package; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_client_dataFactory; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_client_storeMode; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_schema_address; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_schema_name; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_schema_password; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_schema_user; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pv_client_storeMode_insert; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import org.jline.reader.Completer; import org.jline.reader.EndOfFileException; import org.jline.reader.LineReader; import org.jline.reader.LineReaderBuilder; import org.jline.reader.ParsedLine; import org.jline.reader.UserInterruptException; import org.jline.terminal.Terminal; import org.jline.terminal.TerminalBuilder; import org.jline.utils.InfoCmp.Capability; import com.bagri.client.hazelcast.impl.SchemaRepositoryImpl; import com.bagri.core.api.DocumentManagement; import com.bagri.core.api.ResultCursor; import com.bagri.core.api.SchemaRepository; import com.bagri.core.api.BagriException; import com.bagri.core.model.Document; import com.bagri.core.xquery.api.XQProcessor; import com.bagri.xqj.BagriXQDataFactory; import com.bagri.xquery.saxon.XQProcessorClient; import com.opencsv.CSVParser; import com.opencsv.CSVReader; public class BookingApp { private XQProcessor proc; private SchemaRepository xRepo; public static void main(String[] args) throws BagriException { // parse args, get connection params, connect to XDM cluster if (args.length < 4) { throw new BagriException("wrong number of arguments passed. Expected: schemaAddress schemaName userName password", 0); } Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(pn_schema_address, args[0]); props.setProperty(pn_schema_name, args[1]); props.setProperty(pn_schema_user, args[2]); props.setProperty(pn_schema_password, args[3]); BookingApp client = new BookingApp(props); // print success/failure msg about this System.out.println(">> connected to XDM Schema"); StringBuffer query = null; boolean querying = false; String prompt = "> "; //String rightPrompt = null; try { TerminalBuilder builder = TerminalBuilder.builder(); Completer completer = null; //int index = 0; //while (args.length > index) { // switch (args[index]) { // case "files": // completer = new FileNameCompleter(); // break label; // case "simple": // completer = new StringsCompleter("foo", "bar", "baz"); // break label; // } //} Terminal terminal =; LineReader reader = LineReaderBuilder.builder() .terminal(terminal) .completer(completer) .build(); usage(terminal); while (true) { String line = null; try { line = reader.readLine(prompt); } catch (UserInterruptException e) { // Ignore } catch (EndOfFileException e) { return; } if (line == null) { continue; } line = line.trim(); if (line.length() == 0) { if (querying) { querying = false; long stamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<String> result = client.runQuery(query.toString()); stamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - stamp; terminal.writer().println("> query result: \n"); for (String res: result) { terminal.writer().println(res); } int cnt = result.size(); terminal.writer().println("> got " + cnt + " results; time taken: " + stamp + " ms"); terminal.flush(); query = null; } continue; } if (line.equalsIgnoreCase("quit") || line.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) { break; } ParsedLine pl = reader.getParser().parse(line, 0); if (querying) { query.append('\n'); query.append(line); } else if ("load".equals(pl.word())) { if (pl.words().size() == 2 || pl.words().size() == 3 || pl.words().size() == 4) { String[] splits = line.split("\\s"); String fName = splits[1]; //String fName = pl.words().get(1); int threadCount = 1; String encoding = null; if (pl.words().size() > 2) { try { threadCount = Integer.parseInt(pl.words().get(2)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // encoding = pl.words().get(2); } } if (pl.words().size() == 4) { encoding = pl.words().get(3); } long stamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); long counts = client.loadFiles(fName, encoding, threadCount); int err = (int) counts; int cnt = (int) (counts >> 32); stamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - stamp; terminal.writer().println("> loaded " + cnt + " documents; not loaded: " + err + "; time taken: " + stamp + " ms"); } else { terminal.writer().println("> load command expects one, two ot three parameters: fileName (mandatory), threadCount (optional) and encoding (optional)"); } terminal.flush(); } else if ("get".equals(pl.word())) { if (pl.words().size() == 2) { String uri = pl.words().get(1); String content = client.getDocument(uri); if (content != null) { terminal.writer().println("> " + content); } else { terminal.writer().println("> no document found for uri " + uri); } } else { terminal.writer().println("> get command expects only one parameter: the document's uri"); } terminal.flush(); } else if ("query".equals(pl.word())) { query = new StringBuffer(line); query.delete(0, 6); querying = true; // todo: turn off history } else if ("remove".equals(pl.word())) { if (pl.words().size() == 2) { String uri = pl.words().get(1); if (!client.removeDocument(uri)) { terminal.writer().println("> no document found for uri " + uri); } else { terminal.writer().println("> the document " + uri + " was removed"); } } else { terminal.writer().println("> remove command expects only one parameter: the document's uri"); } terminal.flush(); } else if ("cls".equals(pl.word())) { terminal.puts(Capability.clear_screen); terminal.flush(); } else if ("help".equals(pl.word())) { usage(terminal); } } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } finally { client.close(); System.out.println(">> connection to XDM Schema closed"); } } private static void usage(Terminal terminal) { terminal.writer().println("CLI commands: command_name <mandatory_param> [optional_param] - description"); terminal.writer().println(" get <document uri> - to print document content"); terminal.writer().println(" load <file_name> [thread_count] [encoding] - to load document(-s) from file"); terminal.writer().println(" remove <document uri> - to remove document from schema"); terminal.writer().println(" query - to perform XQuery on loaded documents"); terminal.writer().println(" <query code>"); terminal.writer().println(" CRLF"); terminal.writer().println(" quit - to quit the CLI"); terminal.writer().println(" help - to see this usage info"); terminal.flush(); } public BookingApp(Properties props) { proc = new XQProcessorClient(); BagriXQDataFactory xqFactory = new BagriXQDataFactory(); xqFactory.setProcessor(proc); props.put(pn_client_dataFactory, xqFactory); xRepo = new SchemaRepositoryImpl(props); } public BookingApp(SchemaRepository xRepo) { this.xRepo = xRepo; } public void close() { xRepo.close(); } public long loadFiles(String fileName, String encoding, int size) throws IOException, BagriException { Path path = Paths.get(fileName); if (Files.isDirectory(path)) { return processFolder(path, encoding, size); } return processFile(path, encoding, size); } private long processFolder(Path folder, String encoding, int size) throws IOException, BagriException { long result = 0; try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(folder)) { for (Path path: stream) { if (Files.isDirectory(path)) { result += processFolder(path, encoding, size); } else { result += processFile(path, encoding, size); } } return result; } } private long processFile(Path path, String encoding, int size) throws IOException, BagriException { String fn = path.getFileName().toString(); int pos = fn.lastIndexOf('.'); final String name = fn.substring(0, pos) + "_"; final String ext = fn.substring(pos); CSVReader reader = null; DocumentManagement dMgr = xRepo.getDocumentManagement(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(pn_client_storeMode, pv_client_storeMode_insert); if (encoding == null) { encoding = def_encoding; } String fileName = path.toString(); if (".csv".equals(ext)) { reader = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fileName), encoding)); } else if (".tsv".equals(ext)) { CSVParser parser = new CSVParser('\t', '\0', '\0'); reader = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fileName), encoding), 0, parser); } else { String content = readTextFile(fileName, encoding); Document doc = dMgr.storeDocumentFromString(fn, content, props); return 1; } final String[] header = reader.readNext(); String[] line; int idx = 0; int err = 0; System.out.println("going to process file: " + fileName); if (size > 1) { ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(size); while ((line = reader.readNext()) != null) { String uri = name + idx + ext; Runnable worker = new DocumentStoreThread(idx, header, line, uri, props); exec.execute(worker); idx++; } exec.shutdown(); while (!exec.isTerminated()) { //? } } else { while ((line = reader.readNext()) != null) { String uri = name + idx + ext; if (storeDocument(idx + err, header, line, uri, props)) { idx++; } else { err++; } } } reader.close(); long result = (((long) idx) << 32) | (err & 0xffffffffL); System.out.println("file " + fileName + " processed; added records: " + idx + ", skipped records: " + err); return result; } private boolean storeDocument(int idx, String[] header, String[] data, String uri, Properties props) { //throws XDMException { Map<String, Object> map = line2Map(header, data); if (map != null) { try { Document doc = xRepo.getDocumentManagement().storeDocumentFromMap(uri, map, props); return doc != null; } catch (BagriException ex) { System.out.println("failed map is: " + map + ". record idx is: " + (idx + 2)); return false; } } System.out.println("was not able convert record to map. record idx is: " + (idx + 2)); return false; } private Map<String, Object> line2Map(String[] keys, String[] values) { if (keys.length != values.length) { // throw ex? System.out.println("lines do not match! header length: " + keys.length + ", record length: " + values.length); System.out.println("keys: " + Arrays.toString(keys)); System.out.println("values: " + Arrays.toString(values)); //if (keys.length > values.length) { // System.out.println(keys[values.length - 1] + ": " + values[values.length - 1]); return null; //} } HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>(keys.length); for (int i=0; i < keys.length; i++) { String key = keys[i].trim(); if (key.length() > 0) { String value = values[i]; // do it in the right way.. value = value.replaceAll("[\\u0001\\u0003\\u0005\\u0008\\u000b\\u0010\\u0011\\u0014\\u0019\\u001a\\u001b\\u001c\\u001d\\u001e\\u001f]", ""); result.put(key, value); } } return result; } public String getDocument(String uri) throws BagriException { return xRepo.getDocumentManagement().getDocumentAsString(uri, null); } public List<String> runQuery(String query) throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); Properties outProps = getOutputProperties(props); try (ResultCursor cursor = xRepo.getQueryManagement().executeQuery(query, null, props)) { while ( { result.add(proc.convertToString(cursor.getXQItem(), outProps)); } } return result; } public boolean removeDocument(String uri) { try { xRepo.getDocumentManagement().removeDocument(uri); return true; } catch (BagriException ex) { return false; } } private class DocumentStoreThread implements Runnable { private int idx; private String[] data; private String[] header; private String uri; private Properties props; DocumentStoreThread(int idx, String[] header, String[] data, String uri, Properties props) { this.idx = idx; this.header = header; = data; this.uri = uri; this.props = props; } @Override public void run() { storeDocument(idx, header, data, uri, props); } } }