package lsr.paxos.core; import static lsr.common.ProcessDescriptor.processDescriptor; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import lsr.common.CrashModel; import lsr.paxos.ActiveRetransmitter; import lsr.paxos.EpochPrepareRetransmitter; import lsr.paxos.PrepareRetransmitter; import lsr.paxos.PrepareRetransmitterImpl; import lsr.paxos.RetransmittedMessage; import lsr.paxos.messages.Message; import lsr.paxos.messages.Prepare; import lsr.paxos.messages.PrepareOK; import lsr.paxos.messages.Propose; import; import lsr.paxos.replica.ClientBatchID; import lsr.paxos.replica.ClientBatchManager; import lsr.paxos.replica.ClientBatchManager.FwdBatchRetransmitter; import lsr.paxos.replica.ClientRequestManager; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Represents part of paxos which is responsible for proposing new consensus * values. Provides procedures to start proposing which sends the * {@link Propose} messages, and allows proposing new values. The number of * currently running proposals is defined by <code>MAX_ACTIVE_PROPOSALS</code>. */ public class ProposerImpl implements Proposer { /** retransmitted message for prepare request */ private PrepareRetransmitter prepareRetransmitter; /** retransmitted propose messages for instances */ private final Map<Integer, RetransmittedMessage> proposeRetransmitters = new HashMap<Integer, RetransmittedMessage>(); /** Keeps track of the processes that have prepared for this view */ private final ActiveRetransmitter retransmitter; private final Paxos paxos; private final Storage storage; private ProposerState state; private ClientBatchManager cliBatchManager; /** Locked on the array, modifies the int inside. */ private final int[] waitingHooks = new int[] {0}; private final ArrayList<ClientBatchManager.FwdBatchRetransmitter> waitingFBRs = new ArrayList<ClientBatchManager.FwdBatchRetransmitter>(); /** Tasks to be executed once the proposer prepares */ final HashSet<Task> tasksOnPrepared = new HashSet<Task>(); /** * Initializes new instance of <code>Proposer</code>. If the id of current * replica is 0 then state is set to <code>ACTIVE</code>. Otherwise * <code>INACTIVE</code> state is set. * * @param paxos - the paxos the acceptor belong to * @param network - data associated with the paxos * @param failureDetector - used to notify about leader change * @param storage - used to send responses */ public ProposerImpl(Paxos paxos, Network network, Storage storage, CrashModel crashModel) { this.paxos = paxos; = storage; retransmitter = new ActiveRetransmitter(network, "ProposerRetransmitter"); this.state = ProposerState.INACTIVE; if (crashModel == CrashModel.EpochSS) { prepareRetransmitter = new EpochPrepareRetransmitter(retransmitter, storage); } else { prepareRetransmitter = new PrepareRetransmitterImpl(retransmitter); } } public void setClientRequestManager(ClientRequestManager requestManager) { cliBatchManager = requestManager.getClientBatchManager(); } public void start() { assert !processDescriptor.indirectConsensus || cliBatchManager != null; retransmitter.init(); } /** * Gets the current state of the proposer. * * @return <code>INACTIVE</code>, * <code>PREPARING<code/> or <code>PREPARED<code/> */ public ProposerState getState() { return state; } /** * If previous leader is suspected this procedure is executed. We're * changing the view (variable indicating order of the leaders in time) * accordingly, and we're sending the prepare message. * */ public void prepareNextView() { assert paxos.getDispatcher().amIInDispatcher(); state = ProposerState.PREPARING; setNextViewNumber();, "Preparing view: {}", storage.getView()); Prepare prepare = new Prepare(storage.getView(), storage.getFirstUncommitted()); prepareRetransmitter.startTransmitting(prepare, Network.OTHERS); if (processDescriptor.indirectConsensus) fetchLocalMissingBatches(); // tell that local process is already prepared prepareRetransmitter.update(null, processDescriptor.localId); // unlikely, unless N==1 if (prepareRetransmitter.isMajority()) { onMajorityOfPrepareOK(); } } private void fetchLocalMissingBatches() { for (ConsensusInstance instane : storage.getLog().getInstanceMap().tailMap( storage.getFirstUncommitted()).values()) { if (instane.getState() == LogEntryState.KNOWN && !ClientBatchStore.instance.hasAllBatches(instane.getClientBatchIds())) { waitingHooks[0]++; FwdBatchRetransmitter fbr = cliBatchManager.fetchMissingBatches( instane.getClientBatchIds(), new ClientBatchManager.Hook() { public void hook() { synchronized (waitingHooks) { if (Thread.interrupted()) return; waitingHooks[0]--; waitingHooks.notifyAll(); } } }, true); waitingFBRs.add(fbr); } } } private void setNextViewNumber() { int view = storage.getView(); do { view++; } while (!processDescriptor.isLocalProcessLeader(view)); storage.setView(view); } public void onPrepareOK(PrepareOK message, int sender) { assert paxos.getDispatcher().amIInDispatcher(); assert paxos.isLeader(); assert state != ProposerState.INACTIVE : "Proposer is not active."; // asserting the same again. Who knows what happens in between? assert message.getView() == storage.getView() : "Received a PrepareOK for a higher or lower view. " + "Msg.view: " + message.getView() + ", view: " + storage.getView();, "Received {}: {}", sender, message); // Ignore prepareOK messages if we have finished preparing if (state == ProposerState.PREPARED) { logger.debug("View {} already prepared. Ignoring message.", storage.getView()); return; } updateLogFromPrepareOk(message); prepareRetransmitter.update(message, sender); if (prepareRetransmitter.isMajority()) { onMajorityOfPrepareOK(); } } private void onMajorityOfPrepareOK() { prepareRetransmitter.stop(); logger.debug("Majority of PrepareOK gathered. Waiting for {} missing batch values", waitingHooks[0]); long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + processDescriptor.maxBatchFetchingTimeoutMs; // wait for all batch values to arrive synchronized (waitingHooks) { while (waitingHooks[0] > 0) try { long timeLeft = timeout - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (timeLeft <= 0) { logger.warn("Could not fetch batch values - restarting view change"); for (FwdBatchRetransmitter fbr : waitingFBRs) cliBatchManager.removeTask(fbr); waitingFBRs.clear(); waitingHooks[0] = 0; prepareNextView(); return; } waitingHooks.wait(timeLeft); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } waitingFBRs.clear(); state = ProposerState.PREPARED;, "View prepared {}", storage.getView()); // Send a proposal for all instances that were not decided. Log log = storage.getLog(); for (int i = storage.getFirstUncommitted(); i < log.getNextId(); i++) { ConsensusInstance instance = log.getInstance(i); assert instance != null; switch (instance.getState()) { case DECIDED: // If the decision was already taken by some process, // there is no need to propose again, so skip this // instance break; case KNOWN: // No decision, but some value is known"Proposing value from previous view: {}", instance); instance.setView(storage.getView()); continueProposal(instance); break; case UNKNOWN: assert instance.getValue() == null : "Unknow instance has value"; logger.warn("No value locked for instance {}: proposing no-op", i); fillWithNoOperation(instance); break; default: assert false; } } paxos.onViewPrepared(log.getNextId()); for (Task task : tasksOnPrepared) { task.onPrepared(); } tasksOnPrepared.clear(); if (processDescriptor.indirectConsensus) enqueueOrphanedBatches(); proposeNext(); } public void executeOnPrepared(final Task task) { assert state != ProposerState.INACTIVE; paxos.getDispatcher().execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (state == ProposerState.INACTIVE) { task.onFailedToPrepare(); return; } if (state == ProposerState.PREPARED) { task.onPrepared(); return; } tasksOnPrepared.add(task); } }); } private void enqueueOrphanedBatches() { HashSet<ClientBatchID> instanceless = ClientBatchStore.instance.getInstancelessBatches(); for (ClientBatchID cbid : instanceless) paxos.enqueueRequest(cbid); } private void fillWithNoOperation(ConsensusInstance instance) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + ClientBatchID.NOP.byteSize()); bb.putInt(1); // Size of batch ClientBatchID.NOP.writeTo(bb); // request instance.updateStateFromKnown(storage.getView(), bb.array()); continueProposal(instance); } private void updateLogFromPrepareOk(PrepareOK message) { if (message.getPrepared() == null) { return; } // Update the local log with the data sent by this process for (final ConsensusInstance ci : message.getPrepared()) { // Algorithm: The received instance can be either // Decided - Set the local log entry to decided. // Accepted - If the local log entry is decided, ignore. // Otherwise, find the accept message for this consensus // instance with the highest timestamp and propose it. final ConsensusInstance localLog = storage.getLog().getInstance(ci.getId()); // Happens if previous PrepareOK caused a snapshot execution if (localLog == null) { continue; } if (localLog.getState() == LogEntryState.DECIDED) { // We already know the decision, so ignore it. continue; } switch (ci.getState()) { case DECIDED: if (!processDescriptor.indirectConsensus || ClientBatchStore.instance.hasAllBatches(ci.getClientBatchIds())) { localLog.updateStateFromDecision(ci.getView(), ci.getValue()); paxos.decide(ci.getId()); } else { waitingHooks[0]++; ci.setDecidable(true); FwdBatchRetransmitter fbr = cliBatchManager.fetchMissingBatches( ci.getClientBatchIds(), new ClientBatchManager.Hook() { public void hook() { paxos.getDispatcher().executeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { localLog.updateStateFromDecision(ci.getView(), ci.getValue()); if (!LogEntryState.DECIDED.equals(ci.getState())) paxos.decide(ci.getId()); } }); synchronized (waitingHooks) { if (Thread.interrupted()) return; waitingHooks[0]--; waitingHooks.notifyAll(); } } }, true); waitingFBRs.add(fbr); } break; case KNOWN: assert ci.getValue() != null : "Instance state KNOWN but value is null"; if (!processDescriptor.indirectConsensus || ClientBatchStore.instance.hasAllBatches(ci.getClientBatchIds())) localLog.updateStateFromKnown(ci.getView(), ci.getValue()); else { waitingHooks[0]++; FwdBatchRetransmitter fbr = cliBatchManager.fetchMissingBatches( ci.getClientBatchIds(), new ClientBatchManager.Hook() { public void hook() { paxos.getDispatcher().executeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { localLog.updateStateFromKnown(ci.getView(), ci.getValue()); } }); synchronized (waitingHooks) { if (Thread.interrupted()) return; waitingHooks[0]--; waitingHooks.notifyAll(); } } }, true); waitingFBRs.add(fbr); } break; case UNKNOWN: assert ci.getValue() == null : "Unknow instance has value"; logger.debug("Ignoring: {}", ci); break; default: assert false : "Invalid state: " + ci.getState(); break; } } } public void notifyAboutNewBatch() { // Called from batcher thread paxos.getDispatcher().submit(new Runnable() { public void run() { logger.debug("Propose task running"); proposeNext(); } }); } public void proposeNext() { logger.debug("Proposing."); while (!storage.isWindowFull()) { byte[] proposal = paxos.requestBatch(); if (proposal == null) return; propose(proposal); } } /** * Asks the proposer to propose the given value. If there are currently too * many active propositions, this proposal will be enqueued until there are * available slots. If the proposer is <code>INACTIVE</code>, then message * is discarded. Otherwise value is added to list of active proposals. * * @param value - the value to propose * @throws InterruptedException */ public void propose(byte[] value) { assert paxos.getDispatcher().amIInDispatcher(); if (state != ProposerState.PREPARED) { /* * This can happen if there is a Propose event queued on the * Dispatcher when the view changes. */ logger.warn("Cannot propose in INACTIVE or PREPARING state. Discarding batch"); return; }, "Proposing: {}", storage.getLog().getNextId()); ConsensusInstance instance = storage.getLog().append(storage.getView(), value); assert !processDescriptor.indirectConsensus || ClientBatchStore.instance.hasAllBatches(instance.getClientBatchIds()); // Mark the instance as accepted locally instance.getAccepts().set(processDescriptor.localId); if (instance.isMajority()) { logger.warn("Either you use one replica only (what for?) or something is very wrong."); paxos.decide(instance.getId()); } RetransmittedMessage msg = retransmitter.startTransmitting(new Propose(instance)); proposeRetransmitters.put(instance.getId(), msg); } /** * Called to inform the proposer that a decision was taken. Allows the * proposer to make a new proposal. */ public void ballotFinished() { assert paxos.getDispatcher().amIInDispatcher(); // Needed - decide (triggering this method) is i.a. called by PrepareOK if (state == ProposerState.PREPARED) { proposeNext(); } } /** * After becoming the leader we need to take control over the consensus for * orphaned instances. This method activates retransmission of propose * messages for instances, which we already have in our logs ( * {@link sendNextProposal} and {@link Propose} create a new instance) * * @param instance instance we want to revoke */ private void continueProposal(ConsensusInstance instance) { assert state == ProposerState.PREPARED; assert proposeRetransmitters.containsKey(instance.getId()) == false : "Different proposal for the same instance"; // TODO: current implementation causes temporary window size violation. Message m = new Propose(instance); // Mark the instance as accepted locally instance.getAccepts().set(processDescriptor.localId); RetransmittedMessage msg = retransmitter.startTransmitting(m); proposeRetransmitters.put(instance.getId(), msg); } /** * As the process looses leadership, it must stop all message retransmission * - that is either prepare or propose messages. */ public void stopProposer() { assert paxos.getDispatcher().amIInDispatcher(); state = ProposerState.INACTIVE; // TODO: STOP ACCEPTING prepareRetransmitter.stop(); retransmitter.stopAll(); proposeRetransmitters.clear(); for (Task task : tasksOnPrepared) { task.onFailedToPrepare(); } tasksOnPrepared.clear(); } /** * After reception of majority accepts, we suppress propose messages. * * @param instanceId no. of instance, for which we want to stop * retransmission */ public void stopPropose(int instanceId) { assert paxos.getDispatcher().amIInDispatcher(); RetransmittedMessage r = proposeRetransmitters.remove(instanceId); if (r != null) { r.stop(); } } /** * If retransmission to some process for certain instance is no longer * needed, we should stop it * * @param instanceId no. of instance, for which we want to stop * retransmission * @param destination number of the process in processes PID list */ public void stopPropose(int instanceId, int destination) { assert proposeRetransmitters.containsKey(instanceId); assert paxos.getDispatcher().amIInDispatcher(); proposeRetransmitters.get(instanceId).stop(destination); } public ClientBatchManager getClientBatchManager() { return cliBatchManager; } private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProposerImpl.class); }