package com.bagri.samples.client; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_document_collections; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.pn_document_data_format; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.xs_ns; import static com.bagri.core.Constants.xs_prefix; import static; import static; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection; import javax.xml.xquery.XQException; import javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression; import javax.xml.xquery.XQItemType; import javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression; import javax.xml.xquery.XQResultSequence; import javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence; import javax.xml.xquery.XQSequenceType; import; import com.bagri.core.model.Document; import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance; public class ClientApp { private static ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context; private XQConnection xqc; public static void main(String[] args) throws XQException { //System.setProperty("bdb.schema.members", "localhost:10600"); System.setProperty("logback.configurationFile", "hz-client-logging.xml"); System.setProperty("bdb.log.level", "trace"); // context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring/xqj-client-context.xml"); XQConnection xqc = context.getBean("xqConnection", XQConnection.class); ClientApp client = new ClientApp(xqc); //HazelcastInstance hz = context.getBean("hzInstance", HazelcastInstance.class); boolean found = false; try { //client.storeSecCommand(); long id = client.storeSecQuery(); //long id = client.storeXmlDocument("axis.xml"); //System.out.println("document stored; id: " + id); //found = client.runPriceQuery("IBM"); //found &= client.runPriceQuery("IBM"); found = client.runSecQuery("IBM"); //found &= client.runSecQuery("VFINX"); //found &= client.runPriceQuery("PTTAX"); //found = client.searchSecQuery(); //found = client.searchSecQueryParams(); //client.searchSecQueryParams(); //found = client.runAxisQuery(); //client.removeSecCommand(id); } catch (XQException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!found) { throw new XQException("result is empty"); } //context.close(); } public ClientApp(XQConnection xqc) { this.xqc = xqc; } public boolean runPriceQuery(String symbol) throws XQException { String query = "declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $sym external;\n" + "for $sec in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/s:Security\n" + "where $sec/s:Symbol=$sym\n" + "return\n" + "\t<print>The open price of the security \"{$sec/s:Name/text()}\" is {$sec/s:Price/s:PriceToday/s:Open/text()} dollars</print>\n"; XQPreparedExpression xqpe = xqc.prepareExpression(query); xqpe.bindString(new QName("sym"), symbol, null); //IBM; VFINX; PTTAX XQResultSequence xqs = xqpe.executeQuery(); boolean found = false; while ( { System.out.println(xqs.getItemAsString(null)); found = true; } return found; } public boolean runSecQuery(String symbol) throws XQException { String query = "declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $sym external;\n" + "for $sec in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/s:Security\n" + "where $sec/s:Symbol=$sym\n" + "return $sec\n"; XQPreparedExpression xqpe = xqc.prepareExpression(query); xqpe.bindString(new QName("sym"), symbol, null); XQResultSequence xqs = xqpe.executeQuery(); boolean found = false; while ( { System.out.println(xqs.getItemAsString(null)); found = true; } return found; } public boolean searchSecQuery() throws XQException { String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "for $sec in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/s:Security\n" + "where $sec[SecurityInformation/*/Sector = 'Technology' and PE[. >= xs:decimal('25') and . < xs:decimal('28.0')] and Yield > xs:decimal('0')]\n" + "return <Security>\n" + "\t{$sec/Symbol}\n" + "\t{$sec/Name}\n" + "\t{$sec/SecurityType}\n" + "\t{$sec/SecurityInformation//Sector}\n" + "\t{$sec/PE}\n" + "\t{$sec/Yield}\n" + "</Security>"; XQExpression xqe = xqc.createExpression(); XQResultSequence xqs = xqe.executeQuery(query); int cnt = 0; while ( { cnt++; } System.out.println("Got " + cnt + " results"); return cnt > 0; } public boolean searchSecQueryParams() throws XQException { String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "declare variable $sect external;\n" + "declare variable $pemin external;\n" + "declare variable $pemax external;\n" + "declare variable $yield external;\n" + "for $sec in fn:collection(\"CLN_Security\")/s:Security\n" + "where $sec[SecurityInformation/*/Sector = $sect and PE[. >= $pemin and . < $pemax] and Yield > $yield]\n" + "return <Security>\n" + "\t{$sec/Symbol}\n" + "\t{$sec/Name}\n" + "\t{$sec/SecurityType}\n" + "\t{$sec/SecurityInformation//Sector}\n" + "\t{$sec/PE}\n" + "\t{$sec/Yield}\n" + "</Security>"; XQPreparedExpression xqpe = xqc.prepareExpression(query); xqpe.bindString(new QName("sect"), "Technology", null); QName typeName = new QName(xs_ns, "decimal", xs_prefix); int baseType = getBaseTypeForTypeName(typeName); XQItemType type = xqc.createAtomicType(baseType, typeName, null); //xqpe.bindFloat(new QName("pemin"), 25.0f, null); //xqpe.bindFloat(new QName("pemax"), 28.0f, null); //xqpe.bindFloat(new QName("yield"), 0.1f, null); xqpe.bindObject(new QName("pemin"), new java.math.BigDecimal("25.0"), type); xqpe.bindObject(new QName("pemax"), new java.math.BigDecimal("28.0"), type); xqpe.bindObject(new QName("yield"), new java.math.BigDecimal("0.1"), type); //xqpe.b XQResultSequence xqs = xqpe.executeQuery(); int cnt = 0; while ( { //System.out.println(xqs.getItemAsString(null)); cnt++; } System.out.println("Got " + cnt + " results"); return cnt > 0; } public void insertSecQuery() throws XQException { String query = "declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $sec external;\n" + "declare variable $uri external;\n" + "fn:put($sec, $uri)\n"; XQPreparedExpression xqpe = xqc.prepareExpression(query); //xqpe.bindNode(new QName("sec"), "IBM", null); xqpe.bindString(new QName("uri"), "/library/20", null); xqpe.executeQuery(); //System.out.println(xqs.getAtomicValue()); } public void storeSecCommand() throws XQException { String dName = "..\\..\\etc\\samples\\tpox\\"; String xml; try { xml = readTextFile(dName + "security5621.xml"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new XQException(ex.getMessage()); } XQExpression xqe = xqc.createExpression(); xqe.bindString(new QName("doc"), xml, xqc.createAtomicType(XQItemType.XQBASETYPE_STRING)); xqe.executeCommand("storeDocument($doc)"); // todo: get XDMDocument back somehow.. // XDMDocument doc = (XDMDocument) ... xqe.close(); } public long storeSecQuery() throws XQException { return storeXmlDocument("security5621.xml"); } private long storeXmlDocument(String fileName) throws XQException { String dName = "..\\..\\etc\\samples\\tpox\\"; String xml; try { xml = readTextFile(dName + fileName); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new XQException(ex.getMessage()); } String query = "declare namespace bgdb=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $uri external;\n" + "declare variable $xml external;\n" + "declare variable $props external;\n" + "let $id := bgdb:store-document($uri, $xml, $props)\n" + "return $id\n"; XQPreparedExpression xqpe = xqc.prepareExpression(query); xqpe.bindString(new QName("uri"), "65538.xml", xqc.createAtomicType(XQItemType.XQBASETYPE_ANYURI)); xqpe.bindString(new QName("xml"), xml, xqc.createAtomicType(XQItemType.XQBASETYPE_STRING)); List<String> props = new ArrayList<>(4); props.add(pn_document_data_format + "=xml"); props.add(pn_document_collections + "=CLN_Custom, CLN_Security"); xqpe.bindSequence(new QName("props"), xqc.createSequence(props.iterator())); XQSequence xqs = xqpe.executeQuery(); if ( { long id = xqs.getLong(); xqpe.close(); xqs.close(); return id; } else { xqpe.close(); xqs.close(); throw new XQException("no response from store-document function"); } } public void removeSecCommand(long docId) throws XQException { XQExpression xqe = xqc.createExpression(); xqe.bindLong(new QName("docId"), docId, xqc.createAtomicType(XQItemType.XQBASETYPE_LONG)); xqe.executeCommand("removeDocument($docId)"); xqe.close(); } /* public boolean runAxisQuery() throws XQException { String query = //"declare namespace s=\"\";\n" + //"for $sec in fn:collection(\"/{}Security\")/s:Security\n" + "for $e in fn:collection(\"/document\")/document\n" + //"where $sec/s:Symbol=$sym\n" + //'IBM'\n" + "return $e//child\n"; XQExpression xqe = xqc.createExpression(); //xqe.bindString(new QName("doc"), xml, xqc.createAtomicType(XQItemType.XQBASETYPE_STRING)); XQResultSequence xqrs = xqe.executeQuery(query); //xqe.close(); boolean found = false; while ( { System.out.println(xqrs.getItemAsString(null)); found = true; } return found; } */ }