package lsr.leader.analyze; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import lsr.common.Util; public class Analyzer { static class Interval implements Comparable<Interval> { public final long start; public final long end; public Interval(long curGPStart, long date) { this.start = curGPStart; this.end = date; } @Override public int compareTo(Interval o) { long thisVal = this.start; long anotherVal = o.start; return (thisVal<anotherVal ? -1 : (thisVal==anotherVal ? 0 : 1)); } public long getDuration() { return end-start; } public static String getHeader() { return "Start\tEnd\tDuration"; } @Override public String toString() { return start + "\t" + end + "\t" + getDuration(); } } enum State { Initial, Up, Crashed, Recovering } static class RTTPeriod { public final long startTS; public final double majrtts[]; public final int leader; // /** The leader RTT during this period */ // public final double leaderRTT; // /** How far is leader from optimal */ // public final double gamma; public RTTPeriod(long startTS, double majrtts[], int leader) { this.startTS = startTS; this.majrtts = majrtts; this.leader = leader; } public double getLeaderMajRTT() { if (leader == -1) { return -1; } else { return majrtts[leader]; } } public double getGamma() { if (leader == -1) { return -1; } else { double gamma = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (double rtt : majrtts) { gamma = Math.max(majrtts[leader]- rtt, gamma); } return gamma; } } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(startTS).append("\t"); for (double rtt : majrtts) { sb.append(Util.toString(rtt)).append("\t"); } sb.append(leader); return sb.toString(); } public static String getHeader(int nProcs) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("Start\t"); for (int i = 0; i < nProcs; i++) { s.append("p"+i+"\t"); } s.append("Leader"); return s.toString(); } } // State of a process. Recovering class ProcessState { public State state = State.Initial; public final int id; public int view = 0; public double[] rtt; public double majRtt = -1; public ProcessState(int n, int id) { = id; this.rtt = new double[n]; Arrays.fill(rtt, Double.MAX_VALUE); } public int getLeader() { return view % n; } @Override public String toString() { return "p" + id + " View="+ view + ", state="+state + ", rtt=" + Util.toString(rtt) + "(" + majRtt + ")"; } } // Output files /* all the logs and analysis of relevant events of the run. * Intended for interpretation of the results and debugging. */ private final static String RESULTS_DIR = "."; private final String RUNLOG_FILE = "log.txt"; private final PrintStream runLog; private final String STATS_FILE = "stats.txt"; private final String SUSPICIONS_FILE = "suspicions.txt"; private final String ELECTION_FILE = "elections.txt"; private final String GOODPERIODS_FILE = "goodperiods.txt"; private final String RTTS_FILE = "rtts.txt"; private final List<LogRecord> logList; private final int n; // State of the system private final ProcessState[] system; // The current log being analyzed private LogRecord curLog; // Timestamp of the next event private long nextEvtTS; // Metrics to be measured private long runStart = -1; private long runEnd = -1; private long leaderAvailableTime = 0; ////////////////// // Suspicion times ////////////////// // Auxiliary: Time when the last good period started. -1 means bad period. private long curGPStart = -1; private int curLeader = -1; // Time series with duration of good periods private final List<Interval> goodPeriods = new ArrayList<Interval>(); ////////////////// // Suspicion times ////////////////// // Auxiliary variable // Time when the last leader crashed private long leaderCrashTime; // The last leader that crashed, -1 if there is a leader. private int crashedLeader; // When the leader was first suspected. private long suspectTime; private long falseSuspicions = 0; private long trueSuspicions = 0; private long promotions = 0; // Time series private List<Interval> suspectTimes = new ArrayList<Interval>(); private List<Interval> electionTimes = new ArrayList<Interval>(); private List<RTTPeriod> rttIntervals = new ArrayList<RTTPeriod>(); public Analyzer(List<LogRecord> logList, int n) throws FileNotFoundException { this.logList = logList; this.n = n; this.system = new ProcessState[n]; for (int i = 0; i < system.length; i++) { system[i] = new ProcessState(n, i); } // runLog = System.out; runLog = new PrintStream(new File(RESULTS_DIR, RUNLOG_FILE)); } public void analyze() throws FileNotFoundException { log("Starting analyzis"); // Should be 0 if logs are normalized runStart = logList.get(0).getTimestamp(); runEnd = logList.get(logList.size()-1).getTimestamp(); double majrtts[] = new double[n]; Arrays.fill(majrtts, Double.MAX_VALUE); rttIntervals.add(new RTTPeriod(runStart, majrtts, curLeader)); for (int i = 0; i < logList.size(); i++) { curLog = logList.get(i); // If we are at the end, use the current event // timestamp as the end of the run. int j = i+1 < logList.size() ? i+1 : i; nextEvtTS = logList.get(j).getTimestamp(); System.out.println("Analyzing: " + curLog); log(curLog.toString()); switch (curLog.type) { case Start: start((Start)curLog); break; case Stop: stop((Stop)curLog); break; case BetterLeader: betterLeader((BetterLeader)curLog); break; case Suspect: suspect((Suspect)curLog); break; case RTT: rtt((RTT)curLog); break; case TimeReply: timeReply((TimeReply)curLog); break; case View: newView((NewView)curLog); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Unknown log type: " + curLog); } updateMetrics(); } finishRun(); printMetrics(); } /** * Performs the final computations at the end of the run */ private void finishRun() { // Close the last good period if (curGPStart != -1) { goodPeriods.add(new Interval(curGPStart, runEnd)); curGPStart = -1; onGPEnd(); } } /** * Checks if there is an elected leader. * A process p is a leader if * - p is alive * - all processes that are up are in the same view as the leader * * @return The current leader of the system or -1 if there is no leader */ private int getLeader() { int higestView = -1; for (ProcessState ps : system) { // only consider alive processes if (ps.state == State.Up) { if (higestView == -1) { // This is the first alive process higestView = ps.view; assert ps.view >= 0; } // There is a candidate leader. // All alive processes must have it as leader if (higestView != ps.view) { return -1; } } } int leader = higestView % n; if (higestView != -1 && system[leader].state == State.Up) { return leader; } else { return -1; } } private void updateMetrics() { if (getLeader() != -1) { leaderAvailableTime += nextEvtTS - curLog.getTimestamp(); } } /** * Should be called only after the state is updated * with the new log and before processing the next log */ private void updateGoodPeriod() { /* possibilities: * 1. A new GP starts. * 2. A GP ends * 3. Continue on a bad period * 4. Continue on a GP. Not possible, because the leader * changed in one process. */ int leader = getLeader(); if (curGPStart == -1) { // not in a good period if (leader >= 0) { // A good period started curGPStart = curLog.getTimestamp(); curLeader = leader; onGPStart(); } // else still on a bad period. } else { // In a GP. It may continue or it may end. if (leader == -1) { goodPeriods.add(new Interval(curGPStart, curLog.getTimestamp())); curGPStart = -1; curLeader = -1; onGPEnd(); } else { assert this.curLeader == leader : "A GP should not start immediately after the previous"; } } } private String aliveProcesses() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (ProcessState ps : system) { if (ps.state == State.Up) { sb.append(" "); } } return sb.toString().trim(); } private void newView(NewView log) { assert system[log.p].state != State.Crashed : "Crashed process cannot install a new view"; // A process is no longer recovering when // it installs a view higher than 0. // TODO: it's also not recovering if it remains on view 0 but // receives ALIVEs from leader. Or leader is on view 0. if (system[log.p].state == State.Recovering && log.view != 0) { log(log.p + " Recovering -> Up"); system[log.p].state = State.Up; } // The leader might have changed. Must recheck if it is a good period. system[log.p].view = log.view; updateGoodPeriod(); if (suspectTime != -1 && getLeader() >= 0) { log("Recovery complete"); electionTimes.add(new Interval(suspectTime, log.getTimestamp())); suspectTime = -1; } updateRTTs(); } private void timeReply(TimeReply log) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } private void rtt(RTT log) { ProcessState ps =system[log.p]; ps.rtt = log.rttVector; ps.majRtt = log.majRtt; // System.out.println(log.getTimestamp() + " RTT(" + + ") " + Util.toString(ps.rtt) + " ("+ps.majRtt+")"); double[] majs = new double[system.length]; for (int i = 0; i < system.length; i++) { majs[i] = system[i].majRtt; } log("MAJRTTs: " + Util.toString(majs)); updateRTTs(); } private void log(String string) { if (curLog == null) { runLog.println(string); } else { runLog.println(curLog.getTimestamp() + " " + string); } } private void updateRTTs() { // Update the majrtts of the previous interval RTTPeriod prevInterval = rttIntervals.get(rttIntervals.size()-1); double[] majrtts = Arrays.copyOf(prevInterval.majrtts, prevInterval.majrtts.length); if (curLog instanceof RTT) { RTT rttLog = (RTT) curLog; majrtts[rttLog.p] = rttLog.majRtt; } else { // the majrtts remain unchanged if (prevInterval.leader == curLeader) { // Neither the RTTs nor the leader changed. Skip. return; } } RTTPeriod rttPeriod = new RTTPeriod( curLog.getTimestamp(), majrtts, curLeader); rttIntervals.add(rttPeriod); log(curLog.getTimestamp() + " " + rttPeriod); } private void suspect(Suspect log) { if (leaderCrashTime != -1 && crashedLeader == log.suspectedProc) { log("Leader suspected."); suspectTimes.add(new Interval(leaderCrashTime, log.getTimestamp())); crashedLeader = -1; leaderCrashTime = -1; suspectTime = log.getTimestamp(); trueSuspicions++; } // There is an alive leader and log.p is suspecting it. if (curLeader != -1 && log.suspectedProc == curLeader) { log("FALSE SUSPICION"); falseSuspicions++; } } private void betterLeader(BetterLeader log) { log("BETTERLEADER " + "Prev: " + curLeader + " (" + system[curLeader].majRtt + "), " + "New " + log.newLeader + " (" + system[log.newLeader].majRtt + ")"); promotions++; // onGPEnd(); // this.curGPLeader = log.newLeader; // onGPStart(); } private void onGPStart() { log("GPSTART - Leader: " + curLeader + ", Alive: " + aliveProcesses()); } private void onGPEnd() { log("GPEND - Alive: " + aliveProcesses()); } private void stop(Stop log) { assert system[log.p].state != State.Crashed; // Suspicion time: if the leader fails, count time until first suspicion if (log.p == getLeader()) { log("Leader failed. Waiting for suspicion."); assert leaderCrashTime == -1; leaderCrashTime = log.getTimestamp(); crashedLeader = log.p; } // Since p crashed, it is no longer the leader system[log.p].state = State.Crashed; // Good period is over updateGoodPeriod(); } private void start(Start log) { assert system[log.p].state == State.Initial || system[log.p].state == State.Crashed; if (system[log.p].state == State.Initial) { system[log.p].state = State.Up; } else { system[log.p].state = State.Recovering; } if (log.p == crashedLeader) { // this is extremely unlikely to happen log("Leader recovered before being suspected."); leaderCrashTime = -1; } } private void printMetrics() throws FileNotFoundException { // General statistics first PrintStream statsPS = new PrintStream(new File(RESULTS_DIR, STATS_FILE)); // Manually breaking it down is simple and would work as well. // But this requires fewer lines of code SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); // Must set time zone to neutral, to prevent automatic adjustments. sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); long runLength = runEnd - runStart; // Output as a latex table. To be included directly on a tex file. statsPS.println("RunStart: & " + runStart + " \\\\"); statsPS.println("RunEnd: & " + runEnd + " \\\\"); statsPS.println("Duration: & " + runLength + " (" + sdf.format(runLength) + ")\\\\"); double leaderAvailable= (((double)leaderAvailableTime)/runLength)*100; statsPS.println("Availability: & " + leaderAvailableTime + " (" + Util.toString(leaderAvailable) + "\\%) \\\\" ); statsPS.println("CorrectSuspicions: & " + trueSuspicions + " \\\\"); statsPS.println("FalseSuspicions: & " + falseSuspicions + " \\\\"); statsPS.println("Promotions: & " + promotions + " \\\\"); String[] header = new String[2]; // Sum of good periods long totalGP = sum(goodPeriods); statsPS.println("Total Good Period: & " + totalGP + " \\\\"); header[0] = "Good periods"; header[1] = Interval.getHeader(); printList(header, goodPeriods, GOODPERIODS_FILE); // Time waiting for suspecting a crashed process long totalSuspect = sum(suspectTimes); statsPS.println("Suspect time: & " + totalSuspect + " \\\\"); header[0] = "Suspect periods"; printList(header, suspectTimes, SUSPICIONS_FILE); long totalElectionTime = sum(electionTimes); statsPS.println("Election time: & " + totalElectionTime); header[0] = "Election periods"; printList(header, electionTimes, ELECTION_FILE); header[0] = "RTTs"; header[1] = RTTPeriod.getHeader(n); printList(header, rttIntervals, RTTS_FILE); } private static long sum(List<Interval> list) { long total = 0; for (Interval interval : list) { total += interval.getDuration(); } return total; } // private void printTimeSeriesList(List<RTTPeriod> list, String file) // throws FileNotFoundException // { // PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new File(RESULTS_DIR, file)); // for (RTTPeriod r : list) { // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.append(r.startTS); // for (double majrtt : r.majrtts) { // sb.append("\t").append(Util.toString(majrtt)); // } // sb.append("\t").append(r.leader); // sb.append("\t").append(Util.toString(r.getGamma())); // pw.println(sb); // } // pw.flush(); // } private void printList(String header[], List<?> list, String outFile) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new File(RESULTS_DIR, outFile)); for (String s : header) { ps.println("%"+s); } for (Object r : list) { ps.println(r); } ps.close(); } // private void printTimeSeries(List<Interval> list, String file) // throws FileNotFoundException // { // PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new File(RESULTS_DIR, file)); // for (Interval r : list) { // long ts = r.start - runStart; // pw.println(ts + "\t" + r.getDuration()); // } // pw.flush(); // } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (ProcessState ps : system) { sb.append(ps + "\n"); } return sb.toString(); } }