package com.bagri.core.test; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import com.bagri.core.api.ResultCursor; public abstract class ClientQueryManagementTest extends BagriManagementTest { public ResultCursor getPrice(String symbol) throws Exception { String query = "declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $sym external;\n" + "for $sec in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/s:Security\n" + "where $sec/s:Symbol=$sym\n" + "return\n" + "<print>The open price of the security \"{$sec/s:Name/text()}\" is {$sec/s:Price/s:PriceToday/s:Open/text()} dollars</print>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("sym", symbol); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getSecurity(String symbol) throws Exception { String query = "declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $sym external;\n" + "for $sec in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/s:Security\n" + "where $sec/s:Symbol=$sym\n" + "return $sec\n"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("sym", symbol); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getOrder(String id) throws Exception { String query = "declare namespace o=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $ID external;\n" + "for $ord in fn:collection(\"CLN_Order\")/o:FIXML\n" + "where $ord/o:Order/@ID=$ID\n" + "return $ord/o:Order\n"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("ID", id); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getCustomer(String id) throws Exception { String query = "declare namespace c=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $id external;\n" + "for $cust in fn:collection(\"CLN_Customer\")/c:Customer\n" + "where $cust/@id=$id\n" + "return $cust\n"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("id", id); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getCustomerProfile(String id) throws Exception { String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "declare variable $id external;\n" + "for $cust in fn:collection(\"CLN_Customer\")/Customer\n" + "where $cust/@id=$id\n" + "return\n" + "<Customer_Profile CUSTOMERID=\"{$cust/@id}\">\n" + "\t{$cust/Name}\n" + "\t{$cust/DateOfBirth}\n" + "\t{$cust/Gender}\n" + "\t{$cust/CountryOfResidence}\n" + "\t{$cust/Languages}\n" + "\t{$cust/Addresses}\n" + "\t{$cust/EmailAddresses}\n" + "</Customer_Profile>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("id", id); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getCustomerAccounts(String id) throws Exception { String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "declare variable $id external;\n" + "for $cust in fn:collection(\"CLN_Customer\")/Customer\n" + "where $cust/@id=$id\n" + "return\n" + "<Customer>{$cust/@id}\n" + "\t{$cust/Name}\n" + "\t<Customer_Securities>\n" + "{\n" + "for $account in $cust/Accounts/Account\n" + "return\n" + "\t\t<Account BALANCE=\"{$account/Balance/OnlineActualBal}\" ACCOUNT_ID=\"{$account/@id}\">\n" + "\t\t<Securities>\n" + "\t\t\t{$account/Holdings/Position/Name}\n" + "\t\t</Securities>\n" + "\t\t</Account>\n" + "}\n" + "\t</Customer_Securities>\n" + "</Customer>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("id", id); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor searchSecurity(String sector, float peMin, float peMax, float yieldMin) throws Exception { String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "declare variable $sect external;\n" + "declare variable $pemin external;\n" + "declare variable $pemax external;\n" + "declare variable $yield external;\n" + "for $sec in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/Security\n" + "where $sec[SecurityInformation/*/Sector = $sect and PE[. >= $pemin and . < $pemax] and Yield > $yield]\n" + "return <Security>\n" + "\t{$sec/Symbol}\n" + "\t{$sec/Name}\n" + "\t{$sec/SecurityType}\n" + "\t{$sec/SecurityInformation//Sector}\n" + "\t{$sec/PE}\n" + "\t{$sec/Yield}\n" + "</Security>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("sect", sector); params.put("pemin", peMin); params.put("pemax", peMax); params.put("yield", yieldMin); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getTodayOrderPrice(String ID) throws Exception { String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $ID external;\n" + "for $ord in fn:collection(\"CLN_Order\")/FIXML/Order[@ID=$ID]\n" + "for $sec in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/s:Security[s:Symbol=$ord/Instrmt/@Sym/fn:string(.)]\n" + "return\n" + "\t<Today_Order_Price ORDER_ID=\"{$ord/@ID}\">\n" + "\t\t{xs:string($ord/OrdQty/@Qty*$sec/s:Price/s:PriceToday/s:Open)}\n" + "\t</Today_Order_Price>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("ID", ID); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getOrderCustomers(float cash, String country) throws Exception { String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "declare namespace c=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $cash external;\n" + "declare variable $country external;\n" + "for $ord in fn:collection(\"CLN_Order\")/FIXML/Order\n" + "for $cust in fn:collection(\"CLN_Customer\")/c:Customer[c:Accounts/c:Account/@id=$ord/@Acct/fn:string(.)]\n" + "where $ord/OrdQty/@Cash < $cash and $cust/c:CountryOfResidence = $country \n" + "return $cust/c:ShortNames/c:ShortName"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("cash", cash); params.put("country", country); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getCustomerByAddress(int postalCode, int orderSide, boolean isPrimary) throws Exception { String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "declare namespace c=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $pcode external;\n" + "declare variable $side external;\n" + "declare variable $kind external;\n" + "for $cust in fn:collection(\"CLN_Customer\")/c:Customer[c:Addresses/c:Address/c:PostalCode=$pcode]\n" + "for $ord in fn:collection(\"CLN_Order\")/FIXML/Order[@Acct=$cust/c:Accounts/c:Account/@id/fn:string(.) and @Side=$side]\n" + //(: order by $cust/c:Name/c:LastName/text() :) "return\n" + "\t<Customer>\n" + "\t\t{$cust/c:Name/c:LastName/text()} - {$cust/c:Addresses/c:Address[@primary=$kind]/c:Phones/c:Phone[@primary=$kind]}\n" + "\t</Customer>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("pcode", postalCode); params.put("side", orderSide); params.put("kind", isPrimary ? "Yes" : "No"); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getMaxOrderPrice(int id) throws Exception { String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "declare namespace c=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $id external;\n" + "let $orderprice := \n" + "for $cust in fn:collection(\"CLN_Customer\")/c:Customer[@id=$id]\n" + "for $ord in fn:collection(\"CLN_Order\")/FIXML/Order[@Acct=$cust/c:Accounts/c:Account/@id/fn:string(.)]\n" + "return $ord/OrdQty/@Cash\n" + "return fn:max($orderprice)"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("id", id); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getMaxOrderForIndustry(String industry, String state) throws Exception { String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + "declare namespace c=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $industry external;\n" + "declare variable $state external;\n" + "let $order := \n" + "for $ss in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/s:Security[s:SecurityInformation/s:StockInformation/s:Industry = $industry]\n" + "for $ord in fn:collection(\"CLN_Order\")/FIXML/Order[Instrmt/@Sym=$ss/s:Symbol/fn:string(.)]\n" + "for $cs in fn:collection(\"CLN_Customer\")/c:Customer[c:Addresses/c:Address/c:State = $state]/c:Accounts/c:Account[@id=$ord/@Acct/fn:string(.)]\n" + "return $ord/OrdQty/@Cash\n" + "return xs:string(fn:max($order))"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("industry", industry); params.put("state", state); return query(query, params, null); } public ResultCursor getCustomerSecurities(int id) throws Exception { String query = "declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + "declare namespace c=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $id external;\n" + "for $cust in fn:collection(\"CLN_Customer\")/c:Customer[@id=$id]\n" + "for $sec in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/s:Security[s:Symbol=$cust/c:Accounts/c:Account/c:Holdings/c:Position/c:Symbol/fn:string(.)]\n" + "return <Security>{$sec/s:Name/text()}</Security>"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("id", id); return query(query, params, null); } }