\n" + " <sexe>{$t/profile/gender/text()}</sexe>\n" + " <age>{$t/profile/age/text()}</age>\n" + " <education>{$t/profile/education/text()}</education>\n" + " <revenu>{fn:data($t/profile/@income)}</revenu>\n" + " </statistiques>\n" + " <coordonnees>\n" + " <nom>{$t/name/text()}</nom>\n" + " <rue>{$t/address/street/text()}</rue>\n" + " <ville>{$t/address/city/text()}</ville>\n" + " <pays>{$t/address/country/text()}</pays>\n" + " <reseau>\n" + " <courrier>{$t/emailaddress/text()}</courrier>\n" + " <pagePerso>{$t/homepage/text()}</pagePerso>\n" + " </reseau>\n" + " </coordonnees>\n" + " <cartePaiement>{$t/creditcard/text()}</cartePaiement>\n" + " </personne>\n" + "return <categorie>{<id>{$i}</id>, $p}</categorie>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { assertTrue(; String text = results.getItemAsString(null); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + text, text.startsWith("<categorie>") && text.endsWith("</categorie>")); assertFalse(; } } @Test public void getPersonsSalesTest() throws Exception { // Q11. For each person, list the number of items currently on sale whose // price does not exceed 0.02% of the person's income. String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $p in $auction/site/people/person\n" + "let $l := \n" + " for $i in $auction/site/open_auctions/open_auction/initial\n" + " where $p/profile/@income > 5000 * exactly-one($i/text())\n" + " return $i\n" + "return <items name=\"{$p/name/text()}\">{count($l)}</items>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { int cnt = 0; while ( { String text = results.getItemAsString(null); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + text, text.startsWith("<items name") && text.endsWith("</items>")); cnt++; } assertEquals(25, cnt); } } @Test public void getReachPersonsTest() throws Exception { // Q12. For each richer-than-average person, list the number of items // currently on sale whose price does not exceed 0.02% of the // person's income. String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $p in $auction/site/people/person\n" + "let $l := \n" + " for $i in $auction/site/open_auctions/open_auction/initial\n" + " where $p/profile/@income > 5000 * exactly-one($i/text())\n" + " return $i\n" + "where $p/profile/@income > 50000\n" + "return <items person=\"{$p/profile/@income}\">{count($l)}</items>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { int cnt = 0; while ( { String text = results.getItemAsString(null); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + text, text.startsWith("<items person") && text.endsWith("</items>")); cnt++; } assertEquals(3, cnt); } } @Test public void getAustralianItemsTest() throws Exception { // Q13. List the names of items registered in Australia along with // their descriptions. String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $i in $auction/site/regions/australia/item\n" + "return <item name=\"{$i/name/text()}\">{$i/description}</item>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { int cnt = 0; while ( { String text = results.getItemAsString(null); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + text, text.startsWith("<item name") && text.endsWith("</item>")); cnt++; } assertEquals(2, cnt); } } @Test public void getGoldItemsTest() throws Exception { // Q14. Return the names of all items whose description contains the // word `gold'. String query = "declare variable $word external;\n" + "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $i in $auction/site//item\n" + "where contains(string(exactly-one($i/description)), $word)\n" + "return $i/name/text()"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("word", "gold"); try (ResultCursor results = query(query, params, null)) { int cnt = 0; while ( { cnt++; } assertEquals(2, cnt); } } @Test public void getKeywordsTest() throws Exception { // Q15. Print the keywords in emphasis in annotations of closed auctions. String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $a in \n" + " $auction/site/closed_auctions/closed_auction/annotation/description/parlist/\n" + " listitem/parlist/listitem/text/emph/keyword/text()\n" + "return <text>{$a}</text>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { assertFalse(; } } @Test public void getAuctionsWithKeywordsTest() throws Exception { // Q16. Return the IDs of those auctions // that have one or more keywords in emphasis. (cf. Q15) String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $a in $auction/site/closed_auctions/closed_auction\n" + "where\n" + " not(\n" + " empty(\n" + " $a/annotation/description/parlist/listitem/parlist/listitem/text/emph/\n" + " keyword/\n" + " text()\n" + " )\n" + " )\n" + "return <person id=\"{$a/seller/@person}\"/>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { assertFalse(; } } @Test public void getPersonsWithoutHomepageTest() throws Exception { // Q17. Which persons don't have a homepage? String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $p in $auction/site/people/person\n" + "where empty($p/homepage/text())\n" + "return <person name=\"{$p/name/text()}\"/>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { int cnt = 0; while ( { String text = results.getItemAsString(null); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + text, text.startsWith("<person name")); cnt++; } assertEquals(15, cnt); } } @Test public void getConvertedCurrencyTest() throws Exception { // Q18.Convert the currency of the reserve of all open auctions to // another currency. String query = "declare namespace local = \"\";\n" + "declare function local:convert($v as xs:decimal?) as xs:decimal?\n" + "{\n" + " 2.20371 * $v (: convert Dfl to Euro :)\n" + "};\n\n" + "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $i in $auction/site/open_auctions/open_auction\n" + "return local:convert(zero-or-one($i/reserve))"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { int cnt = 0; while ( { BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) results.getObject(); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + bd, bd.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0); cnt++; } assertEquals(6, cnt); } } @Test public void getItemsWithLocationsTest() throws Exception { // Q19. Give an alphabetically ordered list of all // items along with their location. String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "for $b in $auction/site/regions//item\n" + "let $k := $b/name/text()\n" + "order by zero-or-one($b/location) ascending empty greatest\n" + "return <item name=\"{$k}\">{$b/location/text()}</item>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { int cnt = 0; while ( { String text = results.getItemAsString(null); assertTrue("unexpected result: " + text, text.startsWith("<item name") && text.endsWith("</item>")); cnt++; } assertEquals(22, cnt); } } @Test public void getGroupedCustomersTest() throws Exception { // Q20. Group customers by their // income and output the cardinality of each group. String query = "let $auction := doc(\"auction.xml\") return\n" + "<result>\n" + " <preferred>\n" + " {count($auction/site/people/person/profile[@income >= 100000])}\n" + " </preferred>\n" + " <standard>\n" + " {\n" + " count(\n" + " $auction/site/people/person/\n" + " profile[@income < 100000 and @income >= 30000]\n" + " )\n" + " }\n" + " </standard>\n" + " <challenge>\n" + " {count($auction/site/people/person/profile[@income < 30000])}\n" + " </challenge>\n" + " <na>\n" + " {\n" + " count(\n" + " for $p in $auction/site/people/person\n" + " where empty($p/profile/@income)\n" + " return $p\n" + " )\n" + " }\n" + " </na>\n" + "</result>"; try (ResultCursor results = query(query, null, null)) { //<result> // <preferred> // 0 // </preferred> // <standard> // 9 // </standard> // <challenge> // 2 // </challenge> // <na> // 14 // </na> //</result> assertTrue(; assertFalse(; } } }