package lsr.paxos; import static lsr.common.ProcessDescriptor.processDescriptor; import lsr.common.MovingAverage; import lsr.common.SingleThreadDispatcher; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This class is informed when the log size is changed, asking the state machine * (if necessary) for a snapshot. * * If a snapshot is created by the state machine, SnapshotMaintainer writes it * to storage and truncates logs. */ public class SnapshotMaintainer implements LogListener { private final Storage storage; /** Current snapshot size estimate */ private MovingAverage snapshotByteSizeEstimate = new MovingAverage(0.75, processDescriptor.firstSnapshotSizeEstimate); /** * After how many new instances we are recalculating if snapshot is needed. * By default it's 1/5 of instances for last snapshot. */ private int samplingRate = processDescriptor.minSnapshotSampling; /** Instance, by which we calculated last time if we need snapshot */ private int lastSamplingInstance = 0; private final SingleThreadDispatcher paxosDispatcher; private final SnapshotProvider snapshotProvider; /** Indicates if we asked for snapshot */ private boolean askedForSnapshot = false; /** if we forced for snapshot */ private boolean forcedSnapshot = false; public SnapshotMaintainer(Storage storage, SingleThreadDispatcher dispatcher, SnapshotProvider replica) { = storage; this.paxosDispatcher = dispatcher; this.snapshotProvider = replica; } /** Receives a snapshot from state machine, records it and truncates the log */ public void onSnapshotMade(final Snapshot snapshot) { // Called by the Replica thread. Queue it for execution on the Paxos // dispatcher. paxosDispatcher.submit(new Runnable() { public void run() { logger.debug("Snapshot made. next instance: {}", snapshot.getNextInstanceId()); int previousSnapshotInstanceId = 0; Snapshot lastSnapshot = storage.getLastSnapshot(); if (lastSnapshot != null) { previousSnapshotInstanceId = lastSnapshot.getNextInstanceId(); if (previousSnapshotInstanceId > snapshot.getNextInstanceId()) { logger.warn("Got snapshot older than current one! Dropping."); return; } } storage.setLastSnapshot(snapshot); storage.getLog().truncateBelow(previousSnapshotInstanceId); askedForSnapshot = forcedSnapshot = false; snapshotByteSizeEstimate.add(snapshot.getValue().length); if (logger.isDebugEnabled(processDescriptor.logMark_OldBenchmark)) logger.debug( processDescriptor.logMark_OldBenchmark, "Snapshot received from state machine for: {} (previous: {}) New size estimate: {}", snapshot.getNextInstanceId(), previousSnapshotInstanceId, snapshotByteSizeEstimate.get()); samplingRate = Math.max( (snapshot.getNextInstanceId() - previousSnapshotInstanceId) / 5, processDescriptor.minSnapshotSampling); } }); } /** * Decides if a snapshot needs to be requested based on the current size of * the log */ public void logSizeChanged(int newsize) { assert paxosDispatcher.amIInDispatcher() : "Only Dispatcher thread allowed. Called from " + Thread.currentThread().getName(); if (askedForSnapshot && forcedSnapshot) { return; } if ((storage.getLog().getNextId() - lastSamplingInstance) < samplingRate) { return; } lastSamplingInstance = storage.getLog().getNextId(); Snapshot lastSnapshot = storage.getLastSnapshot(); int lastSnapshotInstance = lastSnapshot == null ? 0 : lastSnapshot.getNextInstanceId(); long logByteSize = storage.getLog().byteSizeBetween(lastSnapshotInstance, storage.getFirstUncommitted()); logger.debug("Calculated log size for {}", logByteSize); // Don't do a snapshot if the log is too small if (logByteSize < processDescriptor.snapshotMinLogSize) { return; } double sizeRatio = logByteSize / snapshotByteSizeEstimate.get(); if (!askedForSnapshot) { if (sizeRatio < processDescriptor.snapshotAskRatio) { return; } logger.debug("Asking state machine for shapshot"); snapshotProvider.askForSnapshot(); askedForSnapshot = true; return; } if (!forcedSnapshot) { if (sizeRatio < processDescriptor.snapshotForceRatio) { return; } logger.debug("Forcing state machine to do shapshot"); snapshotProvider.forceSnapshot(); forcedSnapshot = true; return; } } private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SnapshotMaintainer.class); }