package; import static*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.bagri.core.system.Function; import com.bagri.core.system.Parameter; import io.swagger.annotations.SwaggerDefinition; import io.swagger.jaxrs.Reader; import io.swagger.jaxrs.config.ReaderListener; import io.swagger.jaxrs.config.SwaggerConfigLocator; import io.swagger.jaxrs.config.SwaggerContextService; import io.swagger.models.Operation; import io.swagger.models.Path; import io.swagger.models.Response; import io.swagger.models.Scheme; import io.swagger.models.Swagger; import io.swagger.models.Tag; import io.swagger.models.parameters.BodyParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.CookieParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.FormParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.HeaderParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.PathParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.QueryParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.RefParameter; import; import; import; //import io.swagger.util. @SwaggerDefinition() public class SwaggerListener implements ReaderListener { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SwaggerListener.class); private static List<RestMethod> restMethods = new ArrayList<>(); public SwaggerListener() { logger.debug("SwaggerListener.<init>"); } public static void addFunction(String basePath, Function fn) { restMethods.add(new RestMethod(basePath, fn)); } public static void clearFunctions() { restMethods.clear(); } @Override public void beforeScan(Reader reader, Swagger swagger) { // } @Override public void afterScan(Reader reader, Swagger swagger) { logger.debug("afterScan.enter; methods to process: {}; swagger: {}", restMethods.size(), swagger); for (RestMethod rm: restMethods) { String base = rm.getBasePath(); Function fn = rm.getFunction(); logger.debug("afterScan; processing function: {}", fn); Map<String, List<String>> annotations = fn.getAnnotations(); List<String> consumes = annotations.get(an_consumes); List<String> produces = annotations.get(an_produces); List<String> paths = annotations.get(an_path); String fullPath = base; if (paths != null) { fullPath += paths.get(0); } Path path = swagger.getPath(fullPath); if (path == null) { path = new Path(); } for (String method: methods) { List<String> values = annotations.get("rest:" + method); if (values != null) { Operation op = new Operation(); op.addScheme(Scheme.HTTP); op.addScheme(Scheme.HTTPS); op.setDescription(fn.getDescription()); if (consumes != null) { op.consumes(consumes); } if (produces != null) { op.produces(produces); } op.setOperationId(fn.getMethod()); op.setSummary(fn.getSignature()); op.addTag(base.substring(1)); for (Parameter param: fn.getParameters()) { String pName = param.getName(); io.swagger.models.parameters.Parameter pm = null; if (rm.isPathParameter(pName)) { pm = new PathParameter().type(param.getType()).required(true); } else { String aType = rm.getParamAnnotationType(pName); if (aType == null) { // this is for POST/PUT only! if (POST.equals(method) || PUT.equals(method)) { pm = new BodyParameter(); } } else { switch (aType) { case apn_cookie: { pm = new CookieParameter().type(param.getType()); break; } case apn_form: { pm = new FormParameter().type(param.getType()); break; } case apn_header: { pm = new HeaderParameter().type(param.getType()); break; } case apn_matrix: { // no MatrixParameter in Swagger! just to get something: pm = new PathParameter().description("This is a MatrixParameter, which is not supported by Swagger. " + "Please add custom client code to pass the parameter properly.").items(new MapProperty(new StringProperty())).type(param.getType()); //, format, args); break; } case apn_query: { pm = new QueryParameter().type(param.getType()); break; } } } } if (pm != null) { pm.setName(pName); op.addParameter(pm); } } op.defaultResponse(new Response()); // path.set(method.toLowerCase(), op); logger.debug("afterScan; added op: {} for method {}", op, method); } } swagger.path(fullPath, path); logger.debug("afterScan; set path: {}", path.getOperations()); if (consumes != null) { for (String consume: consumes) { swagger.addConsumes(consume); } } if (produces != null) { for (String produce: produces) { swagger.addProduces(produce); } } swagger.tag(new Tag().name(base.substring(1))); } //String configIdKey = SwaggerContextService.CONFIG_ID_DEFAULT; //SwaggerConfigLocator.getInstance().putSwagger(configIdKey, swagger); } private static class RestMethod { private String basePath; private Function fn; RestMethod(String basePath, Function fn) { this.basePath = basePath; this.fn = fn; } public String getBasePath() { return basePath; } public Function getFunction() { return fn; } public boolean isPathParameter(String pName) { List<String> pa = fn.getAnnotations().get(an_path); return (pa != null && pa.size() == 1 && pa.get(0).indexOf("{" + pName + "}") > 0); } public String getParamAnnotationType(String pName) { String xpName = "{$" + pName + "}"; for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> ant: fn.getAnnotations().entrySet()) { for (String val: ant.getValue()) { if (pName.equals(val) || xpName.equals(val)) { return ant.getKey(); } } } return null; } } }